  * @param PropertyId $propertyId
  * @throws PropertyDataTypeLookupException
 private function verifyDataTypeIsSet(PropertyId $propertyId)
     $numericId = $propertyId->getSerialization();
     if (!array_key_exists($numericId, $this->dataTypeIds)) {
         throw new PropertyDataTypeLookupException($propertyId, "The DataType for property '{$numericId}' is not set");
  * @param PropertyId $propertyId
  * @return string
  * @throws PropertyDataTypeLookupException
 public function getDataTypeIdForProperty(PropertyId $propertyId)
     $serializedId = $propertyId->getSerialization();
     if (!array_key_exists($serializedId, $this->propertyIds)) {
         $this->propertyIds[$serializedId] = $this->lookup->getDataTypeIdFOrProperty($propertyId);
     return $this->propertyIds[$serializedId];
 public function getPropertyEntityIdValueMatches(PropertyId $propertyId, EntityId $valueId)
     $propertyText = $propertyId->getSerialization();
     $valueText = $valueId->getSerialization();
     $queryBuilder = new QueryBuilder($this->config->get('WikidataQueryPrefixes'));
     $queryBuilder->select('?id')->where("?id", "wdt:{$propertyText}", "wd:{$valueText}");
     $queryExecuter = new QueryExecuter($this->config->get('WikidataQueryUrl'));
     $results = $queryExecuter->execute($queryBuilder->getSPARQL());
     return $this->parseResults($results);
 private function getPropertyJson(string $id) : array
     // TODO: handle id exception
     // https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/clean-code-discussion/GcQNqWG_fuo
     $id = new PropertyId($id);
     $propertyRow = $this->propertyStore->getPropertyRowByNumericPropertyId($id->getNumericId());
     if ($propertyRow === null) {
         throw new NoNullableReturnTypesException();
     return json_decode($propertyRow->getPropertyJson(), true);
 public function getEntityTitleProvider()
     $itemId = ItemId::newFromNumber(388);
     $propertyId = PropertyId::newFromNumber(472);
     $settings = $this->getRepoSettings();
     return array(array('Q388', $settings[0], $itemId), array('Item:Q388', $settings[2], $itemId), array('Property:P472', $settings[0], $propertyId));
  * @param int $propertyId
  * @param string|null $guid
  * @param int $rank
  * @return Statement
 private function getStatement($propertyId, $guid, $rank = Statement::RANK_NORMAL)
     $statement = $this->getMockBuilder('Wikibase\\DataModel\\Statement\\Statement')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     return $statement;
  * @param string $entityType
  * @param int|float|string $numericId
  * @return EntityId
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public static function newIdFromTypeAndNumber($entityType, $numericId)
     if ($entityType === 'item') {
         return ItemId::newFromNumber($numericId);
     } elseif ($entityType === 'property') {
         return PropertyId::newFromNumber($numericId);
     throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid entityType ' . $entityType);
Exemple #8
  * Can be integer since 0.1.
  * Can be PropertyId since 0.5.
  * Can be null since 1.0.
  * @param PropertyId|int|null $id
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 public function setId($id)
     if ($id === null || $id instanceof PropertyId) {
         $this->id = $id;
     } elseif (is_int($id)) {
         $this->id = PropertyId::newFromNumber($id);
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('$id must be an instance of PropertyId, an integer,' . ' or null');
  * @param Snak $snak
  * @param PropertyId $propertyId
  * @param int $rank
 private function processSnak(Snak $snak, PropertyId $propertyId, $rank = Statement::RANK_NORMAL)
     $id = $propertyId->getSerialization();
     $fileName = str_replace(' ', '_', $this->getString($snak));
     if ($fileName === null || $fileName === '') {
     if (!$this->isAcceptableRank($rank)) {
     if (!$this->isAcceptablePriority($id)) {
     if ($this->isSamePriority($id) && !$this->isBetterRank($rank)) {
     $this->bestProperty = $id;
     $this->bestRank = $rank;
     $this->bestFileName = $fileName;
  * @dataProvider newSnakProvider
 public function testNewSnak($propertyId, $snakType, $rawValue, $expectedSnakClass, $expectedException = null)
     if (is_int($propertyId)) {
         $propertyId = PropertyId::newFromNumber($propertyId);
     if ($expectedException !== null) {
     $service = $this->newSnakConstructionService();
     $snak = $service->newSnak($propertyId, $snakType, $rawValue);
     $this->assertInstanceOf($expectedSnakClass, $snak);
 public function testFilterSuggestions()
     $p7 = PropertyId::newFromNumber(7);
     $p10 = PropertyId::newFromNumber(10);
     $p12 = PropertyId::newFromNumber(12);
     $p15 = PropertyId::newFromNumber(15);
     $p23 = PropertyId::newFromNumber(23);
     $suggestions = array(new Suggestion($p12, 0.9), new Suggestion($p23, 0.8), new Suggestion($p7, 0.7), new Suggestion($p15, 0.6));
     $resultSize = 2;
     $this->termIndex->expects($this->any())->method('getTopMatchingTerms')->will($this->returnValue($this->getTermIndexEntryArrayWithIds(array($p7, $p10, $p15, $p12))));
     $result = $this->suggestionGenerator->filterSuggestions($suggestions, 'foo', 'en', $resultSize);
     $this->assertEquals(array($suggestions[0], $suggestions[2]), $result);
  * Construct mock repository matching the test data.
