It encapsulates the $_SERVER variable and resolves its inconsistency among different Web servers. Also it provides an interface to retrieve request parameters from $_POST, $_GET, $_COOKIES and REST parameters sent via other HTTP methods like PUT or DELETE. Request is configured as an application component in Application by default. You can access that instance via Yii::$app->request.
Since: 2.0
Author: Qiang Xue (
Inheritance: extends yii\base\Request
  * Parses the given request and returns the corresponding route and parameters.
  * @param UrlManager $manager the URL manager
  * @param Request $request the request component
  * @return array|boolean the parsing result. The route and the parameters are returned as an array.
  * If false, it means this rule cannot be used to parse this path info.
 public function parseRequest($manager, $request)
     foreach ($this->skip as $item) {
         if (strpos($request->getPathInfo(), $item) !== false) {
             return false;
     /** @var UrlRoute $model */
     $model = $this->modelClass;
     $model = $model::find()->andWhere(['path' => $request->getPathInfo()])->one();
     if ($model == null) {
         return false;
     if ($model->checkAction($model::ACTION_INDEX)) {
         return [$model->getRoute()];
     } elseif ($model->checkAction($model::ACTION_VIEW)) {
         return [$model->getRoute(), ['id' => $model->object_id]];
     } elseif ($model->checkAction($model::ACTION_REDIRECT)) {
         $url = $model->url_to;
         if (strpos($url, 'http://') === false) {
             $url = [$url];
         Yii::$app->response->redirect($url, $model->http_code);
     return false;
Exemple #2
 public function testPrefferedLanguage()
     $this->mockApplication(['language' => 'en']);
     $request = new Request();
     $request->acceptableLanguages = [];
     $this->assertEquals('en', $request->getPreferredLanguage());
     $request = new Request();
     $request->acceptableLanguages = ['de'];
     $this->assertEquals('en', $request->getPreferredLanguage());
     $request = new Request();
     $request->acceptableLanguages = ['en-us', 'de', 'ru-RU'];
     $this->assertEquals('en', $request->getPreferredLanguage(['en']));
     $request = new Request();
     $request->acceptableLanguages = ['en-us', 'de', 'ru-RU'];
     $this->assertEquals('de', $request->getPreferredLanguage(['ru', 'de']));
     $this->assertEquals('de-DE', $request->getPreferredLanguage(['ru', 'de-DE']));
     $request = new Request();
     $request->acceptableLanguages = ['en-us', 'de', 'ru-RU'];
     $this->assertEquals('de', $request->getPreferredLanguage(['de', 'ru']));
     $request = new Request();
     $request->acceptableLanguages = ['en-us', 'de', 'ru-RU'];
     $this->assertEquals('ru-ru', $request->getPreferredLanguage(['ru-ru']));
     $request = new Request();
     $request->acceptableLanguages = ['en-us', 'de'];
     $this->assertEquals('ru-ru', $request->getPreferredLanguage(['ru-ru', 'pl']));
     $this->assertEquals('ru-RU', $request->getPreferredLanguage(['ru-RU', 'pl']));
     $request = new Request();
     $request->acceptableLanguages = ['en-us', 'de'];
     $this->assertEquals('pl', $request->getPreferredLanguage(['pl', 'ru-ru']));
Exemple #3
  * @param \yii\web\UrlManager $manager
  * @param \yii\web\Request $request
  * @return array|bool
 public function parseRequest($manager, $request)
     if ($this->mode === self::CREATION_ONLY) {
         return false;
     if (!empty($this->verb) && !in_array($request->getMethod(), $this->verb, true)) {
         return false;
     $pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
     if ($this->host !== null) {
         $pathInfo = strtolower($request->getHostInfo()) . ($pathInfo === '' ? '' : '/' . $pathInfo);
     $params = $request->getQueryParams();
     $suffix = (string) ($this->suffix === null ? $manager->suffix : $this->suffix);
     $treeNode = null;
     $originalDir = $pathInfo;
     if ($suffix) {
         $originalDir = substr($pathInfo, 0, strlen($pathInfo) - strlen($suffix));
     $dependency = new TagDependency(['tags' => [(new Tree())->getTableCacheTag()]]);
     if (!$pathInfo) {
         $treeNode = Tree::getDb()->cache(function ($db) {
             return Tree::find()->where(["site_code" => \Yii::$app->cms->site->code, "level" => 0])->one();
         }, null, $dependency);
     } else {
         $treeNode = Tree::find()->where(["dir" => $originalDir, "site_code" => \Yii::$app->cms->site->code])->one();
     if ($treeNode) {
         $params['id'] = $treeNode->id;
         return ['cms/tree/view', $params];
     } else {
         return false;
  * Parses the given request and returns the corresponding route and parameters.
