  * Renders the map var.
  * @param Map $map The map
  * @return string The html
 protected function renderMapVar(Map $map)
     return sprintf("var %s = new L.Map('%s'); map.addLayer(cloudmade);", $map->getVarName(), $map->getContainerId());
  * Renders the map var.
  * @param Map $map The map
  * @return string The html
 protected function renderMapVar(Map $map)
     return sprintf('var %s = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("%s"), %s);', $map->getVarName(), $map->getContainerId(), json_encode($map->getMapOptions()));
  * Renders the map var.
  * @param Map $map The map
  * @return string The html
 protected function renderMapVar(Map $map)
     return sprintf('var %s = new Microsoft.Maps.Map(document.getElementById("%s"), %s);', $map->getVarName(), $map->getContainerId(), sprintf('{ credentials: "%s", mapTypeId: %s }', $this->getOption('bing_api_key'), $this->transformMapType($map->getMapType()), $map->getZoom()));