  * @return EntityDocument[]
 protected function getKnownEntities()
     $q1 = new Item(new ItemId('Q1'));
     $q1->setLabel('en', 'label:Q1/en');
     $q1->setLabel('de', 'label:Q1/de');
     $q1->setDescription('en', 'description:Q1/en');
     $q1->setDescription('de', 'description:Q1/de');
     $q1->setAliases('en', array('alias:Q1/en#1'));
     $q1->setAliases('de', array('alias:Q1/de#1', 'alias:Q1/de#2'));
     $q2 = new Item(new ItemId('Q2'));
     $q2->setLabel('en', 'label:Q2/en');
     $q2->setLabel('de', 'label:Q2/de');
     $q2->setAliases('en', array('alias:Q2/en#1'));
     $q2->setAliases('de', array('alias:Q2/de#1', 'alias:Q2/de#2'));
     $p2 = Property::newFromType('string');
     $p2->setId(new PropertyId('P2'));
     $p2->setLabel('en', 'label:P2/en');
     $p2->setLabel('de', 'label:P2/de');
     $p2->setDescription('en', 'description:P2/en');
     $p2->setDescription('de', 'description:P2/de');
     $p2->setAliases('en', array('alias:P2/en#1'));
     $p2->setAliases('de', array('alias:P2/de#1', 'alias:P2/de#2'));
     $p3 = Property::newFromType('string');
     $p3->setId(new PropertyId('P3'));
     $p3->setLabel('en', 'label:P3/en');
     $p3->setLabel('de', 'label:P3/de');
     $p3->setDescription('en', 'description:P3/en');
     $p3->setDescription('de', 'description:P3/de');
     return array($q1, $q2, $p2, $p3);
 public function generateProvider()
     $item = new Item();
     $item->setLabel('en', 'Test');
     $item->setLabel('de', 'Testen');
     $item->setDescription('en', 'city in Spain');
     $item->setAliases('en', array('abc', 'cde'));
     $item->setAliases('de', array('xyz', 'uvw'));
     $item->getSiteLinkList()->addNewSiteLink('dewiki', 'Berlin');
     $item->getSiteLinkList()->addNewSiteLink('enwiki', 'Rome');
     $patterns = array('/^Test$/', '/^Testen$/', '/^city in Spain$/', '/^abc$/', '/^cde$/', '/^uvw$/', '/^xyz$/', '/^(?!abcde).*$/', '/^Berlin$/', '/^Rome$/');
     return array(array($item, $patterns));
 public function testSerialize()
     $item = new Item();
     $item->setLabel('de', 'German');
     $item->setDescription('de', 'German');
     $item->setAliases('de', array('German'));
     $item->setAliases('en', array('English'));
     $item->getStatements()->addNewStatement(new PropertyNoValueSnak(1));
     $instance = $this->newInstance();
     $serialization = $instance->serialize($item);
     $expected = array('type' => 'item', 'labels' => array('en' => array('source-language' => '<SOURCE>')), 'descriptions' => array('en' => array('source-language' => '<SOURCE>')), 'aliases' => array('en' => array(array('language' => 'en', 'value' => 'English'))), 'claims' => array('P1' => array(array('mainsnak' => array('snaktype' => 'novalue', 'property' => 'P1', 'datatype' => '<DATATYPE>'), 'type' => 'statement', 'rank' => 'normal'))));
     $this->assertSame($expected, $serialization);
 public function itemProvider()
     $emptyItem = new Item(new ItemId('Q1'));
     $item = new Item(new ItemId('Q11'));
     $item->setDescription('en', 'ohi there');
     $item->setLabel('de', 'o_O');
     $item->setAliases('nl', array('foo', 'bar'));
     $item2 = new Item(new ItemId('Q12'));
     $item2->setLabel('de', 'o_O');
     $item2->setLabel('en', 'O_o');
     $item2->setAliases('nl', array('daaaah'));
     $redirect = new EntityRedirect(new ItemId('Q11'), new ItemId('Q21'));
     $redirect2 = new EntityRedirect(new ItemId('Q11'), new ItemId('Q22'));
