function recoveryDatabase() { $backupDir = ''; $backupFilePath = ''; $content = ''; $s = ''; $splStr = ''; $tableName = ''; handlePower('恢复数据库'); $backupDir = $GLOBALS['adminDir'] . '/Data/BackUpDateBases/'; $backupFilePath = $backupDir . '/' . @$_REQUEST['databaseName']; if (CheckFile($backupFilePath) == false) { eerr('数据库文件不存在', $backupFilePath); } $content = GetFText($backupFilePath); $splStr = aspSplit($content, '===============================' . vbCrlf()); foreach ($splStr as $key => $s) { $tableName = newGetStrCut($s, 'table'); if ($tableName != '') { connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName); aspEcho($tableName, importTXTData($s, $tableName, '添加')); } } aspEcho('恢复数据库完成', ''); }
function XY_Include($action) { $templateFilePath = ''; $Block = ''; $startStr = ''; $endStr = ''; $content = ''; $templateFilePath = lCase(RParam($action, 'File')); $Block = lCase(RParam($action, 'Block')); $findstr = ''; $replaceStr = ''; //查找字符,替换字符 $findstr = moduleFindContent($action, 'findstr'); //先找块 $replaceStr = moduleFindContent($action, 'replacestr'); //先找块 $templateFilePath = handleFileUrl($templateFilePath); //处理文件路径 if (CheckFile($templateFilePath) == false) { $templateFilePath = $GLOBALS['webTemplate'] . $templateFilePath; } $content = getFText($templateFilePath); if ($Block != '') { $startStr = '<!--#' . $Block . ' start#-->'; $endStr = '<!--#' . $Block . ' end#-->'; if (inStr($content, $startStr) > 0 && inStr($content, $endStr) > 0) { $content = StrCut($content, $startStr, $endStr, 2); } } //替换读出来的内容 if ($findstr != '') { $content = replace($content, $findstr, $replaceStr); } $XY_Include = $content; return @$XY_Include; }
function handleConfigFile($ConfigPath) { $c = ''; if (CheckFile($ConfigPath) == false) { $c = '#Help帮助# start' . vbCrlf() . '默认帮助内容' . vbCrlf() . '#Help帮助# end'; createFile($ConfigPath, $c); } }
function readArticleInfoStyleSource($id) { $filePath = ''; $filePath = getWebImages() . '\\文章信息展示样式\\' . $id; if (CheckFile($filePath) == false) { $filePath = $GLOBALS['webTemplate'] . '\\Resources\\' . $id; } $readArticleInfoStyleSource = readTemplateFileSource($filePath, $id); return @$readArticleInfoStyleSource; }
function getTemplateContent($templateFileName) { loadWebConfig(); //读模板 $templateFile = ''; $customTemplateFile = ''; $c = ''; $customTemplateFile = ROOT_PATH . 'template/' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . '/' . $templateFileName; //为手机端 if (CheckMobile() == true || @$_REQUEST['m'] == 'mobile') { $templateFile = ROOT_PATH . '/Template/mobile/' . $templateFileName; } //判断手机端文件是否存在20160330 if (CheckFile($templateFile) == false) { if (CheckFile($customTemplateFile) == true) { $templateFile = $customTemplateFile; } else { $templateFile = ROOT_PATH . $templateFileName; } } $c = getFText($templateFile); $c = replaceLableContent($c); $getTemplateContent = $c; return @$getTemplateContent; }
function makeHtmlWebToZip($webDir) { $content = ''; $splStr = ''; $filePath = ''; $c = ''; $fileArray = ''; $fileName = ''; $fileType = ''; $isTrue = ''; $webFolderName = ''; $cleanFileList = ''; $splStr = aspSplit($webDir, '/'); $webFolderName = $splStr[2]; //call eerr(webFolderName,webDir) $content = getFileFolderList($webDir, true, '全部', '', '全部文件夹', '', ''); $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf()); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { if (CheckFolder($filePath) == false) { $fileArray = handleFilePathArray($filePath); $fileName = lCase($fileArray[2]); $fileType = lCase($fileArray[4]); $fileName = remoteNumber($fileName); $isTrue = true; if (inStr('|' . $cleanFileList . '|', '|' . $fileName . '|') > 0 && $fileType == 'html') { $isTrue = false; } if ($isTrue == true) { //call echo(fileType,fileName) if ($c != '') { $c = $c . '|'; } $c = $c . replace($filePath, HandlePath('/'), ''); $cleanFileList = $cleanFileList . $fileName . '|'; } } } Rw($c); $c = $c . '|||||'; createFileGBK('htmlweb/1.txt', $c); aspEcho('<hr>cccccccccccc', $c); //先判断这个文件存在20160309 if (CheckFile('/myZIP.php') == true) { aspEcho('', XMLPost(getHost() . '/myZIP.php?webFolderName=' . $webFolderName, 'content=' . escape($c))); } }
function PrepareListFile($listFile) { // check if specified file exists locally and if not, fetch the remote location first $listFileLocal = realpath($listFile); if (CheckFile($listFileLocal)) { // if list file exists on the local system, use it right away return $listFileLocal; } else { $localTarget = XDWCTEMP . md5($listFile) . '.txt'; if (CheckFile($localTarget) && time() - filemtime($localTarget) < LISTFILECACHEPERIOD) { // cache hit: cached list file exists locally and is still valid return $localTarget; } else { return FetchRemoteListFile($listFile, $localTarget); } } }
function scanUrl($httpUrl, $toTitle, $codeset) { $splStr = ''; $i = ''; $s = ''; $content = ''; $PubAHrefList = ''; $PubATitleList = ''; $splUrl = ''; $spltitle = ''; $title = ''; $url = ''; $htmlDir = ''; $htmlFilePath = ''; $nOK = ''; $dataArray = ''; $webState = ''; $u = ''; $iniDir = ''; $iniFilePath = ''; $websize = ''; $nSetTime = ''; $startTime = ''; $openSpeed = ''; $isLocal = ''; $isThrough = ''; $htmlDir = '/../网站UrlScan/' . setFileName(getWebSite($httpUrl)); CreateDirFolder($htmlDir); $htmlFilePath = $htmlDir . '/' . setFileName($httpUrl) . '.html'; $iniDir = $htmlDir . '/conifg'; CreateFolder($iniDir); $iniFilePath = $iniDir . '/' . setFileName($httpUrl) . '.txt'; //httpurl="" $webState = 0; $nSetTime = 1; $openSpeed = 0; if (CheckFile($htmlFilePath) == false) { $startTime = now(); aspEcho('codeset', $codeset); $dataArray = handleXmlGet($httpUrl, $codeset); $content = $dataArray[0]; $content = toGB2312Char($content); //给PHP用,转成gb2312字符 $webState = $dataArray[1]; $openSpeed = dateDiff('s', $startTime, now()); //content=gethttpurl(httpurl,codeset) //call createfile(htmlFilePath,content) WriteToFile($htmlFilePath, $content, $codeset); createFile($iniFilePath, $webState . vbCrlf() . $openSpeed); $nSetTime = 3; $isLocal = 0; } else { //content=getftext(htmlFilePath) $content = reaFile($htmlFilePath, $codeset); $content = toGB2312Char($content); //给PHP用,转成gb2312字符 $splStr = aspSplit(getFText($iniFilePath), vbCrlf()); $webState = CInt($splStr[0]); $openSpeed = CInt($splStr[0]); $isLocal = 1; } $websize = getFSize($htmlFilePath); if ($websize == '') { $websize = 0; } aspEcho('isLocal', $isLocal); $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan where httpurl=\'' . $httpUrl . '\''); if (@mysql_num_rows($rsObj) == 0) { $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj); connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan(httpurl,title,charset) values(\'' . $httpUrl . '\',\'' . $toTitle . '\',\'' . $codeset . '\')'); } connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan set webstate=' . $webState . ',websize=' . $websize . ',openspeed=' . $openSpeed . ',charset=\'' . $codeset . '\' where httpurl=\'' . $httpUrl . '\''); //strLen(content) 不用这个,不精准 $s = getContentAHref('', $content, $PubAHrefList, $PubATitleList); $s = handleScanUrlList($httpUrl, $s); //call echo("httpurl",httpurl) //call