Exemple #1
	 * Returns full path to specified image.
	 * @param	string		$image
	 * @return	string
	public function getImage($image) {
		if ($this->imagePath && file_exists(WCF_DIR.$this->imagePath.$image)) {
			return WCF::getPath().$this->imagePath.$image;
		return WCF::getPath().'images/'.$image;
  * Returns the url to this picture.
  * @return	string
 public function getURL()
     if ($this->pictureID) {
         return WCF::getPath('news') . 'images/news/' . ($this->categoryID ? $this->categoryID . '/' : '') . $this->getFilename();
     return WCF::getPath('news') . 'images/news/dummyPicture.png';
  * Creates a Member
  * A Single Wow Member
  * @param array $data
  * @link http://dev.battle.net
 function __construct(array $data)
     $this->baseUrl = WCF::getPath('cms');
     $this->data = $data;
     $inflector = new Inflector();
     $this->inflector = $inflector;
  * @see	\wcf\data\user\avatar\IUserAvatar::getURL()
 public function getURL($size = null)
     if ($size === null) {
         $size = $this->size;
     return WCF::getPath() . 'images/avatars/avatar-default.svg';
Exemple #5
  * calculate the final config of $this->cfg through $this->cfg default value and MbqMain::$customConfig and MbqMain::$oMbqAppEnv and the plugin support degree
 public function calCfg()
     $url = WCF::getPath();
     MbqMain::$oMbqAppEnv->siteRootUrl = substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - 4);
     //init user
     $oUser = DefaultUserAuthentication::getInstance()->loginAutomatically(true);
     if ($oUser && $oUser->userID) {
         MbqMain::$oMbqAppEnv->oCurrentUser = $oUser;
         $oMbqRdEtUser = MbqMain::$oClk->newObj('MbqRdEtUser');
     if (MbqMain::hasLogin()) {
         header('Mobiquo_is_login: true');
     } else {
         header('Mobiquo_is_login: false');
     $oMbqRdEtForum = MbqMain::$oClk->newObj('MbqRdEtForum');
     MbqMain::$oMbqAppEnv->exttForumTree = $oMbqRdEtForum->getForumTree();
     /* calculate the final config */
     if (OFFLINE) {
     } else {
     if (!MODULE_CONVERSATION || !WCF::getSession()->getPermission('user.conversation.canUseConversation')) {
  * Returns full path to specified image.
  * @param	string		$image
  * @return	string
 public function getImage($image)
     if (preg_match('~^https?://~', $image)) {
         return $image;
     if ($this->imagePath && file_exists(WCF_DIR . $this->imagePath . $image)) {
         return WCF::getPath() . $this->imagePath . $image;
     return WCF::getPath() . 'images/' . $image;
Exemple #7
  * Returns the image of this user rank.
  * @return	string		html code
 public function getImage()
     if ($this->rankImage) {
         $image = '<img src="' . (!preg_match('~^(/|https?://)~i', $this->rankImage) ? WCF::getPath() : '') . StringUtil::encodeHTML($this->rankImage) . '" alt="" />';
         if ($this->repeatImage > 1) {
             $image = str_repeat($image, $this->repeatImage);
         return $image;
     return '';
 private function getSchemeURL(&$location)
     $params = array();
     $baseUrl = str_replace(RouteHandler::getProtocol(), 'tapatalk://', WCF::getPath('wbb')) . '?';
     $routeData = RouteHandler::getInstance()->getRouteData();
     $controller = strtolower(isset($routeData['controller']) ? $routeData['controller'] : '');
     $userID = WCF::getUser()->userID;
     if ($userID) {
         $params['user_id'] = $userID;
     if (!empty($this->eventObj->pageNo)) {
         $params['page'] = intval($this->eventObj->pageNo);
     if (!empty($this->eventObj->itemsPerPage)) {
         $params['perpage'] = intval($this->eventObj->itemsPerPage);
     switch ($controller) {
         case 'thread':
             $params['location'] = $location = 'topic';
             $params['tid'] = intval($this->eventObj->threadID);
             $params['fid'] = intval($this->eventObj->board->boardID);
         case 'board':
             $params['location'] = $location = 'forum';
             $params['fid'] = intval($this->eventObj->boardID);
         case 'user':
             $params['location'] = $location = 'profile';