     $insTags = array('has <td>label / de</td>' => array('tag' => 'td', 'content' => 'label / de'), 'has <ins>foo</ins>' => array('tag' => 'ins', 'content' => 'foo'), 'has <td>aliases / nl / 0</td>' => array('tag' => 'td', 'content' => 'aliases / nl / 0'), 'has <ins>bar</ins>' => array('tag' => 'ins', 'content' => 'bar'), 'has <td>description / en</td>' => array('tag' => 'td', 'content' => 'description / en'), 'has <ins>ohi there</ins>' => array('tag' => 'ins', 'content' => 'ohi there'));
     $delTags = array('has <td>label / de</td>' => array('tag' => 'td', 'content' => 'label / de'), 'has <del>foo</del>' => array('tag' => 'del', 'content' => 'foo'), 'has <td>aliases / nl / 0</td>' => array('tag' => 'td', 'content' => 'aliases / nl / 0'), 'has <del>bar</del>' => array('tag' => 'del', 'content' => 'bar'), 'has <td>description / en</td>' => array('tag' => 'td', 'content' => 'description / en'), 'has <del>ohi there</del>' => array('tag' => 'del', 'content' => 'ohi there'));
     $changeTags = array('has <td>label / en</td>' => array('tag' => 'td', 'content' => 'label / en'), 'has <ins>O_o</ins>' => array('tag' => 'ins', 'content' => 'O_o'), 'has <td>aliases / nl / 0</td>' => array('tag' => 'td', 'content' => 'aliases / nl / 0'), 'has <ins>daaaah</ins>' => array('tag' => 'ins', 'content' => 'daaaah'), 'has <td>aliases / nl / 1</td>' => array('tag' => 'td', 'content' => 'aliases / nl / 1'), 'has <del>foo</del>' => array('tag' => 'del', 'content' => 'foo'), 'has <td>aliases / nl / 2</td>' => array('tag' => 'td', 'content' => 'aliases / nl / 2'), 'has <del>bar</del>' => array('tag' => 'del', 'content' => 'bar'), 'has <td>description / en</td>' => array('tag' => 'td', 'content' => 'description / en'), 'has <del>ohi there</del>' => array('tag' => 'del', 'content' => 'ohi there'));
     $fromRedirTags = array('has <td>label / de</td>' => array('tag' => 'td', 'content' => 'label / de'), 'has <ins>foo</ins>' => array('tag' => 'ins', 'content' => 'foo'), 'has <td>redirect</td>' => array('tag' => 'td', 'content' => 'redirect'), 'has <del>Q21</del>' => array('tag' => 'del', 'content' => 'Q21'));
     $toRedirTags = array('has <td>label / de</td>' => array('tag' => 'td', 'content' => 'label / de'), 'has <del>foo</del>' => array('tag' => 'del', 'content' => 'foo'), 'has <td>redirect</td>' => array('tag' => 'td', 'content' => 'redirect'), 'has <ins>Q21</ins>' => array('tag' => 'ins', 'content' => 'Q21'));
     $changeRedirTags = array('has <td>redirect</td>' => array('tag' => 'td', 'content' => 'redirect'), 'has <del>Q21</del>' => array('tag' => 'del', 'content' => 'Q21'), 'has <ins>Q22</del>' => array('tag' => 'ins', 'content' => 'Q22'));
     $empty = ItemContent::newFromItem($emptyItem);
     $itemContent = ItemContent::newFromItem($item);
     $itemContent2 = ItemContent::newFromItem($item2);
     $redirectContent = ItemContent::newFromRedirect($redirect, Title::newFromText($redirect->getEntityId()->getSerialization()));
     $redirectContent2 = ItemContent::newFromRedirect($redirect2, Title::newFromText($redirect2->getEntityId()->getSerialization()));
     return array('empty' => array($empty, $empty, array('empty' => '/^$/')), 'same' => array($itemContent, $itemContent, array('empty' => '/^$/')), 'from emtpy' => array($empty, $itemContent, $insTags), 'to empty' => array($itemContent, $empty, $delTags), 'changed' => array($itemContent, $itemContent2, $changeTags), 'to redirect' => array($itemContent, $redirectContent, $toRedirTags), 'from redirect' => array($redirectContent, $itemContent, $fromRedirTags), 'redirect changed' => array($redirectContent, $redirectContent2, $changeRedirTags));
  * Creates a new item and returns its id.
