  * Warn the user if VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR is not set.
  * @return void
 protected function checkLocalSetting()
     if (!getenv('VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR')) {
         Console::writeLine("WARNING: The VUFIND_LOCAL_DIR environment variable is not set.");
         Console::writeLine("This should point to your local configuration directory (i.e.");
         Console::writeLine(realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/local') . ").");
         Console::writeLine("Without it, inappropriate default settings may be loaded.");
  * XSLT Import Tool
  * @return void
 public function importXslAction()
     // Parse switches:
     $this->consoleOpts->addRules(array('test-only' => 'Use test mode', 'index-s' => 'Solr index to use'));
     $testMode = $this->consoleOpts->getOption('test-only') ? true : false;
     $index = $this->consoleOpts->getOption('index');
     if (empty($index)) {
         $index = 'Solr';
     // Display help message if parameters missing:
     $argv = $this->consoleOpts->getRemainingArgs();
     if (!isset($argv[1])) {
         Console::writeLine("Usage: import-xsl.php [--test-only] [--index <type>] " . "XML_file properties_file");
         Console::writeLine("\tXML_file - source file to index");
         Console::writeLine("\tproperties_file - import configuration file");
         Console::writeLine("If the optional --test-only flag is set, " . "transformed XML will be displayed");
         Console::writeLine("on screen for debugging purposes, " . "but it will not be indexed into VuFind.");
         Console::writeLine("If the optional --index parameter is set, " . "it must be followed by the name of");
         Console::writeLine("a class for accessing Solr; it defaults to the " . "standard Solr class, but could");
         Console::writeLine("be overridden with, for example, SolrAuth to " . "load authority records.");
         Console::writeLine("Note: See vudl.properties and ojs.properties " . "for configuration examples.");
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     // Try to import the document if successful:
     try {
         $importer = new Importer();
         $importer->save($argv[0], $argv[1], $index, $testMode);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         Console::writeLine("Fatal error: " . $e->getMessage());
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     if (!$testMode) {
         Console::writeLine("Successfully imported {$argv[0]}...");
     return $this->getSuccessResponse();
Exemple #3
  * Write a string w/newline to the Console.
  * @param string $str String to write.
  * @return void
 protected function writeLine($str)
     // Bypass output when testing:
     if (defined('VUFIND_PHPUNIT_RUNNING')) {
  * Support method for webcrawlAction().
  * Process a sitemap URL, either harvesting its contents directly or recursively
  * reading in child sitemaps.
  * @param string $url      URL of sitemap to read.
  * @param bool   $verbose  Are we in verbose mode?
  * @param string $index    Solr index to update
  * @param bool   $testMode Are we in test mode?
  * @return bool       True on success, false on error.
 protected function harvestSitemap($url, $verbose = false, $index = 'SolrWeb', $testMode = false)
     if ($verbose) {
         Console::writeLine("Harvesting {$url}...");
     $retVal = true;
     $file = tempnam('/tmp', 'sitemap');
     file_put_contents($file, file_get_contents($url));
     $xml = simplexml_load_file($file);
     if ($xml) {
         // Are there any child sitemaps?  If so, pull them in:
         $results = isset($xml->sitemap) ? $xml->sitemap : [];
         foreach ($results as $current) {
             if (isset($current->loc)) {
                 $success = $this->harvestSitemap((string) $current->loc, $verbose, $index, $testMode);
                 if (!$success) {
                     $retVal = false;
         // Only import the current sitemap if it contains URLs!
         if (isset($xml->url)) {
             try {
                 $this->performImport($file, 'sitemap.properties', $index, $testMode);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 if ($verbose) {
                     Console::writeLine(get_class($e) . ': ' . $e->getMessage());
                 $retVal = false;
     return $retVal;
  * Abstract delete method.
  * @param string $table         Table to operate on.
  * @param string $successString String for reporting success.
  * @param string $failString    String for reporting failure.
  * @param int    $minAge        Minimum age allowed for expiration (also used
  * as default value).
