ConnectionInterface 를 따르며 DynamicField 처리를 위해 dynamic 메소드 추가
Author: XE Developers (
Inheritance: extends Illuminate\Database\ConnectionInterface
  * setting
  * @param VirtualConnectionInterface $conn     database connection
  * @param bool               $revision 리비전 처리
  * @return \Illuminate\View\View
 public function setting(VirtualConnectionInterface $conn, $revision = false)
     /** @var \Xpressengine\DynamicField\DynamicFieldHandler $dynamicField */
     $dynamicField = app('xe.dynamicField');
     $parent = $dynamicField->getConfigHandler()->parent($this->group);
     $configs = [];
     if ($parent !== null) {
          * @var ConfigEntity $config
         foreach (Cfg::children($parent) as $config) {
             if ($config->get('use') === true) {
                 $configs[$config->get('id')] = $config;
      * @var \Xpressengine\DynamicField\RegisterHandler $registerHandler
     $dynamicFieldHandler = app('xe.dynamicField');
     $registerHandler = $dynamicFieldHandler->getRegisterHandler();
     $types = $registerHandler->getTypes($dynamicFieldHandler);
     $fieldTypes = [];
     foreach ($types as $types) {
         $fieldTypes[] = $types;
     \Frontend::rule('dynamicFieldSection', $this->getRules());
     return View::make('dynamicField.setting', ['databaseName' => $conn->getName(), 'group' => $this->group, 'configs' => $configs, 'fieldTypes' => $fieldTypes, 'revision' => $revision]);
  * countByInstanceId
  * @param string   $instanceId instance Id
  * @param callable $filter     filter
  * @return int
 public function countByInstanceId($instanceId, callable $filter = null)
     $query = $this->conn->table($this->table)->where('instanceId', '=', $instanceId);
     if ($filter !== null) {
     return $query->count();
  * affiliated to another registered
  * @param Permission $item permission instance
  * @param string     $to   parent name
  * @return void
 public function affiliate(Permission $item, $to)
     if ($to !== null) {
         $this->conn->table($this->table)->where('siteKey', $item->siteKey)->where(function ($query) use($item) {
             $query->where('name', $item->name)->orWhere('name', 'like', $item->name . '.%');
         })->update(['name' => $this->conn->raw("concat('{$to}', '.', `name`)")]);
  * document 의 덧글 리스트 반환
  * @param DocumentEntity $doc document entity
  * @return array
 public function getReplies(DocumentEntity $doc)
     $query = $this->connection->table($this->table)->where('head', $doc->head);
     if ($doc->reply != null) {
         $query = $query->where('reply', 'like', $doc->reply . '%');
     return $query->get();
  * affiliated to another config
  * @param ConfigEntity $config config object
  * @param string|null  $to     parent name
  * @return void
 public function affiliate(ConfigEntity $config, $to = null)
     if ($to !== null) {
         $this->conn->table($this->table)->where('siteKey', $config->siteKey)->where(function ($query) use($config) {
             $query->where('name', $config->name)->orWhere('name', 'like', $config->name . '.%');
         })->update(['name' => $this->conn->raw("concat('{$to}', '.', `name`)")]);
  * DynamicField 제거
  * @param ConfigEntity $config config entity
  * @return void
 public function drop(ConfigEntity $config)
     $type = $this->registerHandler->getType($this, $config->get('typeId'));
  * fetch slugs
  * @param string|array $ids         ids
  * @param string|array $instanceIds instance ids
  * @return SlugEntity[]
 public function fetchByIdsInstanceIds($ids, $instanceIds)
     $slugs = $this->connection->table($this->table)->whereIn('id', $ids)->whereIn('instanceId', $instanceIds)->get();
     foreach ($slugs as $key => $row) {
         $slugs[$key] = new SlugEntity($row);
     return $slugs;
  * get proxy manager
