protected function launch() { echo Html::beginForm($this->url, 'get'); echo Html::input('text', $this->queryParam, $this->query); echo Html::submitButton(\Yii::t('gromver.platform', 'Find')); echo Html::endForm(); }
public function renderFileContent() { $attribute = $this->attribute; $input = $thumb = ''; $selectedFileOpt = ['class' => 'fm-browse-input']; if ($this->model->{$attribute}) { $filesModel = \Yii::$app->getModule('filemanager')->models['files']; $file = $filesModel::findOne(['file_identifier' => $this->model->{$attribute}]); } if (isset($file) && $file) { $fileType = $file->mime_type; if ($file->dimension) { $src = $file->object_url . $file->thumbnail_name; $fileType = 'image'; } else { $src = $file->object_url . $file->src_file_name; } $gridBox = new \dpodium\filemanager\components\GridBox(['owner' => $this, 'src' => $src, 'fileType' => $fileType, 'toolArray' => [['tagType' => 'i', 'options' => ['class' => 'fa-icon fa fa-times fm-remove', 'title' => Yii::t('filemanager', 'Remove')]]], 'thumbnailSize' => \Yii::$app->getModule('filemanager')->thumbnailSize]); foreach ($this->fileData as $attribute) { $value = isset($file->{$attribute}) ? $file->{$attribute} : null; $input .= Html::input('input', "Filemanager[{$attribute}]", $value); } $thumb = $gridBox->renderGridBox(); } else { $selectedFileOpt['value'] = ''; } $fileView = Html::tag('div', $thumb, ['class' => 'fm-browse-selected-view']); $selectedFile = Html::activeInput('input', $this->model, $this->attribute, $selectedFileOpt); $buttonClass = empty($this->options['class']) ? 'btn btn-primary' : $this->options['class']; $browseButton = Html::label(Yii::t('filemanager', 'Browse'), Html::getInputId($this->model, $this->attribute), ['class' => 'fm-btn-browse btn-browse ' . $buttonClass, 'data-url' => Url::to(['/filemanager/files/browse']), 'data-backdrop' => 'static', 'data-toggle' => 'modal', 'data-target' => '#fm-modal']); return $fileView . $browseButton . $selectedFile . $input; }
public function run() { $this->registerClientScript(); Html::addCssClass($this->wrapperOptions, 'input-touchspin'); echo Html::beginTag('div', $this->wrapperOptions); if ($this->hasModel()) { if ($this->default !== false) { $value = $this->model->{$this->attribute}; if (!is_numeric($value) || $value < $this->min || $value > $this->max) { $this->model->{$this->attribute} = $this->default; } } echo Html::activeInput($this->type, $this->model, $this->attribute, $this->options); } else { if ($this->default !== false) { if (!is_numeric($this->value) || $this->value < $this->min || $this->value > $this->max) { $this->value = $this->default; } } echo Html::input($this->type, $this->name, $this->value, $this->options); } echo Html::tag('div', null, ['class' => 'caret step-up']); echo Html::tag('div', null, ['class' => 'caret step-down']); echo Html::endTag('div'); }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function renderHtml() { if ($this->form !== null && $this->model !== null) { return $this->form->field($this->model, $this->attribute)->hint($this->hint)->passwordInput($this->htmlOptions); } if ($this->model !== null) { return Html::activePasswordInput($this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions); } return Html::input('password', $this->name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions); }
/** * Initializes the widget. * This method will register the bootstrap asset bundle. If you override this method, * make sure you call the parent implementation first. */ public function init() { if (!isset($this->options['id'])) { $this->options['id'] = $this->getId(); } echo Html::input($this->type, $this->name, $this->value, $this->options); }
public function run() { $this->registerJs(); switch ($this->style) { case self::STYLE_SLIDER: Html::addCssClass($this->options, self::STYLE_SLIDER); break; case self::STYLE_TOGGLE: Html::addCssClass($this->options, self::STYLE_TOGGLE); break; } if ($this->isDisabled) { Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'disabled'); $this->inputOptions['disabled'] = 'disabled'; } if ($this->isActive) { Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'checked'); $this->inputOptions['checked'] = ''; } if ($this->isReadOnly) { Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'read-only'); } Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'ui checkbox'); $body = Html::input('checkbox', $this->name, $this->value, $this->inputOptions); $body .= Html::tag('label', $this->label); echo Html::tag('div', $body, $this->options); }
