  * Sends a notification email
  * @param  string     $recipients  comma-separated list of email addresses that should
  *                                 receive the notification
  * @param  array      $config      notification configuration
  * @param  object     $media       one or multiple media records (QueryResult)
  * @param  \Exception $exception   the exception that was thrown
  * @return boolean                 success status of email
 protected function sendNotification($recipients, array $config, $media, \Exception $exception = NULL)
     // Convert comma-separated list to array
     $recipients = array_map('trim', explode(',', $recipients));
     // Generate markers for the email subject and content
     $markers = array('###SIGNATURE###' => $config['signature']);
     if (isset($exception)) {
         $markers['###ERROR###'] = $exception->getMessage();
         $markers['###ERROR_FILE###'] = $exception->getFile();
         $markers['###ERROR_LINE###'] = $exception->getLine();
     // Generate list of media files for the email
     $allMedia = $media instanceof Media ? array($media) : $media->toArray();
     $mediaFiles = array();
     foreach ($allMedia as $oneMedia) {
         // Get all properties of media record that can be outputted
         $mediaMarkers = array();
         foreach ($oneMedia->toArray() as $key => $value) {
             if (!is_object($value)) {
                 $mediaMarkers[$key] = $value;
         // Provide properties as markers
         $mediaFiles[] = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($config['mediafiles'], $mediaMarkers, '###|###', TRUE);
     $markers['###MEDIAFILES###'] = implode("\n", $mediaFiles);
     // Replace markers in subject and content
     $subject = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($config['subject'], $markers);
     $message = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($config['message'], $markers);
     // Send email
     return $this->objectManager->get('TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Mail\\MailMessage')->setFrom(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\MailUtility::getSystemFrom())->setTo($recipients)->setSubject($subject)->setBody($message)->send();
  * This Method generates a Mailcontent with $this->templatecode
  * as Mailtemplate. First Line in Template represents the Mailsubject.
  * The other required data can be queried from database by Parameters.
  * @param string $orderUid The uid for the specified Order
  * @param array $orderData Contaning additional data like Customer UIDs.
  * @param string $templateCode Template code
  * @return string The built Mailcontent
 protected function generateMail($orderUid, array $orderData, $templateCode)
     $database = $this->getDatabaseConnection();
     $markerArray = array('###ORDERID###' => $orderUid);
     $content = $this->cObj->getSubpart($templateCode, '###MAILCONTENT###');
     // Get The addresses
     $deliveryAdress = '';
     if ($orderData['cust_deliveryaddress']) {
         $data = $database->exec_SELECTgetSingleRow('*', 'tt_address', 'uid = ' . (int) $orderData['cust_deliveryaddress']);
         if (is_array($data)) {
             $deliveryAdress = $this->makeAdressView($data, '###DELIVERY_ADDRESS###', $content);
     $content = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($content, '###DELIVERY_ADDRESS###', $deliveryAdress);
     $billingAdress = '';
     if ($orderData['cust_invoice']) {
         $data = $database->exec_SELECTgetSingleRow('*', 'tt_address', 'uid = ' . (int) $orderData['cust_invoice']);
         if (is_array($data)) {
             $billingAdress = $this->makeAdressView($data, '###BILLING_ADDRESS###', $content);
             $this->customermailadress = $data['email'];
     $content = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($content, '###BILLING_ADDRESS###', $billingAdress);
     $content = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($content, '###INVOICE_VIEW###', '');
      * Hook for processing Marker Array
     $hookObject = \CommerceTeam\Commerce\Factory\HookFactory::getHook('Hook/OrdermailHooks', 'generateMail');
     if (is_object($hookObject) && method_exists($hookObject, 'processMarker')) {
         $markerArray = $hookObject->processMarker($markerArray, $this);
     $content = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($content, $markerArray);
     // Since The first line of the mail is the Subject, trim the template
     return ltrim($content);
Exemple #3
     * This Method generates a Mailcontent with $this->templatecode
     * as Mailtemplate. First Line in Template represents the Mailsubject.
     * The other required data can be queried from database by Parameters.
     * @param string $orderUid The uid for the specified Order
     * @param array $orderData Contaning additional data like Customer UIDs.