  * @return ProxyManager|null
 public function getProxyManager()
     if ($this->dynamic === false) {
         return null;
     $proxyManager = $this->connector->getProxyManager();
     $proxyManager->set($this->connector, $this->options);
     return $proxyManager;
  * userId 리스트 반환
  * 최근 counter log에 insert 된 userId 를 보기 위해
  * @param array $wheres make where query list
  * @param array $orders make order query list
  * @param int   $limit  number of list
  * @return mixed
 public function fetchByUserIds(array $wheres, array $orders, $limit = null)
     $query = $this->conn->table($this->table);
     $query = $this->wheres($query, $wheres);
     $query = $this->orders($query, $orders);
     if ($limit !== null) {
         $query = $query->take($limit);
     return $query->lists('userId');
  * Retrieve the "count" result of the query by groupBy
  * @param string $groupBy groupBy column
  * @param array  $wheres  where clause
  * @return array groupBy => count format
 public function countGroupBy($groupBy, array $wheres = [])
     $rows = $this->buildWhere($this->conn->table($this->table), $wheres)->selectRaw("`{$groupBy}`, count(*) as cnt")->groupBy($groupBy)->get();
     $array = [];
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $row = (array) $row;
         $array[$row[$groupBy]] = $row['cnt'];
     return $array;
  * Specific word used target information
  * return sample
  *   ['freeboard' => ['xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx']]
  * @param string $word       specific word
  * @param string $instanceId instance id
  * @return array
 public function getUsed($word, $instanceId)
     $query = $this->conn->table($this->usedTable . ' as used')->leftJoin($this->itemTable . ' as item', 'used.itemId', '=', '')->select(['item.instanceId', 'used.targetId'])->where('item.word', $word);
     if ($instanceId !== null) {
         $query->where('item.instanceId', $instanceId);
     $rows = $query->get();
     $data = [];
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $row = (array) $row;
         if (isset($data[$row['instanceId']]) !== true) {
             $data[$row['instanceId']] = [];
         $data[$row['instanceId']][] = $row['targetId'];
     return empty($data) ? $data : ($instanceId === null ? $data : array_pop($data));
  * fetch node list tree type
  * @param NodeInterface $top   node instance
  * @param int           $depth want get depth
  * @return TreeCollection
 public function fetchTree(NodeInterface $top, $depth = 0)
     $prefix = $this->conn->getTablePrefix();
     $query = $this->conn->table($this->nodeTable . " as t")->selectRaw("{$prefix}t.*, {$prefix}h.`depth`, GROUP_CONCAT({$prefix}crumbs.`ancestor` " . "order by {$prefix}crumbs.`depth` desc) AS breadcrumbs")->join($this->hierarchyTable . ' as h', '', '=', 'h.descendant')->join($this->hierarchyTable . ' as crumbs', 'crumbs.descendant', '=', 'h.descendant')->where('h.ancestor', $top->id);
     if ($depth > 0) {
         $query->where('h.depth', '<', $depth);
     $rows = $query->groupBy('')->orderBy('breadcrumbs')->orderBy('t.ordering')->get();
     $nodes = [];
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $row = (array) $row;
         $node = $this->createNodeModel(array_diff_key($row, array_flip(['depth', 'breadcrumbs'])));
         $nodes[$node->id] = $node;
     return new TreeCollection($nodes);
  * 게시판 제거
  * @param string $boardId board id
  * @return void
 public function destroy($boardId)
     $config = $this->configHandler->get($boardId);
     if ($config === null) {
         throw new Exceptions\InvalidConfigException();
     // get document config
     // remove board config
     // 연결된 df 제거
     foreach ($this->configHandler->getDynamicFields($config) as $config) {
  * Get the evaluated contents of the object.
