function copyMods() { Vertx::fileSystem()->copyRecursive("src/test/resources/includemod/mods", "target/mods", function ($error) { if ($error) { Vertx::logger()->error($error); return; } else { Vertx::deployModule('io.vertx~php-includetest-mod~v1.0', NULL, 1, function ($id, $error) { if ($error) { Vertx::logger()->error($error); return; } else { TestRunner::run(new IncludeTestCase()); Vertx::undeployModule($id); } }); } }); }
$this->assertNull($error); $this->complete(); }); }); }); }); } /** * Tests writing to and reading from a file synchronously. */ public function testWriteReadFileSync() { $filename = TEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY . '/test-file.txt'; $alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; $this->fileSystem->createFileSync($filename, 'rwxr-xr-x'); $this->assertTrue($this->fileSystem->existsSync($filename)); $buffer = new Buffer(); $buffer->appendString($alphabet); $this->fileSystem->writeFileSync($filename, $buffer); $contents = $this->fileSystem->readFileSync($filename); $this->assertEquals($alphabet, (string) $contents); $this->fileSystem->deleteSync($filename); $this->complete(); } public function tearDown() { $this->fileSystem->deleteRecursiveSync(TEST_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY); } } TestRunner::run(new FileSystemTestCase());
public function testPrintInHandlerCallbackClosure() { $this->currentHandlerId = $this->eventBus->registerHandler(self::TEST_ADDRESS, function ($echo) use($complete) { try { print "message:" . $echo; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->assertNull($e); } $this->complete(); }); $this->assertNotNull($this->currentHandlerId); $this->eventBus->send(self::TEST_ADDRESS, array()); } public function callCallback($callback) { $callback(); } public function testPrintInSimpleCallbackClosure() { $this->callCallback(function () { try { print "print sth."; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->assertNull($e); } $this->complete(); }); } } TestRunner::run(new EventBusTestCase());
$this->assertNotNull($id); Vertx::undeployVerticle($id, function ($error) { $this->assertNull($error); $this->complete(); }); }); } /** * Tests failing a verticle deploy. */ public function testDeployFail() { Vertx::deployVerticle('asdlkjsdalf', NULL, 1, function ($id, $error) { $this->assertNull($id); $this->assertNotNull($error); $this->complete(); }); } /** * Tests failing a verticle undeploy. */ public function testUndeployFail() { Vertx::undeployVerticle('asdlkjsdalf', function ($error) { $this->assertNotNull($error); $this->complete(); }); } } TestRunner::run(new DeployTestCase());
* A Vert.x RecordParser test case. */ class RecordParserTestCase extends PhpTestCase { /** * Tests delimited record parsing. */ public function testDelimited() { $input = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { $input .= "line {$i}"; if ($i < 99) { $input .= "\n"; } } $lines = array(); $parser = RecordParser::newDelimited("\n", function ($buffer) use(&$lines) { $lines[] = trim((string) $buffer); }); $parser->handle(new Vertx\Buffer($input)); $count = 0; foreach ($lines as $line) { $this->assertEquals($line, "line {$count}"); $count++; } $this->complete(); } } TestRunner::run(new RecordParserTestCase());
}); $this->client->get(self::URI, function ($response) { $this->assertEquals($response->statusCode, 200); $this->complete(); })->end(); }); } /** * Tests the ALL method with a regular expression. */ public function testAllWithRegex() { $this->server->listen(8080, '', function ($server, $error) { $this->assertNotNull($server); $this->assertNull($error); $this->routeMatcher->allWithRegex(self::$regex, function ($request) { $this->assertEquals(count($request->params), count(self::$regexParams)); foreach (self::$regexParams as $key => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, $request->params[$key]); } $request->response->end(); }); $this->client->get(self::URI, function ($response) { $this->assertEquals($response->statusCode, 200); $this->complete(); })->end(); }); } } TestRunner::run(new RouteMatcherTestCase());
