Exemple #1
  * @Route("/login", options={"zkNoBundlePrefix"=1})
  * @Method({"GET", "POST"})
  * Display the login form, or process a user log-in request.
  * This displays the main log-in screen to the user, allowing him to select a method of authenticating himself
  * to the system (if more than one authentication method is available), and to provide his credentials in
  * order to log into the site.
  * Upon submitting his credentials (either through the log-in form mentioned above, or through another form
  * such as the log-in block, this processes the credentials as a log-in request.
  * If the user is already logged in, then he is redirected the main Users module page.
  * @param Request $request
  * Parameters passed via FORWARD:
  * --------------------------------------
  * array   authentication_info   An array containing the authentication information entered by the user.
  * array   authentication_method An array containing two elements: 'modname', the authentication module name, and 'method', the
  *                                      selected authentication method as defined by the module.
  * boolean firstmethodisdefault  If to display first of authentication methods as preselected in login form, when more then one are specified (default is true).
  * boolean rememberme            True if the user should remain logged in at that computer for future visits; otherwise false.
  * string  returnpage            The URL of the page to return to if the log-in attempt is successful. (This URL must not be urlencoded.)
  * boolean from_password_change  Always true.
  * Parameters passed via GET:
  * --------------------------
  * string returnpage The urlencoded URL of the page to return to if the log-in attempt is successful.
  * Parameters passed via POST:
  * ---------------------------
  * array   authentication_info   An array containing the authentication information entered by the user.
  * array   authentication_method An array containing two elements: 'modname', the authentication module name, and 'method', the
  *                                      selected authentication method as defined by the module.
  * boolean rememberme            True if the user should remain logged in at that computer for future visits; otherwise false.
  * string  returnpage            The URL of the page to return to if the log-in attempt is successful. (This URL must not be urlencoded.)
  * Parameters passed via SESSION:
  * ------------------------------
  * Namespace: users
  * Variable:  User_login
  * Type:      array
  * Contents:  An array containing the information passed in via the GET or POST variables, and additionally, the
  *                  element 'user_obj'if the user record has been loaded. (The returnpage element must not be urlencoded when stored
  *                  on the session.)
  * @return boolean|Response True on successful authentication and login, the rendered output of the appropriate
  *                        template to display the log-in form.
  * @throws FatalErrorException Thrown if no arguments are provided or
  *                                    if an invalid authentication method is provided
  * @throws AccessDeniedException Thrown if no arguments are found in either GET or POST
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException Thrown if the user account couldn't be found or
  *                                      if the user credentials aren't valid
 public function loginAction(Request $request)
     // we shouldn't get here if logged in already....
     if (UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
         return new RedirectResponse($this->get('router')->generate('zikulausersmodule_user_index', array(), RouterInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL));
     // set default value of variables
     $loggedIn = false;
     $isFunctionCall = false;
     $isReentry = false;
     $firstmethodisdefault = true;
     $fromPasswordChange = $request->get('from_password_change', false);
     $authenticationInfo = array();
     $selectedAuthenticationMethod = array();
     $rememberMe = false;
     $returnPage = $request->query->get('returnpage', '');
     $eventType = false;
     if (!$fromPasswordChange) {
         // Get return page parameter. First try to get it from args and POST.
         $returnPage = $request->request->get('returnpage', '');
         if (empty($returnPage)) {
             // Check if returnurl was set instead of returnpage
             $returnPage = $request->request->get('returnurl', '');
             if (empty($returnPage)) {
                 // Still no return page. Try to get it from query.