             $params['uid'] = intval($this->eventObj->userID);
         case 'conversation':
             $params['location'] = $location = 'message';
             $params['mid'] = intval($this->eventObj->conversationID);
         case 'users-online-list':
         case 'usersonlinelist':
             $params['location'] = $location = 'online';
         case 'search-result':
         case 'searchresult':
             $params['location'] = $location = 'search';
             $params['search_id'] = intval($this->eventObj->searchID);
         case 'login':
             $params['location'] = $location = 'login';
             $params['location'] = $location = 'home';
     return $baseUrl . http_build_query($params, '&');
 public function __construct()
     $this->oDb = WCF::getDB();
     $oUser = WCF::getUser();
     if ($oUser && $oUser->userID) {
         $this->oUser = $oUser;
     $this->siteUrl = WCF::getPath('wbb');
     $this->pushKey = WBB_TAPATALK_API_KEY;
     $this->pushNotification = WBB_TAPATALK_PUSH_NOTIFICATION_TYPE;
Exemple #10
  * calculate the final config of $this->cfg through $this->cfg default value and MbqMain::$customConfig and MbqMain::$oMbqAppEnv and the plugin support degree
 public function calCfg()
     $url = WCF::getPath();
     MbqMain::$oMbqAppEnv->siteRootUrl = substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - 4);
     //init current user
     //$oUser = DefaultUserAuthentication::getInstance()->loginAutomatically(true);
     //$oUser =  WCF::getSession()->getUser();
     $oUser = WCF::getUser();
     if ($oUser && $oUser->userID) {
         MbqMain::$oMbqAppEnv->oCurrentUser = $oUser;
         $oMbqRdEtUser = MbqMain::$oClk->newObj('MbqRdEtUser');
     if (MbqMain::hasLogin()) {
         header('Mobiquo_is_login: true');
     } else {
         header('Mobiquo_is_login: false');
     $oMbqRdEtForum = MbqMain::$oClk->newObj('MbqRdEtForum');
     MbqMain::$oMbqAppEnv->exttForumTree = $oMbqRdEtForum->getForumTree();
     MbqMain::$oMbqAppEnv->accessibleBoardIds = Board::getAccessibleBoardIDs(array('canViewBoard', 'canEnterBoard', 'canReadThread'));
     /* calculate the final config */
     if (OFFLINE) {
     } else {
     //if (!MODULE_CONVERSATION || !WCF::getSession()->getPermission('user.conversation.canUseConversation')) {
     if (!MbqMain::$oMbqAppEnv->accessibleBoardIds) {
     if ($this->getCfg('base.push')->oriValue == MbqBaseFdt::getFdt('MbqFdtConfig.base.push.range.support') && !OFFLINE && (@ini_get('allow_url_fopen') || function_exists('curl_init'))) {
     } else {
Exemple #11
  * Returns the url of the compiled css file. The stylesheet will be
  * compiled automatically in case it doesn't exist yet.
  * @param	integer		$styleID
  * @param	boolean		$rtl
  * @return	string
 public function getURL($styleID = null, $rtl = null)
     // default values
     if ($styleID === null) {
         $styleID = StyleCacheBuilder::getInstance()->getData(array(), 'default');
     if ($rtl === null) {
         $rtl = WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.global.pageDirection') == 'rtl';
     // compile stylesheet if necessary
     if (!file_exists($this->getLocation($styleID, $rtl))) {
     //return filename with appended caching parameter
     $filename = 'style/style-' . $styleID . '-' . $this->stylesheetID . ($rtl ? '-rtl' : '') . '.css';
     return WCF::getPath('cms') . $filename . '?m=' . filemtime(CMS_DIR . $filename);
Exemple #12
	 * Returns the HTML tag to include current stylesheet.
	 * @todo	Add RTL support
	 * @return	string
	public function getStylesheet() {
		if (RequestHandler::getInstance()->isACPRequest()) {
			// ACP
			$filename = 'acp/style/style.css';
			if (!file_exists(WCF_DIR.$filename)) {
		else {
			// frontend
			$filename = 'style/style-'.$this->getStyle()->styleID.'.css';
			if (!file_exists(WCF_DIR.$filename)) {
		return '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.WCF::getPath().$filename.'?m='.filemtime(WCF_DIR.$filename).'" />';
Exemple #13
  * Handles logo upload.
