// don't send e-mail for approval $use_news_approving = true; //Preprocessing if ($error == false) { //get the news $tplname = 'admin_addnews'; require $stylepath . '/news.inc.php'; require $stylepath . '/admin_addnews.inc.php'; $topicid = isset($_REQUEST['topic']) ? $_REQUEST['topic'] : 1; $newstext = isset($_REQUEST['newstext']) ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['newstext']) : ''; $newshtml = isset($_REQUEST['newshtml']) ? $_REQUEST['newshtml'] : 0; $email = isset($_REQUEST['email']) ? stripslashes($_REQUEST['email']) : ''; $emailok = false; tpl_set_var('email_error', ''); if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) { $emailok = Email::isValidEmail($email); if ($emailok == true) { // filtern und ausgabe vorbereiten $tplname = 'admin_addnews_confirm'; if ($newshtml == 0) { $newstext = htmlspecialchars($newstext, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); } else { require_once $rootpath . 'lib/class.inputfilter.php'; $myFilter = new InputFilter($allowedtags, $allowedattr, 0, 0, 1); $newstext = $myFilter->process($newstext); } $rs = XDb::xSql("SELECT `name` FROM `news_topics` WHERE `id`= ? ", $topicid); $r = XDb::xFetchArray($rs); XDb::xFreeResults($rs); $newscontent = $tpl_newstopic; $newscontent = mb_ereg_replace('{date}', date('d.m.Y h:i:s', time()), $newscontent);
$longitude = -$longitude; } } else { $longitude = null; $lon_h_not_ok = false; $lon_min_not_ok = false; } $lon_not_ok = $lon_min_not_ok || $lon_h_not_ok; $lat_not_ok = $lat_min_not_ok || $lat_h_not_ok; //check if username is in the DB $username_exists = false; $username_not_ok = mb_ereg_match(User::REGEX_USERNAME, $username) ? false : true; if ($username_not_ok == false) { // username should not be formatted like an email-address // exception: $username == $email $username_not_ok = Email::isValidEmail($email); } if ($username_not_ok) { tpl_set_var('username_message', $error_username_not_ok); } else { if ($username != $usr['username']) { $q = "SELECT `username` FROM `user` WHERE `username`=:1 LIMIT 1"; $s = $db->multiVariableQuery($q, $username); if ($db->rowCount($s) > 0) { $username_exists = true; tpl_set_var('username_message', $error_username_exists); } } } if ($radius != '') { $radius = $radius + 0;
//load language specific variables require_once $stylepath . '/' . $tplname . '.inc.php'; tpl_set_var('new_email', ''); tpl_set_var('message', ''); tpl_set_var('email_message', ''); tpl_set_var('code_message', ''); tpl_set_var('change_email', $change_email); tpl_set_var('reset', $reset); tpl_set_var('getcode', $get_code); if (isset($_POST['submit_getcode']) || isset($_POST['submit_changeemail'])) { $new_email = $_POST['newemail']; tpl_set_var('new_email', htmlspecialchars($new_email, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')); //validate the email $email_exists = false; $new_email_not_ok = false; if (!Email::isValidEmail($new_email)) { $new_email_not_ok = true; tpl_set_var('email_message', $error_email_not_ok); } else { //prüfen, ob email schon in der Datenbank vorhanden $rs = XDb::xSql("SELECT `username` FROM `user` WHERE `email`= ? ", $new_email); if (false !== XDb::xFetchArray($rs)) { $email_exists = true; tpl_set_var('email_message', $error_email_exists); } } if (!$email_exists && !$new_email_not_ok) { if (isset($_POST['submit_getcode'])) { //send the secure code via email and store the new email in the database $secure_code = uniqid(''); //code in DB eintragen