 if (strlen($a[glFrom]) == 8 && strlen($a[glTo]) == 8 && strlen($a[glCity]) == 3) {
     $str_cdno = "select AES_DECRYPT(f6no,'{$key_str_ch}') as f6no,AES_DECRYPT(c5no,'{$key_str_ch}') as c5no,AES_DECRYPT(lsno,'{$key_str_ch}') as lsno from o_cdno where sr='{$a['authsr']}' limit 1 ";
     $res_cdno = mysql_query($str_cdno);
     $N_cdno = @mysql_fetch_array($res_cdno);
     $a['cardno'] = $N_cdno[f6no] . $N_cdno[c5no] . $N_cdno[lsno];
     $MIDaa_OUT .= "D";
     $MIDaa_OUT .= " ";
     $MIDaa_OUT .= CARD_SPACE("15", $aMID[mid]);
     //特店代號 , 左靠右補空白
     $MIDaa_OUT .= " ";
     $MIDaa_OUT .= CARD_SPACE("19", $a[cardno]);
     //卡號 , 左靠右補空白
     $MIDaa_OUT .= " ";
     $MIDaa_OUT .= sprintf("%06s", $a[auth]);
     $MIDaa_OUT .= " ";
     $MIDaa_OUT .= substr($a[isdt], 4, 4) . substr($a[isdt], 0, 4);
     //交易日期 MMDDYYYY
     $MIDaa_OUT .= " ";
     $MIDaa_OUT .= sprintf("%07d", $a[amount]);
     $MIDaa_OUT .= " ";
Esempio n. 2
 //先濾掉卡號的空格, 有些卡不是 16碼
 $aco[cardno] = str_replace(' ', '', $aco[cardno]);
 if (preg_match("/[\\x{4e00}-\\x{9fa5}]/u", $bill_name)) {
     //中文 縮小為23 並在最後補2個空白
     $ListAuth .= '1' . $close_dt . CARD_ZAO(16, $aco[cardno]) . '000' . $asv . sprintf("%06s", $aco['auth']) . sprintf("%010s", $amount_ok) . MB_CARD_SPACE(23, substr($bill_name, 0, 10 * 3)) . $aco['eci'] . '                                ' . "\r\n";
 } else {
     $ListAuth .= '1' . $close_dt . CARD_ZAO(16, $aco[cardno]) . '000' . $asv . sprintf("%06s", $aco['auth']) . sprintf("%010s", $amount_ok) . CARD_SPACE(25, substr($bill_name, 0, 25)) . $aco['eci'] . '                              ' . "\r\n";
 if ($ss_nb == $PSnb || $amq == $ss_all) {
     if (preg_match("/[\\x{4e00}-\\x{9fa5}]/u", $bill_name)) {
         $ListAuthTOP .= '8' . date("ymd") . $MID_nb . $MID_nb_ch . sprintf("%08s", $ss_big) . sprintf("%010s", $ss_big_amount) . sprintf("%08s", $ss_smo) . sprintf("%010s", $ss_smo_amount) . ' ' . MB_CARD_SPACE(38, substr($bill_name, 0, 10 * 3)) . '        ' . "\r\n";
     } else {
         $ListAuthTOP .= '8' . date("ymd") . $MID_nb . $MID_nb_ch . sprintf("%08s", $ss_big) . sprintf("%010s", $ss_big_amount) . sprintf("%08s", $ss_smo) . sprintf("%010s", $ss_smo_amount) . ' ' . CARD_SPACE(40, substr($bill_name, 0, 40)) . '      ' . "\r\n";
     $ListAuthALL .= $ListAuthTOP . $ListAuth;
     $ss_nb = 0;
     $ss_big = 0;
     $ss_smo = 0;
     $ss_big_amount = 0;
     $ss_smo_amount = 0;
     $ListAuthTOP = '';
     $ListAuth = '';
Esempio n. 3
     $Ptt = '01';
     $aco[amount] = 0 - $aco[amount];
 $axa_hoho .= sprintf("%010s", $aMID[mid]);
 //10碼 mid 001-010
 $axa_hoho .= sprintf("%08s", $aTID[tid]);
 //08碼 tid 011-018
 $axa_hoho .= CARD_SPACE(40, $aco[authsr]);
 //40碼 訂單編號, 左靠右補空白
 $axa_hoho .= str_repeat(' ', 19);
 //19碼 空白
 $axa_hoho .= sprintf("%08s", $aco['amount']);
 //08碼 交易金額, 右靠前補零 078-085
 $axa_hoho .= CARD_SPACE(8, $aco['auth']);
 //08碼 授權碼, 左靠右補空白 086-093
 $axa_hoho .= $Ptt;
 //02碼 交易碼: 01:退貨,02:請款 094-095
 $axa_hoho .= substr($aff['dt'], 0, 8);
 //08碼 交易日期, YYYYMMDD 096-103
 $axa_hoho .= str_repeat(' ', 16);
 //16碼 使用者自訂欄位, 左靠右補空白 104-119
 $axa_hoho .= str_repeat(' ', 40);
 //40碼 卡人資訊, 左靠右補空白, 此欄位需填放 BIG5〝全形字元〞, 如果沒有資料請填全形空白 120-159
 //以下都是回傳用欄, 送出為空
 $axa_hoho .= str_repeat(' ', 6);