  * @return	array<string>
 public function uploadLogo()
     // save files
     $files = $this->parameters['__files']->getFiles();
     $file = $files[0];
     try {
         if (!$file->getValidationErrorType()) {
             // shrink avatar if necessary
             $fileLocation = $file->getLocation();
             // move uploaded file
             if (@copy($fileLocation, WCF_DIR . 'images/styleLogo-' . $this->parameters['tmpHash'] . '.' . $file->getFileExtension())) {
                 // store extension within session variables
                 WCF::getSession()->register('styleLogo-' . $this->parameters['tmpHash'], $file->getFileExtension());
                 // return result
                 return array('url' => WCF::getPath() . 'images/styleLogo-' . $this->parameters['tmpHash'] . '.' . $file->getFileExtension());
             } else {
                 throw new UserInputException('image', 'uploadFailed');
     } catch (UserInputException $e) {
     return array('errorType' => $file->getValidationErrorType());
  * Get Fraction Background
  * @return string
 public function getFractionBackground()
     $basePath = WCF::getPath('cms');
     $fraction = $this->getHordeOrAlliance() === static::HORDE ? 'horde' : 'alliance';
     return $basePath . "/images/wowrooster/background/{$fraction}.png";
Exemple #15
	 * Returns language icon path.
	 * @return	string
	public function getIconPath() {
		return WCF::getPath() . 'icon/flag/'.$this->countryCode.'.svg';
  * Returns the cover tag of the given size. If the entry has no cover, the
  * imagePlacholder is returned.
  * @param    string        $size
  * @return    string
 public function getIconTag($size = Entry::ICON_SIZE)
     $src = WCF::getPath('wcf') . 'images/placeholderTiny.png';
     if ($this->getCover() && $this->getCover()->showAsImage()) {
         $src = LinkHandler::getInstance()->getLink('Attachment', array('application' => 'wcf', 'object' => $this->getCover())) . '&tiny=1';
     return '<img class="filebasePreviewImage" src="' . $src . '" alt="" style="width: ' . $size . 'px; height: ' . $size . 'px" />';
Exemple #17
  * @see	\wcf\data\user\avatar\IUserAvatar::getURL()
 public function getURL($size = null)
     if ($size !== null && $size !== 'resized') {
         if ($size >= $this->width || $size >= $this->height) {
             $size = null;
     return WCF::getPath() . 'images/avatars/' . $this->getFilename($size);
Exemple #18
  * Returns the url to this smiley.
  * @return	string
 public function getURL()
     return WCF::getPath() . $this->smileyPath;
Exemple #19
	 * Handles uploaded preview images.
	 * @return	array<string>
	public function upload() {
		// save files
		$files = $this->parameters['__files']->getFiles();
		$file = $files[0];
		try {
			if (!$file->getValidationErrorType()) {
				// shrink avatar if necessary
				$fileLocation = $file->getLocation();
				$imageData = getimagesize($fileLocation);
				if ($imageData[0] > Style::PREVIEW_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH || $imageData[1] > Style::PREVIEW_IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT) {
					try {
						$adapter = ImageHandler::getInstance()->getAdapter();
						$fileLocation = FileUtil::getTemporaryFilename();
						$thumbnail = $adapter->createThumbnail(Style::PREVIEW_IMAGE_MAX_WIDTH, Style::PREVIEW_IMAGE_MAX_HEIGHT, false);
						$adapter->writeImage($thumbnail, $fileLocation);
						$imageData = getimagesize($fileLocation);
					catch (SystemException $e) {
						throw new UserInputException('image');
				// move uploaded file
				if (@copy($fileLocation, WCF_DIR.'images/stylePreview-'.$this->parameters['tmpHash'].'.'.$file->getFileExtension())) {
					// store extension within session variables
					WCF::getSession()->register('stylePreview-'.$this->parameters['tmpHash'], $file->getFileExtension());
					// return result
					return array(
						'errorType' => '',
						'url' => WCF::getPath().'images/stylePreview-'.$this->parameters['tmpHash'].'.'.$file->getFileExtension()
				else {
					throw new UserInputException('image', 'uploadFailed');
		catch (UserInputException $e) {
		return array('errorType' => $file->getValidationErrorType());
  * Returns the HTML tag to include current stylesheet.
