Esempio n. 1
function BuatIsinya($TahunID, $ProdiID, $p)
    $whr_prodi = empty($ProdiID) ? '' : "and h.ProdiID = '{$ProdiID}' ";
    $s = "select h.*,\r\n      m.Nama as NamaMhsw,\r\n      d.Nama as NamaPA, d.Gelar\r\n    from khs h\r\n      left outer join mhsw m on m.MhswID = h.MhswID and m.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n      left outer join dosen d on d.Login = m.PenasehatAkademik and d.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n    where h.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n      and h.TahunID = '{$TahunID}'\r\n      and h.SKS = 0\r\n      {$whr_prodi}\r\n    order by h.ProdiID, h.MhswID";
    $r = _query($s);
    $n = 0;
    $t = 5;
    $_prd = 'laksdjfalksdfh';
    while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) {
        if ($_prd != $w['ProdiID']) {
            $_prd = $w['ProdiID'];
            $NamaProdi = GetaField('prodi', "KodeID='" . KodeID . "' and ProdiID", $_prd, 'Nama');
            BuatHeader($TahunID, $NamaProdi, $p);
        $NamaPA = empty($w['NamaPA']) ? '(Belum diset)' : $w['NamaPA'];
        $p->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 10);
        $p->Cell(15, $t, $n, 'LB', 0);
        $p->Cell(22, $t, $w['MhswID'], 'B', 0);
        $p->Cell(60, $t, $w['NamaMhsw'], 'B', 0);
        $p->Cell(10, $t, $w['Sesi'], 'B', 0, 'R');
        $p->Cell(10, $t, $w['SKS'], 'B', 0, 'R');
        $p->Cell(10, $t, $w['MaxSKS'], 'B', 0, 'R');
        $p->Cell(60, $t, $NamaPA, 'BR', 0);
Esempio n. 2
function BuatIsinya($TahunID, $ProdiID, $p)
    $maxentryperpage = 45;
    BuatHeader($TahunID, 'Belum Administrasi', ceil($ttl / $maxentryperpage) + 1, $p);
    $whr_prodi = empty($ProdiID) ? '' : "and h.ProdiID = '{$ProdiID}' ";
    $whr_tahun = empty($TahunID) ? '' : "and h.TahunID = '{$TahunID}' ";
    $s = "select h.*,\r\n      m.Nama as NamaMhsw, \r\n      d.Nama as NamaPA, d.Gelar,\r\n\t  h.Biaya - h.Potongan - h.Bayar as _Hutang\r\n    from khs h\r\n      left outer join mhsw m on m.MhswID = h.MhswID and m.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n      left outer join dosen d on d.Login = m.PenasehatAkademik and d.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n    where h.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n      and h.TahunID = '{$TahunID}'\r\n      and h.Biaya - h.Potongan - h.Bayar > 0\r\n      {$whr_prodi}\r\n\t  {$whr_tahun}\r\n    order by h.MhswID";
    $r = _query($s);
    $n = 0;
    $t = 5;
    if (_num_rows($r) > 0) {
        while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) {
            $NamaPA = empty($w['NamaPA']) ? '(Belum diset)' : $w['NamaPA'];
            $p->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 8);
            $p->Cell(15, $t, $n, 'LB', 0);
            $p->Cell(25, $t, $w['MhswID'], 'B', 0);
            $p->Cell(70, $t, $w['NamaMhsw'], 'B', 0);
            $p->Cell(30, $t, $w['_Hutang'], 'B', 0, 'R');
            $p->Cell(50, $t, 'Administrasi', 'B', 0);
    } else {
        $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 8);
        $p->Cell(0, $t, '(Tidak ada mahasiswa yang dapat dicetak)', 0, 1, 'C');
    $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 10);
    $p->Cell(100, $t, 'Jumlah Mahasiswa: ' . $n, 0, 0);
function Cetak()
    $_lf = chr(13) . chr(10);
    $id = $_REQUEST['id'];
    $jdwl = GetFields("jadwal j\r\n    left outer join dosen d on j.DosenID=d.Login", "j.JadwalID", $id, "j.*, concat(d.Nama, ', ', d.Gelar) as DSN");
    $_prodi = TRIM($jdwl['ProdiID'], '.');
    $_prodi = explode('.', $_prodi);
    $_prodi = $_prodi[0];
    $prodi = GetFields('prodi', 'ProdiID', $_prodi, "ProdiID, Nama, FakultasID");
    $fak = GetaField('fakultas', 'FakultasID', $prodi['FakultasID'], 'Nama');
    $nmf = "tmp/{$_SESSION['_Login']}.jdwl.php";
    $f = fopen($nmf, 'w');
    fwrite($f, chr(27) . chr(15));
    fwrite($f, chr(27) . chr(108) . chr(5));
    $mxc = 135;
    $mxb = 21;
    $grs = str_pad("-", $mxc, "-") . $_lf;
    $s = "select k.MhswID, left(m.Nama, 31) as Nama\r\n    from krs k\r\n      left outer join mhsw m on k.MhswID=m.MhswID\r\n      left outer join khs khs on k.KHSID=khs.KHSID\r\n    where k.JadwalID={$id}\r\n    order by k.MhswID";
    $r = _query($s);
    //echo "<pre>$r</pre>";
    $n = 0;
    $brs = 0;
    $hal = 1;
    $satu = Garis(12, '-');
    $dua = Garis(12);
    $header0 = str_pad('** Daftar Penilaian Portofolio & Performance ***', $mxc, ' ', STR_PAD_BOTH) . $_lf;
