  * Calls the authentication manager to authenticate all active tokens
  * and redirects to the original intercepted request on success if there
  * is one stored in the security context. If no intercepted request is
  * found, the function simply returns.
  * If authentication fails, the result of calling the defined
  * $errorMethodName is returned.
  * Note: Usually there is no need to override this action. You should use
  * the according callback methods instead (onAuthenticationSuccess() and
  * onAuthenticationFailure()).
  * @return string
  * @Flow\SkipCsrfProtection
 public function authenticateAction()
     $authenticationException = null;
     try {
     } catch (\TYPO3\Flow\Security\Exception\AuthenticationRequiredException $exception) {
         $authenticationException = $exception;
     if ($this->authenticationManager->isAuthenticated()) {
         $storedRequest = $this->securityContext->getInterceptedRequest();
         if ($storedRequest !== null) {
         return $this->onAuthenticationSuccess($storedRequest);
     } else {
         return call_user_func(array($this, $this->errorMethodName));
  * Receive an SSO authentication callback and trigger authentication
  * through the SingleSignOnProvider.
  * GET /sso/authentication/callback?...
  * @param string $callbackUri
  * @return void
 public function callbackAction($callbackUri)
     try {
     } catch (\TYPO3\Flow\Security\Exception\AuthenticationRequiredException $exception) {
         $authenticationException = $exception;
     if ($this->authenticationManager->isAuthenticated()) {
         $storedRequest = $this->securityContext->getInterceptedRequest();
         if ($storedRequest !== NULL) {
         } else {
             // TODO Do we have to check the URI?
     } else {
         throw new \Flowpack\SingleSignOn\Client\Exception('Could not authenticate in callbackAction triggered by the SSO server.', 1366613161, isset($authenticationException) ? $authenticationException : NULL);
  * Advices the dispatch method so that illegal action requests are blocked before
  * invoking any controller.
  * The "request" referred to within this method is an ActionRequest or some other
  * dispatchable request implementing RequestInterface. Note that we don't deal
  * with HTTP requests here.
  * @Flow\Around("setting(TYPO3.Flow.security.enable) && method(TYPO3\Flow\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatch())")
  * @param \TYPO3\Flow\Aop\JoinPointInterface $joinPoint The current joinpoint
  * @return mixed Result of the advice chain
  * @throws \Exception|\TYPO3\Flow\Security\Exception\AccessDeniedException
  * @throws \Exception|\TYPO3\Flow\Security\Exception\AuthenticationRequiredException
 public function blockIllegalRequestsAndForwardToAuthenticationEntryPoints(JoinPointInterface $joinPoint)
     $request = $joinPoint->getMethodArgument('request');
     if (!$request instanceof ActionRequest || $this->securityContext->areAuthorizationChecksDisabled()) {
         return $joinPoint->getAdviceChain()->proceed($joinPoint);
     try {
         return $joinPoint->getAdviceChain()->proceed($joinPoint);
     } catch (AuthenticationRequiredException $exception) {
         $response = $joinPoint->getMethodArgument('response');
         $entryPointFound = FALSE;
         /** @var $token \TYPO3\Flow\Security\Authentication\TokenInterface */
         foreach ($this->securityContext->getAuthenticationTokens() as $token) {
             $entryPoint = $token->getAuthenticationEntryPoint();
             if ($entryPoint !== NULL) {
                 $entryPointFound = TRUE;
                 if ($entryPoint instanceof WebRedirect) {
                     $this->securityLogger->log('Redirecting to authentication entry point', LOG_INFO, $entryPoint->getOptions());
                 } else {
                     $this->securityLogger->log('Starting authentication with entry point of type ' . get_class($entryPoint), LOG_INFO);
                 $entryPoint->startAuthentication($request->getHttpRequest(), $response);
         if ($entryPointFound === FALSE) {
             $this->securityLogger->log('No authentication entry point found for active tokens, therefore cannot authenticate or redirect to authentication automatically.', LOG_NOTICE);
             throw $exception;
     } catch (AccessDeniedException $exception) {
         $this->securityLogger->log('Access denied', LOG_WARNING);
         throw $exception;
     return NULL;