Do not use BaseJson. Use [[Json]] instead.
Since: 2.0
Author: Qiang Xue (
Exemple #1
 public function Resultados()
     $this->CamposO = $this->CamposB;
     //Por ahora son iguales
     //consulta que funciona
     // select idPresta,NombreyApellido from Prestamos left join DatosUser on Prestamos.idUser=DatosUser.IdUser
     //otra consulta que funciona
     // select idPresta,Nombre from Prestamos left join Stock on Prestamos.IdStock=Stock.idStock
     $filtro = BaseJson::decode($this->Filtros);
     $Consulta = (new \yii\db\Query())->select('*')->from($this->Tabla)->where(['like', $this->CamposB, '%' . $this->TBusqueda . '%', false]);
     if ($this->OrdenResu != "n") {
         //se ordena
         if ($this->OrdenResu == "d") {
             $Consulta = $Consulta->orderBy([$this->CamposO => SORT_DESC]);
         } else {
             if ($this->OrdenResu == "a") {
                 $Consulta = $Consulta->orderBy([$this->CamposO => SORT_ASC]);
     $this->CantTot = $Consulta->count();
     $Consulta = $Consulta->offset($this->Desplaza)->limit($this->CantReg)->all();
     $this->ResBusca = $Consulta;
     return $this->toArray(['CantTot', 'ResBusca']);
Exemple #2
  * Push mass
  * array(
  *    array(
  *      'field name to' => '',
  *      'field name subject' => '',
  *      'field name body' => '',
  *      'field name priority' => '',
  *      'field name from' => '',
  *      'field name attachs' => '',
  *    )
  * )
  * @param Array $data
  * @return int Return int
 public function pushMass($data)
     $table = Yii::$app->get('mailqueue')->modelMap['MailQueue']['class'];
     $model = new $table();
     $prepareValues = [];
     $prepareKeys = [];
     $index = 1;
     foreach ($data as $item) {
         if (is_array($item)) {
             $prepareData = ArrayHelper::merge([$model->fieldFrom => '', $model->fieldTo => '', $model->fieldSubject => '', $model->fieldBody => '', $model->fieldAttachs => [], $model->fieldStatus => Yii::$app->get('mailqueue')->modelMap['MailQueue']['status']['unsended']], $item);
             $prepareData[$model->fieldAttachs] = BaseJson::encode($prepareData[$model->fieldAttachs]);
             if (in_array($model->fieldCreateDate, $model->attributes())) {
                 $prepareData[$model->fieldCreateDate] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
             if (in_array($model->fieldUpdateDate, $model->attributes())) {
                 $prepareData[$model->fieldUpdateDate] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
             $prepareKeys = empty($prepareKeys) ? array_keys($prepareData) : $prepareKeys;
             $prepareValues[] = array_values($prepareData);
         if (($index % $this->partSize === 0 || $index >= count($data)) && false === empty($prepareValues)) {
             //Reconnect for big duration
             Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->batchInsert($table::tableName(), $prepareKeys, $prepareValues)->execute();
             $prepareValues = [];
     //Reconnect for db stable works
 public function actionConsult()
     // $searchModel = new LocaleSearch();
     // $dataProvider = $searchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams);
     $model = $this->findModel($_POST['id']);
     echo BaseJson::encode($model);
 public function actionSocial()
     $req = Yii::$app->request;
     $i = $req->get('i');
     $c = $req->get('c');
     $a = $req->get('a');
     //se inicia sesion en el ampache
     $Conexion = BaseJson::decode($this->actionConnectionParams());
     $datos = "";
     $peticionAmpache = http_post_data($Conexion["url"] . 'action=' . $Conexion['action'] . "&auth=" . $Conexion['auth'] . "&timestamp=" . $Conexion['timestamp'] . "&version=" . $Conexion['version'] . "&user="******"timeout" => 1, "useragent" => ""));
     $peticionAmpache = substr($peticionAmpache, strpos($peticionAmpache, '<'));
     $peticionAmpache = substr($peticionAmpache, 0, -5);
     //return $peticionAmpache;
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($peticionAmpache);
     $token = $xml->auth;
     //se pide la informacion del album
     $peticionAmpache = http_post_data($Conexion["url"] . "auth=" . $token . "&action=album_songs&filter=" . $a, $datos);
     //return $peticionAmpache;
     $peticionAmpache = substr(substr($peticionAmpache, strpos($peticionAmpache, '<')), 0, -5);
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($peticionAmpache);
     //"renderizamos la vista"