    $header = $grs . str_pad(' ', 50, ' ') . GarisHeader(12) . $_lf . str_pad(' ', 50, ' ') . $satu . $_lf . str_pad("No.  N.P.M        Nama Mahasiswa ", 50, ' ') . Kosong(12) . str_pad('=', 50, '=') . Garis(12, '=') . $_lf;
    fwrite($f, $header0);
    $header1 = BuatHeader($mxc, $jdwl, $prodi, $fak, $hal);
    fwrite($f, $header1);
    fwrite($f, $header);
    while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) {
        if ($brs >= $mxb) {
            $brs = 1;
            fwrite($f, "Dicetak oleh: {$_SESSION['_Login']}");
            fwrite($f, chr(12));
            fwrite($f, $header0);
            fwrite($f, BuatHeader($mxc, $jdwl, $prodi, $fak, $hal));
            fwrite($f, $header1);
            fwrite($f, $header);
        fwrite($f, str_pad($n, 5) . str_pad($w['MhswID'], 13) . str_pad($w['Nama'], 32) . $dua . $_lf);
        fwrite($f, str_pad('-', 50, '-') . $satu . $_lf);
    fwrite($f, str_pad("Akhir cetakan", $mxc, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . $_lf);
    for ($i = $brs; $i <= $mxb; $i++) {
        fwrite($f, $_lf . $_lf);
    fwrite($f, "Dicetak oleh: {$_SESSION['_Login']}");
    fwrite($f, chr(12));
function Cetak()
    global $_lf;
    // Parameters
    $jdwlid = $_REQUEST['JadwalID'];
    $jdwl = GetFields("jadwal", 'JadwalID', $jdwlid, "*");
    if (empty($jdwl)) {
        die("Data tidak ditemukan.");
    // Buat File
    $nmf = HOME_FOLDER . DS . "tmp/{$_SESSION['_Login']}.dwoprn";
    $f = fopen($nmf, 'w');
    fwrite($f, chr(27) . chr(15));
    $hal = 0;
    $n = 0;
    $brs = 0;
    $maxbaris = 20;
    $mrgisi = str_pad(' ', 11, ' ');
    //$hdr = BuatHeader($jdwl, $);
    // Daftar mhsw
    $s = "select m.Nama as NamaM,krs.Mhswid as IDM \r\n    from krstemp as krs left outer join mhsw m on m.MhswID = krs.MhswID\r\n        where \r\n\tkrs.JadwalID = '{$jdwlid}' \r\n\tand krs.NA = 'N'\r\n\torder by krs.Mhswid";
    $r = _query($s);
    $jumrec = _num_rows($r);
    $jumhal = ceil($jumrec / $maxbaris);
    $hdr = BuatHeader($jdwl, $jumhal, $hal);
    fwrite($f, $hdr);
    while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) {
        if ($brs >= $maxbaris) {
            fwrite($f, chr(12));
            fwrite($f, BuatHeader($jdwl, $jumhal, $hal));
            $brs = 0;
        //$brs++; $n++;
        //fwrite($f, str_pad($n.'. ', 4) . $w['IDM'] . ' » ' . $w['NamaM']);
        //fwrite($f, $_lf);
        $item = $mrgisi . str_pad($n . '. ', 5) . str_pad($w['IDM'], 12) . $w['NamaM'];
        //if ($brs == 2) $item2 = "                   Jumlah Tatap Muka : " . $jdwl['Kehadiran'] . 'x';
        // else $item2 = '';
        //fwrite($f, $mrgisi . str_pad($n.'. ', 5) . $w['MhswID']. '   ' . str_pad($NamaMhsw, 50));
        if (!empty($item)) {
            fwrite($f, $item . $item2 . $_lf . $_lf);
    for ($i = $brs; $i < $maxbaris; $i++) {
        fwrite($f, $mrgisi . str_pad(' ', 5) . "** Tidak diperkenankan menambah pada baris ini **" . $_lf . $_lf);
    fwrite($f, $_lf . "Dicetak Oleh : " . $_SESSION['_Login'] . ', ' . Date("d-m-Y H:i"));
    fwrite($f, chr(12));
Esempio n. 5
function CetakNilai($jid, $p)
    $JadwalID = GetSetVar('JadwalID');
    $jdwl = GetFields("jadwal j\r\n    left outer join dosen d on d.Login = j.DosenID and d.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n    left outer join prodi prd on prd.ProdiID = j.ProdiID and prd.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n    left outer join program prg on prg.ProgramID = j.ProgramID and prg.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n    left outer join mk mk on mk.MKID = j.MKID\r\n    left outer join hari huas on huas.HariID = date_format(j.UASTanggal, '%w') \r\n\tLEFT OUTER JOIN kelas k ON k.KelasID = j.NamaKelas\r\n    ", "j.JadwalID", $JadwalID, "j.*, concat(d.Nama, ', ', d.Gelar) as DSN, d.NIDN,\r\n    prd.Nama as _PRD, prg.Nama as _PRG,\r\n    mk.Sesi,\r\n    date_format(j.UASTanggal, '%d-%m-%Y') as _UASTanggal,\r\n    date_format(j.UASTanggal, '%w') as _UASHari,\r\n    huas.Nama as HRUAS,\r\n    LEFT(j.UASJamMulai, 5) as _UASJamMulai, LEFT(j.UASJamSelesai, 5) as _UASJamSelesai, k.Nama AS namaKelas\r\n    ");
    $TahunID = $jdwl['TahunID'];
    $thn = GetFields('tahun', "KodeID = '" . KodeID . "' and ProdiID = '{$jdwl['ProdiID']}' and ProgramID = '{$jdwl['ProgramID']}' and TahunID", $TahunID, "*");
    // Buat Header
    BuatHeader($jdwl, $thn, $p);
    BuatIsinya($jdwl, $p);
    BuatFooter($jdwl, $p);
Esempio n. 6
function BuatIsinya($TahunID, $ProdiID, $p)
    $maxentryperpage = 45;
    $whr_prodi = empty($ProdiID) ? '' : "and h.ProdiID = '{$ProdiID}' ";