public function init() { parent::init(); Html::addCssClass($this->htmlOptions, 'custom-dz'); /** @var Image[] $files */ $files = Image::find()->where(['and', 'object_id = :objectId', 'object_model_id = :modelId'], [':objectId' => $this->objectId, ':modelId' => $this->modelId])->orderBy(['sort_order' => SORT_ASC])->all(); /** Image $file */ foreach ($files as $file) { $thumbnail_src = $file->getThumbnail('80x80'); $this->storedFiles[] = ['id' => $file->id, 'name' => $file->filename, 'file' => $file->file, 'thumbnail' => $thumbnail_src, 'description' => $file->image_description]; } $params = ArrayHelper::merge(isset($this->options['params']) ? $this->options['params'] : [], ['objectId' => $this->objectId, 'modelId' => $this->modelId]); $this->sortable = true; $this->options = ArrayHelper::merge($this->options, ['acceptedFiles' => 'image/*', 'params' => $params, 'previewTemplate' => '<div class="file-row"> ' . Html::input('hidden', 'id[]') . Html::input('hidden', 'file[]') . ' <!-- This is used as the file preview template --> <div> <span class="preview"><img style="width: 80px; height: 80px;" data-dz-thumbnail /></span> </div> <div> <p class="name" data-dz-name></p> <div class="dz-error-message"><span data-dz-errormessage></span></div> </div> <div class="description"> ' . Html::textarea('description', '', ['style' => 'width: 100%; min-width: 80px; height: 80px;']) . ' </div> <div> <p class="size" data-dz-size></p> <div class="dz-progress progress progress-striped active" role="progressbar" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" aria-valuenow="0"> <div class="progress-bar progress-bar-success" style="width:0%;" data-dz-uploadprogress></div> </div> <div class="dz-success-mark"><span>✔</span> OK</div> <div class="dz-error-mark"><span>✘</span> ERROR</div> </div> <div> <button data-dz-remove class="btn btn-danger delete"> <i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i> <span>' . Yii::t('app', 'Delete') . '</span> </button> </div> </div>', 'thumbnailWidth' => '80', 'thumbnailHeight' => '80', 'previewsContainer' => "#{$this->id}"]); $this->eventHandlers = ['removedfile' => 'function(file) { jQuery.get( "' . Url::toRoute($this->removeUrl) . '", { "id" : jQuery(file.previewElement).find("[name=\\"id[]\\"]").val(), "filename" : jQuery(file.previewElement).data("filename") } ).done(function (data) { return data }); }', 'success' => 'function(file, response) { response = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery(file.previewElement).find("[data-dz-name]").text(response.filename); jQuery(file.previewElement).data("filename", response.filename); jQuery(file.previewElement).find("[name=\\"id[]\\"]").val(; jQuery(file.previewElement).find("[name=\\"file[]\\"]").val(response.afterUpload.file); jQuery(file.previewElement).find(".description textarea").attr("name", "description[""]"); }', 'complete' => 'function(file) { jQuery(file.previewElement).removeClass("dz-processing"); }']; }
/** * Initializes the widget. */ public function init() { parent::init(); echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'main-sidebar']); echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'sidebar']); if (isset($this->user) and count($this->user) > 0) { $image = isset($this->user['image']) ? $this->user['image'] : ''; $username = isset($this->user['username']) ? $this->user['username'] : ''; echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'user-panel']); echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'pull-left image']); echo '<img src="' . $image . '" class="img-circle" alt="user" />'; echo Html::endTag('div'); echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'pull-left info']); echo Html::tag('p', $username); echo Html::tag('a', '<i class="fa fa-circle text-success"></i> Online'); echo Html::endTag('div'); echo Html::endTag('div'); } if (isset($this->search) and count($this->search) > 0) { $method = isset($this->search['method']) ? $this->search['method'] : 'get'; $action = isset($this->search['action']) ? $this->search['action'] : ''; echo Html::beginTag('form', ['method' => $method, 'action' => $action, 'class' => 'sidebar-form']); echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'input-group']); echo Html::input('text', 'q', '', ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' => 'Search...']); echo Html::beginTag('span', ['class' => 'input-group-btn']); echo Html::submitButton(Html::tag('i', '', ['class' => 'fa fa-search']), ['id' => 'search-btn', 'class' => "btn btn-flat"]); echo Html::endTag('span'); echo Html::endTag('div'); echo Html::endTag('form'); } }
public function run() { parent::run(); $this->registerAssets(); $view = $this->getView(); $id = $this->getId(); $output = ''; $output .= Html::input('hidden', $this->inputName, null, ['id' => $this->inputId]); $output .= Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'row']); $output .= Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'col-xs-12']); $output .= Html::tag('canvas', '', ['class' => ['signature-input-canvas'], 'style' => ['border' => '1px solid black', 'width' => '100%']]); $output .= Html::endTag('div'); $output .= Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'col-xs-12']); $output .= Html::button(\Yii::t('app', 'Clear'), ['class' => ['col-xs-12', 'btn', 'btn-default'], 'id' => $id . '-clear']); $output .= Html::endTag('div'); $output .= Html::endTag('div'); $view->registerJs(<<<JS \$(function(){ var canvas = \$("#{$id} .signature-input-canvas")[0]; var signaturePad = new SignaturePad(canvas); signaturePad.onEnd = function(){ var result = signaturePad.toDataURL(); \$('#{$this->inputId}').val(result); }; \$('#{$id}-clear').on('click', function(){ \$('#{$this->inputId}').val(''); signaturePad.clear(); }); }) JS ); return Html::tag('div', $output, ['id' => $id, 'class' => ['signature-input']]); }
protected function set_input_type($type, $name, $value) { if (isset($type) && isset($name) && isset($value)) { $input = NULL; $input_name = $name . '[value]'; switch ($type) { case 'string': $input = Html::input('text', $input_name, $value, ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' => 'Значение пустое...']); break; case 'integer': $input = Html::input('number', $input_name, $value, ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' => 'Значение пустое...']); break; case 'text': $input = Html::textarea($input_name, $value, ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' => 'Значение пустое...']); break; case 'boolean': $input = Switchery::widget(['name' => $input_name, 'clientOptions' => ['color' => '#64bd63', 'secondaryColor' => '#dfdfdf', 'jackColor' => '#fff', 'jackSecondaryColor' => null, 'className' => 'switchery', 'disabled' => FALSE, 'disabledOpacity' => 0.5, 'speed' => '0.1s', 'size' => 'default'], 'options' => array_merge(['value' => '1'], $this->has_checked($value))]); break; default: $input = Html::input('text', $input_name, $value, ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' => 'Значение пустое...']); break; } return $input; } return FALSE; }
public function run() { $input = Html::input('text', 'code', '', ['class' => 'form-control buy-by-code-input', 'placeholder' => yii::t('order', 'Code')]); $error = Html::tag('div', '', ['class' => 'error-block', 'style' => 'color: red; position: absolute; top: -17px;']); $button = Html::tag('button', '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></i>', ['data-href' => Url::toRoute(['tools/buy-product-by-code']), 'type' => 'submit', 'class' => 'btn btn-success promo-code-enter-btn']); $button = Html::tag('span', $button, ['class' => 'input-group-btn']); return Html::tag('div', $error . $input . $button, ['class' => 'input-group buy-by-code']); }
public function run() { if ($this->hasModel()) { echo Html::activeInput('text', $this->model, $this->attribute, $this->options); } else { echo Html::input('text', $this->name, $this->value, $this->options); } }
/** * @return string */ public function run() { $options = ArrayHelper::merge($this->defaultOptions, $this->options); if ($this->hasModel()) { return Html::activeInput($this->htmlTagType, $this->model, $this->attribute, $options); } return Html::input($this->htmlTagType, $this->name, $this->value, $options); }
