use Xi\Sms\Event\SmsMessageEvent; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher; if (!@(include __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php')) { die("You must set up the project dependencies, run the following commands:\nwget\nphp composer.phar install --dev\n"); } gc_enable(); if (count($argv) != 3 || in_array('-h', $argv) || in_array('--argv', $argv)) { echo "Usage: {$argv[0]} from to\n"; echo "Then input the text to send and press Ctrl+D\n"; exit; } $from = $argv[1]; $to = $argv[2]; $ed = new EventDispatcher(); $gw = null; $gw = new MessageBirdGateway(''); if (!$gw) { throw new LogicException('Configure gateway'); } $service = new SmsService($gw, $ed); $ed->addListener(Events::SEND, function (SmsMessageEvent $event) { $msg = $event->getMessage(); echo "Message sent.\n"; echo "From: " . $msg->getFrom() . "\n"; echo "To: " . print_r($msg->getTo(), true) . "\n"; echo "Body:\n" . $msg->getBody() . "\n\n"; }); $body = stream_get_contents(STDIN); $msg = new SmsMessage($body, $from, $to); echo "Sending...\n"; $service->send($msg);
/** * @test */ public function urlNormalDispatch() { $ResponseMock = $this->getMock('Buzz\\Message\\Response', array('getContent', 'isOk')); $ResponseMock->expects($this->once())->method('getContent')->will($this->returnValue('100')); $ResponseMock->expects($this->once())->method('isOk')->will($this->returnValue(true)); $ClientMock = $this->getMock('Browser', array('get')); $ClientMock->expects($this->once())->method('get')->with($this->callback(function ($actual) { $url = parse_url($actual); parse_str($url['query'], $query); return $url['scheme'] === 'http' && $url['host'] === '' && $url['path'] === '/sms/gateway/sms.php' && $query['id'] === 'XXX' && $query['pw'] === 'YYY' && $query['type'] == 4 && $query['text'] === 'Hi' && $query['empfaenger'] === '00491111' && $query['absender'] === '00491234'; }), $this->isType('array'))->will($this->returnValue($ResponseMock)); $this->SmskaufenGateway = $this->getMock('Xi\\Sms\\Gateway\\SmskaufenGateway', array('getClient'), array(array('username' => 'XXX', 'password' => 'YYY', 'https' => false, 'gateway' => 4))); $this->SmskaufenGateway->expects($this->once())->method('getClient')->will($this->returnValue($ClientMock)); $service = new SmsService($this->SmskaufenGateway); $msg = new SmsMessage('Hi', '00491234', '00491111'); $service->send($msg); }