Query provides a set of methods to facilitate the specification of different clauses in a SELECT statement. These methods can be chained together. By calling Query::createCommand, we can get a Command instance which can be further used to perform/execute the Sphinx query. For example, php $query = new Query(); $query->select('id, group_id') ->from('idx_item') ->limit(10); build and execute the query $command = $query->createCommand(); $command->sql returns the actual SQL $rows = $command->queryAll(); Since Sphinx does not store the original indexed text, the snippets for the rows in query result should be build separately via another query. You can simplify this workflow using [[snippetCallback]]. Warning: even if you do not set any query limit, implicit LIMIT 0,20 is present by default!
Since: 2.0
Author: Paul Klimov (klimov.paul@gmail.com)
Inheritance: extends yii\db\Query
 public function search($q)
     $query = new Query();
     $rows = $query->from(array_values($this->indexs))->match($q)->showMeta(true)->search();
     $models = [];
     /** @var \XSDocument $item */
     foreach ($rows["hits"] as $item) {
         $models[] = $item["entity"]::findOne($item["id"]);
     return $models;
Exemple #2
 public function actionSearch($title)
     $query = new Query();
     $result = $query->from('apps_zh')->match($title)->all();
     $query = DictZhXs::find();
     $result = $query->where($title)->limit(10)->all();
     return $this->render('search', ['query' => $title, 'models' => $result]);
 public function testQuery()
     $query = new Query();
     $provider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query, 'db' => $this->getConnection()]);
     $models = $provider->getModels();
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($models));
     $provider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query, 'db' => $this->getConnection(), 'pagination' => ['pageSize' => 1]]);
     $models = $provider->getModels();
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($models));
  * Возвращает запрос к сфинксу
  * @return \yii\sphinx\Query
  * @throws \yii\base\InvalidConfigException
 public function getSphinxQuery()
     if ($this->_sphinxQuery === null) {
         $this->_sphinxQuery = \Yii::createObject(\yii\sphinx\Query::className());
         $this->_sphinxQuery->from($this->index)->options(array_merge(["ranker" => "wordcount"], $this->options));
     return $this->_sphinxQuery;
Exemple #5
  * Generates a SELECT SQL statement from a [[Query]] object.
  * @param Query $query the [[Query]] object from which the SQL statement will be generated
  * @param array $params the parameters to be bound to the generated SQL statement. These parameters will
  * be included in the result with the additional parameters generated during the query building process.
  * @return array the generated SQL statement (the first array element) and the corresponding
  * parameters to be bound to the SQL statement (the second array element). The parameters returned
  * include those provided in `$params`.
 public function build($query, $params = [])
     $params = empty($params) ? $query->params : array_merge($params, $query->params);
     if ($query->match !== null) {
         if ($query->match instanceof Expression) {
             $query->andWhere('MATCH(' . $query->match->expression . ')');
             $params = array_merge($params, $query->match->params);
         } else {
             $phName = self::PARAM_PREFIX . count($params);
             $params[$phName] = $this->db->escapeMatchValue($query->match);
             $query->andWhere('MATCH(' . $phName . ')');
     $from = $query->from;
     if ($from === null && $query instanceof ActiveQuery) {
         /** @var ActiveRecord $modelClass */
         $modelClass = $query->modelClass;
         $from = [$modelClass::indexName()];
     $clauses = [$this->buildSelect($query->select, $params, $query->distinct, $query->selectOption), $this->buildFrom($from, $params), $this->buildWhere($query->from, $query->where, $params), $this->buildGroupBy($query->groupBy), $this->buildWithin($query->within), $this->buildOrderBy($query->orderBy), $this->buildLimit($query->limit, $query->offset), $this->buildOption($query->options, $params)];
     return [implode($this->separator, array_filter($clauses)), $params];
Exemple #6
  * @depends testRun
  * @see https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/issues/4375
 public function testRunOnDistributedIndex()
     $connection = $this->getConnection();
     $query = new Query();
     $rows = $query->from('yii2_test_distributed')->match('about')->options(['cutoff' => 50, 'field_weights' => ['title' => 10, 'content' => 3]])->all($connection);
  * Initializes the object.
  * This method is called at the end of the constructor. The default implementation will trigger
  * an [[EVENT_INIT]] event. If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation at the end
  * to ensure triggering of the event.
 public function init()
Exemple #8
  * Executes query and returns a single row of result.
  * @param Connection $db the DB connection used to create the DB command.
  * If null, the DB connection returned by [[modelClass]] will be used.
  * @return ActiveRecord|array|null a single row of query result. Depending on the setting of [[asArray]],
  * the query result may be either an array or an ActiveRecord object. Null will be returned
  * if the query results in nothing.
 public function one($db = null)
     $row = parent::one($db);
     if ($row !== false) {
         $models = $this->populate([$row]);
         return reset($models) ?: null;
     } else {
         return null;
  * @return int
 public function actionIle()
     $query = new Query();
     $rows = $query->from('lproduct')->match(new Expression(':match', ['match' => '@(description)' . \Yii::$app->sphinx->escapeMatchValue('база         макияж     под')]))->all();
     print_r(IledebeauteProduct::findOne(['id' => $rows[0]['id']])->toArray());
     return $rows;
  * @inheritdoc
 protected function prepareTotalCount()
     if (!$this->query instanceof Query) {
         throw new InvalidConfigException('The "query" property must be an instance "' . Query::className() . '" or its subclasses.');
     if (!empty($this->query->showMeta)) {
         $meta = $this->getMeta();
         if (isset($meta['total_found'])) {
             return (int) $meta['total_found'];
         if (isset($meta['total'])) {
             return (int) $meta['total'];
     $query = clone $this->query;
     return (int) $query->limit(-1)->offset(-1)->orderBy([])->facets([])->showMeta(false)->count('*', $this->db);
Exemple #11
  * Constructor.