public function run() { $model = $this->model; $input = Html::input('text', 'code', '', ['class' => 'input buy']); //$button = Html::submitButton('В корзину', ['class' => 'btn btn-lg ', 'name' => 'buy-button']); $button = Html::submitInput('В корзину', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary', 'name' => 'buy-button']); return Html::tag('div', $input . ' ' . $button, ['class' => 'buy-button']); }
/** * @return string */ public function renderNavItem() { $output = '<li>' . Html::beginForm($this->action, $this->method, $this->formOptions) . '<div class="input-group">'; $output .= Html::input('text', $this->name, $this->value, $this->inputOptions); $output .= '<div class="input-group-btn">'; $output .= Html::button('<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></i>', $this->buttonOptions); $output .= '</div></div>' . Html::endForm() . '</li>'; return $output; }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function run() { $this->registerClientScript(); if ($this->hasModel()) { echo Html::activeInput('text', $this->model, $this->attribute, $this->options); } else { echo Html::input('text', $this->name, $this->value, $this->options); } }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function run() { $this->registerClientScript(); if ($this->hasModel()) { echo Html::activeHiddenInput($this->model, $this->attribute, ['id' => null]) . Html::activeInput('file', $this->model, $this->attribute, $this->options); } else { echo Html::hiddenInput($this->name, $this->value, ['id' => null]) . Html::input('file', $this->name, $this->value, $this->options); } }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function run() { if ($this->hasModel()) { $this->id = Html::getInputId($this->model, $this->attribute); $this->registerJs('#' . $this->htmlOptions['id'], $this->options, $this->callback); return Html::activeInput($this->type, $this->model, $this->attribute, $this->htmlOptions + ['class' => 'form-control']); } else { $this->registerJs('#' . $this->htmlOptions['id'], $this->options, $this->callback); return Html::input($this->type, $this->name, $this->value, $this->htmlOptions); } }
public function input($config = array()) { $this->registerAssets($config); $return = '<div class="form-group">'; if (isset($config['label'])) { $return .= '<label class="control-label col-sm-3" for="' . $config['name'] . '">' . $config['label'] . '</label>'; } $return .= '<div class="col-sm-9">' . Html::input('text', $config['name'], null, ['id' => $config['id']]) . '</div>'; $return .= "</div>"; return $return; }
private function _getToolArray($fileId) { $input = Html::input('radio', 'fm-gallery-group', $fileId, ['data-url' => \yii\helpers\Url::to(['/filemanager/files/update', 'id' => $fileId])]); $view = Html::tag('i', '', ['class' => 'fa-icon fa fa-eye fm-view', 'title' => \Yii::t('filemanager', 'View')]); $toolArray = [['tagType' => 'label', 'content' => $input . $view]]; if ($this->viewFrom == 'modal') { $toolArray[] = ['tagType' => 'i', 'options' => ['class' => 'fa-icon fa fa-link fm-use', 'title' => \Yii::t('filemanager', 'Use'), 'data-url' => \yii\helpers\Url::to(['/filemanager/files/use']), 'data-id' => $fileId]]; $toolArray[] = ['tagType' => 'i', 'options' => ['class' => 'fa-icon fa fa-trash fm-delete', 'title' => \Yii::t('filemanager', 'Delete Permanently'), 'data-url' => \yii\helpers\Url::to(['/filemanager/files/delete', 'id' => $fileId]), 'onclick' => 'confirmDelete = confirm("Confirm delete this file?");']]; } return $toolArray; }
public function renderItems() { $out = Html::input('hidden', $this->name, $this->value, $this->inputOptions); $out .= Html::tag('div', '', ['class' => 'text']); $out .= Elements::icon('dropdown'); $elems = ''; foreach ($this->items as $item) { $elems .= $this->renderItem($item); } $out .= Html::tag('div', $elems, ['class' => 'menu']); return $out; }