  * @param UrlManager $manager the URL manager
  * @param Request $request the request component
  * @return array|boolean the parsing result. The route and the parameters are returned as an array.
  * If false, it means this rule cannot be used to parse this path info.
 public function parseRequest($manager, $request)
     foreach ($this->skip as $item) {
         if (strpos($request->getPathInfo(), $item) !== false) {
             return false;
     $path = $request->getPathInfo();
     $redirect = false;
     // Слэш в конце
     if (substr($path, -1) == '/') {
         $redirect = true;
         $path = trim($path, '/');
     // Двойной слэш
     if (strpos($path, '//') !== false) {
         $redirect = true;
         $path = str_replace('//', '/', $path);
     // Символы в верхнем регистре
     if (($tmpUrl = strtolower($path)) !== $path) {
         $redirect = true;
         $path = $tmpUrl;
     if ($redirect) {
         Yii::$app->response->redirect([$path], 301);
     return false;
Exemple #5
  * @param \yii\web\Request $request
  * @return integer|null
 private function getNoteAuthorId($request)
     $noteId = $request->get('id');
     /** @var $note Note|null */
     $note = Note::findOne($noteId);
     return isset($note) ? $note->author_id : null;
Exemple #6
  * Handles the specified request.
  * @param Request $request the request to be handled
  * @return Response the resulting response
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException if the requested route is invalid
 public function handleRequest($request)
     if (empty($this->catchAll)) {
         list($route, $params) = $request->resolve();
     } else {
         $route = $this->catchAll[0];
         $params = $this->catchAll;
     try {
         Yii::trace("Route requested: '{$route}'", __METHOD__);
         $this->requestedRoute = $route;
         $result = $this->runAction($route, $params);
         if ($result instanceof Response) {
             return $result;
         } else {
             $response = $this->getResponse();
             if ($result !== null) {
                 $response->data = $result;
             return $response;
     } catch (InvalidRouteException $e) {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException(Yii::t('yii', 'Page not found.'), $e->getCode(), $e);
Exemple #7
 public function testNoCData()
     $request = new Request(['parsers' => ['application/xml' => XmlParser::className()]]);
     $xml_body = '<xml><ToUserName>test</ToUserName></xml>';
     $result = $request->post();
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('ToUserName', $result);
Exemple #8
 public function testCsrfTokenValidation()
     $request = new Request();
     $request->enableCsrfCookie = false;
     $token = $request->getCsrfToken();
  * @param \yii\web\Request $request
  * @return \yii\web\Response|null
 protected function handleRedirectRequest($request)
     $key = ltrim(str_replace($request->getBaseUrl(), '', $request->getUrl()), '/');
     if (array_key_exists($key, $this->redirectRoutes)) {
         return $this->getResponse()->redirect(Url::to($this->redirectRoutes[$key]));
     } else {
         return null;
Exemple #10
  * Parses the given request and returns the corresponding route and parameters.
  * @param UrlManager $manager the URL manager
  * @param Request    $request the request component
  * @return array|boolean the parsing result. The route and the parameters are returned as an array.