     * @param string $templateCode Template code
     * @return string The built Mailcontent
    protected function generateMail($orderUid, array $orderData, $templateCode)
        $database = $this->getDatabaseConnection();
        $markerArray = array();
        $markerArray['###ORDERID###'] = $orderUid;
         * Since The first line of the mail is the Subject, trim the template
        $content = ltrim($this->cObj->getSubpart($templateCode, '###MAILCONTENT###'));
        // Get The addresses
        $deliveryAdress = '';
        if ($orderData['cust_deliveryaddress']) {
            $data = $database->exec_SELECTgetSingleRow('*', 'tt_address', 'uid=' . (int) $orderData['cust_deliveryaddress']);
            if (is_array($data)) {
                $deliveryAdress = $this->makeAdressView($data, '###DELIVERY_ADDRESS###');
        $content = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($content, '###DELIVERY_ADDRESS###', $deliveryAdress);
        $billingAdress = '';
        if ($orderData['cust_invoice']) {
            $data = $database->exec_SELECTgetSingleRow('*', 'tt_address', 'uid=' . (int) $orderData['cust_invoice']);
            if (is_array($data)) {
                $billingAdress = $this->makeAdressView($data, '###BILLING_ADDRESS###');
                $this->customermailadress = $data['email'];
        $content = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($content, '###BILLING_ADDRESS###', $billingAdress);
        $invoicelist = '';
        $content = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($content, '###INVOICE_VIEW###', $invoicelist);
         * Hook for processing Marker Array
        if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['commerce_ordermails/mod1/class.tx_commerce_moveordermail.php']['generateMail'])) {
				is deprecated since commerce 1.0.0, it will be removed in commerce 1.4.0, please use instead
            foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['commerce_ordermails/mod1/class.tx_commerce_moveordermail.php']['generateMail'] as $classRef) {
                $hookObj = GeneralUtility::getUserObj($classRef);
                if (method_exists($hookObj, 'ProcessMarker')) {
                    $markerArray = $hookObj->ProcessMarker($markerArray, $this);
        if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['commerce/Classes/Hook/OrdermailHooks.php']['generateMail'])) {
            foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['commerce/Classes/Hook/OrdermailHooks.php']['generateMail'] as $classRef) {
                $hookObj = GeneralUtility::getUserObj($classRef);
                if (method_exists($hookObj, 'ProcessMarker')) {
                    $markerArray = $hookObj->ProcessMarker($markerArray, $this);
        $content = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($content, $markerArray);
        return ltrim($content);
  * Main function, called from TypoScript
  * A content object that renders "tt_content" records. See the comment to this class for TypoScript example of how to trigger it.
  * This detects the CType of the current content element and renders it accordingly. Only wellknown types are rendered.
  * @param	\TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Plugin\AbstractPlugin	$invokingObj the tt_news object
  * @return	string			Plain text content
 public function extraCodesProcessor(&$invokingObj)
     $content = '';
     $this->conf = $invokingObj->conf;
     if ($this->conf['code'] == 'PLAINTEXT') {
         $this->cObj = $invokingObj->cObj;
         $this->config = $invokingObj->config;
         $this->tt_news_uid = $invokingObj->tt_news_uid;
         $this->enableFields = $invokingObj->enableFields;
         $this->sys_language_mode = $invokingObj->sys_language_mode;
         $this->templateCode = $invokingObj->templateCode;
         $this->renderPlainText = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('tx_directmail_pi1');
         $this->renderPlainText->cObj = $this->cObj;
         $this->renderPlainText->labelsList = 'tt_news_author_prefix,tt_news_author_date_prefix,tt_news_author_email_prefix,tt_news_short_header,tt_news_bodytext_header';
         $lines = array();
         $singleWhere = 'tt_news.uid=' . intval($this->tt_news_uid);
         $singleWhere .= ' AND type=0' . $this->enableFields;
         // type=0->only real news.
         $res = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tt_news', $singleWhere);
         $row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($res);
         // get the translated record if the content language is not the default language
         if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_content) {
             $OLmode = $this->sys_language_mode == 'strict' ? 'hideNonTranslated' : '';
             $row = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_page->getRecordOverlay('tt_news', $row, $GLOBALS['TSFE']->sys_language_content, $OLmode);
         if (is_array($row)) {
             // Render the title
             $lines[] = $this->renderPlainText->renderHeader($row['title']);
             // Render author of the tt_news record
             $lines[] = $this->renderAuthor($row);
             // Render the short version of the tt_news record
             $lines[] = $this->renderPlainText->breakContent(strip_tags($this->renderPlainText->parseBody($row['short'], 'tt_news_short')));
             // Render the main text of the tt_news record
             $lines[] = $this->renderPlainText->breakContent(strip_tags($this->renderPlainText->parseBody($row['bodytext'], 'tt_news_bodytext')));
             // Render the images of the tt_news record.
             $lines[] = $this->getImages($row);
             // Render the downloads of the tt_news record.
             $lines[] = $this->renderPlainText->renderUploads($row['news_files']);
         } elseif ($this->sys_language_mode == 'strict' && $this->tt_news_uid) {
             $noTranslMsg = $this->cObj->stdWrap($invokingObj->pi_getLL('noTranslMsg', 'Sorry, there is no translation for this news-article'), $this->conf['noNewsIdMsg_stdWrap.']);
             $content .= $noTranslMsg;
         if (!empty($lines)) {
             $content = implode(LF, $lines) . $content;
         // Substitute labels
         if (!empty($content)) {
             $markerArray = array();
             $markerArray = $this->renderPlainText->addLabelsMarkers($markerArray);
             $content = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($content, $markerArray);
     return $content;
  * Displays a form for editing or creating a single forum.