    $whr_tahun = empty($TahunID) ? '' : "and h.TahunID = '{$TahunID}' ";
    $s = "select h.*,\r\n      m.Nama as NamaMhsw,\r\n      d.Nama as NamaPA, d.Gelar\r\n    from khs h\r\n      left outer join mhsw m on m.MhswID = h.MhswID and m.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n      left outer join dosen d on d.Login = m.PenasehatAkademik and d.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n    where h.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n      and h.TahunID = '{$TahunID}'\r\n      and h.SKS > 0\r\n      {$whr_prodi}\r\n\t  {$whr_tahun}\r\n    order by h.ProdiID, h.MhswID";
    $r = _query($s);
    $n = 0;
    $t = 5;
    $_prd = 'laksdjfalksdfh';
    $ttl = 0;
    while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) {
        if ($_prd != $w['ProdiID']) {
            $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 12);
            $p->Cell(100, $t, 'Jumlah Mahasiswa: ' . $ttl, 0, 0);
            $p->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 10);
            $_prd = $w['ProdiID'];
            $NamaProdi = GetaField('prodi', "KodeID='" . KodeID . "' and ProdiID", $_prd, 'Nama');
            HeaderLogo("Daftar Mahasiswa Berdasarkan Prodi", $p);
            BuatHeader($TahunID, $NamaProdi, 1, $p);
            $ttl = 0;
        // Edit: Ilham
        // Line: 69
        if ($ttl > 0 and $ttl % $maxentryperpage == 0) {
            //HeaderLogo("Daftar Mahasiswa Berdasarkan Agama", $p, 'P');
            HeaderLogo("Daftar Mahasiswa Berdasarkan Prodi", $p, 'P');
            BuatHeader($TahunID, $NamaProdi, ceil($ttl / $maxentryperpage) + 1, $p);
        $NamaPA = empty($w['NamaPA']) ? '(Belum diset)' : $w['NamaPA'];
        $p->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 10);
        $p->Cell(15, $t, $n, 'LB', 0);
        $p->Cell(25, $t, $w['MhswID'], 'B', 0);
        $p->Cell(60, $t, $w['NamaMhsw'], 'B', 0);
        $p->Cell(10, $t, $w['Sesi'], 'B', 0, 'R');
        $p->Cell(10, $t, $w['SKS'], 'B', 0, 'R');
        $p->Cell(10, $t, $w['MaxSKS'], 'B', 0, 'R');
        $p->Cell(60, $t, $NamaPA, 'BR', 0);
    $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 12);
    $p->Cell(100, $t, 'Jumlah Mahasiswa: ' . $ttl, 0, 0);
Esempio n. 7
function BuatIsinya($TahunID, $ProdiID, $p)
    $maxentryperpage = 45;
    $whr_prodi = empty($ProdiID) ? '' : "and h.ProdiID = '{$ProdiID}' ";
    $whr_tahun = empty($TahunID) ? '' : "and h.TahunID = '{$TahunID}' ";
    $s = "select h.*,\r\n      m.Nama as NamaMhsw, m.AsalSekolah, a.Nama as NamaSekolah,\r\n      d.Nama as NamaPA, d.Gelar\r\n    from khs h\r\n      left outer join mhsw m on m.MhswID = h.MhswID and m.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n      left outer join dosen d on d.Login = m.PenasehatAkademik and d.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n\t  left outer join asalsekolah a on a.SekolahID=m.AsalSekolah\r\n\twhere h.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n      and h.SKS > 0\r\n      {$whr_prodi}\r\n\t  {$whr_tahun}\r\n    order by a.Nama, m.AsalSekolah,  h.MhswID";
    $r = _query($s);
    $n = 0;
    $t = 5;
    $_as = 'laksdjfalksdfh';
    $nas = 'aosjrnflvq13';
    $ttl = 0;
    while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) {
        if ($_as != $w['AsalSekolah']) {
            if ($n != 0) {
                $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 12);
                $p->Cell(100, $t, 'Jumlah Mahasiswa: ' . $ttl, 0, 1);
            $p->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 10);
            $_as = $w['AsalSekolah'];
            $NamaSekolah = $w['AsalSekolah'];
            if ($_nas != $w['NamaSekolah']) {
                $_nas = $w['NamaSekolah'];
                $NamaSekolah = GetaField('asalsekolah', "SekolahID", $_as, 'Nama');
            BuatHeader($TahunID, $NamaSekolah, 1, $p);
            $ttl = 0;
        $NamaPA = empty($w['NamaPA']) ? '(Belum diset)' : $w['NamaPA'];
        $p->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 10);
        $p->Cell(15, $t, $ttl + 1, 'LB', 0);
        $p->Cell(25, $t, $w['MhswID'], 'B', 0);
        $p->Cell(60, $t, $w['NamaMhsw'], 'B', 0);
        $p->Cell(10, $t, $w['Sesi'], 'B', 0, 'R');
        $p->Cell(10, $t, $w['SKS'], 'B', 0, 'R');
        $p->Cell(10, $t, $w['MaxSKS'], 'B', 0, 'R');
        $p->Cell(60, $t, $NamaPA . $w['AsalSekolah'], 'BR', 0);
    $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 12);
    $p->Cell(100, $t, 'Jumlah Mahasiswa: ' . $ttl, 0, 0);
