The database connection is specified by [[db]]. And the database schema should be as described in "framework/rbac/*.sql". You may change the names of the three tables used to store the authorization data by setting [[itemTable]], [[itemChildTable]] and [[assignmentTable]].
Since: 2.0
Author: Qiang Xue (
Author: Alexander Kochetov (
Inheritance: extends BaseManager
  * This is to be called only once at the initialization
  * by commenting out the behaviors first.
 public function actionAdmin()
     $r = new DbManager();
     $test = $r->createRole('admin');
     $r->assign($test, Yii::$app->user->id);
Exemple #2
  * Saves item.
  * @return bool
 public function save()
     if ($this->validate() == false) {
         return false;
     if ($isNewItem = $this->item === null) {
         $this->item = $this->createItem($this->name);
     } else {
         $oldName = $this->item->name;
     $this->item->name = $this->name;
     $this->item->description = $this->description;
     if (!empty($this->rule)) {
         $rule = \Yii::createObject($this->rule);
         if (null === $this->manager->getRule($rule->name)) {
         $this->item->ruleName = $rule->name;
     } else {
         $this->item->ruleName = null;
     $createdFlashMessage = '';
     $updatedFlashMessage = '';
     if ($this->item->type = Item::TYPE_PERMISSION) {
         $createdFlashMessage = Yii::t('rbac', 'Permission has been created');
         $updatedFlashMessage = Yii::t('rbac', 'Permission has been updated');
     } else {
         if ($this->item->type = Item::TYPE_ROLE) {
             $createdFlashMessage = Yii::t('rbac', 'Role has been updated');
             $updatedFlashMessage = Yii::t('rbac', 'Role has been updated');
     if ($isNewItem) {
         \Yii::$app->session->setFlash('success', $createdFlashMessage);
     } else {
         \Yii::$app->session->setFlash('success', $updatedFlashMessage);
         $this->manager->update($oldName, $this->item);
     if (is_array($this->children)) {
         foreach ($this->children as $name) {
             if ($this->item->type = Item::TYPE_PERMISSION) {
                 $child = $this->manager->getPermission($name);
             } else {
                 if ($this->item->type = Item::TYPE_ROLE) {
                     $child = $this->manager->getRole($name);
             if ($this->manager->hasChild($this->item, $child) == false) {
                 $this->manager->addChild($this->item, $child);
     return true;
Exemple #3
  * when user login in backend , it should be 'Administrator' or ,'Merchant'
 public static function beforeLogin()
     Event::on(\yii\web\User::className(), \yii\web\User::EVENT_BEFORE_LOGIN, function ($event) {
         $user = $event->identity;
         $auth = new DbManager();
         $role = $auth->getRolesByUser($user->id);
         $event->isValid = in_array(current($role)->name, ['Administrator', 'Merchant']);
Exemple #4
 public function afterDelete()
     $rbac = new DbManager();
     $role = $rbac->createRole($this->name);
     $role->description = $this->title;
     return parent::afterDelete();
Exemple #5
  * load permissions for selected
  * @return array
 public function loadPermissions()
     $auth = new DbManager();
     $children = $auth->getChildren($this->role_name);
     $dbPermissions = $this->serializePermissions($children);
     $selectedValue = [];
     foreach ($dbPermissions as $key => $value) {
         $selectedValue[$key] = array_keys($value);
     return $selectedValue;
  * @param string $id
  * @return string
 public function actionView($id)
     $role = $this->findModel($id);
     $authManager = new DbManager();
     $allRoles = Role::find()->asArray()->andWhere('name != :current_name', [':current_name' => $id])->all();
     $permissions = Permission::find()->andWhere(Yii::$app->getModule(\Yii::$app->user->moduleAliasName)->auth_item_table . '.name != :commonPermissionName', [':commonPermissionName' => Yii::$app->getModule(\Yii::$app->user->moduleAliasName)->commonPermissionName])->joinWith('group')->all();
     $permissionsByGroup = [];
     foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
         $permissionsByGroup[@$permission->group->name][] = $permission;
     $childRoles = $authManager->getChildren($role->name);
     $currentRoutesAndPermissions = AuthHelper::separateRoutesAndPermissions($authManager->getPermissionsByRole($role->name));
     $currentPermissions = $currentRoutesAndPermissions->permissions;
     return $this->renderIsAjax('view', compact('role', 'allRoles', 'childRoles', 'currentPermissions', 'permissionsByGroup'));
Exemple #7
 public function afterSave($insert, $changedAttributes)
     parent::afterSave($insert, $changedAttributes);
     if (!\Yii::$app instanceof ConsoleApplication) {
         if ($this->scenario == 'update' || $this->scenario == 'create') {
             $auth = new DbManager();
             $name = $this->role ? $this->role : self::ROLE_DEFAULT;
             $role = $auth->getRole($name);
             if (!$insert) {
             $auth->assign($role, $this->id);
Exemple #8
 public function init()
     if (\Yii::$app->user->isGuest) {
Exemple #9
  * @inheritdoc
 protected function getChildrenList()
     if ($this->_childrenList === null) {
         $this->_childrenList = parent::getChildrenList();
     return $this->_childrenList;
 public function init()
     if (isset(Yii::$app->user)) {
Exemple #11
  * Helper for adding children to role or permission
  * @param string       $parentName
  * @param array|string $childrenNames
  * @param bool         $throwException
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function addChildren($parentName, $childrenNames, $throwException = false)
     $parent = (object) ['name' => $parentName];
     $childrenNames = (array) $childrenNames;
     $dbManager = new DbManager();
     foreach ($childrenNames as $childName) {
         $child = (object) ['name' => $childName];
         try {
             $dbManager->addChild($parent, $child);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             if ($throwException) {
                 throw $e;
Exemple #12
 public function init()
     //вешаем на событие удаления пользователя удаление всех его назначений в acl
     Event::on(User::class, User::EVENT_USER_DELETE, function (UserEvent $event) {
         return $this->revokeAll($event->user->id);
  * Get role by its name.