  * @access private
  * @return String HTML content
 function editAction()
     $forumUid = $this->v['newForum'] ? -1 : intval($this->v['editForum']);
     if ($this->v['forum']['save']) {
         $result = $this->saveEditAction();
         if ($result['success'] === TRUE) {
             $this->redirectToAction(array('flashmessage' => base64_encode(sprintf($this->l('edit-success'), $this->v['forum']['name']))));
         } else {
             $errors = $result['errors'];
     } elseif ($this->v['forum']['cancel']) {
     } else {
         $errors = array();
     $template = $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['templates.']['edit']);
     # Select the forum to be edited. The "hidden" flag is not queried on purpose!
     if ($forumUid > 0) {
         $res = $this->databaseHandle->exec_SELECTquery('uid, forum_name AS name, forum_desc AS description, parentID AS parent', 'tx_mmforum_forums', 'uid=' . $forumUid . ' AND deleted=0 ' . $this->p->getStoragePIDQuery());
         if ($this->databaseHandle->sql_num_rows($res) == 0) {
             return $this->p->errorMessage($this->p->conf, $this->l('error-forumnotfound'));
         $forumArray = $this->databaseHandle->sql_fetch_assoc($res);
     } else {
         $forumArray = array();
     if (is_array($this->v['forum'])) {
         $forumArray = array_merge($forumArray, $this->v['forum']);
     if (!$forumArray['name']) {
         $forumArray['name'] = $this->l('new-dummytitle');
     if (!$this->checkActionAllowance($forumArray['parent'] == 0 ? 'category' : 'forum', $forumUid == -1 ? 'create' : 'edit')) {
         return $this->displayNoAccessError();
     $forumMarkers = array('###FORUM_NAME###' => $this->validator->specialChars($forumArray['name']), '###FORUM_DESCRIPTION###' => $this->validator->specialChars($forumArray['description']), '###FORUM_PARENT_OPTIONS###' => $this->getForumSelectOptionList($forumArray['parent']), '###FORUM_HIDDEN_CHECKED###' => $forumArray['hidden'] ? 'checked="checked"' : '', '###FORUM_UID###' => $forumUid, '###FORM_ACTION###' => $this->p->pi_getPageLink($GLOBALS['TSFE']->id));
     foreach (array('name', 'description', 'parent') as $field) {
         if ($errors[$field]) {
             $messages = array();
             foreach ($errors[$field] as $error) {
                 $messages[] = vsprintf($this->l('error-' . $field . '-' . $error['type']), $error['args']);
             $forumMarkers['###ERRORS_' . strtoupper($field) . '###'] = $this->cObj->stdWrap(implode(' ', $messages), $this->conf['format.']['errorMessage.']);
         } else {
             $forumMarkers['###ERRORS_' . strtoupper($field) . '###'] = '';
     $template = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($template, $forumMarkers);
     $template = preg_replace_callback('/###L:([A-Z_-]+)###/i', array($this, 'replaceLL'), $template);
     return $template;
  * Outputs information about a specific user for the post listing.
  * @param  int    $uid          The UID of the user whose information are to be displayed
  * @param  array  $conf         The configuration vars of the plugin
  * @param  bool   $threadauthor TRUE, if the user is the author of the thread displayed. In
  *                              this case, a special string telling that this user is the author
  *                              of the thread is displayed.
  * @return string               The user information
 function ident_user($uid, $conf, $threadauthor = FALSE)
     $userData = !is_array($uid) ? tx_mmforum_tools::get_userdata($uid) : $uid;
     $template = $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['template.']['list_post']);
     $template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, '###USERINFO###');
     if ($template) {
         $avatar = $this->getUserAvatar($userData);
         $marker = array('###LLL_DELETED###' => $this->pi_getLL('user-deleted'), '###USERNAME###' => $this->cObj->stdWrap($userData[$this->getUserNameField()], $this->conf['list_posts.']['userinfo.']['username_stdWrap.']), '###USERREALNAME###' => $this->cObj->stdWrap($userData['name'], $this->conf['list_posts.']['userinfo.']['realname_stdWrap.']), '###USERRANKS###' => $this->get_userranking($uid, $conf), '###TOPICCREATOR###' => $uid == $threadauthor ? $this->cObj->stdWrap($this->pi_getLL('topic-topicauthor'), $this->conf['list_posts.']['userinfo.']['creator_stdWrap.']) : '', '###AVATAR###' => $avatar, '###LLL_REGSINCE###' => $this->pi_getLL('user-regSince'), '###LLL_POSTCOUNT###' => $this->pi_getLL('user-posts'), '###REGSINCE###' => $this->cObj->stdWrap($userData['crdate'], $this->conf['list_posts.']['userinfo.']['crdate_stdWrap.']), '###POSTCOUNT###' => intval($userData['tx_mmforum_posts']), '###USER_RATING###' => $this->isUserRating() ? $this->getRatingDisplay('fe_users', $userData['uid']) : '');
         if ($userData === false) {
             $template = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($template, '###USERINFO_REGULAR###', '');
         } else {
             $template = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($template, '###USERINFO_DELETED###', '');
         // Include hooks
         if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['mm_forum']['forum']['userInformation_marker'])) {
             foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['mm_forum']['forum']['userInformation_marker'] as $_classRef) {
                 $_procObj =& GeneralUtility::getUserObj($_classRef);
                 $marker = $_procObj->userInformation_marker($marker, $userData, $this);
         $content = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($template, $marker);
     } else {
         if ($userData === false) {
             return '<strong>' . $this->pi_getLL('user.deleted') . '</strong>';
         $content = '<strong>' . $userData[$this->getUserNameField()] . '</strong><br />';
         if ($this->conf['list_posts.']['userinfo_realName'] && $userData['name']) {
             $content .= $this->cObj->wrap($userData['name'], $this->conf['list_posts.']['userinfo_realName_wrap']);
         $userranking = $this->get_userranking($uid, $conf) . '<br />';
         if ($uid == $threadauthor) {
             $userranking .= $this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_getLL('topic.topicauthor'), $this->conf['list_posts.']['userinfo_topicauthor_wrap']);
         $content .= $userranking;
         if ($userData['tx_mmforum_avatar']) {
             $content .= $this->tools->res_img($conf['path_avatar'] . $userData['tx_mmforum_avatar'], $conf['avatar_height'], $conf['avatar_width']);
         $content .= $this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_getLL('user.regSince') . ': ' . date('d.m.Y', $userData['crdate']) . '<br />' . $this->pi_getLL('user.posts') . ': ' . $userData['tx_mmforum_posts'], $this->conf['list_posts.']['userinfo_content_wrap']);
     return $content;
  * Displays the post queue.