function BuatIsinya($KurikulumID, $ProdiID, $p)
    $t = 4;
    $jumsesi = GetaField('mk', "KodeID='" . KodeID . "' and KurikulumID = '{$KurikulumID}' and ProdiID", $ProdiID, 'MAX(Sesi)');
    $s = "select * from jenismk where ProdiID = '{$ProdiID}' and NA = 'N' order by Singkatan";
    $q = _query($s);
    $p->addPage('P', 'A4');
    BuatHeader($jumsesi, $ProdiID, $p);
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $jumsesi; $i++) {
        $totalT[$i] = 0;
        $totalP[$i] = 0;
        $totalS[$i] = 0;
    $totalTall = 0;
    $totalPall = 0;
    $totalSall = 0;
    while ($w = _fetch_array($q)) {
        $p->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 5);
        $p->Cell(5, $t, "", 1, 0);
        $p->Cell(185, $t, $w[Singkatan], 1, 1);
        $s2 = "select * from mk where ProdiID = '{$ProdiID}' and KurikulumID = '{$KurikulumID}' and NA = 'N' and JenisMKID = {$w['JenisMKID']} order by Nama";
        $q2 = _query($s2);
        $n = 0;
        $lbrSks = 125 / $jumsesi / 3;
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $jumsesi; $i++) {
            $sesiTjum[$i] = 0;
            $sesiPjum[$i] = 0;
            $sesijum[$i] = 0;
        $subTjum = 0;
        $subPjum = 0;
        $subjum = 0;
        while ($w2 = _fetch_array($q2)) {
            $p->Cell(5, $t, $n, 1, 0);
            $p->Cell(30, $t, $w2[Nama], 1, 0);
            $p->Cell(15, $t, $w2[MKKode], 1, 0, 'C');
            $sksTjum = 0;
            $sksPjum = 0;
            $sksjum = 0;
            for ($i = 1; $i <= $jumsesi; $i++) {
                if ($w2[Sesi] == $i) {
                    $sksT = $w2[SKSTatapMuka];
                    $sksP = $w2[SKSPraktikum];
                    $sks = $w2[SKS];
                    $sksTjum += $sksT;
                    $sksPjum += $sksP;
                    $sksjum += $sks;
                    // HITUNG SUB TOTAL SESI
                    $sesiTjum[$i] += $sksT;
                    $sesiPjum[$i] += $sksP;
                    $sesijum[$i] += $sks;
                } else {
                    $sksT = "";
                    $sksP = "";
                    $sks = "";
                $p->Cell($lbrSks, $t, $sksT, 1, 0, 'C');
                $p->Cell($lbrSks, $t, $sksP, 1, 0, 'C');
                $p->Cell($lbrSks, $t, $sks, 1, 0, 'C');
            $p->Cell(5, $t, $sksTjum, 1, 0, 'C');
            $p->Cell(5, $t, $sksPjum, 1, 0, 'C');
            $p->Cell(5, $t, $sksjum, 1, 0, 'C');
            $subTjum += $sksTjum;
            $subPjum += $sksPjum;
            $subjum += $sksjum;
        $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 5);
        $p->Cell(5, $t, "", 1, 0);
        $p->Cell(30, $t, "SUB TOTAL", 1, 0);
        $p->Cell(15, $t, "", 1, 0, 'C');
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $jumsesi; $i++) {
            if ($sesijum[$i] == 0) {
                $sesiTjum[$i] = "";
                $sesiPjum[$i] = "";
                $sesijum[$i] = "";
            $p->Cell($lbrSks, $t, $sesiTjum[$i], 1, 0, 'C');
            $p->Cell($lbrSks, $t, $sesiPjum[$i], 1, 0, 'C');
            $p->Cell($lbrSks, $t, $sesijum[$i], 1, 0, 'C');
            $totalT[$i] += $sesiTjum[$i] + 0;
            $totalP[$i] += $sesiPjum[$i] + 0;
            $totalS[$i] += $sesijum[$i] + 0;
        $p->Cell(5, $t, $subTjum, 1, 0, 'C');
        $p->Cell(5, $t, $subPjum, 1, 0, 'C');
        $p->Cell(5, $t, $subjum, 1, 0, 'C');
        $totalTall += $subTjum;
        $totalPall += $subPjum;
        $totalSall += $subjum;
    $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 5);
    $p->SetFillColor(200, 200, 200);
    $p->Cell(5, $t, "", 1, 0, 'L', true);
    $p->Cell(30, $t, "TOTAL", 1, 0, 'L', true);
    $p->Cell(15, $t, "", 1, 0, 'C', 'L', true);
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $jumsesi; $i++) {
        if ($totalS[$i] == 0) {
            $totalT[$i] = "";
            $totalP[$i] = "";
            $totalS[$i] = "";
        $p->Cell($lbrSks, $t, $totalT[$i], 1, 0, 'C', true);
        $p->Cell($lbrSks, $t, $totalP[$i], 1, 0, 'C', true);
        $p->Cell($lbrSks, $t, $totalS[$i], 1, 0, 'C', true);
    $p->Cell(5, $t, $totalTall, 1, 0, 'C', true);
    $p->Cell(5, $t, $totalPall, 1, 0, 'C', true);
    $p->Cell(5, $t, $totalSall, 1, 0, 'C', true);
    $p->ln($t * 2);
Esempio n. 9
$TahunID = GetSetVar('_jdwlTahun');
$ProdiID = GetSetVar('_jdwlProdi');
$ProgramID = GetSetVar('_jdwlProg');
$_jdwlHari = GetSetVar('_jdwlHari');
$_jdwlKelas = GetSetVar('_jdwlKelas');
$_jdwlSemester = GetSetVar('_jdwlSemester');
