public static function OnPublishEventsManagerPostType($postID)
     AC_Log("A custom post type from Events Manager was published with ID {$postID}. Forwarding to AC_OnPublishPost().");
 public function SyncData(&$merge_vars, $userID)
     $syncPlugins = $this->GetPluginClasses($this->GetType());
     foreach ($syncPlugins as $plugin) {
         if ($plugin::GetInstalled() && $plugin::GetUsePlugin()) {
             $sync = new $plugin();
             AC_Log("About to sync data for the {$plugin} plugin.");
             $data = $sync->FetchMappedData($userID);
             AC_AddUserFieldsToMergeArray($merge_vars, $data);
function AC_UpdateCampaignCategoryMappings()
    // Need to query data in the BuddyPress extended profile table
    global $wpdb;
    // Get this site's categories
    $categories = get_categories('hide_empty=0&orderby=name');
    // Data counter
    $counter = 1;
    $newIndex = 0;
    // Pull all of the mappings from the DB and update the option name.  There
    // will be only one row for each category, so an index of 0 is safe.
    $options_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'options';
    $sql = "SELECT option_name,option_value FROM {$options_table_name} WHERE option_name LIKE '" . WP88_CATEGORY_LIST_MAPPING . "%' ORDER BY option_name";
    $fields = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    if ($fields) {
        foreach ($fields as $field) {
            $data = AC_DecodeUserOptionName(WP88_CATEGORY_LIST_MAPPING, $field->option_name);
            $catInfo = explode('&', $data);
            // Set a suffix.  Will be either "list", "group", or "template".  The
            // original mapping didn't include "list".
            $suffix = '_list';
            if (isset($catInfo[1])) {
                $suffix = "_{$catInfo['1']}";
            // Inefficient, but done once.  This is necessary because AutoChimp
            // foolishly used to store the category name instead of slug in the
            // option_name.  So, this code looks up the category by name and
            // finds the slug and writes that.
            foreach ($categories as $category) {
                // Look for a match.
                if (0 === strcmp($catInfo[0], $category->name)) {
                    // Generate the new name and save it.
                    $newName = AC_EncodeUserOptionName(WP88_CATEGORY_MAPPING_PREFIX, $newIndex . $suffix);
                    update_option($newName, $field->option_value);
                    AC_Log("Migrated {$field->option_value} from {$field->option_name} to {$newName}.");
                    // Note that in 2.02 and earlier, there were three rows per
                    // mapping.  This needs to be translated into the new four
                    // rows per mapping.  So, when "_list" is encountered, just
                    // take the time to write out "_category" too.
                    if (0 === strcmp($suffix, '_list')) {
                        $newName = AC_EncodeUserOptionName(WP88_CATEGORY_MAPPING_PREFIX, $newIndex . '_category');
                        update_option($newName, $category->slug);
                        AC_Log("Migrated {$category->slug} from {$field->option_name} to {$newName}.");
            // Update this every three passes.
            if (0 == $counter % 3) {
    // Now delete the old rows.
    $sql = "DELETE FROM {$options_table_name} WHERE option_name LIKE '" . WP88_CATEGORY_LIST_MAPPING . "%'";
    AC_Log("About to delete rows with this statement:  {$sql}");
    $numRows = $wpdb->query($sql);
    if (0 < $numRows) {
        AC_Log("Deleted {$numRows} from the {$options_table_name} table.");
    } else {
        AC_Log("No rows were found.  Nothing deleted.");
 public function FetchMappedData($userID)
     // User data array
     $dataArray = array();
     // Need to query data in the Wordpress options table
     global $wpdb;
     // Generate table names
     $optionTable = $wpdb->prefix . 'options';
     // Now, see which custom fields the user wants to sync.
     $sql = "SELECT option_name,option_value FROM {$optionTable} WHERE option_name LIKE '" . AUTOCHIMP_WISHLIST_MEMBER_DB_FIELD_MAPPING . "%' AND option_value != '" . WP88_IGNORE_FIELD_TEXT . "'";
     $fieldNames = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
     // Get the stored data and unserialize it
     $optionTable = $wpdb->prefix . 'wlm_user_options';
     $sql = "SELECT option_value FROM {$optionTable} WHERE user_id={$userID} AND option_name='wpm_useraddress'";
     $unserialized = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
     $data = unserialize($unserialized);
     // And finally, get the user data for each field name.
     foreach ($fieldNames as $field) {
         if ($this->FilterUnusedFields($field['option_name'])) {
         $optionName = AC_DecodeUserOptionName(AUTOCHIMP_WISHLIST_MEMBER_DB_FIELD_MAPPING, $field['option_name']);
         $value = $data[$optionName];
         $dataArray[] = array("name" => $optionName, "tag" => $field['option_value'], "value" => $value);
     return $dataArray;
Esempio n. 5
function AC_OnPublishPost($postID)
    // Get the info on this post
    $post = get_post($postID);
    $categories = AC_AssembleTermsArray(get_the_category($postID));
    // Potentially several categories
    // Need to have the "Any" category for the big foreach below to work.  Add it
    // here.