  * @return MockRepository
 public function getMockRepository()
     static $repo;
     if (!empty($repo)) {
         return $repo;
     $repo = new MockRepository();
     foreach (self::getTestProperties() as $prop) {
         list($id, $type) = $prop;
         $fingerprint = new Fingerprint();
         $fingerprint->setLabel('en', "Property{$id}");
         $entity = new Property(PropertyId::newFromNumber($id), $fingerprint, $type);
     $q42 = new ItemId('Q42');
     $fingerprint = new Fingerprint();
     $fingerprint->setLabel('en', 'Item42');
     $entity = new Item($q42, $fingerprint);
     $repo->putRedirect(new EntityRedirect(new ItemId('Q4242'), $q42));
     return $repo;
  * @param integer $offset Start to include at number of entries from the start title
  * @param integer $limit Stop at number of entries after start of inclusion
  * @return PropertyId[]
 protected function getResult($offset = 0, $limit = 0)
     $propertyInfo = array_slice($this->getPropertyInfo(), $offset, $limit, true);
     $propertyIds = array();
     foreach ($propertyInfo as $numericId => $info) {
         $propertyIds[] = PropertyId::newFromNumber($numericId);
     return $propertyIds;
Exemple #14
  * @see Serializable::unserialize
  * @since 0.1
  * @param string $serialized
 public function unserialize($serialized)
     $this->propertyId = PropertyId::newFromNumber(unserialize($serialized));
  * @see PropertyInfoStore::removePropertyInfo
  * @param PropertyId $propertyId
  * @throws DBError
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @return bool
 public function removePropertyInfo(PropertyId $propertyId)
     if ($this->isReadonly) {
         throw new DBError('Cannot write when in readonly mode');
     $dbw = $this->getConnection(DB_MASTER);
     $dbw->delete($this->tableName, array('pi_property_id' => $propertyId->getNumericId()), __METHOD__);
     $c = $dbw->affectedRows();
     return $c > 0;
 private function propertyInfoToPropertyListElement(PropertyInfo $propertyInfo) : PropertyListElement
     $id = PropertyId::newFromNumber($propertyInfo->getNumericPropertyId());
     return new PropertyListElement($id, $propertyInfo->getPropertyType(), $this->urlBuilder->getWdEntityUrl($id), $this->urlBuilder->getApiPropertyUrl($id));
  * Rebuild the property info entries.
  * Use the rebuildPropertyInfo.php maintenance script to invoke this from the command line.
  * Database updates a batched into multiple transactions. Do not call this
  * method within an (explicit) database transaction.
  * @since 0.4
 public function rebuildPropertyInfo()
     $dbw = $this->propertyInfoTable->getWriteConnection();
     $rowId = $this->fromId - 1;
     $total = 0;
     $join = array();
     $tables = array('wb_entity_per_page');
     if (!$this->shouldUpdateAllEntities) {
         // Find properties in wb_entity_per_page with no corresponding
         // entry in wb_property_info.
         $piTable = $this->propertyInfoTable->getTableName();
         $tables[] = $piTable;
         $join[$piTable] = array('LEFT JOIN', array('pi_property_id = epp_entity_id'));
     while (true) {
         // Make sure we are not running too far ahead of the slaves,
         // as that would cause the site to be rendered read only.
         if ($this->useTransactions) {
         //FIXME: use an EntityIdPager from EntityPerPage
         $props = $dbw->select($tables, array('epp_entity_id'), array('epp_entity_type = ' . $dbw->addQuotes(Property::ENTITY_TYPE), 'epp_entity_id > ' . (int) $rowId, 'epp_redirect_target IS NULL', $this->shouldUpdateAllEntities ? '1' : 'pi_property_id IS NULL'), __METHOD__, array('LIMIT' => $this->batchSize, 'ORDER BY' => 'epp_entity_id ASC', 'FOR UPDATE'), $join);
         $c = 0;
         foreach ($props as $row) {
             $id = PropertyId::newFromNumber((int) $row->epp_entity_id);
             $rowId = $row->epp_entity_id;
         if ($this->useTransactions) {
         $this->reportMessage("Updated {$c} properties, up to ID {$rowId}.");
         $total += $c;
         if ($c < $this->batchSize) {
             // we are done.
