public function testImplodePdfsReturnNotEmptyPdf()
     /** @var $pdf \ZendPdf\PdfDocument */
     $pdf = implodePdfs(array(\ZendPdf\PdfDocument::load(__DIR__ . '/data/pdf1.pdf'), \ZendPdf\PdfDocument::load(__DIR__ . '/data/pdf2.pdf')));
     $this->assertGreaterThan(20000, strlen($pdf->render()));
     $this->assertSame(3, count($pdf->pages));
Exemple #2
  * Generates certificate of exellence and
  * triggers an event when the file is generated
  * @param \User\Model\Entity\User $user
  * @param string $examName
 public function generateCertificate($user, $examName)
     $config = $this->services->get('config');
     $pdf = PdfDocument::load($config['pdf']['exam_certificate']);
     // get the first page
     $page = $pdf->pages[0];
     // Extract the AdineKirnberg-Script font included in the PDF sample
     $font = $page->extractFont('AdineKirnberg-Script');
     $page->setFont($font, 80);
     // and write the name of the user with it
     $page->drawText($user->getName(), 200, 280);
     // after that use Time Bold to write the name of the exam
     $font = PdfFont::fontWithName(PdfFont::FONT_TIMES_BOLD);
     $page->setFont($font, 40);
     $page->drawText($examName, 200, 120);
     // We use the png image from the public/images folder
     $imageFile = 'public/images/zf2-logo.png';
     // get the right size to do some calculations
     $size = getimagesize($imageFile);
     // load the image
     $image = \ZendPdf\Image::imageWithPath($imageFile);
     $x = 580;
     $y = 440;
     // and finally draw the image
     $page->drawImage($image, $x, $y, $x + $size[0], $y + $size[1]);
     return $pdf;
Exemple #3
  * @param $file
 public function loadFromFile($file)
     if (file_exists($file)) {
         $pdf = \ZendPdf\PdfDocument::load($file);
         foreach ($pdf->pages as $page) {
             $this->pdf->pages[] = clone $page;
Exemple #4
 * @category Default
 * @package  None
 * @author   Kei Nakayama <*****@*****.**>
 * @license  MIT
 * @link     None
require_once __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";
use ZendPdf\PdfDocument;
if (count($argv) < 3) {
    echo "USAGE: php {$argv['0']} " . "<pdf_file1> <pdf_file2> [<pdf_file3> [...]] <output_pdf_file>" . PHP_EOL;
$pdfs = [];
for ($i = 1; $i <= count($argv) - 2; $i++) {
    echo "loading: " . $argv[$i] . PHP_EOL;
    $pdfs[] = PdfDocument::load($argv[$i]);
    echo "loaded: " . $argv[$i] . PHP_EOL;
$outPdfFn = $argv[count($argv) - 1];
echo "creating: " . $outPdfFn . PHP_EOL;
$outPdf = new PdfDocument();
foreach ($pdfs as $pdf) {
    foreach ($pdf->pages as $page) {
        $outPdf->pages[] = clone $page;
echo "saving: " . $outPdfFn . PHP_EOL;
echo "created: " . $outPdfFn . PHP_EOL;
Exemple #5
  * Test capture request saves file to
  * disk with correct orientation.
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function testPdfRequestSavesFileToDiskWithCorrectOrientation()
     $this->filename = 'test.pdf';
     $file = $this->directory . '/' . $this->filename;
     $client = $this->getClient();
     $request = $client->getMessageFactory()->createPdfRequest();
     $response = $client->getMessageFactory()->createResponse();
     $client->send($request, $response);
     $pdf = \ZendPdf\PdfDocument::load($file);
     $pdfWidth = round($pdf->pages[0]->getWidth() * 0.0352777778);
     $pdfHeight = round($pdf->pages[0]->getHeight() * 0.0352777778);
     $this->assertEquals(30, $pdfWidth);
     $this->assertEquals(21, $pdfHeight);
Exemple #6
  * If the book defines a custom PDF cover, this method prepends it
  * to the PDF book.
