Exemple #1
  * @param EveApiReadWriteInterface $data
  * @return self
 public function retrieveEveApi(EveApiReadWriteInterface $data)
     $mess = sprintf('Started filesystem retrieve for %1$s/%2$s', $data->getEveApiSectionName(), $data->getEveApiName());
     try {
         $cachePath = $this->getSectionCachePath($data->getEveApiSectionName());
         $cacheFile = $cachePath . $data->getEveApiName() . $data->getHash() . '.xml';
         $result = $this->readXmlData($cacheFile);
         if ($this->isExpired($result)) {
             $mess = sprintf('Deleting expired cache file %1$s', $cacheFile);
             return $this;
     } catch (YapealRetrieverException $exc) {
         $mess = 'Could NOT get XML data';
         $this->getLogger()->debug($mess, ['exception' => $exc]);
         return $this;
     return $this;
  * @param EveApiReadWriteInterface $data
  * @return self
  * @throws \LogicException
 public function retrieveEveApi(EveApiReadWriteInterface $data)
     $mess = sprintf('Started network retrieve for %1$s/%2$s', $data->getEveApiSectionName(), $data->getEveApiName());
     $result = $this->readXmlData($this->prepareConnection($data));
     $data->setEveApiXml($this->addYapealProcessingInstructionToXml($result, $data->getEveApiArguments()));
     return $this;
  * @param string                   $messagePrefix
  * @param EveApiReadWriteInterface $data
  * @return string
  * @throws \LogicException
 protected function createEveApiMessage(string $messagePrefix, EveApiReadWriteInterface $data) : string
     $mess = $messagePrefix . ' Eve API %1$s/%2$s';
     $subs = [lcfirst($data->getEveApiSectionName()), $data->getEveApiName()];
     if ($data->hasEveApiArgument('keyID')) {
         $mess .= ' for keyID = %3$s';
         $subs[] = $data->getEveApiArgument('keyID');
         if ($data->hasEveApiArgument('characterID')) {
             $mess .= ' and characterID = %4$s';
             $subs[] = $data->getEveApiArgument('characterID');
         } elseif ($data->hasEveApiArgument('corporationID')) {
             $mess .= ' and corporationID = %4$s';
             $subs[] = $data->getEveApiArgument('corporationID');
     return vsprintf($mess, $subs);
  * @param EveApiReadWriteInterface $data
  * @param string                   $eventSuffix
  * @param string                   $eventPrefix
  * @return string[]
  * @throws \LogicException
 private function getEmitterEvents(EveApiReadWriteInterface $data, string $eventSuffix, string $eventPrefix) : array
     // Prefix.Section.Api.Suffix, Prefix.Api.Suffix,
     // Prefix.Section.Suffix, Prefix.Suffix
      * @var string[] $eventNames
     $eventNames = explode(',', sprintf('%3$s.%1$s.%2$s.%4$s,%3$s.%2$s.%4$s,%3$s.%1$s.%4$s,%3$s.%4$s', ucfirst($data->getEveApiSectionName()), $data->getEveApiName(), $eventPrefix, $eventSuffix));
     return $eventNames;
Exemple #5
  * @param EveApiReadWriteInterface $data
  * @return false|string
  * @throws \DomainException
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws \LogicException
  * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
 private function getXsdFileContents(EveApiReadWriteInterface $data)
     try {
         $xsdFile = $this->findRelativeFileWithPath(ucfirst($data->getEveApiSectionName()), $data->getEveApiName(), 'xsl');
     } catch (YapealFileSystemException $exc) {
         $messagePrefix = 'Failed to find accessible XSD file during the validation of';
         $this->getYem()->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.Log.log', Logger::NOTICE, $this->createEveApiMessage($messagePrefix, $data), ['exception' => $exc]);
         return false;
     $contents = $this->safeFileRead($xsdFile);
     if (false === $contents) {
         $messagePrefix = sprintf('Failed to read XSD file %s during the validation of', $xsdFile);
         $this->getYem()->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.Log.log', Logger::NOTICE, $this->createEveApiMessage($messagePrefix, $data));
         return false;
     if ('' === $contents) {
         $messagePrefix = sprintf('Received an empty XSD file %s during the validation of', $xsdFile);
         $this->getYem()->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.Log.log', Logger::NOTICE, $this->createEveApiMessage($messagePrefix, $data));
         return false;
     $messagePrefix = sprintf('Using XSD file %s during the validation of', $xsdFile);
     $this->getYem()->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.Log.log', Logger::DEBUG, $this->createEveApiMessage($messagePrefix, $data));
