Exemple #1
 public function getTableDefinition($tableName)
     $tableSymbol = new Symbol($tableName);
     $res = $this->database->query("DESC ?", $tableSymbol);
     $columns = new \stdClass();
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) {
         $type = $row['Type'];
         $field = $row['Field'];
         $phpType = $this->getTypeByString($type);
         if ('auto_increment' === $row['Extra']) {
             $phpType += Column::AUTO_ID;
         $column = new Column($phpType);
         $columns->{$field} = $column;
         $column->schemaName = $field;
         $notNull = $row['Null'] === 'NO';
         if ($row['Default'] !== null || !$notNull) {
         $column->setFlag(Column::NOT_NULL, $notNull);
     $definition = new Table($columns, $this->database, $tableName);
     $res = $this->database->query("SHOW INDEX FROM ?", $tableSymbol);
     $indexes = array();
     $uniqueIndex = array();
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         $indexes[$row['Key_name']][$row['Seq_in_index']] = $columns->{$row['Column_name']};
         $uniqueIndex[$row['Key_name']] = !$row['Non_unique'];
     foreach ($indexes as $indexName => $indexData) {
         $index = new Index(array_values($indexData));
         $index->setType($uniqueIndex[$indexName] ? Index::TYPE_UNIQUE : Index::TYPE_KEY);
         if ($indexName === self::_PRIMARY) {
         } else {
     return $definition;
Exemple #2
 public function exportCombined()
     $res = Database::getInstance()->query("select\n  child.name as child,\n  parent.name as parent,\n  sum(wall_time) as wt,\n  sum(count) as ct,\n  sum(cpu) as cpu,\n  round(avg(memory_usage)) as mu,\n  max(peak_memory_usage) as pmu\nfrom phperf_xhprof_related_stat\n  LEFT JOIN phperf_xhprof_symbol as child ON phperf_xhprof_related_stat.child_symbol_id = child.id\n  LEFT JOIN phperf_xhprof_symbol as parent ON phperf_xhprof_related_stat.parent_symbol_id = parent.id\nGROUP BY child_symbol_id, parent_symbol_id;")->fetchAll();
     $result = array();
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         $result[$row['parent'] . '==>' . $row['child']] = array('ct' => (int) $row['ct'], 'wt' => (int) $row['wt'], 'cpu' => (int) $row['cpu'], 'mu' => (int) $row['mu'], 'pmu' => (int) $row['pmu']);
     $res = Database::getInstance()->query("select\n  symbol.name as symbol,\n  sum(wall_time) as wt,\n  sum(count) as ct,\n  sum(cpu) as cpu,\n  round(avg(memory_usage)) as mu,\n  max(peak_memory_usage) as pmu\nfrom phperf_xhprof_single_stat\n  LEFT JOIN phperf_xhprof_symbol as symbol ON phperf_xhprof_single_stat.symbol_id = symbol.id\nGROUP BY symbol_id;")->fetchAll();
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         $result[$row['symbol']] = array('ct' => (int) $row['ct'], 'wt' => (int) $row['wt'], 'cpu' => (int) $row['cpu'], 'mu' => (int) $row['mu'], 'pmu' => (int) $row['pmu']);
     file_put_contents('export.serialized', serialize($result));
 public function listTop()
     $database = Database::getInstance();
     $esc = SymbolStat::columns();
     $statement = $database->select(SymbolStat::table())->select("SUM(?) AS total_wt, SUM(?) AS total_ct, COUNT(DISTINCT ?) AS runs, ?, ?", $esc->wallTime, $esc->calls, $esc->runId, $esc->symbolId, Symbol::columns()->name)->leftJoin('? ON ? = ?', Symbol::table(), Symbol::columns()->id, $esc->symbolId)->groupBy(SymbolStat::columns()->symbolId)->order('total_wt DESC')->limit(50);
     $res = $statement->query();
     $table = new HTML();
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         $row['name'] = '<a href="?symbol=' . urlencode($row['name']) . '">' . $row['name'] . '</a>';
 public function performAction()
     $database = Database::getInstance();
     $settings = $database->getSettings();
     $tables = $settings->getTables();
     $log = new Log('colored-stdout');
     if ($this->wipe) {
         foreach ($tables as $table) {
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
 public function showSymbol()
     if (!empty($_GET['run'])) {
         $run = new Run();
         $run->name = $_GET['run'];
         $this->runName = $run->findSaved()->id;
     /** @var Symbol $symbol */
     $symbol = Symbol::statement()->where('? = ?', Symbol::columns()->name, $this->symbol)->query()->fetchRow();
     if (null === $symbol) {