  * @return string
 private function createNewItem()
     $item = new Item();
     // add data and check if it is shown in the form
     $item->setLabel('de', 'foo');
     $item->setDescription('de', 'foo');
     $item->setAliases('de', array('foo'));
     // save the item
     $store = WikibaseRepo::getDefaultInstance()->getEntityStore();
     $store->saveEntity($item, "testing", $GLOBALS['wgUser'], EDIT_NEW | EntityContent::EDIT_IGNORE_CONSTRAINTS);
     // return the id
     return $item->getId()->getSerialization();
 public function entityProvider()
     $entities = array();
     $entity = new Item(new ItemId('Q42'));
     $entities[] = array($entity);
     $entity = new Item();
     $entity->setLabels(array('en' => 'Nyan Cat', 'fr' => 'Nyan Cat'));
     $entities[] = array($entity);
     $entity = new Item();
     $entity->setDescriptions(array('en' => 'A Nyan Cat', 'fr' => 'A Nyan Cat'));
     $entities[] = array($entity);
     $entity = new Item();
     $entity->setAliases('en', array('Cat', 'My cat'));
     $entity->setAliases('fr', array('Cat'));
     $entities[] = array($entity);
     $entity = new Item();
     $entity->getStatements()->addNewStatement(new PropertyNoValueSnak(42), null, null, 'guid');
     $entities[] = array($entity);
     $item = new Item();
     $item->addSiteLink(new SiteLink('enwiki', 'Nyan Cat'));
     $entities[] = array($item);
     $entities[] = array(Property::newFromType('string'));
     return $entities;
Exemple #7
 public function itemProvider()
     $items = array();
     $items[] = new Item();
     $item = new Item();
     $item->setDescription('en', 'foo');
     $items[] = $item;
     $item = new Item();
     $item->setDescription('en', 'foo');
     $item->setDescription('de', 'foo');
     $item->setLabel('en', 'foo');
     $item->setAliases('de', array('bar', 'baz'));
     $items[] = $item;
     /** @var Item $item */
     $item = $item->copy();
     $item->getStatements()->addNewStatement(new PropertyNoValueSnak(new PropertyId('P42')));
     $items[] = $item;
     $argLists = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $argLists[] = array($item);
     return $argLists;
 public function testGetTermsOfEntities()
     $lookup = $this->getTermIndex();
     $item1 = new Item(new ItemId('Q568234314'));
     $item1->setLabel('en', 'abc');
     $item1->setLabel('de', 'def');
     $item1->setLabel('nl', 'ghi');
     $item1->setDescription('en', 'one description');
     $item1->setAliases('fr', array('o', '_', 'O'));
     $item2 = new Item(new ItemId('Q87236423'));
     $item2->setLabel('en', 'xyz');
     $item2->setLabel('de', 'uvw');
     $item2->setLabel('nl', 'rst');
     $item2->setDescription('en', 'another description');
     $item2->setAliases('fr', array('X', '~', 'x'));
     $itemIds = array($item1->getId(), $item2->getId());
     $labelTerms = $lookup->getTermsOfEntities($itemIds, array(TermIndexEntry::TYPE_LABEL));
     $this->assertEquals(6, count($labelTerms), "expected 3 labels");
     $englishTerms = $lookup->getTermsOfEntities($itemIds, null, array('en'));
     $this->assertEquals(4, count($englishTerms), "expected 2 English terms");
     $englishTerms = $lookup->getTermsOfEntities(array($item1->getId()), null, array('en'));
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($englishTerms), "expected 2 English terms");
     $germanLabelTerms = $lookup->getTermsOfEntities($itemIds, array(TermIndexEntry::TYPE_LABEL), array('de'));
     $this->assertEquals(2, count($germanLabelTerms), "expected 1 German label");
     $noTerms = $lookup->getTermsOfEntities($itemIds, array(TermIndexEntry::TYPE_LABEL), array());
     $this->assertEmpty($noTerms, "expected no labels");
     $noTerms = $lookup->getTermsOfEntities($itemIds, array(), array('de'));
     $this->assertEmpty($noTerms, "expected no labels");
     $terms = $lookup->getTermsOfEntities($itemIds);
     $this->assertEquals(14, count($terms), "expected 7 terms for item");
     // make list of strings for easy checking
     $term_keys = array();
     foreach ($terms as $t) {
         $term_keys[] = $t->getType() . '/' . $t->getLanguage() . '/' . $t->getText();
     $k = TermIndexEntry::TYPE_LABEL . '/en/abc';
     $this->assertContains($k, $term_keys, "expected to find {$k} in terms for item");
     $k = TermIndexEntry::TYPE_LABEL . '/en/xyz';
     $this->assertContains($k, $term_keys, "expected to find {$k} in terms for item");
     $k = TermIndexEntry::TYPE_DESCRIPTION . '/en/another description';
     $this->assertContains($k, $term_keys, "expected to find {$k} in terms for item");
     $k = TermIndexEntry::TYPE_ALIAS . '/fr/x';
     $this->assertContains($k, $term_keys, "expected to find {$k} in terms for item");
 public function testFullEntityGetEntityResponse()
     $item = new Item(new ItemId('Q123098'));
     $item->setLabel('de', 'foo-de');