     return $contents;
  * @param string                               $eventName
  * @param \Yapeal\Xml\EveApiReadWriteInterface $data
  * @param array                                $context
  * @return bool|string
  * @throws \DomainException
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws \LogicException
 protected function getContentsFromTwig(string $eventName, EveApiReadWriteInterface $data, array $context)
     $yem = $this->getYem();
     try {
         $templateName = $this->findRelativeFileWithPath(ucfirst($data->getEveApiSectionName()), $data->getEveApiName(), $this->getTwigExtension());
     } catch (YapealFileSystemException $exc) {
         $mess = 'Failed to find accessible twig template file during';
         $yem->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.Log.log', Logger::WARNING, $this->createEventMessage($mess, $data, $eventName), ['exception' => $exc]);
         return false;
     $mess = sprintf('Using %1$s template file in twig to create file of', $templateName);
     $yem->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.Log.log', Logger::DEBUG, $this->createEveApiMessage($mess, $data));
     try {
         $contents = $this->getTwig()->render($templateName, $context);
     } catch (\Twig_Error $exc) {
         $mess = 'Creation of file failed because of twig exception during';
         $yem->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.Log.log', Logger::WARNING, $this->createEventMessage($mess, $data, $eventName), ['exception' => $exc]);
         return false;
     return $contents;
Exemple #7
  * @param EveApiReadWriteInterface $data
  * @return string|false
  * @throws \DomainException
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws \LogicException
  * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
 private function getXmlFileContents(EveApiReadWriteInterface $data)
     // BaseSection/ApiHash.xml
     $cacheFile = sprintf('%1$s%2$s/%3$s%4$s.xml', $this->getCachePath(), ucfirst($data->getEveApiSectionName()), ucfirst($data->getEveApiName()), $data->getHash());
     if (false === ($xml = $this->safeFileRead($cacheFile))) {
         $messagePrefix = sprintf('Failed to read XML file %s during the retrieval of', $cacheFile);
         $this->getYem()->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.Log.log', Logger::NOTICE, $this->createEveApiMessage($messagePrefix, $data));
         return false;
     if ('' === $xml) {
         $messagePrefix = sprintf('Received an empty XML file %s during the retrieval of', $cacheFile);
         $this->getYem()->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.Log.log', Logger::NOTICE, $this->createEveApiMessage($messagePrefix, $data));
         return false;
     if ($this->isExpired($data)) {
         return false;
     $messagePrefix = sprintf('Using cached XML file %s during the retrieval of', $cacheFile);
     $this->getYem()->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.Log.log', Logger::DEBUG, $this->createEveApiMessage($messagePrefix, $data));
     return $xml;
  * @param EveApiReadWriteInterface $data
  * @throws LogicException
  * @return self
 protected function xsltTransform(EveApiReadWriteInterface $data)
     $xslt = new XSLTProcessor();
     $oldErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
     $dom = new DOMDocument();
     $dom->load($this->getXslName($data->getEveApiName(), $data->getEveApiSectionName()));
     $xml = false;
     try {
         $xml = $xslt->transformToXml(new SimpleXMLElement($data->getEveApiXml()));
     } catch (\Exception $exc) {
         $mess = sprintf('XML cause SimpleXMLElement exception in Eve API %1$s/%2$s', lcfirst($data->getEveApiSectionName()), $data->getEveApiName());
         $logger = $this->getLogger();
         $logger->warning($mess, ['exception' => $exc]);
     if (false === $xml) {
         $logger = $this->getLogger();
          * @type array $errors
         $errors = libxml_get_errors();
         if (0 !== count($errors)) {
             foreach ($errors as $error) {
         return $this;
     $config = ['indent' => true, 'indent-spaces' => 2, 'input-xml' => true, 'newline' => 'LF', 'output-xml' => true, 'wrap' => '1000'];
     // Tidy
     $tidy = new tidy();
     $data->setEveApiXml($tidy->repairString($xml, $config, 'utf8'));
     return $this;
Exemple #9
  * Handles loading, verifying, and return the correct XSL style sheet as a SimpleXMLElement instance.