         return $this->error('Symbol ? not found', $this->symbol);
     $stack = new Stack();
     $database = Database::getInstance();
     $inc = RelatedStat::columns();
     $mainSymbol = new Symbol();
     $mainSymbol->name = 'main()';
     $total_wt = $database->select(Run::table())->select("SUM(?) AS total_wt", Run::columns()->wallTime)->query()->fetchRow('total_wt');
     $stack->push(Raw::create('<h2>Total: ' . $total_wt . '</h2>'));
     $statement = $database->select(RelatedStat::table())->select("SUM(?)/1000000 AS total_wt, SUM(?) AS total_ct, COUNT(DISTINCT ?) AS runs, ? AS symbol_id, ?", $inc->wallTime, $inc->calls, $inc->runId, $inc->parentSymbolId, Symbol::columns()->name)->leftJoin('? ON ? = ?', Symbol::table(), Symbol::columns()->id, $inc->parentSymbolId)->where('? = ?', $inc->childSymbolId, $symbol->id)->groupBy($inc->parentSymbolId)->order('total_wt DESC')->limit(50);
     $res = $statement->query();
     $table = new HTML();
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         $row['percent'] = round(100 * $row['total_wt'] / $total_wt, 2);
         $row['name'] = '<a href="?symbol=' . urlencode($row['name']) . '&run=' . $_GET['run'] . '">' . $row['name'] . '</a>';
     $statement = $database->select(RelatedStat::table())->select("SUM(?)/1000000 AS total_wt, SUM(?) AS total_ct, COUNT(DISTINCT ?) AS runs, ? AS symbol_id, ?", $inc->wallTime, $inc->calls, $inc->runId, $inc->childSymbolId, Symbol::columns()->name)->leftJoin('? ON ? = ?', Symbol::table(), Symbol::columns()->id, $inc->childSymbolId)->where('? = ?', $inc->parentSymbolId, $symbol->id)->groupBy($inc->childSymbolId)->order('total_wt DESC')->limit(50);
     $res = $statement->query();
     $table = new HTML();
     foreach ($res as $row) {
         $row['percent'] = round(100 * $row['total_wt'] / $total_wt, 2);
         $row['name'] = '<a href="?symbol=' . urlencode($row['name']) . '&run=' . $_GET['run'] . '">' . $row['name'] . '</a>';
Exemple #6
  * @return ClosureMigration
 public function getMigration()
     $migrationId = 'storage_db_wrapper' . '_' . get_class($this->db->getDriver()) . $this->table->name;
     $table = $this->table;
     $keyField = $this->keyField;
     $valueField = $this->valueField;
     $expireField = $this->expireField;
     $db = $this->db;
     return new ClosureMigration($migrationId, function () use($table, $keyField, $valueField, $expireField, $db) {
         //if ($this->db->getDriver() instanceof Database_Server_Mysql) {
         $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS :table (\n:key VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n:value TEXT NOT NULL,\n:expire INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\nPRIMARY KEY (:key)\n)", array('table' => $table, 'key' => $keyField, 'value' => $valueField, 'expire' => $expireField));
         return true;
     }, function () use($table, $db) {
         $db->query("DROP TABLE ?", $table);
         return true;
Exemple #7
 private function readForeignKeys(Table $def)
     $res = $this->database->select()->select('tc.constraint_name, kcu.column_name')->select('ccu.table_name  AS foreign_table_name, ccu.column_name AS foreign_column_name')->from('information_schema.table_constraints AS tc')->innerJoin('information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu ON tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name')->innerJoin('information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu ON ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name')->where('constraint_type = \'FOREIGN KEY\'')->where('tc.table_name = ?', $def->schemaName)->query()->fetchAll();
     $fk = array();
     foreach ($res as $r) {
         $fk[$r['constraint_name']][$r['column_name']] = array($r['foreign_table_name'], $r['foreign_column_name']);
     foreach ($fk as $constraintName => $constraintColumns) {
         $localColumns = array();
         $referenceColumns = array();
         foreach ($constraintColumns as $localName => $refData) {
             $localColumns[] = $def->columns->{$localName};
             $column = new Column();
             $column->table = new Table(null, null, $refData[0]);
             $column->schemaName = $refData[1];
             $referenceColumns[] = $column;
         $foreignKey = new Database\Definition\ForeignKey($localColumns, $referenceColumns);

