Exemple #1
  * The sum of squared weights of contained query clauses.
  * @return float
 public function sumOfSquaredWeights()
     // compute idf
     $this->_idf = $this->_reader->getSimilarity()->idf($this->_query->getTerms(), $this->_reader);
     // compute query weight
     $this->_queryWeight = $this->_idf * $this->_query->getBoost();
     // square it
     return $this->_queryWeight * $this->_queryWeight;
Exemple #2
     * Score calculator for non conjunction queries (not all subqueries are required)
     * @param integer $docId
     * @param \Zend\Search\Lucene\SearchIndex $reader
     * @return float
    public function _nonConjunctionScore($docId, Lucene\SearchIndex $reader)
        if ($this->_coord === null) {
            $this->_coord = array();

            $maxCoord = 0;
            foreach ($this->_signs as $sign) {
                if ($sign !== false /* not prohibited */) {

            for ($count = 0; $count <= $maxCoord; $count++) {
                $this->_coord[$count] = $reader->getSimilarity()->coord($count, $maxCoord);

        $score = 0;
        $matchedSubqueries = 0;
        foreach ($this->_subqueries as $subqueryId => $subquery) {
            $subscore = $subquery->score($docId, $reader);

            // Prohibited
            if ($this->_signs[$subqueryId] === false && $subscore != 0) {
                return 0;

            // is required, but doen't match
            if ($this->_signs[$subqueryId] === true &&  $subscore == 0) {
                return 0;

            if ($subscore != 0) {
                $score += $subscore;

        return $score * $this->_coord[$matchedSubqueries] * $this->getBoost();
Exemple #3
     * Score calculator for sloppy phrase queries (terms sequence is fixed)
     * @param integer $docId
     * @param \Zend\Search\Lucene\SearchIndex $reader
     * @return float
    public function _sloppyPhraseFreq($docId, Lucene\SearchIndex $reader)
        $freq = 0;

        $phraseQueue = array();
        $phraseQueue[0] = array(); // empty phrase
        $lastTerm = null;

        // Walk through the terms to create phrases.
        foreach ($this->_terms as $termId => $term) {
            $queueSize = count($phraseQueue);
            $firstPass = true;

            // Walk through the term positions.
            // Each term position produces a set of phrases.
            foreach ($this->_termsPositions[$termId][$docId] as $termPosition ) {
                if ($firstPass) {
                    for ($count = 0; $count < $queueSize; $count++) {
                        $phraseQueue[$count][$termId] = $termPosition;
                } else {
                    for ($count = 0; $count < $queueSize; $count++) {
                        if ($lastTerm !== null &&
                            abs( $termPosition - $phraseQueue[$count][$lastTerm] -
                                 ($this->_offsets[$termId] - $this->_offsets[$lastTerm])) > $this->_slop) {

                        $newPhraseId = count($phraseQueue);
                        $phraseQueue[$newPhraseId]          = $phraseQueue[$count];
                        $phraseQueue[$newPhraseId][$termId] = $termPosition;


                $firstPass = false;
            $lastTerm = $termId;

        foreach ($phraseQueue as $phrasePos) {
            $minDistance = null;

            for ($shift = -$this->_slop; $shift <= $this->_slop; $shift++) {
                $distance = 0;
                $start = reset($phrasePos) - reset($this->_offsets) + $shift;

                foreach ($this->_terms as $termId => $term) {
                    $distance += abs($phrasePos[$termId] - $this->_offsets[$termId] - $start);

                    if($distance > $this->_slop) {

                if ($minDistance === null || $distance < $minDistance) {
                    $minDistance = $distance;

            if ($minDistance <= $this->_slop) {
                $freq += $reader->getSimilarity()->sloppyFreq($minDistance);

        return $freq;
Exemple #4
  * Score specified document
  * @param integer $docId
  * @param \Zend\Search\Lucene\SearchIndex $reader
  * @return float
 public function score($docId, Lucene\SearchIndex $reader)
     if (isset($this->_docVector[$docId])) {
         return $reader->getSimilarity()->tf($this->_termFreqs[$docId]) *
                $this->_weight->getValue() *
                $reader->norm($docId, $this->_term->field) *
     } else {
         return 0;
Exemple #5
  * Score calculator for non conjunction queries (not all terms are required)
  * @param integer $docId
  * @param \Zend\Search\Lucene\SearchIndex $reader
  * @return float
 public function _nonConjunctionScore($docId, $reader)
     if ($this->_coord === null) {
         $this->_coord = array();
         $maxCoord = 0;
         foreach ($this->_signs as $sign) {
             if ($sign !== false) {
         for ($count = 0; $count <= $maxCoord; $count++) {
             $this->_coord[$count] = $reader->getSimilarity()->coord($count, $maxCoord);
     $score = 0.0;
     $matchedTerms = 0;
     foreach ($this->_terms as $termId => $term) {
         // Check if term is
         if ($this->_signs[$termId] !== false && isset($this->_termsFreqs[$termId][$docId])) {
              * We don't need to check that term freq is not 0
              * Score calculation is performed only for matched docs
             $score += $reader->getSimilarity()->tf($this->_termsFreqs[$termId][$docId]) * $this->_weights[$termId]->getValue() * $reader->norm($docId, $term->field);
     return $score * $this->_coord[$matchedTerms] * $this->getBoost();