     return $total;
 private function buildTimeValueForSearch(PropertyId $propertyId, TimeValue $timeValue)
     $significantTimePart = preg_replace('/(-00)*T00:00:00Z$/', '', $timeValue->getTime());
     return new MongoRegex('/^' . preg_quote($propertyId->getSerialization() . '-' . $significantTimePart, '/') . '/');
 private function getSerialization(EntityDocument $entity, PropertyId $propertyId)
     return array('id' => $entity->getId()->getSerialization(), 'type' => $entity->getType(), 'labels' => array('de' => array('language' => 'de', 'value' => 'Kuchen'), 'en' => array('language' => 'en', 'value' => 'Cake')), 'claims' => array($propertyId->getSerialization() => array(array('id' => $this->makeGuid($entity->getId()), 'mainsnak' => array('snaktype' => 'value', 'property' => $propertyId->getSerialization(), 'datavalue' => array('value' => 'kittens!', 'type' => 'string')), 'type' => 'statement', 'rank' => 'normal'))));
 public function testNotBuildExceptionIsThrownForByPropertyId()
     $indexedArray = new ByPropertyIdArray();
  * @dataProvider invalidNumericIdProvider
 public function testNewFromNumberWithInvalidNumericId($number)
  * Checks if there are constraints registered for the given property id.
  * @param PropertyId $propertyId
  * @return boolean
 public function hasConstraints(PropertyId $propertyId)
     return isset($this->constraintsPerProperty[$propertyId->getSerialization()]);
  * @see PropertyInfoStore::removePropertyInfo
  * @param PropertyId $propertyId
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
  * @return bool
 public function removePropertyInfo(PropertyId $propertyId)
     $id = $propertyId->getNumericId();
     if (array_key_exists($id, $this->propertyInfo)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
  * Returns the index of a "property group" (the first object in the flat array that features
  * the specified property). Returns false if property id could not be found.
  * @param PropertyId $propertyId
  * @return bool|int
 private function getPropertyGroupIndex(PropertyId $propertyId)
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($this->byId as $serializedPropertyId => $objects) {
         $pId = new PropertyId($serializedPropertyId);
         if ($pId->equals($propertyId)) {
             return $i;
         $i += count($objects);
     return false;
 public function testAddSnakValue_mention()
     $propertyId = new PropertyId('P2');
     $value = new EntityIdValue(new ItemId('Q42'));
     $snak = new PropertyValueSnak($propertyId, $value);
     $writer = $this->getTestData()->getNTriplesWriter();
     $writer->about(RdfVocabulary::NS_ENTITY, 'Q11');
     $mentioned = array();
     $builder = $this->newBuilder(RdfVocabulary::NSP_DIRECT_CLAIM, $propertyId->getSerialization(), 'wikibase-item', $snak, $mentioned);
     $builder->addSnak($writer, $snak, RdfVocabulary::NSP_DIRECT_CLAIM);
     $this->assertEquals(array('P2'), array_keys($mentioned));
  * @see PropertyInfoStore::removePropertyInfo
  * @param PropertyId $propertyId
  * @return bool
 public function removePropertyInfo(PropertyId $propertyId)
     $id = $propertyId->getNumericId();
     // if we don't know it, don't delete it.
     if (is_array($this->propertyInfo) && !array_key_exists($id, $this->propertyInfo)) {
         return false;
     // update primary store
     $ok = $this->store->removePropertyInfo($propertyId);
     if (!$ok) {
         // nothing changed, nothing to do
         return false;
     // NOTE: Even if we don't have the propertyInfo locally, we still need to
     //       fully load it to update memcached.
     // Get local cached version.
     // NOTE: this may be stale at this point, if it was already loaded
     $propertyInfo = $this->getAllPropertyInfo();
     // update local cache
     $this->propertyInfo = $propertyInfo;
     // update external cache
     wfDebugLog(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__ . ': updating cache after removing property ' . $id);
     $this->cache->set($this->cacheKey, $propertyInfo, $this->cacheDuration);
     return true;
Exemple #27
 public function getApiPropertyUrl(PropertyId $id) : string
     return $this->apiUrl . '/properties/' . $id->getSerialization();
 private function getNumericIdFromPropertyId(PropertyId $propertyId)
     return $propertyId->getNumericId();
  * Checks if there are PropertyIdProvider instances for the given PropertyId.
  * @since 1.0
  * @param PropertyId $propertyId
  * @return bool
 public function hasPropertyId(PropertyId $propertyId)
     return isset($this->byPropertyId[$propertyId->getSerialization()]);
  * Injects data types from a DB result into the $entityInfo structure.
  * @note: Keep in sync with ItemSerializer!
  * @param ResultWrapper $dbResult
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 private function injectDataTypes(ResultWrapper $dbResult)
     foreach ($dbResult as $row) {
         $id = PropertyId::newFromNumber((int) $row->pi_property_id);
         $key = $id->getSerialization();
         if (!isset($this->entityInfo[$key])) {
         $this->entityInfo[$key]['datatype'] = $row->pi_type;