  * @return mixed
 protected function expire($table, $successString, $failString, $minAge = 2)
     // Get command-line arguments
     $argv = $this->consoleOpts->getRemainingArgs();
     // Use command line value as expiration age, or default to $minAge.
     $daysOld = isset($argv[0]) ? intval($argv[0]) : $minAge;
     // Abort if we have an invalid expiration age.
     if ($daysOld < 2) {
         Console::writeLine(str_replace('%%age%%', $minAge, 'Expiration age must be at least %%age%% days.'));
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     // Delete the expired searches--this cleans up any junk left in the database
     // from old search histories that were not
     // caught by the session garbage collector.
     $search = $this->getTable($table);
     if (!method_exists($search, 'getExpiredQuery')) {
         throw new \Exception($table . ' does not support getExpiredQuery()');
     $query = $search->getExpiredQuery($daysOld);
     if (($count = count($search->select($query))) == 0) {
         return $this->getSuccessResponse();
     Console::writeLine(str_replace('%%count%%', $count, $successString));
     return $this->getSuccessResponse();
Exemple #6
  * Save harvested records to disk and track the end date.
  * @param object $records SimpleXML records.
  * @return void
 protected function processRecords($records)
     Console::writeLine('Processing ' . count($records) . " records...");
     // Array for tracking successfully harvested IDs:
     $harvestedIds = array();
     // Loop through the records:
     foreach ($records as $record) {
         // Die if the record is missing its header:
         if (empty($record->header)) {
             throw new \Exception("Unexpected missing record header.");
         // Get the ID of the current record:
         $id = $this->extractID($record);
         // Save the current record, either as a deleted or as a regular file:
         $attribs = $record->header->attributes();
         if (strtolower($attribs['status']) == 'deleted') {
         } else {
             $this->saveRecord($id, $record);
             $harvestedIds[] = $id;
         // If the current record's date is newer than the previous end date,
         // remember it for future reference:
         $date = $this->normalizeDate($record->header->datestamp);
         if ($date && $date > $this->endDate) {
             $this->endDate = $date;
     // Do we have IDs to log and a log filename?  If so, log them:
     if (!empty($this->harvestedIdLog) && !empty($harvestedIds)) {
         $file = fopen($this->basePath . $this->harvestedIdLog, 'a');
         if (!$file) {
             throw new \Exception("Problem opening {$this->harvestedIdLog}.");
         fputs($file, implode(PHP_EOL, $harvestedIds));
Exemple #7
  * Log a message to the console
  * @param string $str message string
  * @return void
 protected function logMessage($str)
     if ($this->verbose) {
 protected function _showLine($line)
  * Merge harvested MARC records into a single <collection>
  * @return \Zend\Console\Response
  * @author Thomas Schwaerzler <*****@*****.**>
 public function mergemarcAction()
     $argv = $this->consoleOpts->getRemainingArgs();
     $dir = isset($argv[0]) ? rtrim($argv[0], '/') : '';
     if (empty($dir)) {
         $scriptName = $this->getRequest()->getScriptName();
         Console::writeLine('Merge MARC XML files into a single <collection>;');
         Console::writeLine('writes to stdout.');
         Console::writeLine('Usage: ' . $scriptName . ' <path_to_directory>');
         Console::writeLine('<path_to_directory>: a directory containing MARC XML files to merge');
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     if (!($handle = opendir($dir))) {
         Console::writeLine("Cannot open directory: {$dir}");
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
         // Only operate on XML files:
         if (pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) === "xml") {
             // get file content
             $filePath = $dir . '/' . $file;
             $fileContent = file_get_contents($filePath);
             // output content:
             Console::writeLine("<!-- {$filePath} -->");
  * Write a module configuration.
  * @param string $configPath Path to write to
  * @param string $config     Configuration array to write
  * @return void
  * @throws \Exception
 protected function writeModuleConfig($configPath, $config)
     $generator = FileGenerator::fromArray(['body' => 'return ' . var_export($config, true) . ';']);
     if (!file_put_contents($configPath, $generator->generate())) {
         throw new \Exception("Cannot write to {$configPath}");
     Console::writeLine("Successfully updated {$configPath}");
  * Process a language directory.
