
if (!Class_Exists('wp_widget_fancy_taxonomies')) {
    class wp_widget_fancy_taxonomies extends WP_Widget
        var $fancy_gallery;
        function __construct()
            // Get Fancy Gallery
            if (isset($GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery']) && Is_Object($GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery'])) {
                $this->fancy_gallery = $GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery'];
            } else {
                return False;
            // Setup the Widget data
            parent::__construct(False, $this->t('Fancy Taxonomies'), array('description' => $this->t('Displays your Gallery taxonomies like Gallery Categories, Tags, Events, Photographers, etc.')));
        function t($text, $context = '')
            return $this->fancy_gallery->t($text, $context);
        function Default_Options()
            // Default settings
            return array('show_count' => False, 'number' => Null, 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'exclude' => False);
        function Load_Options($options)
            $options = (array) $options;
            // Delete empty values
            foreach ($options as $key => $value) {

if (!Class_Exists('wp_widget_fancy_random_images')) {
    class wp_widget_fancy_random_images extends WP_Widget
        var $fancy_gallery;
        function __construct()
            // Get Fancy Gallery
            if (isset($GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery']) && Is_Object($GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery'])) {
                $this->fancy_gallery = $GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery'];
            } else {
                return False;
            // Setup the Widget data
            parent::__construct(False, $this->t('Fancy Random Images'), array('description' => $this->t('Displays some random images from your galleries.')));
        function t($text, $context = '')
            return $this->fancy_gallery->t($text, $context);
        function Default_Options()
            // Default settings
            return array('limit' => 0, 'exclude' => False, 'thumb_width' => get_option('thumbnail_size_w'), 'thumb_height' => get_option('thumbnail_size_h'), 'link_target' => 'file');
        function Load_Options($options)
            $options = (array) $options;
            // Delete empty values
            foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
Esempio n. 3

if (!Class_Exists('wp_plugin_contribution_to_dennis_hoppe')) {
    class wp_plugin_contribution_to_dennis_hoppe
        var $is_dashboard = False;
        var $base_url;
        var $active_extensions = array();
        private $widget_id;
        function __construct()
            if (Is_Admin() && !$this->Validate_Licence()) {
                $this->base_url = get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/' . Str_Replace("\\", '/', SubStr(RealPath(DirName(__FILE__)), Strlen(ABSPATH)));
                Add_Action('admin_init', array($this, 'Load_TextDomain'));
                Add_Action('admin_init', array($this, 'Add_Contribution_Code_Field'));
                Add_Action('admin_print_footer_scripts', array($this, 'Print_Contribution_JS'), 99);
                Add_Action('admin_notices', array($this, 'Print_Contribution_Form'), 1);
                Add_Action('wp_dashboard_setup', array($this, 'Register_Dashboard_Widget'), 9);
                Add_Action('donation_message', array($this, 'Print_Contribution_Message'));
                Add_Action('dh_contribution_message', array($this, 'Print_Contribution_Message'));
        function Load_TextDomain()
            $locale = Apply_Filters('plugin_locale', get_locale(), __CLASS__);
            Load_TextDomain(__CLASS__, DirName(__FILE__) . '/contribution_' . $locale . '.mo');
        function t($text, $context = '')
            if ($context == '') {

Plugin Name: Fancy Gallery
Description: Will bring your galleries as valid XHTML blocks on screen and associate linked images with Fancybox.
Plugin URI: http://dennishoppe.de/wordpress-plugins/fancy-gallery 
Version: 1.3.8
Author: Dennis Hoppe
Author URI: http://DennisHoppe.de
// Please think about a donation
if (Is_File(DirName(__FILE__) . '/donate.php')) {
    include DirName(__FILE__) . '/donate.php';
if (!Class_Exists('wp_plugin_fancy_gallery')) {
    class wp_plugin_fancy_gallery
        var $base_url;
        var $text_domain;
        function __construct()
            // Read base
            $this->base_url = get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/' . Str_Replace("\\", '/', SubStr(RealPath(DirName(__FILE__)), Strlen(ABSPATH)));
            // Get ready to translate
            // Set Hooks
            if (Is_Admin()) {
                Add_Action('admin_menu', array($this, 'add_options_page'));
                Add_Action('admin_head', array($this, 'print_admin_header'));
            } else {
                Add_Action('wp_head', array($this, 'print_header'));