  * This function displays all elements of the postqueue in a list
  * view.
  * @author  Martin Helmich
  * @version 2007-07-21
  * @return  string The postqueue list content
 function display_postQueue()
     $template = $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['template.']['postqueue']);
     $template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, '###POSTQUEUE_LIST###');
     $template_row = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, '###POSTQUEUE_ITEM###');
     $marker = array('###LLL_PUBLISH###' => $this->pi_getLL('postqueue.publishtab'), '###LLL_DELETE###' => $this->pi_getLL('postqueue.deletetab'), '###LLL_IGNORE###' => $this->pi_getLL('postqueue.ignoretab'), '###LLL_POSTTEXT###' => $this->pi_getLL('postqueue.posttext'), '###LLL_POSTQUEUE###' => $this->pi_getLL('postqueue.title'), '###LLL_PUBLISHBUTTON###' => $this->pi_getLL('postqueue.publishbutton'), '###LLL_NOITEMS###' => $this->pi_getLL('postqueue.noitems'), '###ACTION###' => $this->parent->escapeURL($this->parent->pi_getPageLink($GLOBALS['TSFE']->id)));
     $template = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($template, $marker);
     $rContent = '';
     $boards = $this->getModeratorBoards();
     if (is_array($boards)) {
         $res = $this->databaseHandle->exec_SELECTquery('q.*', 'tx_mmforum_postqueue q LEFT JOIN tx_mmforum_topics t ON q.post_parent = t.uid', 'q.deleted = 0 AND (t.deleted=0 OR t.uid IS NULL) AND (q.topic_forum IN (' . implode(',', $boards) . ') OR t.forum_id IN (' . implode(',', $boards) . '))', '', 'q.crdate DESC');
     } elseif ($boards === true) {
         $res = $this->databaseHandle->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tx_mmforum_postqueue', 'deleted=0', '', 'crdate DESC');
     if ($boards !== false) {
         if ($this->databaseHandle->sql_num_rows($res) > 0) {
             $template = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($template, '###POSTQUEUE_NOITEMS###', '');
         } else {
             $template = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($template, '###POSTQUEUE_ITEMLIST###', '');
         while ($arr = $this->databaseHandle->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
             $rMarker = array('###LLL_WROTE###' => $this->pi_getLL('postqueue.wrote'), '###DATE###' => $this->parent->formatDate($arr['post_time']), '###POST_TEXT###' => $this->tx_mmforum_postparser->main($this->parent, $this->conf, $this->parent->escape($arr['post_text']), 'textparser'), '###UID###' => $arr['uid'], '###POST_POSTER###' => $this->parent->linkToUserProfile($arr['post_user']), '###CHECK_DELETE###' => '', '###CHECK_IGNORE###' => $arr['hidden'] ? 'checked="checked"' : '', '###CHECK_PUBLISH###' => $arr['hidden'] ? '' : 'checked="checked"', '###FORUMPATH###' => $this->getForumLink($arr['topic_forum']));
             if ($arr['topic']) {
                 $rMarker['###TOPIC_LINK###'] = $this->parent->escape($arr['topic_title']) . ' [' . $this->pi_getLL('postqueue.newTopic') . ']';
             } else {
                 $tData = $this->parent->getTopicData($arr['post_parent']);
                 $linkParams[$this->parent->prefixId] = array('action' => 'list_post', 'tid' => $tData['uid']);
                 if ($this->parent->getIsRealURL()) {
                     $linkParams[$this->parent->prefixId]['fid'] = $tData['forum_id'];
                 $rMarker['###TOPIC_LINK###'] = $this->parent->pi_linkToPage($this->parent->escape($tData['topic_title']), $this->conf['pid_forum'], '', $linkParams);
             $rContent .= $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($template_row, $rMarker);
         $template = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($template, '###POSTQUEUE_ITEM###', $rContent);
     } else {
         $template = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($template, '###POSTQUEUE_ITEMLIST###', '');
     return $template;
  * Display a poll.
  * This function displays a poll. Depending on whether the user that is
  * currently logged in is allowed to vote on this poll (this will be the
  * case if the user has not already voted in this poll and if the poll is
  * not yet expired), the user will see a set of radio buttons allowing him/her
  * to choose an answering possibility, or the poll results.