$thn = GetFields('tahun', "TahunID='{$TahunID}' and KodeID='" . KodeID . "' and ProdiID='{$ProdiID}' and ProgramID", $ProgramID, "*");
$lbr = 280;
$pdf = new FPDF('L');
$pdf->SetTitle("Jadwal Kuliah - {$TahunID}");
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5);
$pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 14);
HeaderLogo("Jadwal Kuliah", $pdf, 'L');
// Buat header dulu
BuatHeader($thn, $pdf);
// Tampilkan datanya
AmbilJadwal($thn, $pdf);
// Buat footer
BuatFooter($thn, $pdf);
// *** Functions ***
function BuatFooter($thn, $p)
    global $arrID;
    $mrg = 220;
    $t = 6;
    // Tanda tangan
    $pjbt = GetFields('pejabat', "KodeID='" . KodeID . "' and KodeJabatan", 'PUKET1', "*");
include_once "../dwo.lib.php";
include_once "../db.mysql.php";
include_once "../connectdb.php";
include_once "../parameter.php";
include_once "../cekparam.php";
include_once "../header_pdf.php";
// *** Parameters ***
$TahunID = GetSetVar('TahunID');
$DosenID = GetSetVar('DosenID');
$dsn = GetFields('dosen', "Login='******' and KodeID", KodeID, "*");
// *** Main ***
$pdf = new PDF();
$pdf->SetTitle("Jadwal Dosen");
// Buat header dulu
BuatHeader($TahunID, $dsn, $pdf);
// Tampilkan datanya
AmbilJadwal($TahunID, $dsn, $pdf);
// *** Functions ***
function BuatHeader($TahunID, $dsn, $p)
    $lbr = 190;
    $t = 5;
    $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 14);
    $p->Cell($lbr, $t, "Jadwal Mengajar - {$TahunID}", 0, 1, 'C');
    $p->Cell($lbr, $t, "Dosen: {$dsn['Nama']}, {$dsn['Gelar']}", 0, 1, 'C');
function AmbilJadwal($TahunID, $dsn, $p)
Esempio n. 11
function Cetak()
    global $_lf, $arrUjian;
    // Parameters
    $ctk = $_REQUEST['ctk'] + 0;
    $jdwlid = $_REQUEST['JadwalID'];
    $jdwl = GetFields("jadwal", 'JadwalID', $jdwlid, "*");
    $pserial = GetaField("jadwal", "MKKode = '{$jdwl['MKKode']}' and TahunID='{$jdwl['TahunID']}' and NamaKelas='{$jdwl['NamaKelas']}' and JenisJadwalID='{$jdwl['JenisJadwalID']}' and JadwalSer", $jdwlid, "JadwalID") + 0;
    if (empty($jdwl)) {
        die("Data tidak ditemukan.");
    // Buat File
    $nmf = HOME_FOLDER . DS . "tmp/{$jdwlid}.dwoprn";
    $f = fopen($nmf, 'w');
    $hal = 0;
    $n = 0;
    $brs = 0;
    $maxbaris = 20;
    $dsntambah = !empty($_REQUEST['DSN']) ? GetaField('dosen', 'Login', $_REQUEST['DSN'], "concat(Nama, ' ', Gelar)") : '';
    //echo $dsntambah;
    $serial = $jdwl['JadwalSer'] == 0 ? $jdwlid : $jdwl['JadwalSer'];
    // Daftar mhsw
    //GetArrayTable($sql, $key, $label, $separator=', ', $diapit=''
    //$statusmhswaktif = GetArrayTable("select StatusMhswID from statusmhsw where Nilai=1 order by StatusMhswID",
    //  "StatusMhswID", "StatusMhswID", ',', "'");
    // Hitung Jumlah Jadwal-ID Serialnya :
    $mTahunID = $jdwl[TahunID];
    $mMKKode = $jdwl[MKKode];
    $mNamaKelas = $jdwl[NamaKelas];
    $mJenisJadwalID = $jdwl[JenisJadwalID];
    $DaftarJadwalID = _query("select jadwalID from jadwal \r\n                            where TahunID='{$mTahunID}' and \r\n                                  MKKode='{$mMKKode}' and\r\n                                  NamaKelas='{$mNamaKelas}' and\r\n                                  JenisJadwalID='{$mJenisJadwalID}' order by JadwalID");
    $ID = "(";
    while ($rID = _fetch_array($DaftarJadwalID)) {
        if ($ID == "(") {
            $ID = $ID . $rID[JadwalID];
        } else {
            $ID = $ID . "," . $rID[JadwalID];
    $ID = $ID . ")";
    //$DaftarTatapMuka=_query("select count(*) as TatapMuka from presensi where JadwalID in $ID");
    $pres = GetaField("presensi", "JadwalID", $jdwlid, "count(*)");
    if ($pserial != 0) {
        $presserial = GetaField("presensi", "JadwalID", $pserial, "count(*)");
    $prestot = $pres + $presserial;
    //$RecordTatapMuka = _fetch_array($DaftarTatapMuka);
    $tatapmuka = $prestot;
    //echo $pserial;
    //$tatapmuka = GetaField("presensi", "JadwalSer", $jdwlid, "count()")
    $s = "select m.MhswID, m.Nama, krs.KRSID, \r\n    khs.Biaya, khs.Potongan, khs.Bayar, khs.Tarik\r\n    from krs krs \r\n      left outer join mhsw m on krs.MhswID=m.MhswID\r\n      left outer join khs khs on krs.KHSID=khs.KHSID\r\n    where krs.JadwalID='{$serial}' and khs.Cetak='Y'\r\n      and krs.StatusKRSID='A'\r\n      and m.StatusMhswID in ('A')\r\n    order by m.mhswid";
    $r = _query($s);
    $mrgisi = '         ';
    $jumrec = _num_rows($r);
    $jumhal = ceil($jumrec / $maxbaris);
    $ctk = $_REQUEST['ctk'] + 0;
    $nmujian = $arrUjian[$ctk];
    // Kuliah atau Ujian?