                 $returnPage = urldecode($request->query->get('returnpage', $request->query->get('returnurl', '')));
         if ($request->isMethod('POST')) {
             // We got here from a POST, either from the login, the login block, or some reasonable facsimile thereof.
             if (System::getVar('anonymoussessions', false)) {
             $authenticationInfo = (array) $request->request->get('authentication_info', array());
             $selectedAuthenticationMethod = (array) $request->request->get('authentication_method', array());
             $rememberMe = (bool) $request->request->get('rememberme', false);
             $eventType = $request->request->get('event_type', false);
         } elseif ($request->isMethod('GET')) {
             $reentry = false;
             $reentrantTokenReceived = $request->query->get('reentranttoken', '');
             $sessionVars = $request->getSession()->get('User_login', array(), UsersConstant::SESSION_VAR_NAMESPACE);
             $request->getSession()->remove('User_login', UsersConstant::SESSION_VAR_NAMESPACE);
             $reentrantToken = isset($sessionVars['reentranttoken']) ? $sessionVars['reentranttoken'] : false;
             if (!empty($reentrantTokenReceived) && $reentrantTokenReceived == $reentrantToken) {
                 // We are coming back (reentering) from someplace else. It is likely that we are coming back from an external
                 // authentication process initiated by an authentication module such as OpenID.
                 $authenticationInfo = isset($sessionVars['authentication_info']) ? $sessionVars['authentication_info'] : array();
                 $selectedAuthenticationMethod = isset($sessionVars['authentication_method']) ? $sessionVars['authentication_method'] : array();
                 $rememberMe = isset($sessionVars['rememberme']) ? $sessionVars['rememberme'] : false;
                 $returnPage = isset($sessionVars['returnpage']) ? $sessionVars['returnpage'] : $returnPage;
                 $eventType = isset($sessionVars['event_type']) ? $sessionVars['event_type'] : false;
                 $user = isset($sessionVars['user_obj']) ? $sessionVars['user_obj'] : null;
                 $isReentry = true;
             } else {
                 $authenticationInfo = array();
                 $selectedAuthenticationMethod = array();
                 $rememberMe = false;
                 $eventType = 'login_screen';
                 $user = array();
                 $this->getDispatcher()->dispatch('module.users.ui.login.started', new GenericEvent());
     if (!isset($reentrantToken)) {
         $reentrantToken = substr(SecurityUtil::generateCsrfToken(), 0, 10);
     // Any authentication information for use in this pass through login is gathered, so ensure any session variable
     // is cleared, even if we are coming in through a post or a function call that didn't gather info from the session.
     $request->getSession()->remove('User_login', UsersConstant::SESSION_VAR_NAMESPACE);
     $authenticationMethodList = new AuthenticationMethodListHelper($this);
     if ($request->isMethod('POST') || $isFunctionCall || $isReentry) {
         // A form submission, or a simulated submission as a function call.
         if (isset($authenticationInfo) && is_array($authenticationInfo) && !empty($authenticationInfo)) {
             if (!isset($selectedAuthenticationMethod) || !is_array($selectedAuthenticationMethod) || empty($selectedAuthenticationMethod) || !isset($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname']) || empty($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname']) || !isset($selectedAuthenticationMethod['method']) || empty($selectedAuthenticationMethod['method'])) {
                 throw new \InvalidArgumentException($this->__('Error! Invalid authentication method information.'));
             if (ModUtil::available($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname']) && ModUtil::apiFunc($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname'], 'authentication', 'isEnabledForAuthentication', $selectedAuthenticationMethod)) {
                 // The authentication method is reasonably valid, moving on to validate the user-entered credentials
                 $validateAuthenticationInfoArgs = array('authenticationMethod' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod, 'authenticationInfo' => $authenticationInfo);
                 if (ModUtil::func($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname'], 'authentication', 'validateAuthenticationInformation', $validateAuthenticationInfoArgs)) {
                     // The authentication method and the authentication information have been validated at the UI level.
                     // Moving on to the actual authentication process. Save the submitted information in case the authentication
                     // method is external and reentrant.
                     // We're using sessions here, even though anonymous sessions might be turned off for anonymous users.
                     // If the user is trying to log in, then he's going to get a session if he's successful,
                     // so using sessions on the anonymous user just before logging in should be ok.