 //06碼 帳單處理日期YYMMDD (西曆) 160-165
 $axa_hoho .= str_repeat(' ', 3);
 //03碼 回應碼,固定三碼“00 "為請款成功,其他代碼則是請款失敗 166-168
 $axa_hoho .= str_repeat(' ', 16);
Esempio n. 4
    $amq = mysql_num_rows($q);
    if ($amq > 0) {
        //確認有帳, 才動作
        while ($a = mysql_fetch_array($q)) {
            if ($authSR != $a[authsr]) {
                if (strlen($a[glCity]) == 3) {
                    $str_cdno = "select AES_DECRYPT(f6no,'{$key_str_ch}') as f6no,AES_DECRYPT(c5no,'{$key_str_ch}') as c5no,AES_DECRYPT(lsno,'{$key_str_ch}') as lsno from o_cdno where sr='{$a['authsr']}' limit 1 ";
                    $res_cdno = mysql_query($str_cdno);
                    $N_cdno = @mysql_fetch_array($res_cdno);
                    $a['cardno'] = $N_cdno[f6no] . $N_cdno[c5no] . $N_cdno[lsno];
                    $MIDaa_OUT .= 'D ' . CARD_SPACE("15", $a_mid) . ' ' . CARD_SPACE("19", $a[cardno]) . ' ' . sprintf("%06s", $a[auth]) . ' ' . substr($a[isdt], 4, 4) . substr($a[isdt], 0, 4) . ' ' . sprintf("%07d", $a[amount]) . ' ' . sprintf("%08d", $a[glFrom]) . ' ' . sprintf("%08d", $a[glTo]) . ' ' . sprintf("%03d", $a[glCity]) . '     A           ' . "\n";
                    //寫入 o_glu 請款資料庫
                    $strcos = "insert into o_glu ";
                    $strcos .= "(aa,sr,auth,paydt,glFrom,glTo,glCity,isGuolu,gludt,stat,client,amount)";
                    $strcos .= "values(0,'{$a['authsr']}','{$a['auth']}','{$a['isdt']}','{$a['glFrom']}','{$a['glTo']}','{$a['glCity']}','{$a['isGuolu']}','{$hohsnYMD}','送審中','{$a['client']}','{$a['amount']}')";
                    mysql_query($strcos, $plink);
            $authSR = $a[authsr];
$allamq = $re_nums + $ne_news;
//讀台鐵關帳檔, 把檔案合併
Esempio n. 5
 $All_auth_amt += $auth_amt;
 $All_repy_ite += $repy_ite;
 $All_repy_amt += $repy_amt;
 //== 02 資料內容
 //02000002GWPGTW0101900586GREENWORLD                    69599
 $OUT_txt_02 = "02";
 //02碼, 交易類別代碼, always 02 Record Type
 //$OUT_txt_02.=sprintf("%06d",$c_aa);		//06碼, 流水號, 檔案完成後才編進去
 $OUT_txt_02 .= 'GWPGTW';
 //06碼, Submission Reference
 $OUT_txt_02 .= $aMID[mid];
 //10碼, 交易商店代號mid
 $OUT_txt_02 .= CARD_SPACE(30, $aMID[enname]);
 //30碼, 商店名稱(左靠後面補空白)
 $OUT_txt_02 .= '69';
 //02碼, Industry Code 行業代碼
 $OUT_txt_02 .= '599';
 //03碼, Sub Industry Code 行業代碼
 $OUT_txt_02 .= str_repeat(' ', 291);
 //291碼, Reserved
 $OUT_txt_02 .= "\r\n";
 // 04 資料內容
 $OUT_txt_04 = "04";
 //02碼, 交易類別代碼, always 04 Record Type
 //$OUT_txt_04.=sprintf("%06d",$c_aa);		//06碼, 流水號, 檔案完成後才編進去
 $OUT_txt_04 .= sprintf("%06d", $All_ite_02);
 //06碼, 總筆數
Esempio n. 6
     //檔案開頭 X(2) 此欄位固定為”FD”(檢核項)
     $OUT_txt .= CARD_SPACE(20, $aco[authsr]);
     //訂單編號 X(20) 與原授權交易的訂單編號相同
     $OUT_txt .= $Type_amt;
     //交易碼 X(2) 請款交易‘05’ ,退貨交易‘06’ , 非’05’及’06’交易碼會踢除該筆交易。
     $OUT_txt .= sprintf("%010d", $aco['amount']) . "00";
     //金額 9(12) 整數10位,小數2位(右靠左補0)
     $OUT_txt .= "  ";
     //回覆碼 X(2) 半形白空 , 回覆 只有'00' 成功其它都失敗
     $OUT_txt .= str_repeat(' ', 25);
     //消費明細英文說明 X(25) 半型字25個字元,長度不足者補半形空白。
     $OUT_txt .= str_repeat(' ', 20);
     //消費明細中文說明 X(40) 中文全形字20個字元,長度不足補全形空白
     $OUT_txt .= str_repeat(' ', 20);
     //備註X(20) 依據專案使用,否則給空白
     $OUT_txt .= CARD_SPACE(25, $aco[sr]);
     //備註2 X(25) 給空白
     $OUT_txt .= "\r\n";