    if ($ctk == 0) {
        $RG = $jdwl['RuangID'];
        $JumlahRG = 1;
        $Batas = 1000;
    } else {
        $_RG = $jdwl[$nmujian . "RuangID"];
        $RG = explode(',', $_RG);
        $JumlahRG = sizeof($RG);
        $_ruang1 = explode(':', $RG[0]);
        $Batas = empty($_ruang1[1]) ? 1000 : $_ruang1[1];
        //echo $Batas;
    $RGKE = 0;
    $RG_ = 0;
    //echo $DSNTAM;
    $hdr = BuatHeader($jdwl, $ctk, $hal, $jumhal, $RG[$RGKE], $dsntambah);
    fwrite($f, $hdr);
    while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) {
        if ($RG_ > $Batas) {
            $RG_ = 1;
            $_ruang1 = explode(':', $RG[0]);
            $Batas = empty($_ruang1[1]) ? 1000 : $_ruang1[1];
            // echo $Batas;
            $brs = $maxbaris + 2;
            $n = 0;
        if ($brs >= $maxbaris) {
            fwrite($f, chr(12));
            fwrite($f, BuatHeader($jdwl, $ctk, $hal, $jumhal, $RG[$RGKE], $dsntambah));
            $brs = 0;
        $item = '';
        if ($ctk == 0) {
            $item = $mrgisi . str_pad($n . '. ', 5) . str_pad($w['MhswID'], 12) . $w['Nama'];
        } else {
            $balance = -$w['Biaya'] - $w['Tarik'] + $w['Potongan'] + $w['Bayar'];
            if ($balance < 0) {
                $NamaMhsw = "Anda masih memiliki hutang.";
            } else {
                $NamaMhsw = $w['Nama'];
            // jika UTS
            if ($ctk == 1) {
                $item = $mrgisi . str_pad($n . '. ', 5) . str_pad($w['MhswID'], 12) . str_pad($w['Nama'], 50);
            } elseif ($ctk == 2) {
                //        $hadir = GetaField('presensimhsw', "KRSID", $w['KRSID'], "sum(Nilai)")+0;
                $qpres = _query("select sum(Nilai) as jmlhadir from presensimhsw where jadwalid = '{$jdwlid}' and mhswid='{$w['MhswID']}' group by mhswid");
                $dpres = _fetch_array($qpres);
                $hadir = $dpres[jmlhadir];
                $Hak = $_REQUEST['hak'] + 0;
                $brs2 = 0;
                //        if ($jdwl['Kehadiran'] == 0) $jdwl['Kehadiran'] = 1;
                if ($Hak == 1) {
                    if ($tatapmuka > 0 && $hadir / $tatapmuka > $jdwl['KehadiranMin'] / 100) {
                    } elseif ($hadir / $tatapmuka < $jdwl['KehadiranMin'] / 100) {
                        $item = $mrgisi . str_pad($n . '. ', 5) . str_pad($w['MhswID'], 12) . str_pad($w['Nama'], 30) . str_pad(number_format($hadir / $tatapmuka * 100, 0) . '%', 10, ' ', str_pad_left);
                } else {
                    if ($tatapmuka > 0 && $hadir / $tatapmuka < $jdwl['KehadiranMin'] / 100) {
                    } elseif ($hadir / $tatapmuka >= $jdwl['KehadiranMin'] / 100) {
                        $item = $mrgisi . str_pad($n . '. ', 5) . str_pad($w['MhswID'], 12) . str_pad($w['Nama'], 30) . str_pad(number_format($hadir / $tatapmuka * 100, 0) . '%', 10, ' ', str_pad_left);
            if ($brs == 2) {
                $item2 = "                   Jumlah Tatap Muka : " . $pres . 'x ';
            } else {
                $item2 = '';
        //fwrite($f, $mrgisi . str_pad($n.'. ', 5) . $w['MhswID']. '   ' . str_pad($NamaMhsw, 50));
        if (!empty($item)) {
            fwrite($f, $item . $item2 . $_lf . $_lf);
    for ($i = $brs; $i < $maxbaris; $i++) {
        fwrite($f, $mrgisi . str_pad(' ', 5) . "** Tidak diperkenankan menambah pada baris ini **" . $_lf . $_lf);
    fwrite($f, $_lf . "Dicetak Oleh : " . $_SESSION['_Login'] . ', ' . Date("d-m-Y H:i"));
    fwrite($f, chr(12));
Esempio n. 12
include_once "../header_pdf.php";
// *** Parameters ***
$khsid = $_REQUEST['khsid'];
$khs = GetFields("khs", "KHSID", $khsid, "*");
if (empty($khs)) {