     $salida = $this->render('index', ['urlimg' => $xml->song[0]->art, 'descripcion' => 'Escuchando ' . $xml->song[0]->album . ' en Radio Album!']);
     //le agregamos los parametros necesarios
     $salida .= '<div id="parametros" data-skin="' . $i . 'vplayer" data-album="' . $a . '" data-channel="' . $c . '"></div>' . $peticionAmpache;
     //mostramos la vista
     return $salida;
Exemple #5
 public function actionGuardarprecio()
     $Producto = urldecode($_REQUEST["Producto"]);
     $Precio = urldecode($_REQUEST["Precio"]);
     $Marca = urldecode($_REQUEST["Marca"]);
     $NombreComercio = urldecode($_REQUEST["NombreComercio"]);
     $DireccionComercio = urldecode($_REQUEST["DireccionComercio"]);
     $Descripcion = urldecode($_REQUEST["Descripcion"]);
     $salida = [];
     $timezone = new \DateTimeZone('America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires');
     $date = new \DateTime('now', $timezone);
     $model = new Precios();
     $prod = new productos();
     $prod->Nombre = $Producto;
     $model->Producto = $Producto;
     $model->Marca = $Marca;
     $model->Precio = $Precio;
     $model->FechaCarga = $date->format('Y-m-d');
     $model->Descripcion = $Descripcion;
     $model->NombreComercio = $NombreComercio;
     $model->DireccionComercio = $DireccionComercio;
     if ($model->save() == 1) {
         $salida["mensaje"] = "Precio guardado correctamente";
         $salida["estado"] = "1";
     } else {
         $salida["mensaje"] = $model->StringListaErrores("Revise el campo ", "<br>");
         $salida["estado"] = "0";
     return BaseJson::encode($salida);
  * Get field attachs
  * @return Array
 public function getAttachs()
     if (in_array(Yii::$app->get('mailqueue')->modelMap['MailQueue']['fieldAttachs'], $this->owner->attributes())) {
         $value = BaseJson::decode($this->owner->{Yii::$app->get('mailqueue')->modelMap['MailQueue']['fieldAttachs']});
         if (null === $value) {
             return [];
         return $value;
     return [];
  * Updates an existing Providers model.
  * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
  * @param integer $id
  * @return mixed
 public function actionUpdate($id)
     $model = $this->findModel($id);
     $modelOptions = new OptionsProvider();
     if ($modelOptions->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $modelOptions->validate()) {
         $model->name = $modelOptions->name;
         $model->options = BaseJson::encode($modelOptions->attributes);
         return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);
     } else {
         return $this->render('update', ['model' => $model, 'modelOptions' => $modelOptions]);
 public function actionObtenerlista()
     $arreglo_dir = scandir('../components/WebPlayer/webplayers/');
     $cant_elementos = sizeof($arreglo_dir);
     $c = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $cant_elementos; $i++) {
         if ($arreglo_dir[$i] != '.' && $arreglo_dir[$i] != '..') {
             $directorio[$c][0] = $arreglo_dir[$i];
             $directorio[$c][1] = $c;
     return BaseJson::encode($directorio);
 public function actionDebug()
     $jsonTravelerArray = array('addr' => '河南省三门峡市湖滨区会兴镇王官村', 'fax' => '86 519-85125379', 'zip' => '472000', 'mail' => '*****@*****.**');
     echo BaseJson::encode($jsonTravelerArray) . '<br>';
     $jsonGroupArray = array('corp' => '北京神舟国际旅行社集团有限公司', 'corpCode' => 'L-BJ-CJ00080', 'scope' => '旅行社、旅游酒店、商业、餐饮等', 'addr' => '朝阳区建外大街28号北京旅游大厦', 'tel' => '', 'fax' => '', 'zip' => '', 'mail' => '');
     echo BaseJson::encode($jsonGroupArray) . '<br>';
     $jsonPayArray = array('payEachAdult' => '1500', 'payEachChild' => '0', 'payTravel' => '3100', 'payDeadline' => '2016-01-11', 'payType' => '1');
     echo BaseJson::encode($jsonPayArray) . '<br>';
     $jsonPayArray = array('purchases' => '1', 'insurance' => '中国人寿');
     echo BaseJson::encode($jsonPayArray) . '<br>';
     $jsonPayArray = array('transAgree' => '0', 'transAgency' => '', 'delayAgree' => '0', 'changeLineAgree' => '0', 'terminateAgree' => '1', 'mergeAgree' => '1', 'mergeAgency' => '北京中旅', 'teminateDealType' => '2', 'committee' => '');
     echo BaseJson::encode($jsonPayArray) . '<br>';
     $jsonPayArray = array('copys1' => '2', 'copys2' => '1', 'agencyComplaintsMobile' => '4000100808', 'lawCity' => '北京', 'lawComplaintsMobile' => '1', 'lawState' => '1', 'lawEmail' => '北京中旅', 'awAddress' => '2', 'lawZip' => '', 'addr' => '');
     echo BaseJson::encode($jsonPayArray) . '<br>';
Exemple #10
 public function init()
