Esempio n. 1
function BWWC__generate_new_bitcoin_address_for_electrum_wallet($bwwc_settings = false, $electrum_mpk = false)
    global $wpdb;
    $btc_addresses_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'bwwc_btc_addresses';
    if (!$bwwc_settings) {
        $bwwc_settings = BWWC__get_settings();
    if (!$electrum_mpk) {
        // Try to retrieve it from copy of settings.
        $electrum_mpk = @$bwwc_settings['gateway_settings']['electrum_master_public_key'];
        if (!$electrum_mpk || @$bwwc_settings['gateway_settings']['service_provider'] != 'electrum-wallet') {
            // Bitcoin gateway settings either were not saved
            $ret_info_array = array('result' => 'error', 'message' => 'No MPK passed and either no MPK present in copy-settings or service provider is not Electrum', 'host_reply_raw' => '', 'generated_bitcoin_address' => false);
            return $ret_info_array;
    $origin_id = 'electrum.mpk.' . md5($electrum_mpk);
    $funds_received_value_expires_in_secs = $bwwc_settings['funds_received_value_expires_in_mins'] * 60;
    $assigned_address_expires_in_secs = $bwwc_settings['assigned_address_expires_in_mins'] * 60;
    $clean_address = false;
    // Find next index to generate
    $next_key_index = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT MAX(`index_in_wallet`) AS `max_index_in_wallet` FROM `{$btc_addresses_table_name}` WHERE `origin_id`='{$origin_id}';");
    if ($next_key_index === NULL) {
        $next_key_index = $bwwc_settings['starting_index_for_new_btc_addresses'];
    } else {
        $next_key_index = $next_key_index + 1;
    // Continue with next index
    $total_new_keys_generated = 0;
    $blockchains_api_failures = 0;
    do {
        $new_btc_address = BWWC__MATH_generate_bitcoin_address_from_mpk($electrum_mpk, $next_key_index);
        $ret_info_array = BWWC__getreceivedbyaddress_info($new_btc_address, 0, $bwwc_settings['blockchain_api_timeout_secs']);
        if ($ret_info_array['balance'] === false) {
            $status = 'unknown';
        } else {
            if ($ret_info_array['balance'] == 0) {
                $status = 'unused';
            } else {
                $status = 'used';
        // Generated address that was already used to receive money.
        $funds_received = $ret_info_array['balance'] === false ? -1 : $ret_info_array['balance'];
        $received_funds_checked_at_time = $ret_info_array['balance'] === false ? 0 : time();
        // Insert newly generated address into DB
        $query = "INSERT INTO `{$btc_addresses_table_name}`\r\n      (`btc_address`, `origin_id`, `index_in_wallet`, `total_received_funds`, `received_funds_checked_at`, `status`) VALUES\r\n      ('{$new_btc_address}', '{$origin_id}', '{$next_key_index}', '{$funds_received}', '{$received_funds_checked_at_time}', '{$status}');";
        $ret_code = $wpdb->query($query);
        if ($ret_info_array['balance'] === false) {
            if ($blockchains_api_failures >= $bwwc_settings['max_blockchains_api_failures']) {
                // Allow no more than 3 contigious blockchains API failures. After which return error reply.
                $ret_info_array = array('result' => 'error', 'message' => $ret_info_array['message'], 'host_reply_raw' => $ret_info_array['host_reply_raw'], 'generated_bitcoin_address' => false);
                return $ret_info_array;
        } else {
            if ($ret_info_array['balance'] == 0) {
                // Update DB with balance and timestamp, mark address as 'assigned' and return this address as clean.
                $clean_address = $new_btc_address;
        if ($clean_address) {
        if ($total_new_keys_generated >= $bwwc_settings['max_unusable_generated_addresses']) {
            // Stop it after generating of 20 unproductive addresses.
            // Something is wrong. Possibly old merchant's wallet (with many used addresses) is used for new installation. - For this case 'starting_index_for_new_btc_addresses'
            //  needs to be proper set to high value.
            $ret_info_array = array('result' => 'error', 'message' => "Problem: Generated '{$total_new_keys_generated}' addresses and none were found to be unused. Possibly old merchant's wallet (with many used addresses) is used for new installation. If that is the case - 'starting_index_for_new_btc_addresses' needs to be proper set to high value", 'host_reply_raw' => '', 'generated_bitcoin_address' => false);
            return $ret_info_array;
    } while (true);
    // Here only in case of clean address.