  * @param string $name
  * @return Role
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException when role not found.
 protected function getRole($name)
     $role = $this->_auth->getRole($name);
     if (!$role) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Role "' . $name . '" not found.');
     return $role;
  * Remove admin role for user
  * after that set member role for user
  * @param $id: user id from user table
  * @return redirect to admin/index page
 public function actionRemoverole($id)
     $r = new DbManager();
     if ($id > 0) {
         // remove admin role for this user
         $admin = $r->getRole('admin');
         $r->revoke($admin, $id);
         // get member role to add to this user
         $member = $r->getRole('member');
         $r->assign($member, $id);
         // update user table
         $this->updateUser($id, BUser::getAuthName('ROLE_MEMBER'));
         Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('user.success', Yii::t('user', 'User has been updated'));
     } else {
         Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('user.success', Yii::t('error', 'Sorry there is something wrong!'));
     return $this->redirect(['index']);
Exemple #15
 public function actionInit()
     $auth = new DbManager();
     $groupRule = new GroupRule();
     $user = $auth->createRole('user');
     $user->description = 'User';
     $user->ruleName = $groupRule->name;
Exemple #16
 private function getPermission($permissionName)
     $this->outputItem("Searching for", $permissionName, "Role in database");
     $permission = $this->_authManager->getRole($permissionName);
     if (isset($permission)) {
         $this->stdout('OK', Console::FG_GREEN);
     } else {
         $this->stdout('FAILED', Console::FG_RED, Console::BOLD);
     return $permission;
  * This method is invoked right before an action is to be executed (after all possible filters.)
  * It checks the existence of the authManager components.
  * @param \yii\base\Action $action the action to be executed.
  * @return boolean whether the action should continue to be executed.
 public function beforeAction($action)
     try {
         if (parent::beforeAction($action)) {
             $this->authManager = Instance::ensure($this->authManager, DbManager::className());
             return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->stderr("ERROR: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n");
     return false;
Exemple #18
  * @inheritdoc
 public function checkAccess($userId, $permissionName, $params = [])
     if (!isset($this->_users[$userId])) {
         $this->_users[$userId] = User::findOne($userId);
     $user = $this->_users[$userId];
     if ($user instanceof User && $user->is_super_admin) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return parent::checkAccess($userId, $permissionName, $params);
 private function setDefault()
     $userPermission = $this->createPermission('editUser', 'Изменение пользователей системы');
     $rolePermission = $this->createPermission('editRole', 'Изменение ролей пользователей');
     $adminRole = $this->createRole(Yii::$app->params['admin.role'], 'Администратор');
     $this->authManager->addChild($adminRole, $userPermission);
     $this->authManager->addChild($adminRole, $rolePermission);
     $admin = User::findOne(['username' => Yii::$app->params['']]);
     if (is_null($admin)) {
         $admin = $this->createAdminUser();
     $this->authManager->assign($adminRole, $admin->getPrimaryKey());
Exemple #20
 public function savePermissions()
     $auth = new DbManager();
     $actions = $this->getActions();
     if (strpos($this->controllerClass, '\\') === false) {
         \Yii::$app->session->addFlash('error', \Yii::t('auth', 'wrong data '));
     } else {
         foreach ($actions as $action) {
             if (!$auth->getPermission($this->controllerClass . '_' . $action)) {
                 $permission = $auth->createPermission($this->controllerClass . '_' . $action);
                 if (!$auth->add($permission)) {
                     \Yii::$app->session->addFlash('error', \Yii::t('auth', $action . ' action add failed'));
                 } else {
                     \Yii::$app->session->addFlash('success', \Yii::t('auth', 'add ' . $action . ' action success!'));
             } else {
                 \Yii::$app->session->addFlash('error', \Yii::t('auth', $action . ' action has already exist'));
  * Find role by name and throws NotFoundHttpException if it not exists.