     $this->directorio = BaseJson::decode(WpController::actionObtenerlista());
     switch ($this->ordenwp) {
         case "azar":
         case null:
             //si no se especifica orden se ve si se definio uno en particular
Exemple #11
 public static function getPostJsonParams()
     $post = file_get_contents("php://input");
     //decode json post input as php array:
     try {
         $params = BaseJson::decode($post, $asArray = true);
         if (!$params) {
             $params = [];
         return $params;
     } catch (InvalidParamException $e) {
 public function actionUpload()
     $result = [];
     $dir = Yii::getAlias('@app/web/images/products');
     if (!empty($_FILES)) {
         $model = new Products();
         $file = UploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'upload_files[0]');
         $ext = explode('.', $file->name);
         $ext = end($ext);
         $name = uniqid();
         if ($file->saveAs($dir . '/' . $name . '.' . $ext)) {
             $result['name'] = $name . '.' . $ext;
     return BaseJson::encode($result);
 public function actionSend()
     $req = Yii::$app->request;
     $to = "*****@*****.**";
     //		$to = "*****@*****.**";
     $formContent = $req->post('ContactForm');
     $title = $formContent['subject'];
     $msg = $formContent['body'];
     $name = $formContent['name'];
     $mail = $formContent['email'];
     $cabeceras = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
     $cabeceras .= 'Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
     $cabeceras .= 'From: ' . $mail . "\r\n";
     $result = array();
     $result['status'] = mail($to, $title, $msg, $cabeceras);
     return BaseJson::encode($result);
Exemple #14
  * Look up item using UPC code and return
  * @return array of item properties
 public function getItemByUPC($upcCode)
     // search upcdatabase and pre-populate fields
     // if not found, only populate barcode field value
     $upcDBUrl = Yii::$app->params['apiUrl'] . '/json/' . Yii::$app->params['apiKey'] . '/' . $upcCode;
     $curl = new curl\Curl();
     $upcResponse = $curl->get($upcDBUrl);
     if ($curl->responseCode) {
         $upcWine = BaseJson::decode($upcResponse, TRUE);
         if ($upcWine['valid'] == 'true') {
             return $upcWine;
     } else {
         \Yii::info('Error accessing upcdatabase.log: ' . $curl->responseCode, Logger::LEVEL_ERROR);
     return NULL;
 public function actionMail()
     # Indicamos la dirección (nombre) del servidor
     $server_name = "";
     # Indicamos la dirección de correo de esa persona
     $person_email = "*****@*****.**";
     # Las tres líneas que vienen a continuación son necesarias
     # para que la cabecera del mensaje esté en formato HTML
     $header = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
     $header .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n";
     $header .= "From: " . $_POST["mail"] . "\nReply-To:\n" . $_POST["mail"] . "\nX-Mailer: PHP/";
     # Esto que viene es el mensaje. (Fíjate en los tags HTML)
     $mensaje = "\n<b>Mensaje enviado por: " . $_POST["nombre"] . "</b><br>\n<b>Mail: " . $_POST["mail"] . "</b>\n<br>\n<font face='verdana' size='2'>" . $_POST["cuerpo"] . "</font><br /><br />";
     # Función de envío del mensaje
     mail($person_email, "[web coodesoft] " . $_POST["asunto"], $mensaje, $header);
     $salida["msg"] = "Pronto nos comunicaremos con usted, gracias!";
     return BaseJson::encode($salida);
Exemple #16
 public function actionChauffeur()
     //$model = array();
     $a = 'amcix';
     if (!empty(Yii::$app->request->get('Transferorder')['car']) and !empty(Yii::$app->request->get('Rentorder')['from'])) {
         $model = new Rentorder();
         $timemodel = new Rentime();
         if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
             $jsondata = BaseJson::decode(Yii::$app->request->get('Transferorder')['car'], true);
             $model->car = $jsondata['car'];
             $amount = Yii::$app->db->createCommand('SELECT priceC , priceT , cent FROM auto  where id = :json')->bindValue(':json', $model->car)->queryOne();
             $converter = new CurrencyConverter();
             $rate = $converter->convert('USD', 'AZN');
             $reference = $model->id . time();
             $reference = sha1($reference);
             $model->reference = $reference;
             $model->pickuptime = strtotime(str_replace('/', '-', $model->pickdate) . '' . $model->time_start[0]);