                     $sessionVars = array('event_type' => $eventType, 'returnpage' => $returnPage, 'authentication_info' => $authenticationInfo, 'authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod, 'rememberme' => $rememberMe, 'reentranttoken' => $reentrantToken);
                     $request->getSession()->set('User_login', $sessionVars, UsersConstant::SESSION_VAR_NAMESPACE);
                     // The authentication method selected might be reentrant (it might send the user out to an external web site
                     // for authentication, and then send us back to finish the job). We need to tell the external system to where
                     // we would like to return.
                     $reentrantUrl = $this->get('router')->generate('zikulausersmodule_user_login', array('reentranttoken' => $reentrantToken), RouterInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
                     // There may be hook providers that need to be validated, so we cannot yet log in. The hook providers will
                     // need a user object to make sure they know who they're dealing with. Authenticate (so we are sure that
                     // the user is who he says he is) and get a user.
                     // The chosen authentication method might be reentrant, and this is the point were the user might be directed
                     // outside the Zikula system for external authentication.
                     try {
                         $user = UserUtil::authenticateUserUsing($selectedAuthenticationMethod, $authenticationInfo, $reentrantUrl, true);
                     } catch (AccessDeniedException $e) {
                         $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->set('error', $e->getMessage());
                     // Did we get a good user? If so, then we can proceed to hook validation.
                     if (isset($user) && $user && is_array($user) && isset($user['uid']) && is_numeric($user['uid'])) {
                         $validators = new ValidationProviders();
                         if ($eventType) {
                             $event = new GenericEvent($user, array(), $validators);
                             $validators = $this->getDispatcher()->dispatch("module.users.ui.validate_edit.{$eventType}", $event)->getData();
                             $hook = new ValidationHook($validators);
                             $this->dispatchHooks("users.ui_hooks.{$eventType}.validate_edit", $hook);
                             $validators = $hook->getValidators();
                         if (!$validators->hasErrors()) {
                             // Process the edit hooks BEFORE we log in, so that any changes to the user record are recorded before we re-check
                             // the user's ability to log in. If we don't do this, then user.login.veto might trap and cancel the login attempt again.
                             if ($eventType) {
                                 $event = new GenericEvent($user, array());
                                 $this->getDispatcher()->dispatch("module.users.ui.process_edit.{$eventType}", $event);
                                 $hook = new ProcessHook($user['uid']);
                                 $this->dispatchHooks("users.ui_hooks.{$eventType}.process_edit", $hook);
                             if (!isset($user['lastlogin']) || empty($user['lastlogin']) || $user['lastlogin'] == '1970-01-01 00:00:00') {
                                 $isFirstLogin = true;
                             } else {
                                 $isFirstLogin = false;
                             // Because we are passing a $user and setting checkPassword false, this call back into the authentication
                             // chain should not trigger an external re-authentication, so it should not need preparation for reentry.
                             $loggedIn = UserUtil::loginUsing($selectedAuthenticationMethod, $authenticationInfo, $rememberMe, $reentrantUrl, false, $user);
                             if (!$loggedIn) {
                                 // Because the user was preauthentication, this should never happen, but just in case...
                                 if (!$request->getSession()->hasMessages(Zikula_Session::MESSAGE_ERROR)) {
                                     $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('error', $this->__('Your log-in request was not completed.'));
                                 $eventArgs = array('authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod, 'authentication_info' => $authenticationInfo, 'redirecturl' => '');
                                 $failedEvent = new GenericEvent($user, $eventArgs);
                                 $failedEvent = $this->getDispatcher()->dispatch('module.users.ui.login.failed', $failedEvent);
                                 $redirectUrl = $failedEvent->hasArgument('redirecturl') ? $failedEvent->getArgument('redirecturl') : '';
                                 if (!empty($redirectUrl)) {
                                     return new RedirectResponse($redirectUrl);
                         } else {
                             if (!$request->getSession()->hasMessages(Zikula_Session::MESSAGE_ERROR)) {
                                 $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('error', $this->__('Your log-in request was not completed.'));
                             $eventArgs = array('authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod, 'authentication_info' => $authenticationInfo, 'redirecturl' => '');
                             $failedEvent = new GenericEvent($user, $eventArgs);
                             $failedEvent = $this->getDispatcher()->dispatch('module.users.ui.login.failed', $failedEvent);
                             $redirectUrl = $failedEvent->hasArgument('redirecturl') ? $failedEvent->getArgument('redirecturl') : '';
                             if (!empty($redirectUrl)) {
                                 return new RedirectResponse($redirectUrl);
                     } else {
                         // The user with the given credentials does not exist.
