  * loadModule
  * Check each loaded module to see if it implements LocatorRegistered. If it
  * does, we add it to an internal array for later.
  * @param  ModuleEvent $e
  * @return void
 public function onLoadModule(ModuleEvent $e)
     if (!$e->getModule() instanceof LocatorRegisteredInterface) {
     $this->modules[] = $e->getModule();
Exemple #2
  * @param ModuleEvent $e
  * @eturn void
 public function __invoke(ModuleEvent $e)
     $module = $e->getModule();
     if (!$module instanceof InitProviderInterface && !method_exists($module, 'init')) {
  * @param  ModuleEvent $e
  * @return void
 public function __invoke(ModuleEvent $e)
     $module = $e->getModule();
     if (!$module instanceof AutoloaderProviderInterface && !method_exists($module, 'getAutoloaderConfig')) {
     $autoloaderConfig = $module->getAutoloaderConfig();
  * @param  ModuleEvent $e
  * @return void
 public function __invoke(ModuleEvent $e)
     $module = $e->getModule();
     if (!$module instanceof BootstrapListenerInterface && !method_exists($module, 'onBootstrap')) {
     $moduleManager = $e->getTarget();
     $events = $moduleManager->getEventManager();
     $sharedEvents = $events->getSharedManager();
     $sharedEvents->attach('Zend\\Mvc\\Application', MvcEvent::EVENT_BOOTSTRAP, array($module, 'onBootstrap'));
  * @param \Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleEvent $e
  * @throws Exception\MissingDependencyModuleException
 public function __invoke(ModuleEvent $e)
     $module = $e->getModule();
     if ($module instanceof DependencyIndicatorInterface || method_exists($module, 'getModuleDependencies')) {
         $dependencies = $module->getModuleDependencies();
         foreach ($dependencies as $dependencyModule) {
             if (!isset($this->loaded[$dependencyModule])) {
                 throw new Exception\MissingDependencyModuleException(sprintf('Module "%s" depends on module "%s", which was not initialized before it', $e->getModuleName(), $dependencyModule));
     $this->loaded[$e->getModuleName()] = true;
Exemple #6
     * @param  ModuleEvent $e
     * @return void
    public function __invoke(ModuleEvent $e)
        $module = $e->getModule();
        if (!$module instanceof BootstrapListenerInterface
            && !method_exists($module, 'onBootstrap')
        ) {

        $moduleManager = $e->getTarget();
        $events        = $moduleManager->events();
        $sharedEvents  = $events->getSharedManager();
        $sharedEvents->attach('application', 'bootstrap', array($module, 'onBootstrap'));
 public function onLoadModule(ModuleEvent $e)
     $module = $e->getModule();
     if (!$module instanceof DirectoryProviderInterface && !method_exists($module, 'getDir')) {
     $moduleDirectory = $module->getDir();
     if (!is_dir($moduleDirectory)) {
     // Store the module path
     $moduleName = $e->getModuleName();
     $this->paths[$moduleName] = array('path' => $moduleDirectory, 'template_path_stack' => null, 'default_template_path_stack' => null);
     // Check for especific module-dependant themes
     if ($module instanceof ConfigProviderInterface || is_callable(array($this, 'getConfig'))) {
         $config = $module->getConfig();
         if ($config instanceof Traversable) {
             $config = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($config);
         if (!is_array($config)) {
             throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Config being merged must be an array, ' . 'implement the Traversable interface, or be an ' . 'instance of Zend\\Config\\Config. %s given.', gettype($config)));
         if (isset($config['theme_manager'])) {
             if (is_array($config['theme_manager'])) {
                 if (isset($config['theme_manager']['template_path_stack'])) {
                     $this->paths[$moduleName]['template_path_stack'] = $config['theme_manager']['template_path_stack'];
         if (isset($config['view_manager'])) {
             if (is_array($config['view_manager'])) {
                 if (isset($config['view_manager']['template_path_stack'])) {
                     $this->paths[$moduleName]['default_template_path_stack'] = $config['view_manager']['template_path_stack'];
  * Merge the config for each module
  * @param  ModuleEvent $e
  * @return ConfigListener
 public function onLoadModule(ModuleEvent $e)
     $module = $e->getModule();
     if (!$module instanceof ConfigProviderInterface && !is_callable(array($module, 'getConfig'))) {
         return $this;
     $config = $module->getConfig();
     $this->addConfig($e->getModuleName(), $config);
     return $this;
  * Retrieve service manager configuration from module, and
  * configure the service manager.
  * If the module does not implement a specific interface and does not
  * implement a specific method, does nothing. Also, if the return value
  * of that method is not a ServiceConfig object, or not an array or
  * Traversable that can seed one, does nothing.
  * The interface and method name can be set by adding a new service manager
  * via the addServiceManager() method.
  * @param  ModuleEvent $e
  * @return void
 public function onLoadModule(ModuleEvent $e)
     $module = $e->getModule();
     foreach ($this->serviceManagers as $key => $sm) {
         if (!$module instanceof $sm['module_class_interface'] && !method_exists($module, $sm['module_class_method'])) {
         $config = $module->{$sm['module_class_method']}();
         if ($config instanceof ServiceConfigInterface) {
             $config = $this->serviceConfigToArray($config);
         if ($config instanceof Traversable) {
             $config = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($config);
         if (!is_array($config)) {
             // If we do not have an array by this point, nothing left to do.
         // We are keeping track of which modules provided which configuration to which service managers.
         // The actual merging takes place later. Doing it this way will enable us to provide more powerful
         // debugging tools for showing which modules overrode what.
         $fullname = $e->getModuleName() . '::' . $sm['module_class_method'] . '()';
         $this->serviceManagers[$key]['configuration'][$fullname] = $config;
Exemple #10
     * Retrieve service manager configuration from module, and 
     * configure the service manager.
     * If the module does not implement ServiceProviderInterface and does not
     * implement the "getServiceConfiguration()" method, does nothing. Also,
     * if the return value of that method is not a ServiceConfiguration object,
     * or not an array or Traversable that can seed one, does nothing.
     * @param  ModuleEvent $e 
     * @return void
    public function onLoadModule(ModuleEvent $e)
        $module = $e->getModule();
        if (!$module instanceof ServiceProviderInterface
            && !method_exists($module, 'getServiceConfiguration')
        ) {

