public function getUUID($attributeName, $tries = 5)
     if (!is_string($attributeName) || empty($attributeName) || !is_int($tries)) {
         // TODO: real exception
         throw new Exception('bad parameter');
     if ($tries < 1 || $tries > 20) {
         $tries = 5;
     // Generate an uuid and check its unicity by searching in LDAP ($tries tries max)
     $uuid = null;
     $cnt = 0;
     while ($uuid === null && $cnt++ < $tries) {
         // Generate UUIDv4 (
         $uuid = sprintf('%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x', mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xfff) | 0x4000, mt_rand(0, 0x3fff) | 0x8000, mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff));
         // Validate its unicity
         // TODO: escape $attributeName?
         $result = $this->search(array('filter' => '(' . $attributeName . '=' . Filter::escapeValue($uuid) . ')', 'attributes' => array($attributeName), 'sizelimit' => 1));
         if ($result->count() > 0) {
             $uuid = null;
     if ($uuid === null) {
         // Seriously? Something is really bad on this server...
         throw new Exception('Unable to generate an unique UUID');
     return $uuid;
Exemple #2
 public function testRealFilterString()
     $f1 = Ldap\Filter::orFilter(Ldap\Filter::equals('sn', 'Gehrig'), Ldap\Filter::equals('sn', 'Goerke'));
     $f2 = Ldap\Filter::orFilter(Ldap\Filter::equals('givenName', 'Stefan'), Ldap\Filter::equals('givenName', 'Ingo'));
     $f = Ldap\Filter::andFilter($f1, $f2);
     $this->assertEquals('(&(|(sn=Gehrig)(sn=Goerke))(|(givenName=Stefan)(givenName=Ingo)))', $f->toString());
Exemple #3
  * Checks the group membership of the bound user
  * @param  Zend_Ldap $ldap
  * @param  string    $canonicalName
  * @param  string    $dn
  * @param  array     $adapterOptions
  * @return string|true
 protected function _checkGroupMembership(\Zend\Ldap\Ldap $ldap, $canonicalName, $dn, array $adapterOptions)
     if ($adapterOptions['group'] === null) {
         return true;
     if ($adapterOptions['memberIsDn'] === false) {
         $user = $canonicalName;
     } else {
         $user = $dn;
     $groupName = \Zend\Ldap\Filter::equals($adapterOptions['groupAttr'], $adapterOptions['group']);
     $membership = \Zend\Ldap\Filter::equals($adapterOptions['memberAttr'], $user);
     $group = \Zend\Ldap\Filter::andFilter($groupName, $membership);
     $groupFilter = $adapterOptions['groupFilter'];
     if (!empty($groupFilter)) {
         $group = $group->addAnd($groupFilter);
     $result = $ldap->count($group, $adapterOptions['groupDn'], $adapterOptions['groupScope']);
     if ($result === 1) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return 'Failed to verify group membership with ' . $group->toString();
Exemple #4
 public function testSearchEntriesShortcutWithDnObjectAndFilterObject()
     $dn = Ldap\Dn::fromString(TESTS_ZEND_LDAP_WRITEABLE_SUBTREE);
     $filter = Filter::equals('objectClass', 'organizationalUnit');
     $entries = $this->_getLDAP()->searchEntries($filter, $dn, Ldap\Ldap::SEARCH_SCOPE_SUB);
     $this->assertType("array", $entries);
     $this->assertEquals(9, count($entries));
Exemple #5
 private function findUnit(Identity $identity)
     if (null === $this->unit) {
         $filter = Filter::equals('mail', $identity->mail);
         $baseDn = Dn::factory($this->ldap->getBaseDn())->prepend(['ou' => 'people']);
         $result = $this->ldap->search($filter, $baseDn, Ldap::SEARCH_SCOPE_ONE, ['l']);
         if (1 !== $result->count()) {
         $result = $result->current();
         $unitDn = $result['l'][0];
         $this->unit = $this->ldap->getNode($unitDn);
     return $this->unit;
 protected function assertValidEntry($entry, $isUpdate = false)
     $domainDn = null;
     $errors = array();
      * employeeNumber
     if (!preg_match('#^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89ab][a-f0-9]{3}-[a-f0-9]{12}$#', $entry['employeeNumber'])) {
         // This is fatal
         if ($isUpdate !== true) {
             throw new UserFriendlyException(500, 'Server error', 'The server is unable to generate a valid ID for this account. Please contact a technician.');
         } else {
             throw new UserFriendlyException(400, 'Incorrect request', 'The account ID provided with this request is incorrect.');
      * cn
     if (!isset($entry['cn']) || empty($entry['cn'])) {
         $errors['cn'] = 'Display name is required.';
      * givenName
     // Nop
      * sn
     if (!isset($entry['sn']) || empty($entry['sn'])) {
         $errors['sn'] = 'Last name is required.';
      * mail
     // Validate mail format
     $emailValidator = new EmailAddress();
     if (!isset($entry['mail']) || empty($entry['mail'])) {
         $errors['mail'] = 'Email is required.';
     } else {