public function run() { $variantsList = $this->field->variants; $variantsList = ArrayHelper::map($variantsList, 'id', 'value'); $variantsList[0] = '-'; ksort($variantsList); $value = $this->model->getField($this->field->slug); $input = Html::input('date', 'choice-field-value', $value, ['data-id' => $this->field->id, 'data-item-id' => $this->model->id, 'class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' => '']); $button = Html::tag('span', Html::button('<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i>', ['class' => ' btn btn-success field-save-value']), ['class' => 'input-group-btn']); $this->options['class'] .= ' input-group'; $block = Html::tag('div', $input . $button, $this->options); return $block; }
public function run() { $variantsList = $this->filter->variants; $this->options['class'] .= ' filter-variants'; $this->options['item'] = function ($item, $index) { return $this->variant($item); }; $variants = Html::ul($variantsList, $this->options); $new = []; $new[] = Html::input('text', 'variant_value', '', ['placeholder' => 'Новый вариант', 'data-filter-id' => $this->filter->id, 'data-create-action' => Url::toRoute(['/filter/filter-variant/create']), 'class' => ' form-control']); $new[] = Html::button(Html::tag('i', '', ['class' => 'glyphicon glyphicon-plus']), ['class' => 'btn btn-success']); $variants .= Html::tag('div', implode('', $new), ['class' => 'new-variant']); return $variants; }
public function run() { if (!isset($this->clientOptions['container'])) { $this->clientOptions['container'] = 'body'; } $this->registerJqueryPlugin('pickadate'); Html::addCssClass($this->options, 'datepicker'); if ($this->hasModel()) { $this->options['data-value'] = isset($this->value) ? $this->value : Html::getAttributeValue($this->model, $this->attribute); return Html::activeInput('date', $this->model, $this->attribute, $this->options); } else { $this->options['data-value'] = $this->value; return Html::input('date', $this->name, $this->value, $this->options); } }
public function run() { if ($this->showArrows) { $downArr = Html::a($this->downArr, '#', ['class' => 'pistol88-arr pistol88-downArr']); $upArr = Html::a($this->upArr, '#', ['class' => 'pistol88-arr pistol88-upArr']); } else { $downArr = $upArr = ''; } if (!$this->model instanceof \app\modules\cart\interfaces\CartElement) { $input = Html::activeTextInput($this->model, 'count', ['type' => 'number', 'class' => 'pistol88-cart-element-count', 'data-line-selector' => $this->lineSelector, 'data-id' => $this->model->getId(), 'data-href' => Url::toRoute("/cart/element/update")]); } else { $input = Html::input('number', 'count', $this->defaultValue, ['class' => 'pistol88-cart-element-before-count', 'data-line-selector' => $this->lineSelector, 'data-id' => $this->model->getCartId()]); } return Html::tag('div', $downArr . $input . $upArr, ['class' => $this->cssClass]); }
protected function initOptions() { $view = $this->getView(); GooglemapAssets::register($view); $id = uniqid('gmap_'); $mapCenter = $this->value ? $this->value : $this->center; $script = <<<HTML var {$id}; var {$id}_markers = []; var mapOptions = { zoom: 10, scrollwheel: false, center: new google.maps.LatLng({$mapCenter}) }; {$id} = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('{$id}'), mapOptions); HTML; if ($this->value) { $script .= <<<HTML var position = new google.maps.LatLng({$this->value}); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: position, map: {$id}, }); {$id}_markers.push(marker); HTML; } $script .= <<<HTML google.maps.event.addListener({$id}, 'click', function(event) { var location = event.latLng; for (var i = 0; i < {$id}_markers.length; i++) { {$id}_markers[i].setMap(null); } var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: location, map: {$id}, draggable:true }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker,'dragend',function(event) { \$('#hidden-{$id}').val( + ', ' + event.latLng.lng()); }); {$id}_markers.push(marker); \$('#hidden-{$id}').val( + ', ' + location.lng()); }); HTML; echo Html::tag('div', '', ['id' => $id, 'data-gmap' => true, 'style' => ['height' => $this->height ? $this->height : $this->_height, 'width' => $this->width ? $this->width : $this->_width]]); echo Html::input('hidden', $this->name, $this->value, ['data-name' => $this->name, 'id' => 'hidden-' . $id]); $view->registerJs($script); }
