Esempio n. 1
$E = Aastra_getvar_safe('E', '1');
$P = Aastra_getvar_safe('P', '1');
$user = Aastra_getvar_safe('user');
# Retrieve phone information
$header = Aastra_decode_HTTP_header();
if ($user == '') {
    $user = $header['mac'];
# Keep return URI
$XML_SERVER .= '?user='******'biorhytm', 'user='******'1.4.2.', 0);
Aastra_test_php_function('imagecreate', Aastra_get_label('PHP-GD extension not installed.', $language));
$nb_softkeys = Aastra_number_softkeys_supported();
# Nothing entered
if ($bdate == '') {
    $date = Aastra_get_user_context($user, 'biorhytm');
    $object = new AastraIPPhoneInputScreen();
    $object->setTitle(Aastra_get_label('Biorhythms', $language));
    $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)', $language));
    if ($nb_softkeys == 10) {
        $object->addSoftkey('10', Aastra_get_label('Exit', $language), "SoftKey:Exit");
function Aastra_max_items_textmenu($header = NULL)
    $return = 15;
    if (Aastra_test_phone_version('2.2.0.', 1, $header) == 0) {
        $return = 30;
    return $return;
 function _generatePage($page)
     # Empty List protection (to avoid 'cannot display')
     if ($this->_count == 0) {
         $tmpEntry['name'] = '[NO ENTRIES]';
         $this->_list[] = $tmpEntry;
     # Calculate total number of pages
     $last = ceil($this->_count / $this->_maxLines);
     # Invalid page protection
     if (empty($page) or $page < 1) {
         $page = 1;
     if ($page > $last) {
         $page = $last;
     # On phones without softkeys: Add dummy entry that allows to jump to previous page
     if (!Aastra_is_softkeys_supported() && ($page > 1 && $last > 1)) {
         $this->_entries[] = new AastraIPPhoneTextMenuEntry('[' . Aastra_get_label('Previous Page', $this->_language) . ']', $this->_scrollHandlerReference . '&listPage=' . ($page - 1), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
     # Populate list for current page
     for ($i = 0; $i < $this->_maxLines and $i + ($page - 1) * $this->_maxLines < $this->_count; $i++) {
         # Get entry from list
         $tmpEntry = $this->_list[$i + ($page - 1) * $this->_maxLines];
         # Add 'recentSelection' and 'recentPage' attribute to URL of the entry.
         # Allows to jump back to same page / selection
         $tmpURI = $tmpEntry['url'];
         # Check if URI is an HTTP(S) URL (could also be an URI like Dial:1234)
         if (preg_match('/^http/i', $tmpURI)) {
             # Check if URL already contains parameters
             if (preg_match('/\\?/', $tmpURI)) {
                 $tmpEntry['url'] = $tmpEntry['url'] . '&recentSelection=' . ($i + 1) . '&recentPage=' . $page;
             } else {
                 $tmpEntry['url'] = $tmpEntry['url'] . '?recentSelection=' . ($i + 1) . '&recentPage=' . $page;
         # Make sure we don't add menu items the phone firmware cannot handle
         if (!Aastra_is_icons_supported()) {
             $tmpEntry['icon'] = NULL;
         if (Aastra_test_phone_version('2.0.1.', 1)) {
             $tmpEntry['dial'] = NULL;
         $this->_entries[] = new AastraIPPhoneTextMenuEntry($tmpEntry['name'], $tmpEntry['url'], $tmpEntry['selection'], $tmpEntry['icon'], $tmpEntry['dial'], NULL, NULL);
     # On phones without softkeys: Add dummy entry that allows to jump to next page
     if (!Aastra_is_softkeys_supported() && $page < $last) {
         $this->_entries[] = new AastraIPPhoneTextMenuEntry('[' . Aastra_get_label('Next Page', $this->_language) . ']', $this->_scrollHandlerReference . '&listPage=' . ($page + 1), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