    $ret_info_array = array('result' => 'success', 'message' => '', 'host_reply_raw' => '', 'generated_bitcoin_address' => $clean_address);
    return $ret_info_array;
function BWWC_cron_job_worker($hardcron = false)
    global $wpdb;
    $bwwc_settings = BWWC__get_settings();
    if (@$bwwc_settings['gateway_settings']['service_provider'] != 'electrum-wallet') {
        // Only active electrum wallet as a service provider needs cron job
    // status = "unused", "assigned", "used"
    $btc_addresses_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'bwwc_btc_addresses';
    $funds_received_value_expires_in_secs = $bwwc_settings['funds_received_value_expires_in_mins'] * 60;
    $assigned_address_expires_in_secs = $bwwc_settings['assigned_address_expires_in_mins'] * 60;
    $confirmations_required = $bwwc_settings['gateway_settings']['confirmations'];
    $clean_address = NULL;
    $current_time = time();
    // Search for completed orders (addresses that received full payments for their orders) ...
    // NULL == not found
    // Retrieve:
    //     'assigned'   - unexpired, with old balances (due for revalidation. Fresh balances and still 'assigned' means no [full] payment received yet)
    //     'revalidate' - all
    //        order results by most recently assigned
    $query = "SELECT * FROM `{$btc_addresses_table_name}`\n      WHERE\n      (\n        (`status`='assigned' AND (('{$current_time}' - `assigned_at`) < '{$assigned_address_expires_in_secs}'))\n        OR\n        (`status`='revalidate')\n      )\n      AND (('{$current_time}' - `received_funds_checked_at`) > '{$funds_received_value_expires_in_secs}')\n      ORDER BY `received_funds_checked_at` ASC;";
    // Check the ones that haven't been checked for longest time
    $rows_for_balance_check = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
    if (is_array($rows_for_balance_check)) {
        $count_rows_for_balance_check = count($rows_for_balance_check);
    } else {
        $count_rows_for_balance_check = 0;
    if (is_array($rows_for_balance_check)) {
        $ran_cycles = 0;
        foreach ($rows_for_balance_check as $row_for_balance_check) {
            // To limit number of cycles per soft cron job.
            // Prepare 'address_meta' for use.
            $address_meta = BWWC_unserialize_address_meta(@$row_for_balance_check['address_meta']);
            $last_order_info = @$address_meta['orders'][0];
            $row_id = $row_for_balance_check['id'];
            // Retrieve current balance at address.
            $balance_info_array = BWWC__getreceivedbyaddress_info($row_for_balance_check['btc_address'], $confirmations_required, $bwwc_settings['blockchain_api_timeout_secs']);
            if ($balance_info_array['result'] == 'success') {
                $balance_info_array = array (
                					'result'                      => 'success',
                					'message'                     => "",
                					'host_reply_raw'              => "",
                					'balance'                     => $funds_received,
                // Refresh 'received_funds_checked_at' field
                $current_time = time();
                $query = "UPDATE `{$btc_addresses_table_name}`\n             SET\n                `total_received_funds` = '{$balance_info_array['balance']}',\n                `received_funds_checked_at`='{$current_time}'\n            WHERE `id`='{$row_id}';";
                $ret_code = $wpdb->query($query);
                if ($balance_info_array['balance'] > 0) {
                    if ($row_for_balance_check['status'] == 'revalidate') {
                        // Address with suddenly appeared balance. Check if that is matching to previously-placed [likely expired] order
                        if (!$last_order_info || !@$last_order_info['order_id'] || !@$balance_info_array['balance'] || !@$last_order_info['order_total']) {
                            // No proper metadata present. Mark this address as 'xused' (used by unknown entity outside of this application) and be done with it forever.
                            $query = "UPDATE `{$btc_addresses_table_name}`\n                   SET\n                      `status` = 'xused'\n                  WHERE `id`='{$row_id}';";
                            $ret_code = $wpdb->query($query);
                        } else {
                            // Metadata for this address is present. Mark this address as 'assigned' and treat it like that further down...
                            $query = "UPDATE `{$btc_addresses_table_name}`\n                   SET\n                      `status` = 'assigned'\n                  WHERE `id`='{$row_id}';";
                            $ret_code = $wpdb->query($query);
                    BWWC__log_event(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Cron job: NOTE: Detected non-zero balance at address: '{$row_for_balance_check['btc_address']}, order ID = '{$last_order_info['order_id']}'. Detected balance ='{$balance_info_array['balance']}'.");
                    if ($balance_info_array['balance'] < $last_order_info['order_total']) {
                        BWWC__log_event(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Cron job: NOTE: balance at address: '{$row_for_balance_check['btc_address']}' (BTC '{$balance_info_array['balance']}') is not yet sufficient to complete it's order (order ID = '{$last_order_info['order_id']}'). Total required: '{$last_order_info['order_total']}'. Will wait for more funds to arrive...");
                } else {
                // Note: to be perfectly safe against late-paid orders, we need to:
                //	Scan '$address_meta['orders']' for first UNPAID order that is exactly matching amount at address.
                if ($balance_info_array['balance'] >= $last_order_info['order_total']) {
                    // Process full payment event
                    $address_meta =
                       array (
                          'orders' =>
                             array (
                                // All orders placed on this address in reverse chronological order
                                array (
                                   'order_id'     => $order_id,
                                   'order_total'  => $order_total_in_btc,
                                   'order_datetime'  => date('Y-m-d H:i:s T'),
                                   'requested_by_ip' => @$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
                                array (
                          'other_meta_info' => array (...)