  * @return  string The poll content
  * @version 2007-05-22
 function objDisplay()
     if ($this->piVars['poll']['vote'] == '1') {
     $template = $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['template.']['polls']);
     $template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, '###POLL_DISPLAY###');
     $vote = $this->getMayVote();
     if (!$vote) {
         $template = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($template, '###POLL_SUBMIT###', '');
         $row_template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, '###POLL_ANSWER_2###');
     } else {
         $row_template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, '###POLL_ANSWER_1###');
     $res = $this->databaseHandle->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tx_mmforum_polls_answers', 'poll_id=' . intval($this->data['uid']) . ' AND deleted=0');
     $i = 1;
     $aContent = '';
     while ($arr = $this->databaseHandle->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
         $pAnswers = $arr['votes'] > 0 ? round($arr['votes'] / $this->data['votes'] * 100) : 0;
         if ($this->conf['polls.']['pollBar_colorMap.'][$i]) {
             $color = $this->conf['polls.']['pollBar_colorMap.'][$i];
         } else {
             $color = $this->conf['polls.']['pollBar_colorMap.']['default'];
         $aMarker = array('###ANSWER_UID###' => $arr['uid'], '###ANSWER_TEXT###' => $this->p->escape($arr['answer']), '###ANSWER_COUNT###' => sprintf($this->p->pi_getLL('poll.replies'), $arr['votes'], $this->data['votes'], $pAnswers . '%'), '###ANSWER_ANSWERS###' => '<div style="width: ' . $pAnswers . '%; height:10px; background-color: ' . $color . ';">&nbsp;</div>', '###ENABLE###' => '');
         $aContent .= $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($row_template, $aMarker);
     $actionParams[$this->p->prefixId] = array('tid' => $this->p->piVars['tid'], 'fid' => $this->p->piVars['fid'], 'action' => 'list_post');
     $actionLink = $this->p->pi_getPageLink($GLOBALS['TSFE']->id, '', $actionParams);
     $marker = array('###LABEL_POLL###' => $this->p->pi_getLL('poll.title'), '###LABEL_VOTE###' => $this->p->pi_getLL('poll.vote'), '###LABEL_QUESTION###' => $this->p->pi_getLL('poll.question'), '###QUESTION###' => $this->p->escape($this->data['question']), '###EXPIRES###' => $this->data['endtime'] ? $this->p->pi_getLL('poll.expires') . ' ' . date('d. m. Y, H:i', $this->data['endtime']) : '', '###ACTION###' => $this->p->escapeURL($actionLink), '###ICON###' => $this->cObj->cObjGetSingle($this->conf['polls.']['poll_icon'], $this->conf['polls.']['poll_icon.']));
     $marker['###EXPIRES###'] = $this->cObj->stdWrap($marker['###EXPIRES###'], $this->conf['polls.']['expired_stdWrap.']);
     $template = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($template, $marker);
     $template = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($template, '###POLL_ANSWER_1###', $aContent);
     $template = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($template, '###POLL_ANSWER_2###', '');
     return $template;
  * Prints an array of posts.
  * This function prints an array of posts that are to be listed in the RSS
  * feed.
  * @param  array  $posts A numeric array of all posts that shall be listed in the
  *                RSS
  * @return string The RSS feed as XML string
 function printPosts($posts)
     $template = $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['template.']['rss']);
     $template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, '###RSS_FEED###');
     $rowTemplate = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, '###RSS_POST_ITEM###');
     // Include hooks
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['mm_forum']['forum']['rss_posts'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['mm_forum']['forum']['rss_posts'] as $_classRef) {
             $_procObj =& GeneralUtility::getUserObj($_classRef);
             $marker = $_procObj->rss_posts($posts, $this);
     // TODO: FIXME undefined variables $mode, $param
     $marker = array('###RSS_ENCODING###' => $GLOBALS['TSFE']->renderCharset, '###RSS_TITLE###' => '<![CDATA[' . $this->getFeedTitle($mode, $param) . ']]>', '###RSS_DESCRIPTION###' => $this->getFeedDescription(), '###RSS_URL###' => $this->pObj->escapeURL($this->getFeedURL()), '###RSS_GENERATOR###' => 'mm_forum powered by TYPO3', '###RSS_LASTBUILT###' => date('r'), '###RSS_LANGUAGE###' => $this->pObj->LLkey == 'default' ? 'en' : $this->pObj->LLkey);
     // Include hooks
     if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['mm_forum']['forum']['rss_globalMarkers'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['mm_forum']['forum']['rss_globalMarkers'] as $_classRef) {
             $_procObj =& GeneralUtility::getUserObj($_classRef);
             $marker = $_procObj->rss_globalMarkers($marker, $posts, $this);
     $template = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($template, $marker);
     $rowContent = '';
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         $rowMarker = array('###RSS_TOPIC_NAME###' => $this->pObj->escape($post['topic_title']), '###RSS_POST_LINK###' => $this->getPostLink($post['post_uid']), '###RSS_POST_DATE###' => date('r', $post['post_time']), '###RSS_POST_TEXT_SHORT###' => $this->getPostTextShort($post['post_text']), '###RSS_POST_TEXT###' => $this->getPostTextComplete($post['post_text']), '###RSS_FORUM_NAME###' => $this->pObj->escape($post['forum_name']), '###RSS_POST_AUTHOR###' => $this->pObj->escape($post[$this->conf['userNameField'] ? $this->conf['userNameField'] : 'username']));
         $rowContent .= $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($rowTemplate, $rowMarker);
         // Include hooks
         if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['mm_forum']['forum']['rss_itemMarkers'])) {
             foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['mm_forum']['forum']['rss_itemMarkers'] as $_classRef) {
                 $_procObj =& GeneralUtility::getUserObj($_classRef);
                 $rowMarker = $_procObj->rss_itemMarkers($marker, $post, $this);
     $template = $this->cObj->substituteSubpart($template, '###RSS_POST_ITEM###', $rowContent);
     return $template;
Exemple #10
     * Returns a results browser. This means a bar of page numbers plus a "previous" and "next" link. For each entry in the bar the piVars "pointer" will be pointing to the "result page" to show.