     # On phones with softkeys:Add Next/Previous Softkeys
     if (Aastra_is_softkeys_supported()) {
         if ($page < $last) {
             # Add Next key
             if (Aastra_is_icons_supported() && !empty($this->_nextKeyIcon)) {
                 $this->addSoftkey($this->_nextKeyPosition, Aastra_get_label('Next', $this->_language), $this->_scrollHandlerReference . '&listPage=' . ($page + 1), $this->_nextKeyIconIndex);
             } else {
                 $this->addSoftkey($this->_nextKeyPosition, Aastra_get_label('Next', $this->_language), $this->_scrollHandlerReference . '&listPage=' . ($page + 1));
         if ($page > 1 && $last > 1) {
             # Add Previous key
             if (Aastra_is_icons_supported() && !empty($this->_previousKeyIcon)) {
                 $this->addSoftkey($this->_previousKeyPosition, Aastra_get_label('Previous', $this->_language), $this->_scrollHandlerReference . '&listPage=' . ($page - 1), $this->_previousKeyIconIndex);
             } else {
                 $this->addSoftkey($this->_previousKeyPosition, Aastra_get_label('Previous', $this->_language), $this->_scrollHandlerReference . '&listPage=' . ($page - 1));
     # Add page info to title
     if ($last > 1) {
         # For phones with big screen
         if (Aastra_is_softkeys_supported()) {
             $this->_title = $this->_title . ' (' . Aastra_get_label('Pg.', $this->_language) . ' ' . $page . '/' . $last . ')';
         } else {
             $this->_title = $this->_title . ' (' . $page . '/' . $last . ')';
Esempio n. 4
# Body
# Retrieve parameters
$user = $_GET['user'];
$action = $_GET['action'];
$value = $_GET['value'];
$page = $_GET['page'];
$score = $_GET['score'];
if ($page == '') {
    $page = 1;
# Trace
Aastra_trace_call('Yahtzee', 'user='******', action=' . $action . ', value=' . $value);
# Test User Agent
Aastra_test_phone_version('2.2.0.', 0);
Aastra_test_phone_model(array('Aastra55i', 'Aastra57i', 'Aastra57iCT', 'Aastra8000i'), True, 0);
Aastra_test_php_function('imagecreate', 'PHP-GD extension not installed.');
# Get Language
$language = Aastra_get_language();
# Retrieve phone information
$header = Aastra_decode_HTTP_header();
if ($user == '') {
    $user = $header['mac'];
# Keep return URI
$XML_SERVER .= '?user=' . $user;
# Number of softkeys
$nb_softkeys = Aastra_number_softkeys_supported($header);
# Get user context
$yahtzee = get_user_context($user);
 function _setupSoftKeys()
     # Check if softkeys and the Dial2 softkey is supported. Don't put dial key on 6739i
     if (Aastra_is_softkeys_supported() && !Aastra_test_phone_version('2.0.1.', 1) && Aastra_phone_type() != 5) {
         $this->addSoftkey($this->_dialKeyPosition, Aastra_get_label('Dial', $this->_language), 'SoftKey:Dial2');
Esempio n. 6
function create_mac($mac, $extension, $username, $secret, $callerid, $model, $profile, $tz_name, $tz_code, $lang_code, $lang)
    global $AA_XML_SERVER;
    global $AA_PROXY_SERVER;
    global $AA_XMLDIRECTORY;
    global $AA_PRESENCE_STATE;
    global $AA_ASK_TZ;
    global $AA_FREEPBX_MODE;
    global $language;
    # So far so good
    $return = True;
    # Read profile file
    if ($AA_FREEPBX_MODE == '1') {
        $array_profile = Aastra_readCFGfile($profile . '-user.prf', '#', ':');
    } else {
        $array_profile = Aastra_readCFGfile($profile . '-device-nouser.prf', '#', ':');
    if (count($array_profile) == 0) {
        Aastra_debug('Profile file ' . $profile . ' not available');
        return False;
    # Check if model is available