        $config = $module->getServiceConfiguration();

        if ($config instanceof ServiceConfiguration) {

        if ($config instanceof Traversable) {
            $config = ArrayUtils::iteratorToArray($config);

        if (!is_array($config)) {
            // If we don't have an array by this point, nothing left to do.

        $this->serviceConfig = ArrayUtils::merge($this->serviceConfig, $config);
  * Event callback for 'initServicesTrigger'.
  * @param ModuleEvent $e
  * @return $this
 public function getServicesTrigger(ModuleEvent $e)
     $module = $e->getModule();
     if (is_callable(array($module, 'getServiceConfig'))) {
         $services = $module->getServiceConfig();
         if (is_array($services) && isset($services['factories'])) {
             $this->services[$e->getModuleName()] = $services['factories'];
     return $this;
  * @param \Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleEvent $e
 public function __invoke(ModuleEvent $e)
     $module = $e->getModule();
     echo get_class($module);
Exemple #13
  * @param ModuleEvent $e
  * @return void
 public function __invoke(ModuleEvent $e)
     $module = $e->getModule();
     if (!$module instanceof ThemeProviderInterface && !method_exists($module, 'initTheme')) {
     $moduleManager = $e->getTarget();
     $events = $moduleManager->getEventManager();
     $sharedEvents = $events->getSharedManager();
     $module_directory = $module->getDir();
     $sharedEvents->attach('Zend\\Mvc\\Application', MvcEvent::EVENT_BOOTSTRAP, function ($e) use($module_directory) {
         $application = $e->getApplication();
         $eventManager = $application->getEventManager();
         $serviceManager = $application->getServiceManager();
         $themeManager = $serviceManager->get('ThemeManager');
         $theme = $themeManager->getTheme();
         $theme_folder = $theme->getFolder();
         $theme_path = $module_directory . '/themes/' . $theme_folder;
         if (!is_dir($theme_path)) {
             $theme = $themeManager->getDefaultTheme();
             $theme_folder = $theme->getFolder();
             if (!is_dir($theme_path)) {
                 throw new MissingDefaultThemeException();
         $theme_path = $module_directory . '/themes/' . $theme->getFolder();
         // Views
         // Add the folder to the template resolver.
         $templatePathResolver = $serviceManager->get('Zend\\View\\Resolver\\TemplatePathStack');
         // Layout
         if (file_exists($theme_path . '/layout.phtml')) {
             $templateMapResolver = $serviceManager->get('Zend\\View\\Resolver\\TemplateMapResolver');
             $layout_name = $theme->getLayoutName();
             if (!$templateMapResolver->has($layout_name)) {
                 $templateMapResolver->add($layout_name, $theme_path . '/layout.phtml');
     $sharedEvents->attach($module->getNamespace(), MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH, function ($e) use($module_directory) {
         // Set the layout for this module if available
         $serviceManager = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager();
         $themeManager = $serviceManager->get('ThemeManager');
         $theme = $themeManager->getTheme();
         $theme_folder = $theme->getFolder();
         $theme_path = $module_directory . '/themes/' . $theme_folder;
         if (!is_dir($theme_path)) {
             $theme = $themeManager->getDefaultTheme();
             $theme_folder = $theme->getFolder();
             if (!is_dir($theme_path)) {
                 throw new MissingDefaultThemeException();
         $layout_name = $theme->getLayoutName();
         $templateMapResolver = $serviceManager->get('Zend\\View\\Resolver\\TemplateMapResolver');
         if ($templateMapResolver->has($layout_name)) {
             $viewModel = $e->getViewModel();
     }, 100);