Exemple #1
  * This event handler lists all activated modules with the description
  * of each module.
  * @access public
  * @param \Zepi\Turbo\Framework $framework
  * @param \Zepi\Turbo\Request\WebRequest $request
  * @param \Zepi\Turbo\Response\Response $response
 public function execute(Framework $framework, WebRequest $request, Response $response)
     // Display the main css group
     // Display the main js group
Exemple #2
  * Adds the needed headers and prepares the content
  * @param \Zepi\Turbo\Response\Response $response
  * @param string $type
  * @param string $hash
  * @param string $version
  * @param string $content
 protected function deliverContent(Response $response, $type, $hash, $version, $content)
     // Define the if modified since timestamp
     $cachedAssetTimestamp = $this->assetCacheManager->getCachedAssetTimestamp($type, $hash, $version);
     $ifModifiedSince = -1;
     if ($this->isHeaderSetAndNotEmpty('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE')) {
         $ifModifiedSince = $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'];
     // Define the etag
     $eTag = md5($content);
     $eTagHeader = -1;
     if ($this->isHeaderSetAndNotEmpty('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH')) {
         $eTagHeader = $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'];
     // Set the cache headers
     $cacheTtl = 86400 * 365;
     header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $cachedAssetTimestamp) . ' GMT');
     header('Expires: ' . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + $cacheTtl) . ' GMT');
     header('Pragma: cache');
     header('Etag: ' . $eTag);
     header('Cache-Control: max-age=' . $cacheTtl);
     // Verify the cached timestamp and the eTag
     if ($cachedAssetTimestamp === $ifModifiedSince || $eTag === $eTagHeader) {
         header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified');
     // Set the content type
     $contentType = $this->getContentType($type, $version);
     if ($contentType !== '') {
         header('Content-type: ' . $contentType, true);
     // Display the content
Exemple #3
  * Initializes and return an instance of the given class name.
  * @access public
  * @param string $className
  * @return mixed
 public function getInstance($className)
     switch ($className) {
         case '\\Zepi\\Web\\General\\Manager\\AssetManager':
             if ($this->assetManager === null) {
                 $this->assetManager = new $className($this->getDataObjectBackend('assets.data'), $this->framework->getRootDirectory());
             return $this->assetManager;
         case '\\Zepi\\Web\\General\\Manager\\AssetCacheManager':
             if ($this->assetCacheManager === null) {
                 // Get the cache backends
                 $path = $this->framework->getRootDirectory() . '/cache/';
                 $fileObjectBackend = new \Zepi\Turbo\Backend\FileObjectBackend($path . 'cachedFiles.data');
                 $fileBackend = new \Zepi\Turbo\Backend\FileBackend($path);
                 // CSS helper
                 $cssHelper = new \Zepi\Web\General\Helper\CssHelper($fileBackend);
                 // Load the configuration
                 $configurationManager = $this->framework->getInstance('\\Zepi\\Core\\Utils\\Manager\\ConfigurationManager');
                 $minifyAssets = $configurationManager->getSetting('assets.minifyAssets');
                 $combineAssetGroups = $configurationManager->getSetting('assets.combineAssetGroups');
                 $this->assetCacheManager = new $className($this->framework, $this->getInstance('\\Zepi\\Web\\General\\Manager\\AssetManager'), $fileObjectBackend, $fileBackend, $cssHelper, $minifyAssets, $combineAssetGroups);
             return $this->assetCacheManager;
         case '\\Zepi\\Web\\General\\Manager\\TemplatesManager':
             if ($this->templatesManager === null) {
                 $this->templatesManager = new $className($this->framework, $this->getDataObjectBackend('templates.data'));
                 // Execute the register renderer event
                 $runtimeManager = $this->framework->getRuntimeManager();
             return $this->templatesManager;
         case '\\Zepi\\Web\\General\\Manager\\MenuManager':
         case '\\Zepi\\Web\\General\\Manager\\MetaInformationManager':
             return $this->framework->initiateObject($className, array(), true);
             return $this->framework->initiateObject($className);
Exemple #4
  * Optimizes the urls in the css content.
  * @access protected
  * @param string $content
  * @param string $file
  * @return string
 protected function optimizeUrls($content, $file)
     preg_match_all('/url\\((.[^\\)]*)\\)/is', $content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     foreach ($matches as $match) {
         $uri = $match[1];
         // Remove the apostrophs
         if (strpos($uri, '\'') === 0 || strpos($uri, '"') === 0) {
             $uri = substr($uri, 1, -1);
         // If the uri is an absolute url we do not change anything
         if (strpos($uri, 'http') === 0) {
         $additionalData = $this->getAdditionalUriData($uri);
         $uri = $this->removeAdditionalUriData($uri);
         $path = dirname($file);
         $fullFilePath = realpath($path . '/' . $uri);
         $fileInformation = pathinfo($fullFilePath);
         $imageExtensions = array('png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif');
         if (in_array($fileInformation['extension'], $imageExtensions)) {
             // Load the file content
             $fileContent = $this->fileBackend->loadFromFile($fullFilePath);
             // Encode the file content
             $encodedContent = base64_encode($fileContent);
             $urlData = 'data:image/gif;base64,' . $encodedContent;
             // Replace the reference in the css content
             $content = str_replace($match[1], '\'' . $urlData . '\'', $content);
         } else {
             $type = AssetManager::BINARY;
             // Cache the file
             $cachedFile = $this->assetCacheManager->generateCachedFile($type, $fullFilePath);
             $url = $this->assetCacheManager->getUrlToTheAssetLoader($cachedFile['file']);
             // Add the additional data
             if ($additionalData !== '') {
                 $url .= $additionalData;
             // Replace the reference in the css content
             $content = str_replace($match[1], '\'' . $url . '\'', $content);
     return $content;
Exemple #5
  * This event handler clears the assets cache.
  * @access public
  * @param \Zepi\Turbo\Framework $framework
  * @param \Zepi\Turbo\Request\CliRequest $request
  * @param \Zepi\Turbo\Response\Response $response
 public function execute(Framework $framework, CliRequest $request, Response $response)
     // Clean the asset cache
     $response->setOutputPart('cacheCleared', 'The asset cache was successfully cleared!');