  * If false, it means this rule cannot be used to parse this path info.
 public function parseRequest($manager, $request)
     echo '<pre>==== BeeUrlRule ===<br>';
     print_r('PathInfo = ' . $request->getPathInfo());
     echo '<br>';
     print_r('Url = ' . $request->getUrl());
     echo '<br>======================</pre>';
     $items = Yii::$app->getSiteMenu()->getMenu();
     // Parse SEF URL
     if (Yii::$app->urlManager->enablePrettyUrl == TRUE) {
         $route = $request->getPathInfo();
          *  Пошаговый парсинг меню
          *  Последне найденный записывается в переменную $found
         $found = null;
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             if ($item->path && BeeString::strpos($route, $item->path) === 0) {
                 // Exact route match. We can break iteration because exact item was found.
                 if ($item->path == $route) {
                     $found = $item;
                 // Partial route match. Item with highest level takes priority.
                 if (!$found || $found->level < $item->level) {
                     $found = $item;
          * Если мы нашли конечный пункт меню и его адрес полностью собпадает,
          * то формируем и возвращаем ссылку на этот пункт меню
          * иначе берем компонент в @found и продолжаем поиск уже по этому компоненту.
         if (BeeString::strpos($route, $found->path) === 0) {
             $extAction = $found->query[0];
             // site/index
             $url = ['path' => $found->query['path'], 'id' => $found->query['id']];
             return [$extAction, $url];
         } else {
             echo '<pre>';
             print_r('------------------- Еще не все распарсил -------------------');
             echo '</pre>';
         //echo '<br><br><br><pre>';
         //echo '</pre><br><br><br>';
         echo '<br><pre>Сделать парсинг для страниц, отсутствующих в меню';
         echo '<br>======================</pre>';
     } else {
         // Parse RAW URL
         return FALSE;
     echo '<pre><<< Стандартный парсино Yii >>></pre>';
     return FALSE;
     //return ['site/about', []];
Exemple #11
  * @param \yii\web\UrlManager $manager            
  * @param \yii\web\Request $request            
  * @return array|bool
 public function parseRequest($manager, $request)
     $rule = $this->getRuleByPattern($request->getPathInfo(), null);
     if ($rule) {
         $params = [];
         parse_str($rule->defaults, $params);
         return [$rule->route, $params];
     return false;
 public function testParseAcceptHeader()
     $request = new Request();
     $this->assertEquals([], $request->parseAcceptHeader(' '));
     $this->assertEquals(['audio/basic' => ['q' => 1], 'audio/*' => ['q' => 0.2]], $request->parseAcceptHeader('audio/*; q=0.2, audio/basic'));
     $this->assertEquals(['application/json' => ['q' => 1, 'version' => '1.0'], 'application/xml' => ['q' => 1, 'version' => '2.0', 'x'], 'text/x-c' => ['q' => 1], 'text/x-dvi' => ['q' => 0.8], 'text/plain' => ['q' => 0.5]], $request->parseAcceptHeader('text/plain; q=0.5,
         application/json; version=1.0,
         application/xml; version=2.0; x,
         text/x-dvi; q=0.8, text/x-c'));
Exemple #13
  * @param \yii\web\Request $request
  * @return string
 public function getRouteFromSlug($request)
     $_route = $request->getPathInfo();
     $_params = $request->get();
     $dbRoute = $this->getRouteFromCacheOrWriteCacheThenRead($_route, $_params);
     if (is_object($dbRoute) && $dbRoute->hasAttribute('redirect')) {
         if ($dbRoute->getAttribute('redirect')) {
             Yii::$app->response->redirect([$dbRoute->slug], $dbRoute->getAttribute('redirect_code'));
     return $_route;
Exemple #14
 public function actionUpdate($id = 0)
     //      $out = ['status' => 'err', 'error' => 'Unknown error'];
     if (\Yii::$app->user->isGuest) {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException();
     $r = new Request();
     if (isset($r->post('Project')['id']) && $r->post('Project')['id']) {
         $id = $r->post('Project')['id'];
     //      vd($r->post('Company'));
     $userID = \Yii::$app->user->getId();
     if ($id) {
