  * 运营商验证营业执照接口(运营商调取)营业执照默认通过+工厂认证默认通过
  * @author zhuyuping 2015.08.28
  * @return array
 public function saveLic($postData = array(), $cid = '', $supid = '')
     $cid = intval($cid);
     $supid = intval($supid);
     if ($cid <= 0 || empty($postData) || $supid <= 0) {
         return $this->outputData('', '600', '参数错误');
     $comObj = \Gccominfo\Models\Gccompany::findFirst(array('cid = :cid:', 'bind' => array('cid' => $cid)));
     if (empty($comObj)) {
         return $this->outputData('', '600', '企业信息不存在');
     $tmpArr = array('ceo', 'regcapital', 'province', 'city', 'area', 'address', 'comname', 'username');
     foreach ($tmpArr as $key => $value) {
         if (empty($postData[$value])) {
             return $this->outputData('', '600', $value . "不能为空");
     $response = CombusinessService::getInstance()->getByName($postData['comname']);
     $businessInfo = !empty($response) && $response['code'] == 200 ? $response['data'] : array();
     $comObj->licensestate = 1;
     $comObj->is_gccertify = 1;
     if ($businessInfo) {
         $comObj->cbcid = $businessInfo['cid'];
         CombusinessService::getInstance()->updateGccid($cid, $businessInfo['cid']);
     $save = array('lic' => array('cid' => $cid, 'supid' => $supid, 'state' => 1, 'comname' => $postData['comname'], 'ceo' => $postData['ceo'], 'regcapital' => intval($postData['regcapital']), 'province' => intval($postData['province']), 'city' => intval($postData['city']), 'zone' => intval($postData['area']), 'address' => $postData['address'], 'licensetype' => 2, 'licenseurl' => '', 'endtime' => 0, 'addtime' => time()), 'mlic' => array('cid' => $cid, 'supid' => $supid, 'username' => $postData['username'], 'comname' => $postData['comname'], 'addtime' => time(), 'checktime' => time(), 'state' => 1, 'checkdesc' => '运营商后台添加默认认证', 'name' => 'op'), 'certify' => array('supid' => $supid, 'state' => 1, 'comname' => $postData['comname'], 'ceo' => $postData['ceo'], 'addtime' => time()), 'mcertify' => array('supid' => $supid, 'addtime' => time(), 'checktime' => time(), 'state' => 1, 'checkdesc' => '运营商后台添加默认通过工厂认证', 'name' => 'op'));
     $Obj = GcBuslicense::findFirst(array('columns' => 'id, state', 'conditions' => "cid=:cid:", 'bind' => array('cid' => $cid)));
     if (is_object($Obj) && isset($Obj->state) && $Obj->state == 1) {
         return $this->outputData(true);
     } else {
         if (!is_object($Obj)) {
             $Obj = new \Gccominfo\Models\GcBuslicense();
         if ($Obj->save($save['lic']) === false) {
             return $this->outputData(false, '600', $Obj->getMessages());
         if ($comObj->save() === false) {
             return $this->outputData(false, '600', $comObj->getMessages());
         $mlicObj = new \Gccominfo\Models\Mbuslicense();
         if ($mlicObj->save($save['mlic']) === false) {
             return $this->outputData(false, '600', $mlicObj->getMessages());
         $certifyObj = new \Gccominfo\Models\GcGccertify();
         if ($certifyObj->save($save['certify']) === false) {
             return $this->outputData(false, '600', $certifyObj->getMessages());
         $mcertifyObj = new \Gccominfo\Models\MGccertify();
         if ($mcertifyObj->save($save['mcertify']) === false) {
             return $this->outputData(false, '600', $mcertifyObj->getMessages());
         $scoretypeArr = array(3, 4);
         foreach ($scoretypeArr as $key => $scoretype) {
             $score = $this->di['config']->company->score[$scoretype];
             $insertLogData = array('supid' => $supid, 'cid' => $cid, 'pid' => 0, 'scoretype' => $scoretype, 'score' => $score, 'addtime' => time());
             $logObj = new Supscorelog();