    if (count($array_profile[$model]) == 0) {
        Aastra_debug('Phone model ' . $model . ' not configured in the Profile file (' . $profile . ')');
        return False;
    # Get park configuration
    $park = Aastra_get_park_config_Asterisk();
    # Get polling value
    $polling = Aastra_get_polling_interval_Asterisk();
    # Prepare replace strings
    $search = array('/\\$\\$AA_SIPAUTHNAME_AA\\$\\$/', '/\\$\\$AA_SIPSECRET_AA\\$\\$/', '/\\$\\$AA_SIPUSERNAME_AA\\$\\$/', '/\\$\\$AA_SIPCALLERID_AA\\$\\$/', '/\\$\\$AA_TZ_NAME_AA\\$\\$/', '/\\$\\$AA_TZ_CODE_AA\\$\\$/', '/\\$\\$AA_XML_SERVER_AA\\$\\$/', '/\\$\\$AA_PROXY_SERVER_AA\\$\\$/', '/\\$\\$AA_REGISTRAR_SERVER_AA\\$\\$/', '/\\$\\$AA_PARKINGLOT_AA\\$\\$/', '/\\$\\$AA_XMLDIRECTORY_AA\\$\\$/', '/\\$\\$AA_INTERCOM_CODE_AA\\$\\$/', '/\\$\\$AA_POLLING_INT_AA\\$\\$/');
    $replace = array(quotemeta($username), $secret, quotemeta($extension), quotemeta($callerid), $tz_name, $tz_code, $AA_XML_SERVER, $AA_PROXY_SERVER, $AA_REGISTRAR_SERVER, $park['parkext'], $AA_XMLDIRECTORY, Aastra_get_intercom_config_Asterisk(), $polling);
    # Also use the core piece for device and user
    if ($AA_FREEPBX_MODE == '2') {
        foreach ($array_profile['Core'] as $key => $value) {
            $line = preg_replace($search, $replace, $value);
            if (stristr($line, '$$AA_KEYPRESS_AA$$')) {
                $pieces = explode(' ', $key);
                $line = preg_replace('/\\$\\$AA_KEYPRESS_AA\\$\\$/', $pieces[0], $line);
            $array_config[$key] = $line;
    # Use the common piece
    foreach ($array_profile['Common'] as $key => $value) {
        $line = preg_replace($search, $replace, $value);
        if (stristr($line, '$$AA_KEYPRESS_AA$$')) {
            $pieces = explode(' ', $key);
            $line = preg_replace('/\\$\\$AA_KEYPRESS_AA\\$\\$/', $pieces[0], $line);
        $array_config[$key] = $line;
    # Model exists
    if ($array_profile[$model] != NULL) {
        # Check if full template
        if (key_exists('template', $array_profile[$model])) {
            $template = $array_profile[$model]['template'];
        } else {
            $template = $model;
        # Use the template
        foreach ($array_profile[$template] as $key => $value) {
            if ($key != 'template') {
                $line = preg_replace($search, $replace, $value);
                if (stristr($line, '$$AA_KEYPRESS_AA$$')) {
                    $pieces = explode(' ', $key);
                    $line = preg_replace('/\\$\\$AA_KEYPRESS_AA\\$\\$/', $pieces[0], $line);
                $array_config[$key] = $line;
        # Use the add-ons
        if ($template != $model) {
            foreach ($array_profile[$model] as $key => $value) {
                if ($key != 'template') {
                    $line = preg_replace($search, $replace, $value);
                    $array_config[$key] = $line;
    # Read user custom configuration
    $array_user = Aastra_readCFGfile('user-custom.prf', '#', ':');
    # User/Device exists
    if ($array_user[$extension] != NULL) {
        # Use the user configuration additions
        foreach ($array_user[$extension] as $key => $value) {
            $line = preg_replace($search, $replace, $value);
            if (stristr($line, '$$AA_KEYPRESS_AA$$')) {
                $pieces = explode(' ', $key);
                $line = preg_replace('/\\$\\$AA_KEYPRESS_AA\\$\\$/', $pieces[0], $line);
            $array_config[$key] = $line;
    # Remove TZ if not needed
    if (!$AA_ASK_TZ) {
        unset($array_config['time zone name']);
        unset($array_config['time zone code']);
