/** * Initializes the route. * This method is invoked after the route is created by the route manager. */ public function init() { $credentials = new Credentials($this->params['key'], $this->params['secret']); $this->dynamoDb = DynamoDbClient::factory(['region' => $this->params['region'], 'credentials' => $credentials, 'base_url' => isset($this->params['base_url']) ? $this->params['base_url'] : '']); $this->tableName = $this->sessionTable; parent::init(); }
/** * Initialize the client. */ public function init() { $this->_client = DynamoDbClient::factory($this->config); if ($this->keyPrefix === null) { $this->keyPrefix = substr(md5(Yii::$app->id), 0, 5); } parent::init(); }
public function init() { if (\Yii::$app->cmsSettings->sessionType == CmsSettings::SESSION_DB) { $this->dbSession = \Yii::$app->dbSession; } else { parent::init(); } }
/** * Initializes the application component. */ public function init() { if (is_string($this->cache)) { $this->cache = Yii::$app->getComponent($this->cache); } if (!$this->cache instanceof Cache) { throw new InvalidConfigException('CacheSession::cache must refer to the application component ID of a cache object.'); } parent::init(); }
/** * Initializes the DbSession component. * This method will initialize the [[db]] property to make sure it refers to a valid DB connection. * @throws InvalidConfigException if [[db]] is invalid. */ public function init() { if (is_string($this->db)) { $this->db = Yii::$app->getComponent($this->db); } if (!$this->db instanceof Connection) { throw new InvalidConfigException("DbSession::db must be either a DB connection instance or the application component ID of a DB connection."); } parent::init(); }
/** * Initializes the application component. * This method overrides the parent implementation by checking if cache is available. */ public function init() { foreach ($this->iniParameters as $k => $v) { if (!ini_set("session.{$k}", $v)) { throw new InvalidConfigException("The key session.{$k} could not be set to {$v}."); } } if ($this->servers) { // Yii::trace( 'old servers:'.print_r( ini_get( 'session.save_path' ), true ), 'ext.CNativeMemcachedSession.init' ); ini_set('session.save_path', $this->servers); } else { throw new InvalidConfigException('Forgot the list of servers.'); } // Yii::trace( 'ses server:'.print_r( $this->servers, true ), 'ext.CNativeMemcachedSession.init' ); parent::init(); }
public function init() { parent::init(); if (is_string($this->ssdb)) { $this->ssdb = \Yii::$app->get($this->ssdb); } elseif (is_array($this->ssdb)) { if (!isset($this->ssdb['class'])) { $this->ssdb['class'] = Connection::className(); } $this->ssdb = \Yii::createObject($this->ssdb); } if (!$this->ssdb instanceof Connection) { throw new InvalidConfigException("Session::ssdb must be either a Ssdb Connection instance or the application component ID of a ssdb Connection."); } if ($this->key_prefix === null) { $this->key_prefix = substr(md5(Yii::$app->id), 0, 5); } }
/** * Initializes the aerospike Session component. * This method will initialize the [[aerospike]] property to make sure it refers to a valid aerospike connection. * @throws InvalidConfigException if [[aerospike]] is invalid. */ public function init() { if (is_string($this->aerospike)) { $this->aerospike = Yii::$app->get($this->aerospike); } elseif (is_array($this->aerospike)) { if (!isset($this->aerospike['class'])) { $this->aerospike['class'] = Connection::className(); } $this->aerospike = Yii::createObject($this->aerospike); } if (!$this->aerospike instanceof Connection) { throw new InvalidConfigException("Session::aerospike must be either a Redis connection instance or the application component ID of a Redis connection."); } if ($this->keyPrefix === null) { $this->keyPrefix = substr(md5(Yii::$app->id), 0, 5); } parent::init(); }
/** * Initializes the application component. */ public function init() { parent::init(); $this->cache = Instance::ensure($this->cache, Cache::className()); }
/** * Initializes the DbSession component. * This method will initialize the [[db]] property to make sure it refers to a valid DB connection. * @throws InvalidConfigException if [[db]] is invalid. */ public function init() { parent::init(); $this->db = Instance::ensure($this->db, Connection::className()); }
public function init() { parent::init(); // Yii::$app->cache->useMemcached=true; register_shutdown_function([$this, 'close']); }
/** * Initializes the application component. * This method overrides the parent implementation by checking if redis is available. */ public function init() { $this->getConnection(); parent::init(); }
public function init() { parent::init(); }