  * @param object   $dir        Directory object from dir() to process
  * @param Callable $callback   Function to run on all .ini files in $dir
  * @param bool     $showStatus Should we display status messages?
  * @return void
 protected function processDirectory($dir, $callback, $showStatus = true)
     while ($file = $dir->read()) {
         // Only process .ini files, and ignore native.ini special case file:
         if (substr($file, -4) == '.ini' && $file !== 'native.ini') {
             if ($showStatus) {
                 Console::writeLine("Processing {$file}...");
             $callback($dir->path . '/' . $file);
  * Convert hash algorithms
  * Expected parameters: oldmethod:oldkey (or none) newmethod:newkey
  * @return \Zend\Console\Response
 public function switchdbhashAction()
     // Validate command line arguments:
     $argv = $this->consoleOpts->getRemainingArgs();
     if (count($argv) < 1) {
         Console::writeLine('Expected parameters: newmethod [newkey]');
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     // Pull existing encryption settings from the configuration:
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     if (!isset($config->Authentication->encrypt_ils_password) || !isset($config->Authentication->ils_encryption_key) || !$config->Authentication->encrypt_ils_password) {
         $oldhash = 'none';
         $oldkey = null;
     } else {
         $oldhash = isset($config->Authentication->ils_encryption_algo) ? $config->Authentication->ils_encryption_algo : 'blowfish';
         $oldkey = $config->Authentication->ils_encryption_key;
     // Pull new encryption settings from arguments:
     $newhash = $argv[0];
     $newkey = isset($argv[1]) ? $argv[1] : $oldkey;
     // No key specified AND no key on file = fatal error:
     if ($newkey === null) {
         Console::writeLine('Please specify a key as the second parameter.');
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     // If no changes were requested, abort early:
     if ($oldkey == $newkey && $oldhash == $newhash) {
         Console::writeLine('No changes requested -- no action needed.');
         return $this->getSuccessResponse();
     // Initialize Mcrypt first, so we can catch any illegal algorithms before
     // making any changes:
     try {
         if ($oldhash != 'none') {
             $oldCrypt = new Mcrypt(['algorithm' => $oldhash]);
         $newCrypt = new Mcrypt(['algorithm' => $newhash]);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     // Next update the config file, so if we are unable to write the file,
     // we don't go ahead and make unwanted changes to the database:
     $configPath = ConfigLocator::getLocalConfigPath('config.ini', null, true);
     Console::writeLine("\tUpdating {$configPath}...");
     $writer = new ConfigWriter($configPath);
     $writer->set('Authentication', 'encrypt_ils_password', true);
     $writer->set('Authentication', 'ils_encryption_algo', $newhash);
     $writer->set('Authentication', 'ils_encryption_key', $newkey);
     if (!$writer->save()) {
         Console::writeLine("\tWrite failed!");
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     // Now do the database rewrite:
     $userTable = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('VuFind\\DbTablePluginManager')->get('User');
     $users = $userTable->select(function ($select) {
     Console::writeLine("\tConverting hashes for " . count($users) . ' user(s).');
     foreach ($users as $row) {
         $pass = null;
         if ($oldhash != 'none' && isset($row['cat_pass_enc'])) {
             $oldcipher = new BlockCipher($oldCrypt);
             $pass = $oldcipher->decrypt($row['cat_pass_enc']);
         } else {
             $pass = $row['cat_password'];
         $newcipher = new BlockCipher($newCrypt);
         $row['cat_password'] = null;
         $row['cat_pass_enc'] = $newcipher->encrypt($pass);
     // If we got this far, all went well!
     return $this->getSuccessResponse();
Exemple #13
  * Recursively scan the remote index to find dates we can retrieve.
  * @param string $start The date to use as the basis for scanning; this date
  * will NOT be included in results.