  * @param EveApiReadWriteInterface $data
  * @return \SimpleXMLElement|false
  * @throws \DomainException
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws \LogicException
  * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
 private function getStyleSheetInstance(EveApiReadWriteInterface $data)
     try {
         $xslFile = $this->findRelativeFileWithPath(ucfirst($data->getEveApiSectionName()), $data->getEveApiName(), 'xsl');
     } catch (YapealFileSystemException $exc) {
         $messagePrefix = 'Failed to find accessible XSL file during the transform of';
         $this->getYem()->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.Log.log', Logger::DEBUG, $this->createEveApiMessage($messagePrefix, $data), ['exception' => $exc]);
         return false;
     $styleSheet = $this->safeFileRead($xslFile);
     if (false === $styleSheet) {
         $messagePrefix = sprintf('Failed to read XSL file %s during the transform of', $xslFile);
         $this->getYem()->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.Log.log', Logger::DEBUG, $this->createEveApiMessage($messagePrefix, $data));
         return false;
     if ('' === $styleSheet) {
         $messagePrefix = sprintf('Received an empty XSL file %s during the transform of', $xslFile);
         $this->getYem()->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.Log.log', Logger::DEBUG, $this->createEveApiMessage($messagePrefix, $data));
         return false;
     $instance = false;
     try {
         $instance = new \SimpleXMLElement($styleSheet);
     } catch (\Exception $exc) {
         $messagePrefix = sprintf('SimpleXMLElement exception caused by XSL file %s during the transform of', $xslFile);
         $this->getYem()->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.log.log', Logger::DEBUG, $this->createEveApiMessage($messagePrefix, $data), ['exception' => $exc]);
         $this->checkLibXmlErrors($data, $this->getYem());
     if (false !== $instance) {
         $messagePrefix = sprintf('Using XSL file %s during the transform of', $xslFile);
         $this->getYem()->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.Log.log', Logger::INFO, $this->createEveApiMessage($messagePrefix, $data));
     return $instance;
  * @param EveApiReadWriteInterface $data
  * @throws LogicException
  * @return self
 protected function xsltTransform(EveApiReadWriteInterface &$data)
     $xslt = new XSLTProcessor();
     $oldErrors = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
     $dom = new DOMDocument();
     $dom->load($this->getXslName($data->getEveApiName(), $data->getEveApiSectionName()));
     $xml = $xslt->transformToXml(new SimpleXMLElement($data->getEveApiXml()));
     if (false === $xml) {
         $logger = $this->getLogger();
         foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
         return $this;
     $config = ['indent' => true, 'indent-spaces' => 2, 'output-xml' => true, 'input-xml' => true, 'wrap' => '1000'];
     // Tidy
     $tidy = new tidy();
     $data->setEveApiXml($tidy->repairString($xml, $config, 'utf8'));
     return $this;
  * @param EveApiReadWriteInterface $data
  * @return static Fluent interface.
  * @throws \DomainException
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @throws \LogicException
  * @throws \UnexpectedValueException
 protected function updateCachedUntil(EveApiReadWriteInterface $data)
     if ('' === $data->getEveApiXml()) {
         return $this;
     $currentTime = (string) (new \SimpleXMLElement($data->getEveApiXml()))->currentTime[0];
     if ('' === $currentTime) {
         return $this;
     $dateTime = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($currentTime . '+00:00') + $data->getCacheInterval());
     $row = ['accountKey' => $data->hasEveApiArgument('accountKey') ? $data->getEveApiArgument('accountKey') : '0', 'apiName' => $data->getEveApiName(), 'expires' => $dateTime, 'ownerID' => $this->extractOwnerID($data->getEveApiArguments()), 'sectionName' => $data->getEveApiSectionName()];
     $sql = $this->getCsq()->getUpsert('utilCachedUntil', array_keys($row), 1);
     $this->getYem()->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.Log.log', Logger::DEBUG, $sql);
     $pdo = $this->getPdo();
     $context = [];
     $success = false;
     try {
         $success = true;
     } catch (\PDOException $exc) {
         $context = ['exception' => $exc];
     $mess = $success ? 'Updated cached until date/time of' : 'Could NOT update cached until date/time of';
     $this->getYem()->triggerLogEvent('Yapeal.Log.log', Logger::INFO, $this->createEveApiMessage($mess, $data), $context);
     return $this;