         if (!$emailValidator->isValid($entry['mail'])) {
             $errors['mail'] = 'The email provided is not correctly formated.';
         } else {
             // Validate mail domain-part is an allowed domain
             $result = $this->ldap->search(array('filter' => '(|(dc=' . Filter::escapeValue($emailValidator->hostname) . ')(associatedDomain=' . Filter::escapeValue($emailValidator->hostname) . '))', 'basedn' => $this->userBaseDn, 'attributes' => array('dc'), 'sizelimit' => 2));
             if ($result->count() < 1) {
                 $errors['mail'] = array('You are not allowed to create an account for the domain \'%@1\'.', $emailValidator->hostname);
             } else {
                 if ($result->count() > 1) {
                     // This is fatal
                     throw new UserFriendlyException(500, 'Server error', 'An inconsistency has been detected in the data. Please contact a technician.');
                 } else {
                     $domainEntry = $result->getFirst();
                     if ($domainEntry['dc'][0] !== $emailValidator->hostname) {
                         $errors['mail'] = array('\'%@1\' is a domain alias. Please use the primary domain.', $emailValidator->hostname);
                     } else {
                         $domainDn = $result->dn();
                         // Validate mail unicity
                         $result = $this->ldap->search(array('filter' => '(|(mail=' . Filter::escapeValue($entry['mail']) . ')(mailAlias=' . Filter::escapeValue($entry['mail']) . '))', 'basedn' => $domainDn, 'attributes' => array('employeeNumber'), 'sizelimit' => 2));
                         if ($result->count() === 1) {
                             $duplicateEntry = $result->getFirst();
                             if ($isUpdate === false || $entry['employeeNumber'] !== $duplicateEntry['employeeNumber'][0]) {
                                 $errors['mail'] = 'This email address already exists on an other account.';
                         } else {
                             if ($result->count() > 1) {
                                 // This is fatal
                                 throw new UserFriendlyException(500, 'Server error', 'An inconsistency has been detected in the data. Please contact a technician.');
      * mailAlias
     // Validate each mail aliases
     if (!empty($entry['mailAlias']) && !is_array($entry['mailAlias'])) {
         $errors['mailAlias'] = 'The data for email aliases are not consistent.';
     } else {
         if (!empty($entry['mailAlias'])) {
             $errors['mailAlias'] = array();
             $aliasValidator = new EmailAddress();
             foreach ($entry['mailAlias'] as $alias) {
                 if (!$aliasValidator->isValid($alias)) {
                     // Validate alias format
                     $errors['mailAlias'][$alias] = 'The email alias provided is not correctly formated.';
                 } else {
                     if ($emailValidator->hostname !== $aliasValidator->hostname) {
                         // Validate alias domain-part is the same as mail domain-part
                         $errors['mailAlias'][$alias] = 'The email alias must use the same domain as the email.';
                     } else {
                         if ($alias === $entry['mail']) {
                             // Validate alias unicity with mail
                             $errors['mailAlias'][$alias] = 'The email alias address cannot be the same as the alias must use the same domain as the email.';
                         } else {
                             // Validate alias unicity with other entries (including mail)
             if (count($errors['mailAlias']) < 1) {
      * password / passwordConfirmation
     if (isset($entry['userPassword']) && strlen($entry['userPassword']) < 6) {
         $errors['password'] = '******';
     } else {
         if (isset($entry['userPassword']) && isset($entry['userPassword']) !== isset($entry['passwordConfirmation'])) {
             $errors['passwordConfirmation'] = 'Please re-enter the password to confirm it.';
         } else {
             if (isset($entry['userPassword']) && $entry['userPassword'] !== $entry['passwordConfirmation']) {
                 $errors['passwordConfirmation'] = 'The confirmation does not match. Please check both password and its confirmation.';
     if (empty($errors)) {
         return sprintf('employeeNumber=%s,ou=Mailboxes,%s', $entry['employeeNumber'], $domainDn);
     } else {
         $description = count($errors) === 1 ? 'There were an error processing your request. Please review the field marked in red.' : 'There were errors processing your request. Please review the fields marked in red.';
         throw new UserFriendlyException(400, 'Provided data are incorrect', $description, $errors);