  * @return void
 protected function scanDates($start)
     Console::writeLine("Scanning dates after {$start}...");
     // Find all dates AFTER the specified start date
     try {
         $result = $this->sru->scan('oai.datestamp="' . $start . '"', 0, 250);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $result = false;
     if (!empty($result)) {
         // Parse the response:
         $result = simplexml_load_string($result);
         if (!$result) {
             throw new \Exception("Problem loading XML: {$result}");
         // Extract terms from the response:
         $namespaces = $result->getDocNamespaces();
         $result->registerXPathNamespace('ns', $namespaces['']);
         $result = $result->xpath('ns:terms/ns:term');
         // No terms?  We've hit the end of the road!
         if (!is_array($result)) {
         // Process all the dates in this batch:
         foreach ($result as $term) {
             $date = (string) $term->value;
             $count = (int) $term->numberOfRecords;
             $this->processDate($date, $count);
     // Continue scanning with results following the last date encountered
     // in the loop above:
     if (isset($date)) {
  * Command-line tool to delete suppressed records from the index.
  * @return void
 public function suppressedAction()
     // Setup Solr Connection
     $this->consoleOpts->addRules(array('authorities' => 'Delete authority records instead of bibliographic records'));
     $core = $this->consoleOpts->getOption('authorities') ? 'authority' : 'biblio';
     $solr = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex('Solr', $core);
     // Make ILS Connection
     try {
         $catalog = $this->getILS();
         if ($core == 'authority') {
             $result = $catalog->getSuppressedAuthorityRecords();
         } else {
             $result = $catalog->getSuppressedRecords();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         Console::writeLine("ILS error -- " . $e->getMessage());
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     // Validate result:
     if (!is_array($result)) {
         Console::writeLine("Could not obtain suppressed record list from ILS.");
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     } else {
         if (empty($result)) {
             Console::writeLine("No suppressed records to delete.");
             return $this->getSuccessResponse();
     // Get Suppressed Records and Delete from index
     $status = $solr->deleteRecords($result);
     if ($status) {
         // Commit and Optimize
     } else {
         Console::writeLine("Delete failed.");
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     return $this->getSuccessResponse();
Exemple #15
  * Normalizer
  * @return \Zend\Console\Response
 public function normalizeAction()
     // Display help message if parameters missing:
     $argv = $this->consoleOpts->getRemainingArgs();
     if (!isset($argv[0])) {
         Console::writeLine("Usage: {$_SERVER['argv'][0]} [target]");
         Console::writeLine("\ttarget - a file or directory to normalize");
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     $normalizer = new ExtendedIniNormalizer();
     $target = $argv[0];
     if (is_dir($target)) {
     } else {
         if (is_file($target)) {
         } else {
             Console::writeLine("{$target} does not exist.");
             return $this->getFailureResponse();
     return $this->getSuccessResponse();
  * Harvest OAI-PMH records.
  * @return void
 public function harvestoaiAction()
     // Read Config files
     $configFile = ConfigReader::getConfigPath('oai.ini', 'harvest');
     $oaiSettings = @parse_ini_file($configFile, true);
     if (empty($oaiSettings)) {
         Console::writeLine("Please add OAI-PMH settings to oai.ini.");
         return $this->getFailureResponse();
     // If first command line parameter is set, see if we can limit to just the
     // specified OAI harvester:
     $argv = $this->consoleOpts->getRemainingArgs();
     if (isset($argv[0])) {
         if (isset($oaiSettings[$argv[0]])) {
             $oaiSettings = array($argv[0] => $oaiSettings[$argv[0]]);
         } else {
             Console::writeLine("Could not load settings for {$argv[0]}.");
             return $this->getFailureResponse();
     // Loop through all the settings and perform harvests:
     $processed = 0;
     foreach ($oaiSettings as $target => $settings) {
         if (!empty($target) && !empty($settings)) {
             Console::writeLine("Processing {$target}...");
             try {
                 $harvest = new OAI($target, $settings);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 return $this->getFailureResponse();
     // All done.
     Console::writeLine("Completed without errors -- {$processed} source(s) processed.");
     return $this->getSuccessResponse();