namespace Phperf\Xhprof;

use Yaoi\Database;
use Yaoi\Log;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$dbFilePath = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/xh-tests.sqlite';
register_shutdown_function(function () use($dbFilePath) {
Database::register('sqlite:///' . $dbFilePath);
Database::getInstance()->log(new Log('colored-stdout'));

namespace PHPerf;

use Yaoi\Database;
use Yaoi\Http\Auth;
use Yaoi\Http\Auth\Settings;
use Yaoi\Log;
use Yaoi\Storage;
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf8");
ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
Auth::register(function () {
    $dsn = new Settings();
    $dsn->title = 'Developers Only Area';
    $dsn->salt = '<random-string>';
    $dsn->users = array('<login>' => '<password-hash>');
    return $dsn;
}, 'dev');
Storage::register(new Storage\PhpVar(), 'debug_log');
Log::register('storage:///?storage=debug_log', 'debug_log');
Database::register(function () {
    $database = new Database('mysqli://root@localhost/phperf_result');
    return $database;
 public function performAction()
     if (!file_exists($this->path)) {
         throw new \Exception(Expression::create('File ? not found', $this->path));
     $GPSEssentials = new GPSEssentials($this->path);
     $database = new Database('sqlite:///' . realpath($this->path));
     $database->log(new Log('colored-stdout'));
     //$this->count = $database->query("SELECT COUNT(1) AS c FROM ?", TrackElement::table())->fetchRow('c');
     $pageQuery = TrackElement::statement()->order("? ASC", TrackElement::columns()->id)->limit($this->pageSize);
     if ($this->from) {
         $pageQuery->where('? >= 1000 * ?', TrackElement::columns()->time, strtotime($this->from));
     if ($this->to) {
         $pageQuery->where('? <= 1000 * ?', TrackElement::columns()->time, strtotime($this->to));
     $this->segments = array(Segment5::className(), Segment10::className(), Segment100::className(), Segment500::className(), Segment1k::className(), Segment5k::className(), Segment10k::className());
     $timeSegments = array(Segment10s::className(), Segment60s::className());
     /** @var BatchSaver[] $batchSavers */
     $batchSavers = array();
     foreach ($this->segments as $segment) {
         $batchSavers[$segment] = new BatchSaver();
     foreach ($timeSegments as $segment) {
         $batchSavers[$segment] = new BatchSaver();
     while ($res = $pageQuery->query()->fetchAll()) {
         /** @var TrackElement $row */
         foreach ($res as $row) {
             $row->time /= 1000;
             /** @var Segment5|string $segment */
             foreach ($this->segments as $segment) {
                 if (!isset($this->lastPoints[$segment])) {
                     $this->lastPoints[$segment] = $row;
                 /** @var TrackElement $lastPoint */
                 $lastPoint = $this->lastPoints[$segment];
                 if (($distance = GPSEssentials::distance($lastPoint, $row)) > $segment::MIN_DISTANCE) {
                     /** @var Segment5 $segmentItem */
                     $segmentItem = new $segment();
                     $segmentItem->distance = $distance;
                     $segmentItem->latitude = $row->latitude;
                     $segmentItem->longitude = $row->longitude;
                     $segmentItem->ut = $row->time;
                     $segmentItem->altitude = $row->altitude;
                     $segmentItem->time = $row->time - $lastPoint->time;
                     if ($segmentItem->time) {
                         $segmentItem->speed = $segmentItem->distance / $segmentItem->time;
                     $segmentItem->elevation = $row->altitude - $lastPoint->altitude;
                     $this->lastPoints[$segment] = $row;
             /** @var Segment10s|string $segment */
             foreach ($timeSegments as $segment) {
                 if (!isset($this->lastPoints[$segment])) {
                     $this->lastPoints[$segment] = $row;
                 /** @var TrackElement $lastPoint */
                 $lastPoint = $this->lastPoints[$segment];
                 if ($row->time - $lastPoint->time > $segment::MIN_TIME) {
                     /** @var Segment5 $segmentItem */
                     $segmentItem = new $segment();
                     $segmentItem->distance = GPSEssentials::distance($lastPoint, $row);
                     $segmentItem->latitude = $row->latitude;
                     $segmentItem->longitude = $row->longitude;
                     $segmentItem->ut = $row->time;
                     $segmentItem->altitude = $row->altitude;
                     $segmentItem->time = $row->time - $lastPoint->time;
                     if ($segmentItem->time) {
                         $segmentItem->speed = $segmentItem->distance / $segmentItem->time;
                     $segmentItem->elevation = $row->altitude - $lastPoint->altitude;
                     $this->lastPoints[$segment] = $row;
         $this->offset += $this->pageSize;
     foreach ($batchSavers as $batchSaver) {
Exemple #11
 public function dropTable($tableName)
Exemple #12
 private static function getDatabase($class)
     if (isset(self::$databases[$class])) {
         return self::$databases[$class];
     } else {
         return Database::getInstance();
Exemple #13