         $Obj = Supscore::findFirst(array("supid = :supid:", 'bind' => array('supid' => $supid)));
         if (is_object($Obj)) {
             $dataArr = array('basescore' => 80);
         } else {
             $Obj = new Supscore();
             $dataArr = array('supid' => $supid, 'cid' => $cid, 'basescore' => 80);
         $array = array('supid' => $supid, 'province' => intval($postData['province']), 'city' => intval($postData['city']), 'cate1' => 0, 'cate2' => 0, 'busmode' => 1, 'licence' => 1);
         Statistic::report(Statistic::SUP_PERSONAL_LICENCE, $array);
         /* //工厂认证 添加基础评分
            $queueData2 = json_encode(array('cid' => $cid, 'supid' => $supid, 'scoretype' => 4));
            $rabbit->set('v3work', 'sup', $queueData2, 'score');*/
         $array = array('supid' => $supid, 'province' => intval($postData['province']), 'city' => intval($postData['city']), 'cate1' => 0, 'cate2' => 0, 'busmode' => 1, 'auth' => 1);
         Statistic::report(Statistic::SUP_PERSONAL_AUTH, $array);
     return $this->outputData(true);
Exemple #2
  * 删除功能
 public function del($pid, $cid, $supid)
     if (!is_array($pid)) {
         $pid = array($pid);
     foreach ($pid as $v1) {
         $infoobj = \Gcproinfo\Models\Pdinfo::findFirst(array('pid = :pid: and cid = :cid:', 'bind' => array('pid' => $v1, 'cid' => $cid)));
         if ($infoobj->state == 1 or $infoobj->state == -2) {
             if ($infoobj->cate3 > 0) {
                 $procate = $infoobj->cate3;
             } else {
                 $procate = $infoobj->cate2;
             $cate2 = 0;
             $comInfo = ComBaseService::getInstance()->getCom($infoobj->supid);
             if ($comInfo['code'] == 200 and is_array($comInfo['data'])) {
                 $cate2 = $comInfo['data']['cate2'];
             $tongjiInfo = array('supid' => $infoobj->supid, 'uid' => 0, 'opuserid' => 0, 'cid' => $infoobj->cid, 'pid' => $infoobj->pid, 'cate2' => $cate2, 'cate3' => $infoobj->cate3, 'procate' => $procate, 'score' => $infoobj->star, 'ptype' => 1);
             Statistic::report(Statistic::SUP_DEL_PRODUCT, $tongjiInfo);
         $infoobj->state = -7;
         $infoobj->online = 0;
         $re1 = $infoobj->save();
         if ($re1 == false) {
             return $this->outputData(false, '600', '删除失败');
         $groupAll = \Gcproinfo\Models\PdPidgid::find(array("conditions" => 'pid=:pid: and cid = :cid: and state in (0,1)', 'bind' => array('pid' => $v1, 'cid' => $cid)))->toArray();
         if (!empty($groupAll)) {
             foreach ($groupAll as $val) {
                 $userGroupObj = \Gcproinfo\Models\PdPidgid::findFirst(array('id = :id:', 'bind' => array('id' => $val['id'])));
                 $re2 = $userGroupObj->delete();
                 if ($re2 == false) {
                     return $this->outputData(false, '600', '产品分组删除失败');
                 if (empty($val['cgid'])) {
                     $groupobj = \Gcproinfo\Models\Pdcustomgroup::findFirst(array('cid=:cid: and gid = :gid: and parentgid=0', 'bind' => array('gid' => $val['gid'], 'cid' => $val['cid'])));
                 } else {
                     $groupobj = \Gcproinfo\Models\Pdcustomgroup::findFirst(array('cid=:cid: and gid = :cgid: and parentgid=:gid:', 'bind' => array('cgid' => $val['cgid'], 'gid' => $val['gid'], 'cid' => $val['cid'])));
                 if (!empty($groupobj) && is_object($groupobj)) {
                     if ($groupobj->pronum > 0) {
                         $groupobj->pronum = $groupobj->pronum - 1;
                         $re3 = $groupobj->save();
                         if ($re3 == false) {
                             return $this->outputData(false, '600', '产品分组统计产品数目失败');