    die(ErrorMsg("Error", "Data mahasiswa tidak ditemukan.<br />\r\n    Hubungi Sysadmin untuk informasi lebih lanjut.\r\n    <hr size=1 color=silver />\r\n    <input type=button name='Tutup' value='Tutup'\r\n      onClick=\"window.close()\" />"));
$mhsw = GetFields("mhsw m\r\n  left outer join dosen d on d.Login = m.PenasehatAkademik and d.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "' ", "m.KodeID='" . KodeID . "' and m.MhswID", $khs['MhswID'], "m.MhswID, m.Nama, m.PenasehatAkademik, m.StatusAwalID, m.StatusMhswID,\r\n  m.TotalSKS,\r\n  if (d.Nama is NULL or d.Nama = '', 'Belum diset', concat(d.Nama, ', ', d.Gelar)) as PA");
$lbr = 190;
$pdf = new PDF();
$pdf->SetTitle("Borang Rencana Studi");
$pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 16);
$pdf->Cell($lbr, 9, "Borang Rencana Studi", 0, 1, 'C');
// Buat header dulu
BuatHeader($khs, $mhsw, $pdf);
// Tampilkan datanya
AmbilKRS($khs, $mhsw, $pdf);
// Buat footer
BuatFooter($khs, $mhsw, $pdf);
// *** Functions ***
function BuatFooter($khs, $mhsw, $p)
    global $arrID;
    $t = 6;
    // Yang diambil
    $p->Cell(100, $t, "Jumlah SKS yang diambil:", 'LB', 0, 'R');
    $p->Cell(10, $t, $khs['SKS'], 'B', 0, 'C');
    $p->Cell(82, $t, ' ', 'BR', 1);
    // Yang sudah ditempuh
Esempio n. 13
    HeaderLogo("DAFTAR PRESENSI MAHASISWA", $pdf, 'L');
    // Buat header dulu
    BuatHeader($jdwl, $Kolom, $pdf);
    // Buat rekap kehadiran dan tanda tangan
    BuatEnding($jdwl, $Kolom, $pdf);
    // Buat footer
    BuatFooter($jdwl, $i + 2, $totalpage, $pdf);
} else {
    $s1 = "select k.MhswID, m.Nama\r\n\t\tfrom krs k\r\n\t\t  left outer join mhsw m on m.MhswID = k.MhswID and m.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n\t\twhere k.JadwalID = '{$jdwl['JadwalID']}'\r\n\t\torder by k.MhswID\r\n\t\tlimit {$start}, {$maxentryperpage}";
    $r1 = _query($s1);
    $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5);
    // Buat Header Logo
    HeaderLogo("DAFTAR PRESENSI MAHASISWA", $pdf, 'L');
    // Buat header dulu
    BuatHeader($jdwl, $Kolom, $pdf);
    // Tampilkan datanya
    AmbilDetail($jdwl, $r1, $start, $Kolom, $pdf);
    // Buat rekap kehadiran dan tanda tangan
    BuatEnding($jdwl, $Kolom, $pdf);
    // Buat footer
    BuatFooter($jdwl, $i + 1, $totalpage, $pdf);
// *** Functions ***
function BuatEnding($jdwl, $Kolom, $p)
    global $arrID;
    $lbrkolom = 12;
    $t = 8;
    // Footer
Esempio n. 14
include_once "../dwo.lib.php";
include_once "../db.mysql.php";
include_once "../connectdb.php";
include_once "../parameter.php";
include_once "../cekparam.php";
include_once "../header_pdf.php";
// *** Parameters ***
$TahunID = GetSetVar('TahunID');
$DosenID = GetSetVar('DosenID');
$dsn = GetFields('dosen', "Login='******' and KodeID", KodeID, "*");
// *** Main ***
$pdf = new PDF();
$pdf->SetTitle("Jadwal Dosen");
// Buat header dulu
BuatHeader($dsn, $pdf);
// Tampilkan datanya
DaftarMhsw($dsn, $pdf);
// *** Functions ***
function BuatHeader($dsn, $p)
    $lbr = 190;
    $t = 6;
    $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 14);
    $p->Cell($lbr, $t, "Daftar Mahasiswa", 0, 1, 'C');
    $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 12);
    $p->Cell($lbr, $t, "Dosen PA: {$dsn['Nama']}, {$dsn['Gelar']}", 0, 1, 'C');
function DaftarMhsw($dsn, $p)
Esempio n. 15
function CetakKartu($arrID, $w)
$pdf->SetTitle("Tagihan Administrasi");
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5);
if (empty($MhswID)) {
    $s = "select MhswID from khs where TahunID='{$TahunID}' and KodeID='" . KodeID . "' order by MhswID";
    $r = _query($s);
    while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) {
        HeaderLogo('TAGIHAN ADMINISTRASI', $pdf, 'P');
        BuatHeader($TahunID, $w['MhswID'], $pdf);