namespace Phperf\Xhprof;

use Yaoi\Database;
use Yaoi\Log;
Database::register('sqlite:///' . __DIR__ . '/../xh-stat.sqlite');
//Database::getInstance()->log(new Log('colored-stdout'));
Exemple #14
  * @return $this|\Yaoi\Sql\SelectInterface|\Yaoi\Sql\UpdateInterface
 public function build($statExpr)
     $symbolsDerived = SymbolStat::table('s');
     $symbolsDerivedCols = SymbolStat::columns($symbolsDerived);
     $symbolCols = Symbol::columns();
     $this->expr = Database::getInstance()->statement()->select('? AS ?', $symbolCols->name, new S('function'))->from('? AS s', $statExpr)->leftJoin('? ON ? = ?', Symbol::table(), $symbolsDerivedCols->symbolId, $symbolCols->id)->groupBy('?', $symbolsDerivedCols->symbolId);
     $this->avgWtSymbols = array();
     foreach ($this->runs as $run) {
         $runXTable = SymbolStat::table($run->name);
         $runXCols = SymbolStat::columns($runXTable);
         $this->addColumns($run, $runXCols);
         $this->expr->leftJoin('? ON ? = ? AND ? = ? AND ? = ?', $runXTable, $runXCols->symbolId, $symbolsDerivedCols->symbolId, $runXCols->isInclusive, $this->isInclusive, $runXCols->runId, $run->id);
     $outerExpr = Database::getInstance()->statement()->select('*')->from('? AS ss', $this->expr)->order('COALESCE(null, ?) DESC', array($this->avgWtSymbols))->limit($this->limit);
     return $outerExpr;
Exemple #15
    $settings->username = '******';
    $settings->password = '******';
    return $settings;
Http\Client::register(function () {
    $client = new Http\Client();
    $client->mock(new Mock(Storage::getInstance('mock')));
    return $client;
Storage::register(function () {
    $settings = new Storage\Settings();
    $settings->driverClassName = Storage\Driver\SerializedFile::className();
    $settings->path = __DIR__ . '/resources/mock4.serialized';
    return $settings;
}, 'mock');
    $settings = new Database\Settings();
    $settings->driverClassName = Database\Driver\Sqlite::className();
    $settings->path = __DIR__ . '/resources/db.sqlite';
    return $settings;
}, 'sqlite');
Migration\Manager::register(function () {
    $settings = new Migration\Settings();
    $settings->storage = new Storage('serialized-file:///' . __DIR__ . '/resources/migration.serialized');
    $settings->run = function () {
    return $settings;
Exemple #16

namespace Wtf;

use Yaoi\Database;
Database::register('sqlite:///' . __DIR__ . '/../data.sqlite');
Exemple #17
  * @param string $identifier
  * @return Database\Contract
 static function database($identifier = Service::PRIMARY)
     return Database::getInstance($identifier);