                         // Check if we shall redirect to the account registration screen if a user with the given
                         // credentials does not exist..
                         if (ModUtil::apiFunc($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname'], 'Authentication', 'redirectToRegistrationOnLoginError', array('authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod, 'authentication_info' => $authenticationInfo))) {
                             // We shall redirect to the account registration screen, but first we need to check
                             // if the user can be created with the given credentials or if another error has
                             // occured.
                             if (ModUtil::apiFunc($selectedAuthenticationMethod['modname'], 'Authentication', 'checkPassword', array('authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod, 'authentication_info' => $authenticationInfo, 'reentrant_url' => $reentrantUrl))) {
                                 // Redirect to account registration screen. Clear error messages and re-save session
                                 // vars for registration.
                                 $request->getSession()->set('User_register', $sessionVars, UsersConstant::SESSION_VAR_NAMESPACE);
                                 return new RedirectResponse($this->get('router')->generate('zikulausersmodule_user_register', array('reentranttoken' => $reentrantTokenReceived), RouterInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL));
                         if (!$request->getSession()->hasMessages(Zikula_Session::MESSAGE_ERROR)) {
                             throw new NotFoundHttpException($this->__('There is no user account matching that information, or the password you gave does not match the password on file for that account.'));
                         $eventArgs = array('authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod, 'authentication_info' => $authenticationInfo, 'redirecturl' => '');
                         $failedEvent = new GenericEvent(null, $eventArgs);
                         $failedEvent = $this->getDispatcher()->dispatch('module.users.ui.login.failed', $failedEvent);
                         $redirectUrl = $failedEvent->hasArgument('redirecturl') ? $failedEvent->getArgument('redirecturl') : '';
                         if (!empty($redirectUrl)) {
                             return new RedirectResponse(System::normalizeUrl($redirectUrl));
                     // If we have gotten to this point in the same call to login(), then the authentication method was not external
                     // and reentrant, so we should not need the session variable any more. If it is external and reentrant, and the
                     // user was required to exit the Zikula system for authentication on the external system, then we will not get
                     // to this point until the reentrant call back to login() (at which point the variable should, again, not be needed
                     // anymore).
                     $request->getSession()->remove('User_login', UsersConstant::SESSION_VAR_NAMESPACE);
                 } else {
                     if (!$request->getSession()->hasMessages(Zikula_Session::MESSAGE_ERROR)) {
                         throw new NotFoundHttpException($this->__('The credentials you entered were not valid. Please reenter the requested information and try again.'));
             } else {
                 if ($authenticationMethodList->countEnabledForAuthentication() <= 1) {
                     $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('error', $this->__('The selected log-in method is not currently available. Please contact the site administrator for assistance.'));
                 } else {
                     $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('error', $this->__('The selected log-in method is not currently available. Please choose another or contact the site administrator for assistance.'));
         } elseif (isset($authenticationInfo) && !is_array($authenticationInfo)) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException($this->__('Error! Invalid authentication information received.'));
     if (!$loggedIn) {
         // Either a GET request type to initially display the login form, or a failed login attempt
         // which means the login form should be displayed anyway.