  * @param array $modelClass the model class associated with this query
  * @param array $config configurations to be applied to the newly created query object
 public function __construct($modelClass, $config = [])
     $this->modelClass = $modelClass;
Exemple #12
  * @depends testMatchSpecialCharValue
 public function testMatchComplex()
     $connection = $this->getConnection();
     $query = new Query();
     $rows = $query->from('yii2_test_article_index')->match(new Expression(':match', ['match' => '@(content) ' . $connection->escapeMatchValue('about\\"')]))->all($connection);
Exemple #13
 public function testCount()
     $connection = $this->getConnection();
     $query = new Query();
     $count = $query->from('yii2_test_article_index')->match('about')->count('*', $connection);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $count);
Exemple #14
 public static function getLastTorrentsDataProvider($count = 5, $forceRefresh = false)
     $cacheKey = 'browse_torrents';
     $torrentsByTags = Yii::$app->cache->get($cacheKey);
     if (!$torrentsByTags) {
         $torrentsByTags = [];
         $torrentsIds = [];
         $tags = Category::$categoriesTags;
         foreach ($tags as $tag) {
             $query = new Query();
             $rows = $query->from(static::indexName())->match(new Expression(':match', [':match' => '@tags ' . Yii::$app->sphinx->escapeMatchValue($tag)]))->where(['deleted' => 0])->orderBy(['weight()' => SORT_DESC, 'id' => SORT_DESC])->limit($count)->addOptions(['ranker' => 'SPH04', 'max_matches' => 5]);
             $torrents = array_map(function ($item) {
                 return $item['id'];
             }, $rows->all());
             $torrentsIds = array_merge($torrentsIds, $torrents);
         if (empty($torrentsIds)) {
             Yii::log('Empty last torrents ids', CLogger::LEVEL_WARNING);
         } else {
             $query = (new Torrent())->find()->with('scrapes')->where(['id' => $torrentsIds]);
             foreach ($query->all() as $torrent) {
                 $torrentsByTags[Category::getTorrentCategoryTag($torrent)][] = $torrent;
         Yii::$app->cache->set($cacheKey, $torrentsByTags, 600);
     $result = array_map(function ($data) {
         return new ArrayDataProvider(['key' => 'id', 'allModels' => $data]);
     }, $torrentsByTags);
     return $result;
Exemple #15
  * Выборка для случайного концерта
  * @return string
 function actionConcert()
     if ($user = Yii::$app->getRequest()->getQueryParam('user')) {
         if (!$user) {
             return 'Доступ запрещн!';
         // $user = Yii::$app->getRequest()->getQueryParam('user');
         if (Items::find()->where(['is_next' => 1])->one()) {
             $item = Items::find()->where(['is_next' => 1])->one();
             $song_id = $item->id;
         } else {
             $song_id = 100;
         $songs = [];
         //return $song_id;
         $songs1 = Items::find()->where("(source_id = 6 or source_id = 40) and id < {$song_id} and published = 1")->limit(5)->orderBy('id DESC')->all();
         $songs2 = Items::find()->where("(source_id = 19 or source_id = 41) and id < {$song_id} and published = 1")->limit(5)->orderBy('id DESC')->all();
         $songs3 = Items::find()->where("source_id = 38 and id < {$song_id} and published = 1")->limit(5)->orderBy('id DESC')->all();
         $songs4 = Items::find()->where("(source_id = 29 or source_id = 326 or source_id = 526) and id < {$song_id} and published = 1")->limit(1)->orderBy('id DESC')->all();
         $songs = array_merge($songs1, $songs2, $songs3, $songs4);
         //return var_dump($songs);
         //$choosen_songs = [];
         foreach ($songs as $song) {
             try {
                 $items_records = [];
                 $tags = explode(',', $song->tags);
                 $rand_tag = $tags[mt_rand(0, count($tags) - 1)];
                 $this->rand_tag[] = $rand_tag;
                 $query = new Query();
                 // $search_result = $query_search->from('siteSearch')->match($q)->all();  // поиск осуществляется по средством метода match с переданной поисковой фразой.
                 $query_items_ids = $query->from('items')->match($rand_tag)->all();
                 //return var_dump($query_items_ids);
                 foreach ($query_items_ids as $arr_item_rec) {
                     foreach ($arr_item_rec as $id) {
                         $item = Items::findOne((int) $id);
                         if ($item->cat_id == 93 || $item->cat_id == 104 || $item->cat_id == 105 || $item->cat_id == 143 || $item->cat_id == 136) {
                             $items_records[] = Items::findOne((int) $id);
                 //return var_dump($items_records[mt_rand(0,count($items_records)-1)]->text);
                 if (empty($items_records)) {
                 $rand_index = mt_rand(0, count($items_records) - 1);
                 $song->phrase = $items_records[$rand_index]->text;
                 if (isset($items_records[$rand_index + 1]) && $song->phrase != $song->phrase2) {
                     $song->phrase2 = $items_records[$rand_index + 1]->text;
                 } else {
                     $song->phrase2 = $items_records[0]->text;
                 //return $song->phrase.'<br>'.$song->phrase2;
                 //return var_dump($song);
                 $this->choosen_songs[] = $song;
             } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
                 return $e->getMessage();
         //return var_dump($this->choosen_songs);
         return $this->renderPartial('concert', ['songs' => $this->choosen_songs, 'tags' => $this->rand_tag]);