         $project = Project::findOne(['id' => $id, 'user_id' => $userID]);
     } else {
         $project = new Project();
         //        \Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', 'Company ID is required.');
         //        $this->redirect(array('view','id'=>$company));
         //        $this->redirect(array('index'));
         //        return;
     //        vd($company);
     if ($project) {
         if ($project->load($r->post())) {
             $project->user_id = $userID;
             if ($project->validate() && $project->save()) {
                 //          $out = [
                 //            'status' => 'ok',
                 //            'order' => $order->id,
                 //            'user' => $order->user_id,
                 //            'sum' => $order->price / 100,
                 //          ];
                 //          $this->redirect(array('view','id'=>$company));
             } else {
                 //          vd($company->errors);
                 \Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', array_values($project->errors)[0][0]);
                 //          $out['error'] = array_values($order->errors)[0][0];
     } else {
         \Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', 'Такой проект не существует');
     return $this->render('update', ['project' => $project]);
     //      \Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON;
     //      return $out;
     /*vd(['get' => $r->getQueryParams() ,
       'post' => $r->post(),
       'order' => $order],1); //*/
Exemple #15
  * Parse request
  * @param \yii\web\UrlManager $manager
  * @param \yii\web\Request $request
  * @return array|bool
 public function parseRequest($manager, $request)
     $pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
     $url = preg_replace('#/$#', '', $pathInfo);
     $page = (new CmsModel())->findPage($url);
     if (!empty($page)) {
         $params['pageAlias'] = $url;
         $params['pageId'] = $page->id;
         return [$this->route, $params];
     return parent::parseRequest($manager, $request);
  * Parses the given request and returns the corresponding route and parameters.
  * @param \yii\web\UrlManager $manager the URL manager
  * @param \yii\web\Request $request the request component
  * @return array|boolean the parsing result. The route and the parameters are returned as an array.
  * If false, it means this rule cannot be used to parse this path info.
 public function parseRequest($manager, $request)
     $pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
     if ($this->verificaRuta($this->patrones[self::P_VENDEDOR], $pathInfo)) {
         $parametros = $this->obtenerParametros($this->patrones[self::P_VENDEDOR], $pathInfo);
         return [$this->ruta[self::P_VENDEDOR], $parametros];
     if ($this->verificaRuta($this->patrones[self::P_PROFESIONAL], $pathInfo)) {
         $parametros = $this->obtenerParametros($this->patrones[self::P_PROFESIONAL], $pathInfo);
         return [$this->ruta[self::P_PROFESIONAL], $parametros];
     if ($this->verificaRuta($this->patrones[self::P_CATEGORIAS], $pathInfo)) {
         $parametros = $this->obtenerParametros($this->patrones[self::P_CATEGORIAS], $pathInfo);
         //            echo '<pre>';print_r([__LINE__, __METHOD__,$pathInfo,$this->patrones[self::P_CATEGORIAS]]);die();
         //registrar click
         //            if(Yii::$app->request->getBodyParam('hc') == 7 ){
         //                Yii::$app->visitas->registrarClick($parametros['categoria'], 'C');
         //            }
         //registro de impresion de la categoria
         //            Yii::$app->visitas->registrarImpresion($parametros['categoria'], 'C');
         return [$this->ruta[self::P_CATEGORIAS], $parametros];
     if ($this->verificaRuta($this->patrones[self::P_CATEGORIA_PROVINCIA], $pathInfo)) {
         $parametros = $this->obtenerParametros($this->patrones[self::P_CATEGORIA_PROVINCIA], $pathInfo);
         //registro de impresion de la categoria
         return [$this->ruta[self::P_CATEGORIA_PROVINCIA], $parametros];
     //detalle articulo
     if ($this->verificaRuta($this->patrones[self::P_MUNICIPIO_DESCUENTO], $pathInfo)) {