             $count = count($model->time_start) - 1;
             $model->endtime = strtotime("+" . $count . " day", $model->pickuptime);
             $kmsums = $model->fplaceid;
             if ($kmsums > 35) {
                 $qiymet = $amount['cent'] * $rate * ($kmsums - 35) + $amount['priceT'] * $rate;
                 $qiymet = intval($qiymet);
             } else {
                 $qiymet = null;
             if ($model->validate()) {
                 $amountC = 0;
                 foreach ($model->time_start as $i => $time) {
                     // echo strtotime($time)-strtotime($model->time_end[$i]).'<br>';
                     $dteStart = new \DateTime($time);
                     $dteEnd = new \DateTime($model->time_end[$i]);
                     $diff = $dteStart->diff($dteEnd);
                     //echo 'saat '.$diff->h.' invert '.$diff->invert.'<br>';
                     $amountC += $this->hesabla($amount['priceC'], $diff->h, $diff->invert);
                     //$hours += $model->timestart
                     Yii::$app->db->createCommand()->insert('rentime', ['rentid' => $model->id, 'time_start' => strtotime($time), 'time_end' => strtotime($model->time_end[$i])])->execute();
                 $z = 0;
                 $model->amount = intval($amountC * $rate);
                 if ($qiymet != null) {
                     $model->amount = $model->amount + $qiymet;
                 $model->amount = $model->amount . $z . $z;
                 if ($model->save() and $model->validate()) {
                     return $this->redirect(['confirmation', 'id' => $model->id, 'mode' => 'ch']);
                 } else {
                     foreach ($model->errors as $errors) {
                         var_dump($errors) . '<br>';
             } else {
                 foreach ($model->errors as $errors) {
                     var_dump($errors) . '<br>';
         return $this->render('chauffeurForm', ['model' => $model]);
     return $this->redirect('error');
Exemple #17

use yii\helpers\Html;
use kartik\icons\Icon;
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm;
use yii\helpers\BaseJson;
use yii\web\UrlManager;
use frontend\assets\FormAsset;
use frontend\assets\BootstrapDateTimePickerAsset;
use frontend\assets\InternationalTelephoneAsset;
$this->title = 'Order chaffeured service in Azerbaijan, Baku';
$jsondata = BaseJson::decode(Yii::$app->request->get('Transferorder')['car'], true);
<!-- Steps -->
$form = ActiveForm::begin(['method' => 'post']);
<!-- here we take all the data we need, then we smoke weed, weed, weed...-->
<div id="car-price" data-price="<?php 
echo $jsondata['amount'];
<div id="chaffeur-dest-placeid" data-id="<?php 
echo Yii::$app->request->get('Transferorder')['chauffeurDestPlaceId'];

<div id="transfer-price" data-price=""></div>
Exemple #18
 public function getOptionsToArray()
     return BaseJson::decode($this->options);
Exemple #19
  * @param mixed $data
  * @param array $expressions
  * @param string $expPrefix
  * @return mixed
 protected static function processData($data, &$expressions, $expPrefix)
     $processed = parent::processData($data, $expressions, $expPrefix);
     return self::reformatKeys($processed);
 function actionSetTags()
     $module = Module::getInstance();
     $req = Yii::$app->request;
     $filename = $req->post('rel');
     $postTags = $req->post('SongForm');
     $TextEncoding = 'UTF-8';
     $getID3 = new getID3();
     $getID3->setOption(array('encoding' => $TextEncoding));
     $tagwriter = new getid3_writetags();
     $tagwriter->filename = $module->params['music'] . "/" . htmlspecialchars_decode($filename);
     $tagwriter->tagformats = array('id3v2.4');
     $tagwriter->tag_encoding = $TextEncoding;
     $tagwriter->remove_other_tags = false;
     $tagData = array();
     foreach ($postTags as $index => $tag) {
         $tagData[$index] = array($tag);
     $tagwriter->tag_data = $tagData;
     // write tags
     if ($tagwriter->WriteTags()) {
         $result['msg'] = "Se guardaron correctamente las etiquetas";
         $result['status'] = 'success';
         if (!empty($tagwriter->warnings)) {
             $result['msg'] = 'Ojo, hay algunas advertencias: ' . implode("-", $tagwriter->warnings);
             $result['status'] = 'warning';
         return BaseJson::encode($result);
     } else {
         $result['msg'] = 'Se produjo un error al escribir las etiquetas! ' . implode('-', $tagwriter->errors);
         $result['status'] = 'error';
         return BaseJson::encode($result);