  * @param string $id
  * @return Role
  * @throws NotFoundHttpException
 protected function findRole($id)
     $role = is_string($id) ? $this->authManager->getRole($id) : null;
     if (!$role instanceof Role) {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException();
     } else {
         if ($role->name == 'admin') {
             // can't remove or update admin role
             throw new ForbiddenHttpException(Yii::t('user', "You can't update or delete administrative role"));
     return $role;
Exemple #22
  * @inheritdoc
 public function getAssignments($userId)
     if (empty($userId)) {
         return parent::getAssignments($userId);
     $cacheKey = 'Assignments:' . $userId;
     $cached = $this->getCache($cacheKey);
     if (empty($cached)) {
         $cached = parent::getAssignments($userId);
         $this->setCache($cacheKey, $cached);
     return $cached;
 public function beforeAction($action)
     // 判断是否登录
     $isLogin = AdminBaseInfo::isLogin();
     if (!$isLogin) {
         return $this->redirect(['login/login']);
     $session = Yii::$app->getSession();
     $Jurisdiction = Yii::$app->controller->id . '/' . Yii::$app->controller->action->id;
     $dbManager = new DbManager();
     $id = $session[AdminBaseInfo::SESSION_KEY_ADMIN]['id'];
     if (Yii::$app->authManager->getRolesByUser($id)['admin']->name == 'admin') {
         return true;
     if ($dbManager->checkAccess($id, $Jurisdiction)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return $this->redirect(['login/no-authority']);
     return true;
Exemple #24
 public function init()
     if (is_string($this->db)) {
         $this->db = Yii::$app->get($this->db);
     if (!$this->assignmentTable) {
         $this->assignmentTable = $this->db->tablePrefix . 'auth_assignment';
     if (!$this->itemTable) {
         $this->itemTable = $this->db->tablePrefix . 'auth_item';
     if (!$this->itemChildTable) {
         $this->itemChildTable = $this->db->tablePrefix . 'auth_item_child';
Exemple #25
 private function addItem($item)
     $exitCode = 0;
     //Save the model
     try {
         $this->stdout("OK", Console::FG_GREEN);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->stdout("FAILED", Console::FG_RED);
         $this->stderr("\nGenerated Message: ");
         //Todo: Optional full error message display
         $this->stderr(strtok($e->getMessage(), "\n"), Console::BG_BLUE);
         $exitCode = 1;
     return $exitCode;
 public function checkAccess($userId, $permissionName, $params = [])
     if (count($params) > 0) {
         return parent::checkAccess($userId, $permissionName, $params);
     $cacheKey = $this->cachePrefix . 'userAccessCheck:' . $userId . ':' . $permissionName;
         Due to yii2 cache system, where we receive 'false' from cache component
         we have to store array in cache to ensure that 'false' doesn't mean
         that access is restricted
     $check = $this->getCache()->get($cacheKey);
     if (!is_array($check)) {
         $check = [parent::checkAccess($userId, $permissionName, $params)];
         $this->getCache()->set($cacheKey, $check, $this->lifetime);
     return $check[0];
  * @inheritdoc
 public function init()
     //if (!Yii::$app->user->isGuest) {
     // $this->assign(Yii::$app->user->identity->id, Yii::$app->user->identity->role);
     // }
     //        $user = Yii::$app->getUser();
     //        if (!$user->isGuest) {
     //            $identity = $user->getIdentity();
     //            if (!$this->getAssignment($identity->role, $identity->getId())) {
     //                $role = new Role([
     //                    'name' => $identity->role
     //                ]);
     //                $this->revokeAll($identity->getId());
     //                $this->assign($role, $identity->getId());
     //            }
     //        }
 public function getPermissionsTree($userId = 0)
     if ($userId) {
         $pms = parent::getPermissionsByUser($userId);
     } else {
         $pms = parent::getPermissions();
     $menu = $this->getMenu();
     $tree = [];
     foreach ($menu as $m => $sms) {
         if (!array_key_exists($m, $pms)) {
         $_ = ['name' => $pms[$m]->description, 'subMenus' => []];
         foreach ($sms as $sm) {
             if (!array_key_exists($sm, $pms)) {
             $_['subMenus'][$sm] = $pms[$sm]->description;
         $tree[$m] = $_;
     return $tree;
  * @inheritdoc
 public function removeChildren($parent)
     $result = parent::removeChildren($parent);
     if ($this->_children !== null) {
     return $result;
Exemple #30
 public function actionInit()
     if (!$this->confirm("Are you sure? It will re-create permissions tree.")) {
         return self::EXIT_CODE_NORMAL;
     //$auth = Yii::$app->authManager;
     // Підключення через Базу даних
     $auth = new DbManager();
     // Роль студент
     $student = $auth->createRole('student');
     $student->description = 'Student';
     // Роль працедавець
     $employer = $auth->createRole('employer');
     $employer->description = 'Employer';
     // Роль модератор
     $moderator = $auth->createRole('moderator');
     $moderator->description = 'Moderator';
     $auth->addChild($moderator, $student);
     $auth->addChild($moderator, $employer);
     // Роль адміністратор
     $admin = $auth->createRole('admin');
     $admin->description = 'Administrator';
     $auth->addChild($admin, $moderator);