  * @return string
 public function render()
     /** @var \Xpressengine\DynamicField\DynamicFieldHandler $dynamicField */
     $dynamicField = app('xe.dynamicField');
     $parent = $dynamicField->getConfigHandler()->parent($this->group);
     $configs = [];
     if ($parent !== null) {
          * @var ConfigEntity $config
         foreach (XeConfig::children($parent) as $config) {
             if ($config->get('use') === true) {
                 $configs[$config->get('id')] = $config;
      * @var \Xpressengine\DynamicField\RegisterHandler $registerHandler
     $dynamicFieldHandler = app('xe.dynamicField');
     $registerHandler = $dynamicFieldHandler->getRegisterHandler();
     $types = $registerHandler->getTypes($dynamicFieldHandler);
     $fieldTypes = [];
     foreach ($types as $types) {
         $fieldTypes[] = $types;
     XeFrontend::rule('dynamicFieldSection', static::getRules());
     // 다국어 입력 필드
     //        XeFrontend::js('/assets/vendor/vendor.bundle.js')->appendTo('head')->load();
     return View::make('dynamicField.setting', ['databaseName' => $this->conn->getName(), 'group' => $this->group, 'configs' => $configs, 'fieldTypes' => $fieldTypes, 'revision' => $this->revision]);
  * drop document instance
  * * ex) 게시판 삭제
  * @param ConfigEntity $config 현제 설정 되어 있는 config
  * @return void
 public function dropDivisionTable(ConfigEntity $config)
     if ($config->get('division') === true) {
         $this->connection->delete(sprintf("DROP TABLE `%s%s`", $this->connection()->getTablePrefix(), $this->document->divisionTable($config)));
  * 같은 depth 에 가장 마지막 자식노드의 reply 코드 값
  * @param CommentEntity $comment comment object
  * @return string
 public function getLastChildReply(CommentEntity $comment)
     $reply = $this->conn->table($this->table)->where('head', $comment->head)->where('reply', 'like', $comment->reply . str_repeat('_', CommentEntity::getReplyCharlen()))->max('reply');
     return $reply;
  * delete document
  * @param Document $doc document model
  * @return bool
 public function remove(Document $doc)
     $result = $doc->delete();
     return $result;
  * 임시저장 데이터 삭제
  * @param DraftEntity $draft 임시저장 객체
  * @return int 삭제된 레코드 수(정상적인 경우 '1')
 public function delete(DraftEntity $draft)
     return $this->conn->table($this->table)->where('id', $draft->id)->delete();
  * delete revision by document id
  * @param string $id document id
  * @return void
 public function deleteByDocumentId($id)
     $this->connection->table($this->table)->where('id', $id)->delete();
  * 임시저장 데이터 삭제
  * @param TemporaryEntity $temporary 임시저장 객체
  * @return int 삭제된 레코드 수(정상적인 경우 '1')
 public function delete(TemporaryEntity $temporary)
     return $this->conn->table($this->table)->where('id', $temporary->id)->delete();
  * Delete by origin
  * @param string $originId origin id
  * @return int
 public function deleteByOriginId($originId)
     return $this->conn->table($this->table)->where('originId', $originId)->delete();
  * Delete
  * @param Meta $meta meta instance
  * @return int
 public function delete(Meta $meta)
     return $this->conn->table($this->table)->where('id', $meta->id)->delete();
  * instance 내 모든 데이터 삭제
  * @param string $instanceId instance identifier
  * @return void
 public function dropInstance($instanceId)
     $this->conn->table($this->table)->where('instanceId', $instanceId)->delete();
  * drop document instance
  * @param ConfigEntity $config 현제 설정 되어 있는 config
  * @return void
 protected function dropDivisionTable(ConfigEntity $config)
     if ($config->get('division') === true) {
         $this->connection->getSchemaBuilder()->drop(sprintf("%s%s", $this->connection->getTablePrefix(), $this->getDivisionTableName($config)));
  * get last table record
  * @return array|null
 private function lastRecord()
     $row = $this->conn->table($this->table)->orderBy('createdAt', 'desc')->first();
     return $row ? (array) $row : null;
  * count
  * @param string $host site unique host
  * @return int
 public function count($host)
     return $this->conn->table($this->table)->where('host', $host)->count();
  * drop document instance
  * @param ConfigEntity $config 현제 설정 되어 있는 config
  * @return void
 protected function dropDivisionTable(ConfigEntity $config)
     if ($config->get('division') === true) {