    # Process language
    if ($lang_code != '') {
        $array_config['language'] = $lang_code;
        if (Aastra_test_phone_version('2.0.1.', '1') == 0) {
            $array_config['web language'] = $lang_code;
            $array_wl = array('fr' => 'French', 'it' => 'Italian', 'es' => 'Spanish', 'en' => 'English', 'de' => 'German', 'pt' => 'Portuguese');
            if ($array_wl[substr($lang, 0, 2)] != '') {
                $array_config['input language'] = $array_wl[substr($lang, 0, 2)];
    # User mode
    if ($AA_FREEPBX_MODE == '1') {
        # Retrieve user keys
        $keys = Aastra_get_user_context($username, 'keys');
        # User has existing keys
        if (count($keys[$model]) != 0) {
            # Remove all profile keys
            foreach ($array_config as $key => $value) {
                if (stristr($key, 'key')) {
            # Add user keys
            foreach ($keys[$model] as $key => $value) {
                $array_config[$key] = $value;
        # Process day/night keys
        foreach ($array_config as $key => $value) {
            if (strstr($value, 'daynight.php')) {
                $pieces = explode(' ', $key);
                if (stristr($pieces[0], 'expmod')) {
                    $appli = $pieces[0] . ' ' . $pieces[1];
                } else {
                    $appli = $pieces[0];
                $url = parse_url($value);
                parse_str($url['query'], $parse);
                if ($parse['index'] != '') {
                    $index = $parse['index'];
                } else {
                    $index = '';
                if (!Aastra_is_daynight_appli_allowed_Asterisk($username, $index)) {
                    unset($array_config[$appli . ' type']);
                    unset($array_config[$appli . ' label']);
                    unset($array_config[$appli . ' value']);
                    unset($array_config[$appli . ' states']);
        # Process presence
        if (!$AA_PRESENCE_STATE) {
            foreach ($array_config as $key => $value) {
                if (strstr($value, 'away.php')) {
                    $pieces = explode(' ', $key);
                    if (stristr($pieces[0], 'expmod')) {
                        $appli = $pieces[0] . ' ' . $pieces[1];
                    } else {
                        $appli = $pieces[0];
            if ($appli != '') {
                unset($array_config[$appli . ' type']);
                unset($array_config[$appli . ' label']);
                unset($array_config[$appli . ' value']);
                unset($array_config[$appli . ' states']);
        # Process speed dial
        if (!$AA_SPEEDDIAL_STATE) {
            foreach ($array_config as $key => $value) {
                if (strstr($value, 'speed.php')) {
                    $pieces = explode(' ', $key);
                    if (stristr($pieces[0], 'expmod')) {
                        $appli = $pieces[0] . ' ' . $pieces[1];
                    } else {
                        $appli = $pieces[0];
            if ($appli != '') {
                unset($array_config[$appli . ' type']);
                unset($array_config[$appli . ' label']);
                unset($array_config[$appli . ' value']);
                unset($array_config[$appli . ' states']);
    # Translate the needed parameters
    foreach ($array_config as $key => $value) {
        $test = False;
        if (stristr($key, 'key') and stristr($key, 'label')) {
            $test = True;
        if (stristr($key, 'xml application title')) {
            $test = True;