     $item->setLabel('qu', 'foo-qu');
     $item->setAliases('en', array('bar', 'baz'));
     $item->setAliases('de-formal', array('bar', 'baz'));
     $item->setDescription('en', 'en-desc');
     $item->setDescription('pt', 'ptDesc');
     $item->getSiteLinkList()->addNewSiteLink('enwiki', 'Berlin', array(new ItemId('Q333')));
     $item->getSiteLinkList()->addNewSiteLink('zh_classicalwiki', 'User:Addshore', array());
     $snak = new PropertyValueSnak(65, new StringValue('snakStringValue'));
     $qualifiers = new SnakList();
     $qualifiers->addSnak(new PropertyValueSnak(65, new StringValue('string!')));
     $qualifiers->addSnak(new PropertySomeValueSnak(65));
     $references = new ReferenceList();
     $references->addNewReference(array(new PropertySomeValueSnak(65), new PropertySomeValueSnak(68)));
     $guid = 'imaguid';
     $item->getStatements()->addNewStatement($snak, $qualifiers, $references, $guid);
     $entityLookup = new MockRepository();
     $entityAccessor = $this->getEntityAccessor($entityLookup, null, 'qug');
     $expected = array('id' => 'Q123098', 'type' => 'item', 'labels' => array('de' => array('language' => 'de', 'value' => 'foo-de')), 'descriptions' => array('en' => array('language' => 'en', 'value' => 'en-desc')), 'aliases' => array('en' => array(1 => array('language' => 'en', 'value' => 'bar'), 2 => array('language' => 'en', 'value' => 'baz'))), 'claims' => array('P65' => array(1 => array('id' => 'imaguid', 'type' => 'statement', 'mainsnak' => array('snaktype' => 'value', 'property' => 'P65', 'datatype' => 'structured-cat', 'datavalue' => array('value' => 'snakStringValue', 'type' => 'string')), 'qualifiers' => array('P65' => array(1 => array('hash' => 'e95e866e7fa1c18bd06dae9b712cb99545107eb8', 'snaktype' => 'value', 'property' => 'P65', 'datavalue' => array('value' => 'string!', 'type' => 'string'), 'datatype' => 'structured-cat'), 2 => array('hash' => '210b00274bf03247a89de918f15b12142ebf9e56', 'snaktype' => 'somevalue', 'property' => 'P65', 'datatype' => 'structured-cat'))), 'rank' => 'normal', 'qualifiers-order' => array(1 => 'P65'), 'references' => array(1 => array('hash' => 'bdc5f7185904d6d3219e13b7443571dda8c4bee8', 'snaks' => array('P65' => array(1 => array('snaktype' => 'somevalue', 'property' => 'P65', 'datatype' => 'structured-cat')), 'P68' => array(1 => array('snaktype' => 'somevalue', 'property' => 'P68', 'datatype' => 'structured-cat'))), 'snaks-order' => array(1 => 'P65', 2 => 'P68')))))), 'sitelinks' => array('enwiki' => array('site' => 'enwiki', 'title' => 'Berlin', 'badges' => array(1 => 'Q333')), 'zh_classicalwiki' => array('site' => 'zh_classicalwiki', 'title' => 'User:Addshore', 'badges' => array())), 'schemaVersion' => 2);
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $entityAccessor->getEntity('Q123098'));
  * @dataProvider provideTestAddEntityRevision
 public function testAddEntityRevision($addMetaData, array $expected)
     $result = $this->getDefaultResult();
     $item = new Item(new ItemId('Q123098'));
     $item->setLabel('de', 'foo');
     $item->setLabel('zh_classical', 'Longer Label');
     $item->setAliases('en', array('bar', 'baz'));
     $item->setAliases('zh', array('????????'));
     $item->setDescription('pt', 'ptDesc');
     $item->setDescription('pl', 'Longer Description For An Item');
     $item->getSiteLinkList()->addNewSiteLink('enwiki', 'Berlin', array(new ItemId('Q333')));
     $item->getSiteLinkList()->addNewSiteLink('zh_classicalwiki', 'User:Addshore', array());
     $snak = new PropertyValueSnak(new PropertyId('P65'), new StringValue('snakStringValue'));
     $qualifiers = new SnakList();
     $qualifiers->addSnak(new PropertyValueSnak(new PropertyId('P65'), new StringValue('string!')));
     $qualifiers->addSnak(new PropertySomeValueSnak(new PropertyId('P65')));
     $references = new ReferenceList();
     $referenceSnaks = new SnakList();
     $referenceSnaks->addSnak(new PropertySomeValueSnak(new PropertyId('P65')));
     $referenceSnaks->addSnak(new PropertySomeValueSnak(new PropertyId('P68')));
     $references->addReference(new Reference($referenceSnaks));
     $guid = 'imaguid';
     $item->getStatements()->addNewStatement($snak, $qualifiers, $references, $guid);
     $entityRevision = new EntityRevision($item, 33, '20131126202923');
     $resultBuilder = $this->getResultBuilder($result, $addMetaData);
     $resultBuilder->addEntityRevision('Q1230000', $entityRevision);
     $data = $result->getResultData();
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $data);
  * @param ItemId $id
  * @param string $languageCode
  * @param string[] $aliases
  * @return Item
 private function getItemWithAliases(ItemId $id, $languageCode, array $aliases)
     $item = new Item($id);
     $item->setAliases($languageCode, $aliases);
     return $item;