         $mProduct = \Gcproinfo\Models\Mproduct::findFirst(array('pid = :pid:', 'bind' => array('pid' => $v1)));
         if ($mProduct) {
             $re5 = $mProduct->delete();
             if ($re5 == false) {
                 return $this->outputData(false, '600', '违规产品删除失败');
         $optimize = \Gcproinfo\Models\Pdoptimize::findFirst(array('pid = :pid:', 'bind' => array('pid' => $v1)));
         if ($optimize) {
             $optimize->state = -7;
             $re6 = $optimize->save();
             if ($re6 == false) {
                 return $this->outputData(false, '600', '待优化删除失败');
         $rabbit = new RabbitMQ($this->di['config']->rabbitmq_write->toArray());
         $rabbit->setBroadcast('v3prodesc', 'prodesc', json_encode(array('pid' => $infoobj->pid, 'cid' => $infoobj->cid, 'table' => 'product', 'op' => 'delete')));
     return $this->outputData(1);
  * 设置审核信息
  * @author 彭东江
  * @param int $id 主键id
  * @return array 审核信息
 public function audit($id, $state, $comname, $checkdesc = '', $mname = '')
     if (empty($id) || empty($state) || empty($comname) || empty($mname)) {
         return $this->outputData('', '600', '参数错误');
     $certify = MGccertify::findFirst(array('id = ?1', 'bind' => array(1 => $id), 'order' => 'id DESC'));
     $certify->state = $state;
     $certify->checkdesc = $checkdesc;
     $certify->checktime = time();
     $certify->name = $mname;
     if ($certify->save()) {
         $com = Gccompany::findFirst(array('supid = ?1', 'bind' => array(1 => $certify->supid)));
         $com->is_gccertify = $certify->state;
         if ($com->save() && $com->is_gccertify == 1) {
             $gc_gccertify = new GcGccertify();
             $gc_gccertify->supid = $certify->supid;
             $gc_gccertify->state = 1;
             $gc_gccertify->comname = $comname;
             $gc_gccertify->addtime = time();
             $result = $gc_gccertify->save();
     $msg['supid'] = $certify->supid;
     if ($state == 1) {
         //工厂认证 添加基础评分
         $rabbit = new RabbitMQ($this->di['config']->rabbitmq_write->toArray());
         $queueData = json_encode(array('cid' => $com->cid, 'supid' => $certify->supid, 'scoretype' => 4));
         $rabbit->set('v3work', 'sup', $queueData, 'score');
         $array = array('supid' => $certify->supid, 'province' => $com->province, 'city' => $com->city, 'cate1' => $com->cate1, 'cate2' => $com->cate2, 'busmode' => $com->busmode, 'auth' => 1);
         Statistic::report(Statistic::SUP_PERSONAL_AUTH, $array);
         $msg['subject'] = "工厂认证审核通过";
         $msg['message'] = '您提交的工厂认证申请已经审核通过,拥有发布10条普通特权产品的权限,可以更好的提升营销效果。如需发布更多特权产品,您可以开通营销4.0服务!【<a href="' . $this->di['config']->base->sup . '/product/special/index/">发布特权产品</a>】【<a href="' . $this->di['config']->base->sup . '/cost/" target="_blank">开通营销4.0</a>】';
     } else {
         $msg['subject'] = "工厂认证被拒审";
         $msg['message'] = '您提交的工厂认证申请已经被拒审,拘审原因是:(' . $checkdesc . ')!【<a href="' . $this->di['config']->base->sup . '/company/gongchang/">重新认证</a>】';
     return $this->outputData($certify);
Exemple #4
 public static function getData(array $codes, array $params)
     $logEvent = [];
     $logUrl = [];
     $logRuntime = [];
     $logState = [];
     $sqlArr = [];
     $result = [];
     foreach ($codes as $code) {
         $result['1_' . $code] = false;
         self::parseDataRequest($code, $params, $sqlArr);
     $sqls = self::createDataSqls($sqlArr);
     $result = self::parseDataResult($sqls, $result);
     foreach ($result as $k => $v) {
         $logEvent[$k] = $k;
         $logRuntime[$k] = 0;
         $logUrl[$k] = '';
         $logState[$k] = true;