  * @param string $bookFilePath  The path of the original PDF book without the cover
  * @param string $coverFilePath The path of the PDF file which will be displayed as the cover of the book
 public function addBookCover($bookFilePath, $coverFilePath)
     if (!empty($coverFilePath)) {
         $pdfBook = PdfDocument::load($bookFilePath);
         $pdfCover = PdfDocument::load($coverFilePath);
         $pdfCover = clone $pdfCover->pages[0];
         array_unshift($pdfBook->pages, $pdfCover);
         $pdfBook->save($bookFilePath, true);
Exemple #7
 public function loadEngine($file, $encoding)
     if (isset(self::$loadedEngines[$file])) {
         return self::$loadedEngines[$file];
     if (!is_readable($file)) {
         throw InvalidResourceException::fileDosntExistException($file);
     try {
         $pdf = PdfDocument::load($file);
         $engine = new self($pdf, $this->unitConverter);
         foreach ($pdf->pages as $page) {
             $gc = new GraphicsContext($engine, $page, $encoding);
         self::$loadedEngines[$file] = $engine;
         return $engine;
     } catch (\ZendPdf\Exception $e) {
         throw InvalidResourceException::invalidPdfFileException($file, $e);
 public function testAddBookCover()
     $app = new Application();
     $tmpDir = $app['app.dir.cache'] . '/' . uniqid('phpunit_');
     $coverFilePath = $tmpDir . '/cover.pdf';
     $bookFilePath = $tmpDir . '/book.pdf';
     $this->createPdfFile($coverFilePath, 'EASYBOOK COVER');
     $this->createPdfFile($bookFilePath, 'easybook contents');
     $publisher = new PdfPublisher($app);
     $publisher->addBookCover($bookFilePath, $coverFilePath);
     $resultingPdfBook = PdfDocument::load($bookFilePath);
     $this->assertCount(2, $resultingPdfBook->pages, 'The cover page has been added to the book.');
     $this->assertFileExists($coverFilePath, 'The cover PDF file is NOT deleted after adding it to the book.');
     $this->assertContains('EASYBOOK COVER', $resultingPdfBook->render(), 'The resulting book contains the cover text.');
     $this->assertContains('easybook contents', $resultingPdfBook->render(), 'The resulting book contains the original book contents.');
Exemple #9
 public function testPageCloning()
     $pdf = Pdf\PdfDocument::load(__DIR__ . '/_files/pdfarchiving.pdf');
     $pdf1 = new Pdf\PdfDocument();
     $srcPageCount = count($pdf->pages);
     $outputPageSet = array();
     foreach ($pdf->pages as $srcPage) {
         $page = clone $srcPage;
         // Create new Style
         $page->setFillColor(new Color\Rgb(0, 0, 0.9))->setLineColor(new Color\GrayScale(0.2))->setLineWidth(3)->setLineDashingPattern(array(3, 2, 3, 4), 1.6)->setFont(Pdf\Font::fontWithName(Pdf\Font::FONT_HELVETICA_BOLD), 32);
         $page->rotate(0, 0, M_PI_2 / 3);
         $page->drawText('Modified by Zend Framework!', 150, 0);
         $pdf1->pages[] = $page;
     $pdf1->save(__DIR__ . '/_files/output.pdf');
     $pdf2 = Pdf\PdfDocument::load(__DIR__ . '/_files/output.pdf');
     $this->assertTrue($pdf2 instanceof Pdf\PdfDocument);
     $this->assertEquals($srcPageCount, count($pdf2->pages));
     unlink(__DIR__ . '/_files/output.pdf');
Exemple #10
  * @group ZF-8462
 public function testPhpVersionBug()
     $this->setExpectedException('\\ZendPdf\\Exception\\NotImplementedException', 'Cross-reference streams are not supported yet');
     $pdf = Pdf\PdfDocument::load(__DIR__ . '/_files/ZF-8462.pdf');
Exemple #11
  * Create PDF file
  * @param string $filename Filename
  * @return mixed Returns PDF instance on success or FALSE on failure.
 public function open_file($filename)
     $this->_filename = $filename;
     if (file_exists($filename)) {
         try {
             $this->_zpdf = Zend_Pdf::load($filename);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $this->_errmsg = $e->getMessage();
             return false;
     } else {
         $this->_zpdf = new Zend_Pdf();
     return true;