Exemple #1
  * Evaluates the configured (symfony) expression for the given subject.
  * @param StatefulSubjectInterface $subject
  * @return boolean
 public function accept(StatefulSubjectInterface $subject)
     $execution_context = $subject->getExecutionContext();
     $parameters = $execution_context->getParameters();
     if (is_object($parameters) && is_callable(array($parameters, 'toArray'))) {
         $params = $parameters->toArray();
     } elseif (is_array($parameters)) {
         $params = $parameters;
     } else {
         throw new RuntimeError('Invalid return type given by execution context get parameters method.');
     return (bool) $this->expression_language->evaluate($this->getOption('expression'), array_merge(['subject' => $subject], $params));
Exemple #2
  * Evaluates the configured expression for the given subject. The expression may
  * use the current user as "current_user" and the subject as "subject".
  * @param StatefulSubjectInterface $subject
  * @return boolean true if transition is acceptable
 public function accept(StatefulSubjectInterface $subject)
     $execution_context = $subject->getExecutionContext();
     $parameters = $execution_context->getParameters();
     if (is_array($parameters)) {
         $params = $parameters;
     } elseif (is_object($parameters) && is_callable(array($parameters, 'toArray'))) {
         $params = $parameters->toArray();
     } else {
         throw new RuntimeError('The $subject->getExecutionContext()->getParameters() must return array or object with toArray method.');
     $transition_acceptable = $this->expression_service->evaluate($this->options->get('expression'), array_merge($params, ['subject' => $subject, 'current_user' => $this->environment->getUser()]));
     return (bool) $transition_acceptable;
Exemple #3
  * Propagates the new state machine position to the execution context of the given subject,
  * by calling the execution context's "onStateExit" method.
  * @param StatefulSubjectInterface $subject
 public function onExit(StatefulSubjectInterface $subject)
Exemple #4
  * Determines the state at which to resume the exexution.
  * @param StatefulSubjectInterface $subject
  * @return StateInterface
  * @throws Error If the state exposed by the subject's execution context is invalid or does not exist.
 protected function resumeExecutionState(StatefulSubjectInterface $subject)
     return $this->getStateOrFail($subject->getExecutionContext()->getCurrentStateName());
  * Evaluates the configured (symfony) expression for the given subject.
  * @param StatefulSubjectInterface $subject
  * @return boolean
 public function accept(StatefulSubjectInterface $subject)
     $execution_context = $subject->getExecutionContext();
     return (bool) $this->expression_language->evaluate($this->getOption('expression'), ['subject' => $subject, 'params' => $execution_context->getParameters()]);