     Statistic::addPageLog(false, 'local', 'getData', $logEvent, $logState, $logUrl, $logRuntime);
     return $result;
  * 删除特权商品
  * @param  array $pid   商品id
  * @param  int $supid 供应商id
 public function delGoods($pid, $supid = 0)
     $supid = intval($supid);
     if (empty($pid) or !is_array($pid)) {
         return $this->outputData(false, 600, '参数有误');
     $di = \Phalcon\Di::getDefault();
     foreach ($pid as $v) {
         if (empty($supid)) {
             $condition = 'pid=:pid:';
             $where = 'pid=' . $v;
             $bind['pid'] = $v;
         } else {
             $condition = 'supid=:supid: and pid=:pid:';
             $where = 'supid=' . $supid . ' and pid=' . $v;
             $bind['supid'] = $supid;
             $bind['pid'] = $v;
         $info = Pdspecialpro::findFirst(array("conditions" => $condition, "bind" => $bind));
         if ($info) {
             if ($info->state == 1 or $info->state == -2 or $info->state == -3) {
                 if ($info->cate5 > 0) {
                     $procate = $info->cate5;
                 } elseif ($info->cate4 > 0) {
                     $procate = $info->cate4;
                 } else {
                     $procate = $info->cate3;
                 $cate2 = 0;
                 $comInfo = ComService::getInstance()->getComBySupid($info->supid);
                 if ($comInfo['code'] == 200 and is_array($comInfo['data'])) {
                     $cate2 = $comInfo['data']['cate2'];
                 $uid = 0;
                 $opuserid = 0;
                 $OpSup = OpSupService::getInstance()->getCompanyOpInfo($info->supid, $info->cate3);
                 if ($OpSup['code'] == 200 and is_array($OpSup['data'])) {
                     $opuserid = $OpSup['data']['opuserid'];
                     $uid = $OpSup['data']['uid'];
                 $tongjiInfo = array('supid' => $info->supid, 'uid' => $uid, 'opuserid' => $opuserid, 'cid' => $info->cid, 'pid' => $info->pid, 'cate2' => $cate2, 'cate3' => $info->cate3, 'procate' => $procate, 'score' => $info->star, 'ptype' => 2);
                 Statistic::report(Statistic::SUP_DEL_PRODUCT, $tongjiInfo);
             $state = $info->state;
             $info->state = -7;
             $rs = $info->save();
             $rabbit = new RabbitMQ($this->di['config']->rabbitmq_write->toArray());
             if ($rs) {
                 UserSearchService::getInstance()->deleteSpecial((int) $info->pid, (int) $info->cid);
                 $di->getShared('gcproinfo')->update('pd_optimize', array('state'), array(-7), $where);
                 $di->getShared('gcsupplier')->update('m_product', array('state'), array(-7), $where);
                 $temp = Mspecialpro::findFirst(array("conditions" => $condition, "bind" => $bind));
                 if ($temp) {
                     if ($temp->state == $state) {
                         $temp->state = -7;
                         UserSearchService::getInstance()->deleteMSpecial((int) $temp->id, (int) $info->cid);
                         $rabbit->setBroadcast('v3prodesc', 'prodesc', json_encode(array('pid' => $temp->id, 'cid' => $temp->cid, 'table' => 'mspecial', 'op' => 'delete')));
                 $rabbit->setBroadcast('v3product', 'product', json_encode(array('pid' => $info->pid, 'cid' => $info->cid)));
                 $rabbit->setBroadcast('v3prodesc', 'prodesc', json_encode(array('pid' => $info->pid, 'cid' => $info->cid, 'table' => 'product', 'op' => 'delete')));
                 if ($info->is_op == 1) {
                     //统计4.0的商品添加  马杰超
                     OpSupService::getInstance()->addStatic($info->cate3, $info->supid, 3);
     return $this->outputData(1);