     $strUP = "update o_close set stat='關帳中' where sr='{$aco['sr']}' and stat='要關帳' limit 1 ";
     mysql_query($strUP, $plink);
     $strUP = "update o_close set bank_stat='關帳中' where sr='{$aco['sr']}' and bank_stat='要關帳' limit 1 ";
     mysql_query($strUP, $plink);
     $strUP = "update o_close_bank set stat='關帳中' where sr='{$aco['sr']}' and stat='要關帳' limit 1 ";
     mysql_query($strUP, $plink);
 $OUT_txt_S = "FT";
 //檔案開頭 X(2) 此欄位固定為”FT”(檢核項)
 $OUT_txt_S .= sprintf("%06d", $auth_ite);
 //筆數合計 9(6) (檢核項)
 $OUT_txt_S .= "\r\n";
Esempio n. 7
         $a_amount = 0 - $axa_amount;
     if ($aco[amount] > 0) {
         $Ptt = '02';
         $aco[amount] = $aco[amount];
     } else {
         $Ptt = '01';
         $aco[amount] = 0 - $aco[amount];
     if ($aff[auth] == '111111') {
         $axa_hoho .= sprintf("%010s", $aMID[mid]) . sprintf("%08s", $aTID[tid]) . CARD_SPACE(40, $aco[authsr]) . '                   ' . sprintf("%08s", $aco['amount']) . CARD_SPACE(8, $aco['auth']) . $Ptt . substr($aff['dtymd'], 0, 8) . '                ' . '                                        ' . "                                                                                           " . str_repeat(' ', 20) . "\r\n";
     } else {
         $axa_hoho .= sprintf("%010s", $aMID[mid]) . sprintf("%08s", $aTID[tid]) . CARD_SPACE(40, $aco[authsr]) . '                   ' . sprintf("%08s", $aco['amount']) . CARD_SPACE(8, $aco['auth']) . $Ptt . substr($aff['dt'], 0, 8) . '                ' . '                                        ' . "                                                                                           " . str_repeat(' ', 20) . "\r\n";
 } else {
     $strUP = "update " . $O_CLOSE . " set stat='被拒絕' where stat='要關帳' and sr='{$aco['sr']}' limit 1 ";
     $res = @mysql_query($strUP, $plink);
     if (!$res) {
         $sql_error .= $strUP . "<br>";
     $strUP = "update " . $O_CLOSE . " set bank_stat='被拒絕' where bank_stat='要關帳' and sr='{$aco['sr']}' limit 1 ";
     mysql_query($strUP, $plink);
     $strUP = "update o_close_bank set stat='被拒絕' where stat='要關帳' and sr='{$aco['sr']}' limit 1 ";
     mysql_query($strUP, $plink);
     $warning_msg .= $aco[sr] . "請款金額超過授權金額, 關帳壓回被拒絕<br>";
                $strUP = "update o_close set bank_stat='關帳中' where sr='{$aco['sr']}' and bank_stat='要關帳' limit 1 ";
                mysql_query($strUP, $plink);
                $strUP = "update o_close_bank set stat='關帳中' where sr='{$aco['sr']}' and stat='要關帳' limit 1 ";
                mysql_query($strUP, $plink);
        $All_auth_ite += $auth_ite;
        $All_auth_amt += $auth_amt;
        $All_repy_ite += $repy_ite;
        $All_repy_amt += $repy_amt;
        $OUT_txt_S = "S";
        $OUT_txt_S .= CARD_SPACE(15, $S_MID);
        //000812770000115(MID15碼左靠後補空白)  2-16
        $OUT_txt_S .= sprintf("%06d", $auth_ite);
        //000000(6碼請款筆數前補0)  17-22
        $OUT_txt_S .= sprintf("%010d", $auth_amt) . "00";
        //000000000000(10+2碼小數請款金額) 23-34
        $OUT_txt_S .= sprintf("%06d", $repy_ite);
        //000000(6碼退款筆數)  35-40
        $OUT_txt_S .= sprintf("%010d", $repy_amt) . "00";
        //(10+2碼小數退款金額)  41-52
        $OUT_txt_S .= "\r\n";
        $All_OUT_txt .= $OUT_txt . $OUT_txt_S;
$OUT_txt_T = "T";