        if ($test) {
            $array_config[$key] = Aastra_get_label($value, $language);
    # Config file
    $write = @fopen(AASTRA_TFTP_DIRECTORY . '/' . $mac . '.cfg', 'w');
    # No problem with the file
    if ($write) {
        # Dump the config file
        foreach ($array_config as $key => $value) {
            fputs($write, $key . ': ' . $value . "\n");
        # Close the MAC.cfg file
    } else {
        # Trace
        Aastra_debug('Cannot write MAC.cfg (' . AASTRA_TFTP_DIRECTORY . '/' . $mac . '.cfg )');
        $return = False;
    # Return result
    return $return;
Esempio n. 7
 if ($action == 'logout') {
     Aastra_update_HDconfig_file(AASTRA_PATH_CACHE . 'startup_asterisk.cfg', $user);
 # Remove from Parking list
 # Remove from VM List
 $count = !Aastra_is_ledcontrol_supported();
 Aastra_remove_vmail_Asterisk('', $user, $count);
 # Retrieve Caller ID
 $callerid = Aastra_get_callerid_Asterisk($user);
 # Send an email
 Aastra_send_HDmail($header, $callerid . ' ' . $user, 'LOGOUT', $AA_EMAIL, $AA_SENDER);
 # Compute what to do
 $test = False;
 if ($header['model'] == 'Aastra6739i') {
     if (Aastra_test_phone_version('3.2.0.', 1, $header) == 0) {
         $test = True;
 } else {
     if (Aastra_is_dynamic_sip_supported()) {
         $test = True;
 # Depending on Dynamic SIP support
 if ($test) {
     # Get new configuration
     $array_mac = Aastra_readCFGfile(AASTRA_TFTP_DIRECTORY . '/' . $header['mac'] . '.cfg', '#', ':');
     $array_aastra = Aastra_readCFGfile(AASTRA_TFTP_DIRECTORY . '/aastra.cfg', '#', ':');
     $array_intersect = array_intersect_key($array_aastra[''], $array_mac['']);
     foreach ($array_mac[''] as $key => $value) {
         $array_config[$key] = '';
Esempio n. 8
    # Check if call has been parked
    $park = Aastra_check_park_Asterisk($user, $number);
    # Display orbit
    if ($park != '') {
        # Display current status
        require_once 'AastraIPPhoneStatus.class.php';
        $object = new AastraIPPhoneStatus();
        if (Aastra_size_display_line() > 16) {
            $object->addEntry('1', sprintf(Aastra_get_label('Call Parked at %s', $language), $park), 'alert', 5);
        } else {
            $object->addEntry('1', sprintf(Aastra_get_label('Parked at %s', $language), $park), 'alert', 5);
        # Bug 3.2.1
        if (Aastra_test_phone_version('3.2.1.', '1') == 0) {
        # End of search
        $found = 1;
# No match whatsoever
if ($found == 0) {
    require_once 'AastraIPPhoneExecute.class.php';
    $object = new AastraIPPhoneExecute();
# Display XML object
# Trace
Aastra_trace_call('onhook_asterisk', $object->generate());
Esempio n. 9
    Aastra_save_user_context($user, 'keys', $keys);
# Main code
# Retrieve parameters
$user = Aastra_getvar_safe('user');
$action = Aastra_getvar_safe('action', 'check');
$page = Aastra_getvar_safe('page');
# Trace
Aastra_trace_call('sync_asterisk', 'user='******', action=' . $action);
# Test User Agent
if ($AA_FREEPBX_MODE == '1') {
    Aastra_test_phone_version('1.4.2.', 0);
} else {
    Aastra_test_phone_version('2.5.3.', 0);
# Get Language
$language = Aastra_get_language();
# Get header information
$header = Aastra_decode_HTTP_header();
# Depending on action
switch ($action) {
    # First Registration
    case 'register':
        # Bug 6739i on first registration
        if ($header['model'] == 'Aastra6739i') {
            $register = Aastra_get_user_context($user, 'register');
            $time = time();
            if ($time - $register < 2) {
                require_once 'AastraIPPhoneExecute.class.php';