/** * Renders the widget. */ public function run() { $this->registerClientScript(); $options = ArrayHelper::merge($this->options, ['data-toggle' => 'toggle']); $fieldName = $this->attribute; if ($this->model->{$fieldName}) { $options['checked'] = 'checked'; } if ($this->textOn) { $options['data-on'] = $this->textOn; } if ($this->textOff) { $options['data-off'] = $this->textOff; } return Html::tag('div', Html::input('checkbox', $this->attrName, 1, $options), ['style' => 'display:block;']); }
public function run() { $content = Html::beginTag('div', ['id' => $this->options['id']]); foreach ($this->value as $k => $v) { $content .= Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'input-group']); $content .= Html::input($this->inputOptions['type'], $this->name, $v, $this->inputOptions); $content .= Html::tag('a', Html::tag('i', '', ['class' => 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove']), ['class' => 'input-group-addon array-input-remove', 'href' => '#']); $content .= Html::endTag('div'); } $content .= Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'input-group']); $content .= Html::input($this->inputOptions['type'], $this->name, null, $this->inputOptions); $content .= Html::tag('a', Html::tag('i', '', ['class' => 'glyphicon glyphicon-plus']), ['class' => 'input-group-addon array-input-plus', 'href' => '#']); $content .= Html::endTag('div'); $content .= Html::endTag('div'); return $content; }
public function run() { $countval = count($this->model->eventVenueMap); echo Html::input('hidden', 'venueC', $countval, ['id' => 'venueC']); $countval = 0; foreach ($this->model->eventVenueMap as $mapmodel) { if ($mapmodel->mapType == 200) { $icon = 'fa-tag'; } else { $icon = 'fa-cutlery'; } $name = $mapmodel->venue->name . ' in ' . $mapmodel->venue->localityname . ' ' . $mapmodel->venue->cityname . '(' . $mapmodel->venue->zonename . ')'; echo '<div id="venueArray[]"><i class="fa ' . $icon . '"></i>' . $name . '<input type="hidden" value ="' . $mapmodel->mapId . '" class="form-control" name="' . $this->model->formName() . '[venue][' . $countval . '][venueId]"><input type="hidden" value ="' . $mapmodel->mapType . '" class="form-control" name="' . $this->model->formName() . '[venue][' . $countval . '][venuetype]"> <a href= "javascript:void(0);" class="delete">Delete</a></div>'; $countval++; } }
public function run() { $this->registerClientScript(); if ($this->hasModel()) { switch ($this->editorType) { case 'uploadButton': return Html::activeInput('text', $this->model, $this->attribute, ['id' => $this->id, 'readonly' => "readonly"]) . '<input type="button" id="uploadButton" value="Upload" />'; break; case 'colorpicker': return Html::activeInput('text', $this->model, $this->attribute, ['id' => $this->id]) . '<input type="button" id="colorpicker" value="打开取色器" />'; break; case 'file-manager': return Html::activeInput('text', $this->model, $this->attribute, ['id' => $this->id]) . '<input type="button" id="filemanager" value="浏览服务器" />'; break; case 'image-dialog': return Html::activeInput('text', $this->model, $this->attribute, ['id' => $this->id]) . '<input type="button" id="imageBtn" value="选择图片" />'; break; case 'file-dialog': return Html::activeInput('text', $this->model, $this->attribute, ['id' => $this->id]) . '<input type="button" id="insertfile" value="选择文件" />'; break; default: return Html::activeTextarea($this->model, $this->attribute, ['id' => $this->id]); break; } } else { switch ($this->editorType) { case 'uploadButton': return Html::input('text', $this->id, $this->value, ['id' => $this->id, 'readonly' => "readonly"]) . '<input type="button" id="uploadButton" value="Upload" />'; break; case 'colorpicker': return Html::input('text', $this->id, $this->value, ['id' => $this->id]) . '<input type="button" id="colorpicker" value="打开取色器" />'; break; case 'file-manager': return Html::input('text', $this->id, $this->value, ['id' => $this->id]) . '<input type="button" id="filemanager" value="浏览服务器" />'; break; case 'image-dialog': return Html::input('text', $this->id, $this->value, ['id' => $this->id]) . '<input type="button" id="imageBtn" value="选择图片" />'; break; case 'file-dialog': return Html::input('text', $this->id, $this->value, ['id' => $this->id]) . '<input type="button" id="insertfile" value="选择文件" />'; break; default: return Html::textarea($this->id, $this->value, ['id' => $this->id]); break; } } }