     * Using $this->piVars['pointer'] as pointer to the page to display. Can be overwritten with another string ($pointerName) to make it possible to have more than one pagebrowser on a page)
     * Using $this->internal['res_count'], $this->internal['results_at_a_time'] and $this->internal['maxPages'] for count number, how many results to show and the max number of pages to include in the browse bar.
     * Using $this->internal['dontLinkActivePage'] as switch if the active (current) page should be displayed as pure text or as a link to itself
     * Using $this->internal['showFirstLast'] as switch if the two links named "<< First" and "LAST >>" will be shown and point to the first or last page.
     * Using $this->internal['pagefloat']: this defines were the current page is shown in the list of pages in the Pagebrowser. If this var is an integer it will be interpreted as position in the list of pages. If its value is the keyword "center" the current page will be shown in the middle of the pagelist.
     * Using $this->internal['showRange']: this var switches the display of the pagelinks from pagenumbers to ranges f.e.: 1-5 6-10 11-15... instead of 1 2 3...
     * Using $this->pi_isOnlyFields: this holds a comma-separated list of fieldnames which - if they are among the GETvars - will not disable caching for the page with pagebrowser.
     * The third parameter is an array with several wraps for the parts of the pagebrowser. The following elements will be recognized:
     * disabledLinkWrap, inactiveLinkWrap, activeLinkWrap, browseLinksWrap, showResultsWrap, showResultsNumbersWrap, browseBoxWrap.
     * If $wrapArr['showResultsNumbersWrap'] is set, the formatting string is expected to hold template markers (###FROM###, ###TO###, ###OUT_OF###, ###FROM_TO###, ###CURRENT_PAGE###, ###TOTAL_PAGES###)
     * otherwise the formatting string is expected to hold sprintf-markers (%s) for from, to, outof (in that sequence)
     * @param int $showResultCount Determines how the results of the pagerowser will be shown. See description below
     * @param string $tableParams Attributes for the table tag which is wrapped around the table cells containing the browse links
     * @param array $wrapArr Array with elements to overwrite the default $wrapper-array.
     * @param string $pointerName varname for the pointer.
     * @param bool $hscText Enable htmlspecialchars() for the pi_getLL function (set this to FALSE if you want f.e use images instead of text for links like 'previous' and 'next').
     * @param bool $forceOutput Forces the output of the page browser if you set this option to "TRUE" (otherwise it's only drawn if enough entries are available)
     * @return string Output HTML-Table, wrapped in <div>-tags with a class attribute (if $wrapArr is not passed,
    public function pi_list_browseresults($showResultCount = 1, $tableParams = '', $wrapArr = array(), $pointerName = 'pointer', $hscText = TRUE, $forceOutput = FALSE)
        // example $wrapArr-array how it could be traversed from an extension
        /* $wrapArr = array(
        		'browseBoxWrap' => '<div class="browseBoxWrap">|</div>',
        		'showResultsWrap' => '<div class="showResultsWrap">|</div>',
        		'browseLinksWrap' => '<div class="browseLinksWrap">|</div>',
        		'showResultsNumbersWrap' => '<span class="showResultsNumbersWrap">|</span>',
        		'disabledLinkWrap' => '<span class="disabledLinkWrap">|</span>',
        		'inactiveLinkWrap' => '<span class="inactiveLinkWrap">|</span>',
        		'activeLinkWrap' => '<span class="activeLinkWrap">|</span>'
        // Initializing variables:
        $pointer = (int) $this->piVars[$pointerName];
        $count = (int) $this->internal['res_count'];
        $results_at_a_time = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($this->internal['results_at_a_time'], 1, 1000);
        $totalPages = ceil($count / $results_at_a_time);
        $maxPages = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($this->internal['maxPages'], 1, 100);
        $pi_isOnlyFields = $this->pi_isOnlyFields($this->pi_isOnlyFields);
        if (!$forceOutput && $count <= $results_at_a_time) {
            return '';
        // $showResultCount determines how the results of the pagerowser will be shown.
        // If set to 0: only the result-browser will be shown
        //	 		 1: (default) the text "Displaying results..." and the result-browser will be shown.
        //	 		 2: only the text "Displaying results..." will be shown
        $showResultCount = (int) $showResultCount;
        // If this is set, two links named "<< First" and "LAST >>" will be shown and point to the very first or last page.