    $categories['Any'] = 'any';
    if (empty($categories)) {
        AC_Log("There is no standard category for post {$postID}.  Searching for a third-party plugin category.");
        // Now, search for custom categories (actually taxonomy terms) in the
        // various Publish plugins.
        $publishPlugins = new ACPublishPlugins();
        $pluginCollection = $publishPlugins->GetPluginClasses($publishPlugins->GetType());
        foreach ($pluginCollection as $plugin) {
            if ($plugin::GetInstalled() && $plugin::GetUsePlugin()) {
                $newTerms = AC_AssembleTermsArray($plugin::GetTerms($postID));
                foreach ($newTerms as $name => $slum) {
                    $categories[$name] = $slum;
            // If a category was found, break out.
            if (!empty($categories)) {
                AC_Log("Found additional categories through the plugin {$plugin}.");
    AC_Log("Attempting to create a campaign for post ID {$postID}.");
    if (!empty($categories)) {
    // If it matches the user's category choice or is "Any" category, then
    // do the work.  This needs to be a loop because a post can belong to
    // multiple categories.
    global $wpdb;
    foreach ($categories as $categoryName => $categorySlug) {
        // Do a SQL lookup of all category rows that match this category slug.  NOTE that
        // the option for the "Any" category is in this SQL string.
        $options_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'options';
        $sql = "SELECT option_name,option_value FROM {$options_table_name} WHERE option_name LIKE 'wp88_mc_%' AND (option_value = '{$categorySlug}' OR option_value = '" . WP88_ANY . "')";
        $fields = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
        if ($fields) {
            foreach ($fields as $field) {
                // NOTE:  This approach currently does have the problem that if a category
                // and a plugin's term have the same slug, then campaigns could go to the
                // wrong place.  This is fairly unlikely, but this leak needs to be plugged
                // with an improved architecture here.
                // This can happen because the above SQL statement does not discriminate
                // between categories or terms.  The prefix part of the string and the index
                // can easily differ while the category slug is the same.
                // Split the results into an array which contains info about this mapping
                $info = explode('_', $field->option_name);
                // The last part of $info should contain the word "category".  It's possible
                // that other rows will be picked up (like when the option value is "Any",
                // the "group" option will be picked up too since it can have an "Any" value)
                // so skip those here.
                if (0 !== strcmp($info[4], 'category')) {
                // Yank off the "category" from the tail of each string and replace it with the
                // other values, then query them.
                $categoryMailingList = get_option(str_replace(WP88_CATEGORY_SUFFIX, WP88_LIST_SUFFIX, $field->option_name));
                $categoryGroupName = get_option(str_replace(WP88_CATEGORY_SUFFIX, WP88_GROUP_SUFFIX, $field->option_name));
                $categoryTemplateID = get_option(str_replace(WP88_CATEGORY_SUFFIX, WP88_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX, $field->option_name));
                AC_Log("For the {$categorySlug} category:  The mailing list is:  {$categoryMailingList}.  The group is:  {$categoryGroupName}.  The template ID is:  {$categoryTemplateID}.");
                // If the mailing list is NOT "None" then create a campaign.
                if (0 != strcmp($categoryMailingList, WP88_NONE)) {
                    // Create an instance of the MailChimp API
                    $apiKey = get_option(WP88_MC_APIKEY);
                    $api = new MCAPI_13($apiKey);
                    // Do the work
                    $id = AC_CreateCampaignFromPost($api, $postID, $categoryMailingList, $categoryGroupName, $categoryTemplateID);
                    AC_Log("Created a campaign with ID {$id} in category {$categoryName}.");
                    // Does the user want to send the campaigns right away?
                    $sendNow = get_option(WP88_MC_SEND_NOW);
                    // Send it, if necessary (if user wants it), and the $id is
                    // sufficiently long (just picking longer than 3 for fun).
                    if ('1' == $sendNow && strlen($id) > 3) {
                    // Not breaking anymore.  Now, if you assign multiple categories to
                    // create campaigns, then each will be created.
 public function ConvertShortcode($content)
     // Supported video types
     $tagnames = array('vimeo', 'youtube');
     $tagregexp = $tagregexp = join('|', array_map('preg_quote', $tagnames));
     // WARNING! Do not change this regex.  I can barely understand it.
     $pattern = '\\[' . '(\\[?)' . "({$tagregexp})" . '\\b' . '(' . '[^\\]\\/]*' . '(?:' . '\\/(?!\\])' . '[^\\]\\/]*' . ')*?' . ')' . '(?:' . '(\\/)' . '\\]' . '|' . '\\]' . '(?:' . '(' . '[^\\[]*+' . '(?:' . '\\[(?!\\/\\2\\])' . '[^\\[]*+' . ')*+' . ')' . '\\[\\/\\2\\]' . ')?' . ')' . '(\\]?)';
     // 6: Optional second closing brocket for escaping shortcodes: [[tag]]
     // Callback function for each video tag instance.
     $updatedContent = preg_replace_callback("/{$pattern}/s", 'VVQT_SwitchViperVideoTags', $content);
     AC_Log("ContentVipersVideoQuicktags has altered shortcode to this:  {$updatedContent}");
     return $updatedContent;