  * @param	boolean		$isACP		indicates if the request is an acp request
  * @return	string
 public function getStylesheet($isACP = false)
     if ($isACP) {
         // ACP
         $filename = 'acp/style/style' . (WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.global.pageDirection') == 'rtl' ? '-rtl' : '') . '.css';
         if (!file_exists(WCF_DIR . $filename)) {
     } else {
         // frontend
         $filename = 'style/style-' . $this->getStyle()->styleID . (WCF::getLanguage()->get('wcf.global.pageDirection') == 'rtl' ? '-rtl' : '') . '.css';
         if (!file_exists(WCF_DIR . $filename)) {
     return '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . WCF::getPath() . $filename . '?m=' . filemtime(WCF_DIR . $filename) . '" />';
Exemple #21
  * @see	\wcf\data\user\avatar\IUserAvatar::getURL()
 public function getURL($size = null)
     if ($size === null) {
         $size = $this->size;
     } else {
         switch ($size) {
             case 16:
             case 24:
                 $size = 32;
             case 48:
             case 64:
                 $size = 96;
     if (!isset($this->url[$size])) {
         // try to use cached gravatar
         $cachedFilename = sprintf(self::GRAVATAR_CACHE_LOCATION, md5(mb_strtolower($this->gravatar)), $size, $this->fileExtension);
         if (file_exists(WCF_DIR . $cachedFilename) && filemtime(WCF_DIR . $cachedFilename) > TIME_NOW - self::GRAVATAR_CACHE_EXPIRE * 86400) {
             $this->url[$size] = WCF::getPath() . $cachedFilename;
         } else {
             $this->url[$size] = LinkHandler::getInstance()->getLink('GravatarDownload', array('forceFrontend' => true), 'userID=' . $this->userID . '&size=' . $size);
     return $this->url[$size];
 public function getForumUrl()
     return WCF::getPath('wbb');
Exemple #23
 private function replaceOldFileIDs($string)
     // bbcode
     $string = preg_replace_callback('/\\[cmsfile=([0-9]+)\\]/', function ($match) {
         if (isset($match[1]) && isset($this->tmp['files'][$match[1]])) {
             $newFileID = $this->tmp['files'][$match[1]];
             return '[cmsfile=' . $newFileID . ']';
         } else {
             return $match[0];
     }, $string);
     // urls
     $cmsUrl = WCF::getPath('cms');
     $typhoon = '/[^\\/ ][index\\.php]{0,}\\?file\\-download\\/([0-9]+)\\-|' . str_replace('/', '\\/', str_replace('.', '\\.', $cmsUrl)) . '[index\\.php]{0,}\\?file\\-download\\/([0-9]+)\\-/';
     $maelstrom = '/[^\\/ ][index\\.php]{0,}\\/FileDownload\\/([0-9]+)\\-|' . str_replace('/', '\\/', str_replace('.', '\\.', $cmsUrl)) . '[index\\.php]{0,}\\/FileDownload\\/([0-9]+)\\-/';
     $string = preg_replace_callback($typhoon, function ($match) {
         $cmsUrl = WCF::getPath('cms');
         if (isset($match[1]) && isset($this->tmp['files'][$match[1]])) {
             $newFileID = $this->tmp['files'][$match[1]];
             return 'index.php?file-download/' . $newFileID . '-';
         } else {
             if (isset($match[2]) && isset($this->tmp['files'][$match[2]])) {
                 $newFileID = $this->tmp['files'][$match[2]];
                 return $cmsUrl . 'index.php?file-download/' . $newFileID . '-';
             } else {
                 return $match[0];
     }, $string);
     $string = preg_replace_callback($maelstrom, function ($match) {
         $cmsUrl = WCF::getPath('cms');
         if (isset($match[1]) && isset($this->tmp['files'][$match[1]])) {
             $newFileID = $this->tmp['files'][$match[1]];
             return 'index.php/FileDownload/' . $newFileID . '-';
         } else {
             if (isset($match[2]) && isset($this->tmp['files'][$match[2]])) {
                 $newFileID = $this->tmp['files'][$match[2]];
                 return $cmsUrl . 'index.php/FileDownload/' . $newFileID . '-';
             } else {
                 return $match[0];
     }, $string);
     // new domain
     if (!empty($this->cmsUrl)) {
         $cmsUrl = WCF::getPath('cms');
         $string = str_replace($this->cmsUrl, $cmsUrl, $string);
     return $string;
Exemple #24
	 * Returns the style preview image path.
	 * @return	string
	public function getPreviewImage() {
		if ($this->image && file_exists(WCF_DIR.'images/'.$this->image)) {
			return WCF::getPath().'images/'.$this->image;
		return WCF::getPath().'images/stylePreview.png';