                    // Last order was fully paid! Complete it...
                    BWWC__log_event(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Cron job: NOTE: Full payment for order ID '{$last_order_info['order_id']}' detected at address: '{$row_for_balance_check['btc_address']}' (BTC '{$balance_info_array['balance']}'). Total was required for this order: '{$last_order_info['order_total']}'. Processing order ...");
                    // Update order' meta info
                    $address_meta['orders'][0]['paid'] = true;
                    // Process and complete the order within WooCommerce (send confirmation emails, etc...)
                    BWWC__process_payment_completed_for_order($last_order_info['order_id'], $balance_info_array['balance']);
                    // Update address' record
                    $address_meta_serialized = BWWC_serialize_address_meta($address_meta);
                    // Update DB - mark address as 'used'.
                    $current_time = time();
                    // Note: `total_received_funds` and `received_funds_checked_at` are already updated above.
                    $query = "UPDATE `{$btc_addresses_table_name}`\n\t             SET\n\t                `status`='used',\n\t                `address_meta`='{$address_meta_serialized}'\n\t            WHERE `id`='{$row_id}';";
                    $ret_code = $wpdb->query($query);
                    BWWC__log_event(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Cron job: SUCCESS: Order ID '{$last_order_info['order_id']}' successfully completed.");
                    // This is not needed here. Let it process as many orders as are paid for in the same loop.
                    // Maybe to be moved there --> //..// (to avoid soft-cron checking of balance of hundreds of addresses in a same loop)
                    // 	        //	Return here to avoid overloading too many processing needs to one random visitor.
                    // 	        //	Then it means no more than one order can be processed per 2.5 minutes (or whatever soft cron schedule is).
                    // 	        //	Hard cron is immune to this limitation.
                    // 	        if (!$hardcron && $ran_cycles >= $bwwc_settings['soft_cron_max_loops_per_run'])
                    // 	        {
                    // 	        	return;
                    // 	        }
            } else {
                BWWC__log_event(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Cron job: Warning: Cannot retrieve balance for address: '{$row_for_balance_check['btc_address']}: " . $balance_info_array['message']);
    // Process all 'revalidate' addresses here.
    // ...
    // Pre-generate new bitcoin address for electrum wallet
    // Try to retrieve mpk from copy of settings.
    if ($hardcron) {
        $electrum_mpk = @$bwwc_settings['gateway_settings']['electrum_master_public_key'];
        if ($electrum_mpk && @$bwwc_settings['gateway_settings']['service_provider'] == 'electrum-wallet') {
            // Calculate number of unused addresses belonging to currently active electrum wallet
            $origin_id = 'electrum.mpk.' . md5($electrum_mpk);
            $current_time = time();
            $assigned_address_expires_in_secs = $bwwc_settings['assigned_address_expires_in_mins'] * 60;
            if ($bwwc_settings['reuse_expired_addresses']) {
                $reuse_expired_addresses_query_part = "OR (`status`='assigned' AND (('{$current_time}' - `assigned_at`) > '{$assigned_address_expires_in_secs}'))";
            } else {
                $reuse_expired_addresses_query_part = "";
            // Calculate total number of currently unused addresses in a system. Make sure there aren't too many.
            // NULL == not found
            // Retrieve:
            //     'unused'   - with fresh zero balances
            //     'assigned' - expired, with fresh zero balances (if 'reuse_expired_addresses' is true)
            // Hence - any returned address will be clean to use.
            $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as `total_unused_addresses` FROM `{$btc_addresses_table_name}`\n           WHERE `origin_id`='{$origin_id}'\n           AND `total_received_funds`='0'\n           AND (`status`='unused' {$reuse_expired_addresses_query_part})\n           ";
            $total_unused_addresses = $wpdb->get_var($query);
            if ($total_unused_addresses < $bwwc_settings['max_unused_addresses_buffer']) {
                BWWC__generate_new_bitcoin_address_for_electrum_wallet($bwwc_settings, $electrum_mpk);