        TampilkanDetailBiaya($TahunID, $w['MhswID'], $pdf);
        BuatFooter($TahunID, $w['MhswID'], $pdf);
} else {
    HeaderLogo('TAGIHAN ADMINISTRASI', $pdf, 'P');
    BuatHeader($TahunID, $MhswID, $pdf);
    TampilkanDetailBiaya($TahunID, $MhswID, $pdf);
    BuatFooter($TahunID, $MhswID, $pdf);
// *** functions ***
function BuatFooter($TahunID, $MhswID, $p)
    $t = 5;
    $p->Ln(2 * $t);
    $identitas = GetFields('identitas', 'Kode', KodeID, '*');
    $arr = array();
    $arr[] = array('', $identitas['Kota'] . ', ' . date('d M Y'));
    $arr[] = array('Mengetahui,', 'Mahasiswa,');
    $arr[] = array('', '');
    $arr[] = array('', '');
Esempio n. 17
    HeaderLogo("ABSENSI DAFTAR MAHASISWA", $pdf, 'L');
    // Buat header dulu
    BuatHeader($jdwl, $pdf);
    // Buat rekap kehadiran dan tanda tangan
    BuatEnding($jdwl, $pdf);
    // Buat footer
    BuatFooter($jdwl, $i + 2, $totalpage, $pdf);
} else {
    $s1 = "select k.MhswID, m.Nama\r\n\t\tfrom krs k\r\n\t\t  left outer join mhsw m on m.MhswID = k.MhswID and m.KodeID = '" . KodeID . "'\r\n\t\twhere k.JadwalID = '{$jdwl['JadwalID']}'\r\n\t\torder by k.MhswID\r\n\t\tlimit {$start}, {$maxentryperpage}";
    $r1 = _query($s1);
    $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5);
    // Buat Header Logo
    HeaderLogo("ABSENSI DAFTAR MAHASISWA", $pdf, 'L');
    // Buat header dulu
    BuatHeader($jdwl, $pdf);
    // Tampilkan datanya
    AmbilDetail($jdwl, $r1, $start, $pdf);
    // Buat rekap kehadiran dan tanda tangan
    BuatEnding($jdwl, $pdf);
    // Buat footer
    BuatFooter($jdwl, $i + 1, $totalpage, $pdf);
// *** Functions ***
function BuatEnding($jdwl, $p)
    global $arrID;
    $lbrkolom = 12;
    $Kolom = 14;
    $t = 8;
Esempio n. 18
include_once "../connectdb.php";
include_once "../parameter.php";
include_once "../cekparam.php";
include_once "../header_pdf.php";
// *** Parameters ***
$TahunID = GetSetVar('TahunID');
$ProdiID = GetSetVar('ProdiID');
$ProgramID = GetSetVar('ProgramID');
$HariID = GetSetVar('HariID');
$lbr = 190;
// Init
$pdf = new PDF('P', 'mm', 'A4');
$pdf->SetTitle("Rekap Kehadiran Kuliah - {$TahunID}");
// *** Main ***
BuatHeader($TahunID, $ProdiID, $pdf);
BuatRekap($TahunID, $ProdiID, $ProgramID, $HariID, $pdf);
// *** Functions ***
function BuatHeader($TahunID, $ProdiID, $p)
    global $lbr;
    $NamaTahun = NamaTahun($TahunID);
    $NamaProdi = GetaField('prodi', "KodeID = '" . KodeID . "' and ProdiID", $ProdiID, 'Nama');
    $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 12);
    $p->Cell($lbr, 6, "Rekap Kehadiran Kuliah - {$NamaTahun}", 0, 1, 'C');
    $p->SetFont('Helvetica', 'I', 10);
    $p->Cell($lbr, 6, "Program Studi {$NamaProdi}", 0, 1, 'C');
function BuatRekap($TahunID, $ProdiID, $ProgramID, $HariID, $p)
Esempio n. 19
$pdf->SetTitle("Tagihan Administrasi");
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 5);
if (empty($PMBID)) {
    $s = "select PMBID from pmb where KodeID='" . KodeID . "' order by PMBID";
    $r = _query($s);
    while ($w = _fetch_array($r)) {
        HeaderLogo('TAGIHAN ADMINISTRASI', $pdf, 'P');
        BuatHeader($w['PMBID'], $pdf);
        TampilkanDetailBiaya($w['PMBID'], $pdf);
        BuatFooter($w['PMBID'], $pdf);
} else {
    HeaderLogo('TAGIHAN ADMINISTRASI', $pdf, 'P');
    BuatHeader($PMBID, $pdf);
    TampilkanDetailBiaya($PMBID, $pdf);
    BuatFooter($PMBID, $pdf);
// *** functions ***
function BuatFooter($PMBID, $p)
    $t = 5;
    $p->Ln(2 * $t);
    $identitas = GetFields('identitas', 'Kode', KodeID, '*');
    $arr = array();
    $arr[] = array('', $identitas['Kota'] . ', ' . date('d M Y'));
    $arr[] = array('Mengetahui,', 'Mahasiswa,');
    $arr[] = array('', '');
    $arr[] = array('', '');