         $parametros = $this->obtenerParametros($this->patrones[self::P_MUNICIPIO_DESCUENTO], $pathInfo);
         //registrar click
         //            if(Yii::$app->request->getBodyParam('hc') == 7 ){
         //                Yii::$app->visitas->registrarClick($parametros['articulo'], 'A');
         //            }
         //registro de impresion de la categoria
         //            Yii::$app->visitas->registrarImpresion($parametros['articulo'], 'A');
         return [$this->ruta[self::P_MUNICIPIO_DESCUENTO], $parametros];
     if ($this->verificaRuta($this->patrones[self::P_PROVINCIA], $pathInfo)) {
         $parametros = $this->obtenerParametros($this->patrones[self::P_PROVINCIA], $pathInfo);
         return [$this->ruta[self::P_PROVINCIA], $parametros];
     return false;
Exemple #17
  * @param \yii\web\UrlManager $manager
  * @param \yii\web\Request $request
  * @return array|bool
 public function parseRequest($manager, $request)
     $pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
     $params = $request->getQueryParams();
     $sourceOriginalFile = File::object($pathInfo);
     $extension = $sourceOriginalFile->getExtension();
     if (!$extension) {
         return false;
     if (!in_array(StringHelper::strtolower($extension), (array) \Yii::$app->imaging->extensions)) {
         return false;
     return ['cms/imaging/process', $params];
Exemple #18
  * @param \yii\web\UrlManager $manager
  * @param \yii\web\Request $request
  * @return array|bool
 public function parseRequest($manager, $request)
     $pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
     $params = $request->getQueryParams();
     $sourceOriginalFile = File::object($pathInfo);
     $extension = $sourceOriginalFile->getExtension();
     if (!$extension) {
         return false;
     if (Validate::validate(new AllowExtension(), $extension)->isInvalid()) {
         return false;
     return ['cms/imaging/process', $params];
  * Parse request
  * @param \yii\web\UrlManager $manager
  * @param \yii\web\Request $request
  * @return boolean
 public function parseRequest($manager, $request)
     $pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
     // get path without '/' in end
     $url = preg_replace("#/\$#", "", $pathInfo);
     // find page by url in db
     $page = (new CmsModel())->findPage($url);
     // redirect to page
     if (!is_null($page)) {
         $params['pageAlias'] = $url;
         $params['pageId'] = $page->id;
         return [$this->route, $params];
     return parent::parseRequest($manager, $request);
  * Displays product category page.
  * @param string $path
  * @param Request $request
  * @return string
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException
 public function actionView($path, Request $request)
     $model = $this->findModel($path);
     $categorySearchComponent = $this->getCategorySearchComponent();
     $searchableType = 'product';
     $searchQuery = $request->get('query', null);
     $params['categoriesFacetValueRouteParams'] = function (CategoriesFacetValue $value) {
         return ['path' => $value->getEntity()->slug];
     $dataProvider = $categorySearchComponent->getSearchDataProvider($searchableType, $model, $searchQuery, $params);
     $this->_searchResult = $dataProvider->query->result();
     return $this->render('view', ['model' => $model, 'productsDataProvider' => $dataProvider]);
Exemple #21
  * @param \yii\web\UrlManager $manager
  * @param \yii\web\Request $request
  * @return array|bool
 public function parseRequest($manager, $request)
     $pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
     $params = $request->getQueryParams();
     $treeNode = null;
     if (!$pathInfo) {
         return $this->_go();
     //Если урл преобразован, редирректим по новой
     $pathInfoNormal = $this->_normalizeDir($pathInfo);
     if ($pathInfo != $pathInfoNormal) {
         //\Yii::$app->response->redirect(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pathInfoNormal . ($params ? '?' . http_build_query($params) : '') );
     return $this->_go($pathInfoNormal);
Exemple #22
  * Parses the given request and returns the corresponding route and parameters.