$float = $buffer->getFloat(26); $this->assertEquals(round($float, 3), 1.123); $this->complete(); } /** * Tests appending a buffer to another buffer. */ public function testAppendBuffer() { $buffer1 = new Buffer(substr(self::ALPHABET, 0, 10)); $buffer2 = new Buffer(substr(self::ALPHABET, 10)); $buffer1->appendBuffer($buffer2); $this->assertEquals($buffer1->length(), strlen(self::ALPHABET)); $this->assertEquals($buffer1->toString(), self::ALPHABET); $this->complete(); } /** * Tests the basic buffer append method. */ public function testAppendAny() { $buffer = new Buffer(substr(self::ALPHABET, 0, 10)); $buffer->append(substr(self::ALPHABET, 10)); $this->assertEquals(count($buffer), strlen(self::ALPHABET)); $this->assertEquals($buffer->toString(), self::ALPHABET); $this->assertEquals((string) $buffer, self::ALPHABET); $this->complete(); } } TestRunner::run(new BufferTestCase());
$this->assertFalse($client->keepAlive); $client->keepAlive(TRUE); $this->assertTrue($client->keepAlive()); $client->reuseAddress = TRUE; $this->assertTrue($client->reuseAddress); $client->reuseAddress = FALSE; $this->assertFalse($client->reuseAddress); $client->reuseAddress(TRUE); $this->assertTrue($client->reuseAddress()); $client->trafficClass(12345); $this->assertEquals($client->trafficClass(), 12345); $client->trafficClass = 12345; $this->assertEquals($client->trafficClass, 12345); $this->complete(); } private function createBuffer($size) { $str = ''; while (strlen($str) < $size) { $str .= 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; } return new Buffer(substr($str, 0, $size)); } public function tearDown() { $this->client->close(); $this->server->close(); } } TestRunner::run(new NetTestCase());
$this->assertTrue($client->verifyHost()); $client->trafficClass(12345); $this->assertEquals($client->trafficClass(), 12345); $client->trafficClass = 12345; $this->assertEquals($client->trafficClass, 12345); $client->connectTimeout(12345); $this->assertEquals($client->connectTimeout(), 12345); $client->connectTimeout = 12345; $this->assertEquals($client->connectTimeout, 12345); $client->maxPoolSize(12345); $this->assertEquals($client->maxPoolSize(), 12345); $client->maxPoolSize = 12345; $this->assertEquals($client->maxPoolSize, 12345); $this->complete(); } private function createBuffer($size) { $str = ''; while (strlen($str) < $size) { $str .= 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; } return new Buffer(substr($str, 0, $size)); } public function tearDown() { $this->client->close(); $this->server->close(); } } TestRunner::run(new HttpTestCase());
* limitations under the License. */ use Vertx\Test\TestRunner; use Vertx\Test\PhpTestCase; /** * A Vert.x context test case. */ class ContextTestCase extends PhpTestCase { /** * Tests the Vertx runOnContext() method. */ public function testRunOnContext() { Vertx::runOnContext(function () { $this->complete(); }); } /** * Tests the Context runOnContext method directly. */ public function testGetContext() { $context = Vertx::currentContext(); $context->runOnContext(function () { $this->complete(); }); } } TestRunner::run(new ContextTestCase());
public function testOneOff() { Vertx::setTimer(10, function () { $this->complete(); }); } /** * Tests a periodic timer. */ public function testPeriodic() { $total = 10; $count = 0; Vertx::setPeriodic(10, function ($timer_id) use(&$count, $total) { $this->assertNotNull($timer_id); $count += 1; if ($count == $total) { Vertx::cancelTimer($timer_id); Vertx::setTimer(10, function () { $this->complete(); }); } else { if ($count > $total) { $this->assertTrue(FALSE, 'Counter went off too many times!'); } } }); } } TestRunner::run(new TimerTestCase());
* Tests setting and getting integers in a shared map. */ public function testMapInteger() { $this->doTestValue(12345); } /** * Tests setting and getting floats in a shared map. */ public function testMapFloat() { $this->doTestValue(1.2345); } private function doTestValue($value) { $map1 = $this->sharedData->getMap('map1'); $this->assertNotNull($map1); $map2 = $this->sharedData->getMap('map1'); $this->assertNotNull($map2); $key = 'foo'; $map1[$key] = $value; $this->assertEquals($map1[$key], $value); $this->assertEquals($map2[$key], $value); $this->assertEquals($map1[$key], $map2[$key]); $map3 = $this->sharedData->getMap('map1'); $this->assertEquals($map3[$key], $value); $this->complete(); } } TestRunner::run(new SharedDataTestCase());