Exemple #21
 public function actionSavemenu()
     if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax) {
         $data = Yii::$app->request->post();
         $area_id = $data['area_id'];
         $menu_items = BaseJson::decode($data['menu_json']);
         if (count($menu_items) > 0) {
             // Delete Existing Menu's Before Adding New
             CmsMenu::deleteAll('area_id = ' . $area_id);
             // Insert New Set Of Menu's
             $p = $c = $sc = $sc1 = $sc2 = 1;
             foreach ($menu_items as $parent) {
                 $model = new CmsMenu();
                 $model->page_id = $parent['pageid'];
                 $model->sort_order = $p;
                 $model->area_id = $area_id;
                 $model->created_by = Yii::$app->user->id;
                 $new_parent_id = $model->menu_id;
                 if ($new_parent_id > 0 && isset($parent['children'])) {
                     foreach ($parent['children'] as $children) {
                         $model = new CmsMenu();
                         $model->page_id = $children['pageid'];
                         $model->sort_order = $c;
                         $model->area_id = $area_id;
                         $model->parent_menu_id = $new_parent_id;
                         $model->created_by = Yii::$app->user->id;
                         $new_child_id = $model->menu_id;
                         // Sub Child
                         if ($new_child_id > 0 && isset($children['children'])) {
                             foreach ($children['children'] as $sub_children) {
                                 $model = new CmsMenu();
                                 $model->page_id = $sub_children['pageid'];
                                 $model->sort_order = $sc;
                                 $model->area_id = $area_id;
                                 $model->parent_menu_id = $new_child_id;
                                 $model->created_by = Yii::$app->user->id;
                                 $new_sub_child_id = $model->menu_id;
                                 // Sub Child 1
                                 if ($new_sub_child_id > 0 && isset($sub_children['children'])) {
                                     foreach ($sub_children['children'] as $sub_children1) {
                                         $model = new CmsMenu();
                                         $model->page_id = $sub_children1['pageid'];
                                         $model->sort_order = $sc1;
                                         $model->area_id = $area_id;
                                         $model->parent_menu_id = $new_sub_child_id;
                                         $model->created_by = Yii::$app->user->id;
                                         $new_sub_child_id1 = $model->menu_id;
                                         // Sub Child 2
                                         if ($new_sub_child_id1 > 0 && isset($sub_children1['children'])) {
                                             foreach ($sub_children1['children'] as $sub_children2) {
                                                 $model = new CmsMenu();
                                                 $model->page_id = $sub_children2['pageid'];
                                                 $model->sort_order = $sc2;
                                                 $model->area_id = $area_id;
                                                 $model->parent_menu_id = $new_sub_child_id1;
                                                 $model->created_by = Yii::$app->user->id;
             \Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON;
             return ['status' => 'success', 'message' => '<strong>Success !! </strong>Menu Item/s Succesfully Added / Updated', 'array' => $new_sub_child_id];
         } else {
             \Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON;
             return ['status' => 'failed', 'message' => '<strong>Failed !! </strong> Menu Item is empty. Kindly add atleast one menu to a area'];
     } else {
Exemple #22
 public function actionResultb()
     $Model = new Busqueda(['TBusqueda' => urldecode($_REQUEST["TB"]), 'OrdenResu' => urldecode($_REQUEST["O"]), 'Desplaza' => urldecode($_REQUEST["D"]), 'CantReg' => urldecode($_REQUEST["C"]), 'Tabla' => urldecode($_REQUEST["T"]), 'CamposB' => urldecode($_REQUEST["CB"]), 'Filtros' => urldecode($_REQUEST["CO"])]);
     return BaseJson::encode($Model->Resultados());