  * @param UrlManager $manager the URL manager
  * @param Request $request the request component
  * @return array|bool the parsing result. The route and the parameters are returned as an array.
  * If false, it means this rule cannot be used to parse this path info.
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException
 public function parseRequest($manager, $request)
     $this->currentLanguage = Language::getCurrent();
     $this->pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
     if ($this->pathInfo == $this->albumsRoute) {
         if ($this->disableDefault) {
             throw new NotFoundHttpException();
         if (!empty($request->getQueryParams()['id'])) {
             $id = $request->getQueryParams()['id'];
             $album = GalleryAlbum::findOne($id);
             if (!$album) {
                 return false;
             $translation = $album->getTranslation($this->currentLanguage->id);
             if ($translation) {
                 if (!empty($translation->seoUrl)) {
                     throw new NotFoundHttpException();
     if (!empty($this->prefix)) {
         if (strpos($this->pathInfo, $this->prefix) === 0) {
             $this->pathInfo = substr($this->pathInfo, strlen($this->prefix));
         } else {
             return false;
     if (!empty($this->prefix) && $this->routesCount == 1) {
         return [$this->albumsRoute, []];
     } else {
         if ($this->routesCount == 2) {
             $seoUrl = $this->routes[1];
             /* @var SeoData $seoData */
             $seoData = SeoData::find()->where(['entity_name' => GalleryAlbumTranslation::className(), 'seo_url' => $seoUrl])->one();
             if ($seoData) {
                 /* @var GalleryAlbum $album */
                 $album = GalleryAlbum::find()->joinWith('translations translation')->where(['' => $seoData->entity_id, 'translation.language_id' => $this->currentLanguage->id])->one();
                 if ($album) {
                     return [$this->albumsRoute, ['id' => $album->id]];
     return false;
Exemple #23
 public function validateCsrfToken()
     if ($this->enableCsrfValidation && in_array(Yii::$app->getUrlManager()->parseRequest($this)[0], $this->noCsrfRoutes)) {
         return true;
     return parent::validateCsrfToken();
 public function actionView($path, Request $request)
     $model = $this->findModel($path);
     /** @var \im\search\components\SearchManager $searchManager */
     $searchManager = Yii::$app->get('searchManager');
     $query = $request->get('query', '');
     $searchComponent = $searchManager->getSearchComponent();
     /** @var FacetSet $facetSet */
     $facetSet = FacetSet::findOne(1);
     $facets = $facetSet->facets;
     $query = $searchComponent->getQuery('product', $query, $facets);
     $dataProvider = new SearchDataProvider(['query' => $query]);
     $this->_searchResult = $dataProvider->query->result();
     return $this->render('view', ['model' => $model, 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider]);
Exemple #25
 public function __construct($config = array())
     if (empty($this->languages)) {
         $this->languages = ['default' => \yii::$app->language];
  * @param Request $request
  * @return bool
 public function receive(Request $request)
     $this->answer = null;
     $model = new IncomingRequest();
     if ($model->load($request->get(), '') && $model->validate()) {
         $this->sms = $model->toIncomingSms();
         $this->sms->updateAttributes(['answer' => $this->answer]);
         $this->isError = false;
         return $this;
     $this->isError = true;
     return $this;
Exemple #27
  * @return string
 protected function resolveRequestUri()
     if ($this->_requestUri === null) {
         $this->_requestUri = MultiLanguage::processLangInUrl(parent::resolveRequestUri());
     return $this->_requestUri;
Exemple #28
  * @throws Exception
 public function init()
     if (\Yii::$app->user) {
         \Yii::$app->user->enableSession = false;
         \Yii::$app->user->loginUrl = null;
     if (!YII_DEBUG) {
         $this->controllerMap = [];
