  * Parses the given request path and checks if the first path segment is one or a set of content dimension preset
  * identifiers. If that is the case, the return value is an array of dimension names and their preset URI segments.
  * If the first path segment contained content dimension information, it is removed from &$requestPath.
  * @param string &$requestPath The request path currently being processed by this route part handler, e.g. "de_global/startseite/ueber-uns"
  * @return array An array of dimension name => dimension values (array of string)
  * @throws InvalidRequestPathException
  * @throws NoSuchDimensionValueException
 protected function parseDimensionsAndNodePathFromRequestPath(&$requestPath)
     $dimensionPresets = $this->contentDimensionPresetSource->getAllPresets();
     if (count($dimensionPresets) === 0) {
         return array();
     $dimensionsAndDimensionValues = array();
     $chosenDimensionPresets = array();
     $matches = array();
     preg_match(self::DIMENSION_REQUEST_PATH_MATCHER, $requestPath, $matches);
     if (!isset($matches['dimensionPresetUriSegments'])) {
         foreach ($dimensionPresets as $dimensionName => $dimensionPreset) {
             $dimensionsAndDimensionValues[$dimensionName] = $dimensionPreset['presets'][$dimensionPreset['defaultPreset']]['values'];
             $chosenDimensionPresets[$dimensionName] = $dimensionPreset['defaultPreset'];
     } else {
         $dimensionPresetUriSegments = explode('_', $matches['dimensionPresetUriSegments']);
         if (count($dimensionPresetUriSegments) !== count($dimensionPresets)) {
             throw new InvalidRequestPathException(sprintf('The first path segment of the request URI (%s) does not contain the necessary content dimension preset identifiers for all configured dimensions. This might be an old URI which doesn\'t match the current dimension configuration anymore.', $requestPath), 1413389121);
         foreach ($dimensionPresets as $dimensionName => $dimensionPreset) {
             $uriSegment = array_shift($dimensionPresetUriSegments);
             $preset = $this->contentDimensionPresetSource->findPresetByUriSegment($dimensionName, $uriSegment);
             if ($preset === NULL) {
                 throw new NoSuchDimensionValueException(sprintf('Could not find a preset for content dimension "%s" through the given URI segment "%s".', $dimensionName, $uriSegment), 1413389321);
             $dimensionsAndDimensionValues[$dimensionName] = $preset['values'];
             $chosenDimensionPresets[$dimensionName] = $preset['identifier'];
         $requestPath = isset($matches['remainingRequestPath']) ? $matches['remainingRequestPath'] : '';
     if (!$this->contentDimensionPresetSource->isPresetCombinationAllowedByConstraints($chosenDimensionPresets)) {
         throw new InvalidDimensionPresetCombinationException(sprintf('The resolved content dimension preset combination (%s) is invalid or restricted by content dimension constraints. Check your content dimension settings if you think that this is an error.', 'x'), 1428657721);
     return $dimensionsAndDimensionValues;