         if ((!isset($selectedAuthenticationMethod) || empty($selectedAuthenticationMethod)) && ($firstmethodisdefault || $authenticationMethodList->countEnabledForAuthentication() <= 1)) {
             /* @var AuthenticationMethodHelper $authenticationMethod */
             $authenticationMethod = $authenticationMethodList->getAuthenticationMethodForDefault();
             $selectedAuthenticationMethod = array('modname' => $authenticationMethod->modname, 'method' => $authenticationMethod->method);
         // TODO - The order and availability should be set by configuration
         $authenticationMethodDisplayOrder = array();
         foreach ($authenticationMethodList as $authenticationMethod) {
             if ($authenticationMethod->isEnabledForAuthentication()) {
                 $authenticationMethodDisplayOrder[] = array('modname' => $authenticationMethod->modname, 'method' => $authenticationMethod->method);
         $templateArgs = array('returnpage' => isset($returnPage) ? $returnPage : '', 'authentication_info' => isset($authenticationInfo) ? $authenticationInfo : array(), 'selected_authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod, 'authentication_method_display_order' => $authenticationMethodDisplayOrder, 'user_obj' => isset($user) ? $user : array());
         return new Response($this->view->assign($templateArgs)->fetch('User/login.tpl'));
     } else {
         $eventArgs = array('authentication_method' => $selectedAuthenticationMethod, 'redirecturl' => $returnPage);
         if (isset($isFirstLogin)) {
             $eventArgs['is_first_login'] = $isFirstLogin;
         $event = new GenericEvent($user, $eventArgs);
         $event = $this->getDispatcher()->dispatch('module.users.ui.login.succeeded', $event);
         $returnPage = $event->hasArgument('redirecturl') ? $event->getArgument('redirecturl') : $returnPage;
         if (empty($returnPage)) {
             $returnPage = System::getHomepageUrl();
         // A successful login.
         if ($this->getVar(UsersConstant::MODVAR_LOGIN_WCAG_COMPLIANT, 1) == 1) {
             // WCAG compliant login
             return new RedirectResponse(System::normalizeUrl($returnPage));
         } else {
             // meta refresh
             $this->printRedirectPage($this->__('You are being logged-in. Please wait...'), $returnPage);
             return true;
Exemple #2
  * Display the output of the login block.
  * @param mixed[] $blockInfo {
  *      @type string $title   the title of the block
  *      @type int    $bid     the id of the block
  *      @type string $content the seralized block content array
  *                            }
  * @return string The rendered blockoutput.
 public function display($blockInfo)
     $renderedOutput = '';
     if (SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Loginblock::', $blockInfo['title'] . '::', ACCESS_READ)) {
         if (!UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
             if (empty($blockInfo['title'])) {
                 $blockInfo['title'] = DataUtil::formatForDisplay('Login');
             $authenticationMethodList = new AuthenticationMethodListHelper($this);
             if ($authenticationMethodList->countEnabledForAuthentication() > 1) {
                 $selectedAuthenticationMethod = $this->request->request->get('authentication_method', false);
             } else {
                 // There is only one (or there is none), so auto-select it.
                 $authenticationMethod = $authenticationMethodList->getAuthenticationMethodForDefault();
                 $selectedAuthenticationMethod = array('modname' => $authenticationMethod->modname, 'method' => $authenticationMethod->method);
             // TODO - The order and availability should be set by block configuration
             $authenticationMethodDisplayOrder = array();
             foreach ($authenticationMethodList as $authenticationMethod) {
                 if ($authenticationMethod->isEnabledForAuthentication()) {
                     $authenticationMethodDisplayOrder[] = array('modname' => $authenticationMethod->modname, 'method' => $authenticationMethod->method);
             $this->view->assign('authentication_method_display_order', $authenticationMethodDisplayOrder)->assign('selected_authentication_method', $selectedAuthenticationMethod);
             // If the current page was reached via a POST or FILES then we don't want to return here.
             // Only return if the current page was reached via a regular GET
             if ($this->request->isMethod('GET')) {
                 $this->view->assign('returnpage', System::getCurrentUri());
             } else {
                 $this->view->assign('returnpage', '');
             $tplName = mb_strtolower("users_block_login_{$blockInfo['position']}.tpl");
             if ($this->view->template_exists($tplName)) {
                 $blockInfo['content'] = $this->view->fetch($tplName);
             } else {
                 $blockInfo['content'] = $this->view->fetch('Block/login.tpl');
             $renderedOutput = BlockUtil::themeBlock($blockInfo);
     return $renderedOutput;