     Yii::setAlias('@api', __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedFieldInspection */
     if (YII_DEBUG || Yii::$app->has('api') && Yii::$app->api->enableDocs) {
         $this->controllerMap['doc'] = 'vr\\api\\controllers\\DocController';
     $this->set('harvester', new Harvester());
     Yii::$app->set('request', ['enableCookieValidation' => false, 'enableCsrfValidation' => false, 'class' => Request::className(), 'parsers' => ['application/json' => 'yii\\web\\JsonParser']]);
     Yii::$app->set('response', ['class' => '\\yii\\web\\Response', 'on beforeSend' => function ($event) {
         $response = $event->sender;
         if ($response->format == Response::FORMAT_JSON) {
             if (!$response->data) {
                 $response->data = [];
             if ($response->isSuccessful) {
                 $response->data = ['success' => $response->isSuccessful] + $response->data;
             } else {
                 $response->data = ['success' => $response->isSuccessful, 'exception' => $response->data];
     }, 'formatters' => [Response::FORMAT_JSON => ['class' => '\\vr\\api\\components\\JsonResponseFormatter', 'prettyPrint' => YII_DEBUG, 'encodeOptions' => JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE]]]);
 public function getUrl()
     if ($this->langUrl === null) {
         $this->langUrl = parent::getUrl();
         $this->originalUrl = $this->langUrl = parent::getUrl();
         $scriptName = '';
         if (strpos($this->langUrl, $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) !== false) {
             $scriptName = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
             $this->langUrl = substr($this->langUrl, strlen($scriptName));
         if (Yii::$app->getModule('radiata')->activeLanguage->code) {
             Yii::$app->language = Yii::$app->getModule('radiata')->activeLanguage->locale;
             if (Yii::$app->getModule('radiata')->activeLanguage->code != Yii::$app->getModule('radiata')->defaultLanguage->code) {
                 $this->langUrl = substr($this->langUrl, strlen(Yii::$app->getModule('radiata')->activeLanguage->code) + 1);
         if (!$this->langUrl) {
             $this->langUrl = $scriptName . '/';
     } else {
         $this->langUrl = parent::getUrl();
     return $this->langUrl;
Exemple #30
  * Parses the given request and returns the corresponding route and parameters.
  * @param UrlManager $manager the URL manager
  * @param Request $request the request component
  * @return array|boolean the parsing result. The route and the parameters are returned as an array.
  * If false, it means this rule cannot be used to parse this path info.
 public function parseRequest($manager, $request)
     /* @var $modelClass ActiveRecordInterface */
     if (empty($this->route)) {
         return false;
     if (empty($this->modelClass) || !class_exists($this->modelClass)) {
         return false;
     } else {
         $modelClass = $this->modelClass;
     $pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
     if (!empty($this->prefix)) {
         if (strpos($pathInfo, $this->prefix) === 0) {
             $pathInfo = substr($pathInfo, strlen($this->prefix));
         } else {
             return false;
     $routes = explode('/', $pathInfo);
     if (count($routes) == 1) {
         $seoData = SeoData::find()->where(['entity_name' => $modelClass, 'seo_url' => $routes[0]])->one();
         if (!empty($seoData)) {
             $condition = [];
             $condition[$modelClass::primaryKey()[0]] = $seoData->entity_id;
             if (!empty($this->condition)) {
                 foreach ($this->condition as $key => $value) {
                     if (is_callable($value)) {
                         $value = $value();
                     $condition[$key] = $value;
             $model = $modelClass::find()->where($condition)->one();
             if (!empty($model)) {
                 $params = [];
                 if (!empty($this->params)) {
                     foreach ($this->params as $key => $param) {
                         $params[$key] = $model->{$param};
                 return [$this->route, $params];
     return false;