Plugin Name: Auto Image Resizer 
Description: Resizes uploaded images automaticly to "Large Size Max Width / Height"
Plugin URI: http://dennishoppe.de/wordpress-plugins/auto-image-resizer
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Dennis Hoppe
Author URI: http://DennisHoppe.de
if (!Class_Exists('wp_plugin_auto_resize_uploaded_images')) {
    class wp_plugin_auto_resize_uploaded_images
        function __construct()
            // Add the CatchUpload Hook as early as possible
            Add_Action('add_attachment', array($this, 'CatchUpload'), 1);
        function CatchUpload($attachment_id)
            // Check if it is an Image:
            if (!wp_attachment_is_image($attachment_id)) {
            // Read the path:
            $file_path = get_attached_file($attachment_id);
            // New Size:
            $width = get_option('large_size_w');
            $height = get_option('large_size_h');
            // Check if its necessary to resize it:
            list($current_width, $current_height) = GetImageSize($file_path);

if (!Class_Exists('wp_widget_fancy_taxonomy_cloud')) {
    class wp_widget_fancy_taxonomy_cloud extends WP_Widget
        var $fancy_gallery;
        function __construct()
            // Get Fancy Gallery
            if (isset($GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery']) && Is_Object($GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery'])) {
                $this->fancy_gallery = $GLOBALS['wp_plugin_fancy_gallery'];
            } else {
                return False;
            // Setup the Widget data
            parent::__construct(False, $this->t('Fancy Taxonomy Cloud'), array('description' => $this->t('Displays your Gallery taxonomies as "Tag Cloud".')));
        function t($text, $context = '')
            return $this->fancy_gallery->t($text, $context);
        function Default_Options()
            // Default settings
            return array('show_count' => False, 'number' => 0, 'orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'RAND', 'exclude' => False);
        function Load_Options($options)
            $options = (array) $options;
            // Delete empty values
            foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
Esempio n. 7

if (!Class_Exists('wp_plugin_donation_to_dennis_hoppe')) {
    class wp_plugin_donation_to_dennis_hoppe
        var $text_domain;
        function __construct()
            // If we are not in admin panel. We bail out.
            if (!Is_Admin()) {
                return False;
            // Load Text Domain
            // Register the Misc Setting if a user donated
            Add_Action('admin_menu', array($this, 'add_settings_field'));
            // Check if the user has already donated
            if (get_option('donated_to_dennis_hoppe') == 'yes') {
                return False;
            // Add some Js for the donation buttons to the admin header
            Add_Action('admin_head', array($this, 'print_donation_js'));
            // Hide the donation form to the footer
            Add_Action('admin_notices', array($this, 'print_donation_form'), 1);
            // Register the Dashboard Widget
            Add_Action('wp_dashboard_setup', array($this, 'register_widget'));
            // Register donation message
            Add_Action('donation_message', array($this, 'print_message'));
        function Load_TextDomain()
Esempio n. 8
  n - negate image      - 0 or 1
  q - the output quality (only for jpeg) - values 1 to 100
// Load WordPress
while (!Is_File('wp-load.php')) {
    if (Is_Dir('../')) {
    } else {
        die('Could not find WordPress.');
include_once 'wp-load.php';
// Thumbnail generator Object
if (!Class_Exists('wp_thumbnail_image_generator')) {
    class wp_thumbnail_image_generator
        var $attachment_id;
        var $attachment_file;
        var $attachment_mime;
        var $attachment_type;
        var $dst_height;
        var $dst_width;
        var $dst_qualy;
        var $crop;
        var $grayscale;
        var $negate;
        var $cache_dir_path;
        var $cache_dir_url;
        var $cache_file_path;