        $showFirstLast = $this->internal['showFirstLast'];
        // If this has a value the "previous" button is always visible (will be forced if "showFirstLast" is set)
        $alwaysPrev = $showFirstLast ? 1 : $this->pi_alwaysPrev;
        if (isset($this->internal['pagefloat'])) {
            if (strtoupper($this->internal['pagefloat']) == 'CENTER') {
                $pagefloat = ceil(($maxPages - 1) / 2);
            } else {
                // pagefloat set as integer. 0 = left, value >= $this->internal['maxPages'] = right
                $pagefloat = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($this->internal['pagefloat'], -1, $maxPages - 1);
        } else {
            // pagefloat disabled
            $pagefloat = -1;
        // Default values for "traditional" wrapping with a table. Can be overwritten by vars from $wrapArr
        $wrapper['disabledLinkWrap'] = '<td nowrap="nowrap"><p>|</p></td>';
        $wrapper['inactiveLinkWrap'] = '<td nowrap="nowrap"><p>|</p></td>';
        $wrapper['activeLinkWrap'] = '<td' . $this->pi_classParam('browsebox-SCell') . ' nowrap="nowrap"><p>|</p></td>';
        $wrapper['browseLinksWrap'] = trim('<table ' . $tableParams) . '><tr>|</tr></table>';
        $wrapper['showResultsWrap'] = '<p>|</p>';
        $wrapper['browseBoxWrap'] = '
			List browsing box:
		<div ' . $this->pi_classParam('browsebox') . '>
        // Now overwrite all entries in $wrapper which are also in $wrapArr
        $wrapper = array_merge($wrapper, $wrapArr);
        // Show pagebrowser
        if ($showResultCount != 2) {
            if ($pagefloat > -1) {
                $lastPage = min($totalPages, max($pointer + 1 + $pagefloat, $maxPages));
                $firstPage = max(0, $lastPage - $maxPages);
            } else {
                $firstPage = 0;
                $lastPage = MathUtility::forceIntegerInRange($totalPages, 1, $maxPages);
            $links = array();
            // Make browse-table/links:
            // Link to first page
            if ($showFirstLast) {
                if ($pointer > 0) {
                    $links[] = $this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_first', '<< First', $hscText), array($pointerName => NULL), $pi_isOnlyFields), $wrapper['inactiveLinkWrap']);
                } else {
                    $links[] = $this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_first', '<< First', $hscText), $wrapper['disabledLinkWrap']);
            // Link to previous page
            if ($alwaysPrev >= 0) {
                if ($pointer > 0) {
                    $links[] = $this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_prev', '< Previous', $hscText), array($pointerName => $pointer - 1 ?: ''), $pi_isOnlyFields), $wrapper['inactiveLinkWrap']);
                } elseif ($alwaysPrev) {
                    $links[] = $this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_prev', '< Previous', $hscText), $wrapper['disabledLinkWrap']);
            // Links to pages
            for ($a = $firstPage; $a < $lastPage; $a++) {
                if ($this->internal['showRange']) {
                    $pageText = $a * $results_at_a_time + 1 . '-' . min($count, ($a + 1) * $results_at_a_time);
                } else {
                    $pageText = trim($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_page', 'Page', $hscText) . ' ' . ($a + 1));
                // Current page
                if ($pointer == $a) {
                    if ($this->internal['dontLinkActivePage']) {
                        $links[] = $this->cObj->wrap($pageText, $wrapper['activeLinkWrap']);
                    } else {
                        $links[] = $this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($pageText, array($pointerName => $a ?: ''), $pi_isOnlyFields), $wrapper['activeLinkWrap']);
                } else {
                    $links[] = $this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($pageText, array($pointerName => $a ?: ''), $pi_isOnlyFields), $wrapper['inactiveLinkWrap']);
            if ($pointer < $totalPages - 1 || $showFirstLast) {
                // Link to next page
                if ($pointer >= $totalPages - 1) {
                    $links[] = $this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_next', 'Next >', $hscText), $wrapper['disabledLinkWrap']);
                } else {
                    $links[] = $this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_next', 'Next >', $hscText), array($pointerName => $pointer + 1), $pi_isOnlyFields), $wrapper['inactiveLinkWrap']);
            // Link to last page
            if ($showFirstLast) {
                if ($pointer < $totalPages - 1) {
                    $links[] = $this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_linkTP_keepPIvars($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_last', 'Last >>', $hscText), array($pointerName => $totalPages - 1), $pi_isOnlyFields), $wrapper['inactiveLinkWrap']);
                } else {
                    $links[] = $this->cObj->wrap($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_last', 'Last >>', $hscText), $wrapper['disabledLinkWrap']);
            $theLinks = $this->cObj->wrap(implode(LF, $links), $wrapper['browseLinksWrap']);
        } else {
            $theLinks = '';
        $pR1 = $pointer * $results_at_a_time + 1;
        $pR2 = $pointer * $results_at_a_time + $results_at_a_time;
        if ($showResultCount) {
            if ($wrapper['showResultsNumbersWrap']) {
                // This will render the resultcount in a more flexible way using markers (new in TYPO3 3.8.0).
