  * Prints a filter dropdown for a meta field with flexible input.
  * @since 0.6.1
  * @param string $column_slug the slug of the meta field column
  * @param WPPTD\Components\Field $field the field component
  * @param array $active_filters currently active filters and their values
 protected function render_meta_column_input_filter($column_slug, $field, $active_filters)
     $options = Utility::get_all_meta_values($field->slug, $this->component->slug);
     echo '<select name="' . $column_slug . '" id="' . $column_slug . '" class="postform">';
     echo '<option value="">' . esc_html($field->title) . ': ' . __('All', 'post-types-definitely') . '</option>';
     foreach ($options as $option) {
         echo '<option value="' . esc_attr($option) . '"' . (isset($active_filters[$column_slug]) && $active_filters[$column_slug] == $option ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>';
         echo $field->_field->parse($option, true);
         echo '</option>';
     echo '</select>';