echo("s",s) //call echo("PubATitleList",PubATitleList) $nOK = 0; $splUrl = aspSplit($PubAHrefList, vbCrlf()); $spltitle = aspSplit($PubATitleList, vbCrlf()); for ($i = 1; $i <= uBound($splUrl); $i++) { $title = $spltitle[$i]; $url = $splUrl[$i]; //去掉#号后台的字符20160506 if (inStr($url, '#') > 0) { $url = mid($url, 1, inStr($url, '#') - 1); } if ($url == '') { if ($title != '') { aspEcho('网址为空', $title); } } else { $url = handleScanUrlList($httpUrl, $url); $url = handleWithWebSiteList($httpUrl, $url); if ($url != '') { $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan where httpurl=\'' . $url . '\''); if (@mysql_num_rows($rsObj) == 0) { $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj); $u = lCase($url); if (inStr($u, 'tools/downfile.asp') > 0 || inStr($u, '/url.asp?') > 0 || inStr($u, '/aspweb.asp?') > 0 || inStr($u, '/phpweb.php?') > 0 || $u == '' || inStr($u, 'mailto:') > 0 || inStr($u, 'tel:') > 0 || inStr($u, '.html?replytocom') > 0) { //.html?replytocom 王通网站 $isThrough = 0; } else { $isThrough = 1; //不用true 因为写入数据会有问题 } connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan(tohttpurl,totitle,httpurl,title,isthrough,charset) values(\'' . $httpUrl . '\',\'' . $toTitle . '\',\'' . $url . '\',\'' . left($title, 255) . '\',' . $isThrough . ',\'' . $codeset . '\')'); $nOK = $nOK + 1; aspEcho($i, $url); } else { aspEcho($title, $url); } } } } $scanUrl = $nSetTime; return @$scanUrl; }
function addEditFile($dir, $fileName) { $filePath = ''; $promptMsg = ''; if (right(lCase($fileName), 5) != '.html' && @$_SESSION['adminusername'] != 'ASPPHPCMS') { $fileName = $fileName . '.html'; } $filePath = $dir . '/' . $fileName; if (CheckFile($filePath) == false) { handlePower('添加模板文件'); //管理权限处理 } else { handlePower('修改模板文件'); //管理权限处理 } //保存内容 if (@$_REQUEST['issave'] == 'true') { createFile($filePath, @$_REQUEST['content']); $promptMsg = '保存成功'; } ?> <form name="form1" method="post" action="?act=addEditFile&issave=true"> <table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="tableline"> <tr> <td height="30">目录<?php echo $dir; ?> <br> <input name="dir" type="hidden" id="dir" value="<?php echo $dir; ?> " /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>文件名称 <input name="fileName" type="text" id="fileName" value="<?php echo $fileName; ?> " size="40"> <input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value=" 保存 " /><?php echo $promptMsg; ?> <br> <textarea name="content" style="width:99%;height:480px;"id="content"><?php Rw(getFText($filePath)); ?> </textarea></td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php }
{ $File3Name = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); if ($File3Name == $FileName || $File3Name == "/" . $FileName) { require 'index.php'; exit; } return null; } function CheckFiles($FileName) { $File3Name = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); if ($File3Name == $FileName || $File3Name == "/" . $FileName) { return true; } } CheckFile("functions.php"); require $SettDir['misc'] . "compression.php"; if ($Settings['sqltype'] == "mysql") { if (!in_array("ini_set", $disfunc)) { @ini_set("mysql.default_host", $Settings['sqlhost']); @ini_set("mysql.default_user", $Settings['sqluser']); @ini_set("mysql.default_password", $Settings['sqlpass']); } require $SettDir['sql'] . "mysql.php"; } if ($Settings['sqltype'] == "mysqli") { if (!in_array("ini_set", $disfunc)) { @ini_set("mysqli.default_host", $Settings['sqlhost']); @ini_set("mysqli.default_user", $Settings['sqluser']); @ini_set("mysqli.default_pw", $Settings['sqlpass']); }