Esempio n. 1
 private function connect(Request $request)
     $promise = httpClient()->request($request, [HttpClient::OP_DISCARD_BODY => true, HttpClient::OP_MS_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT => null]);
     // yes, yes not spec compliant but it *gets the job done* until we can implement something better
     $chunkCombiner = new JsonChunkCombiner();
     $stats = new Stats();
     $logger = $this->logger;
     $callback = function (array $notifyData) use($chunkCombiner, $stats, $logger) {
         $event = array_shift($notifyData);
         if ($event === Notify::REQUEST_SENT) {
             $msg = "Connection request #{$stats->connectionAttempts()} sent";
         if ($event === Notify::RESPONSE_HEADERS) {
             $prettyTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $stats->startTime());
             $logger->info("Twitter responded at {$prettyTime} UTC");
         if ($event === Notify::RESPONSE_BODY_DATA) {
             $data = trim($notifyData[0]);
             if (!empty($data)) {
                 if ($chunkCombiner->isValidJson()) {
                     // TODO pass $json to Storage when implemented
                     $json = $chunkCombiner->getCombinedChunksAsJson();
     $promise->when(function ($err, $response) use($logger) {
         if ($err) {
             $exceptionType = get_class($err);
             $msg = "{$exceptionType}('{$err->getMessage()}') in {$err->getFile()} on L{$err->getLine()}";
             // TODO if an exception was thrown should decide if we want to stop execution; this should probably not happen in normal circumstances
         } else {
             $msg = "Connection ended: {$response->getStatus()} {$response->getReason()}";
         // TODO remove this when we have the reconnection/backoff implemented
     $statUpdate = function () use($stats) {
         $runningTime = time() - $stats->startTime();
         $this->logger->info("Stats: {$stats->statusUpdates()} statuses. Running for {$runningTime} seconds.");
     $statUpdate = $statUpdate->bindTo($this, $this);
     repeat($statUpdate, 15000);
 private function addSignals()
     \Amp\onSignal(SIGINT, function () {
     \Amp\onSignal(SIGTERM, function () {
     register_shutdown_function(function () {
         $this->logger->alert('Clean exit. Thank you.');
         if (\Amp\info()["state"] !== \Amp\Reactor::STOPPED) {
     return true;
Esempio n. 3

declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Amplify;

use Aerys\Request;
use Aerys\Response;
use function Aerys\router;
use function Aerys\websocket;
$router = router()->route('GET', '/', function (Request $request, Response $response) use($template) {
    $response->send(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/templates/page.phtml'));
})->route('GET', '/ws', websocket(new Handler(), ["maxBytesPerMinute" => 1 << 26, "maxFramesPerSecond" => 1000000]))->route('GET', '/stop', function () {
 public function stop()
Esempio n. 5
 public function testGetStats()
     \Amp\run(function () {
         $stats = (yield $this->memcached->getStats());
         $this->assertInternalType('array', $stats);
         $this->assertArrayHasKey('pid', $stats);