                // The formatting string is expected to hold template markers (see function header). Example: 'Displaying results ###FROM### to ###TO### out of ###OUT_OF###'
                $markerArray['###FROM###'] = $this->cObj->wrap($this->internal['res_count'] > 0 ? $pR1 : 0, $wrapper['showResultsNumbersWrap']);
                $markerArray['###TO###'] = $this->cObj->wrap(min($this->internal['res_count'], $pR2), $wrapper['showResultsNumbersWrap']);
                $markerArray['###OUT_OF###'] = $this->cObj->wrap($this->internal['res_count'], $wrapper['showResultsNumbersWrap']);
                $markerArray['###FROM_TO###'] = $this->cObj->wrap(($this->internal['res_count'] > 0 ? $pR1 : 0) . ' ' . $this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_to', 'to') . ' ' . min($this->internal['res_count'], $pR2), $wrapper['showResultsNumbersWrap']);
                $markerArray['###CURRENT_PAGE###'] = $this->cObj->wrap($pointer + 1, $wrapper['showResultsNumbersWrap']);
                $markerArray['###TOTAL_PAGES###'] = $this->cObj->wrap($totalPages, $wrapper['showResultsNumbersWrap']);
                // Substitute markers
                $resultCountMsg = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_displays', 'Displaying results ###FROM### to ###TO### out of ###OUT_OF###'), $markerArray);
            } else {
                // Render the resultcount in the "traditional" way using sprintf
                $resultCountMsg = sprintf(str_replace('###SPAN_BEGIN###', '<span' . $this->pi_classParam('browsebox-strong') . '>', $this->pi_getLL('pi_list_browseresults_displays', 'Displaying results ###SPAN_BEGIN###%s to %s</span> out of ###SPAN_BEGIN###%s</span>')), $count > 0 ? $pR1 : 0, min($count, $pR2), $count);
            $resultCountMsg = $this->cObj->wrap($resultCountMsg, $wrapper['showResultsWrap']);
        } else {
            $resultCountMsg = '';
        $sTables = $this->cObj->wrap($resultCountMsg . $theLinks, $wrapper['browseBoxWrap']);
        return $sTables;
  * @param array $notification
  * @return string
 protected function getMessageForNotification($notification)
     return $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($this->template, $this->getMarkersForNotification($notification));
  * Displays the plugin
  * @author Martin Helmich <*****@*****.**>
  * @param  string $content The plugin content
  * @return string          The plugin content
  * @uses getOnlineGuests
  * @uses getTodayGuests
  * @uses getOnlineUsers
  * @uses getTodayUsers
  * @uses getTotalUsers
  * @uses getTotalTopics
  * @uses getTotalReplies
  * @uses getAveragePosts
  * @uses getUserList
 function display($content)
     $small = $this->small;
     $template = $this->cObj->fileResource($this->conf['templateFile']);
     $subpart = !$small ? "###PORTALINFO###" : "###PORTALINFO_SMALL###";
     $template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, $subpart);
     // Determine amount of registered users
     $onlineUsers = $this->getOnlineUsers();
     $todayUsers = $this->getTodayUsers();
     // Determine amount of guests
     if (ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded('sys_stat')) {
         $onlineGuests = $this->getOnlineGuests();
         $todayGuests = $this->getTodayGuests();
     } else {
         $onlineGuests = 0;
         $todayGuests = 0;
     // Determine total amount of visitors
     $onlineTotal = $onlineUsers['count'] + $onlineGuests;
     $todayTotal = $todayUsers['count'] + $todayGuests;
     // Current users
     $llMarker = array('###PRD###' => $this->getSgPl('prd.pr', $onlineTotal ? $onlineTotal : $onlineUsers['count']), '###BESUCHER_TOTAL###' => $this->cObj->wrap($onlineTotal ? $onlineTotal : 0, $this->conf['importantInformation_wrap']), '###BESUCHER_TOTAL_LABEL###' => $this->getSgPl('total_user', $onlineTotal ? $onlineTotal : $onlineUsers['count']), '###BESUCHER_REG###' => $this->cObj->wrap($onlineUsers['count'], $this->conf['importantInformation_wrap']), '###BESUCHER_REG_LABEL###' => $this->getSgPl('reg_user', $onlineUsers['count']), '###BESUCHER_GAST###' => $this->cObj->wrap($onlineGuests, $this->conf['importantInformation_wrap']), '###BESUCHER_GAST_LABEL###' => $this->getSgPl('guest', $onlineGuests));
     $currentTotal = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($this->pi_getLL('info.currentTotal'), $llMarker);
     // Today's users
     $llMarker = array('###PRD###' => $this->getSgPl('prd.vg', $todayTotal ? $todayTotal : $todayUsers['count']), '###BESUCHER_REG_HEUTE###' => $this->cObj->wrap($todayUsers['count'], $this->conf['importantInformation_wrap']), '###BESUCHER_REG_HEUTE_LABEL###' => $this->getSgPl('reg_user', $todayUsers['count']), '###BESUCHER_GAST_HEUTE###' => $this->cObj->wrap($todayGuests, $this->conf['importantInformation_wrap']), '###BESUCHER_GAST_HEUTE_LABEL###' => $this->getSgPl('guest', $todayGuests));
     $todayTotal = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($this->pi_getLL('info.todayTotal'), $llMarker);
     // Statistics
     $llMarker = array('###BENUTZER_TOTAL###' => $this->cObj->wrap($this->getTotalUsers(), $this->conf['importantInformation_wrap']), '###THEMEN_TOTAL###' => $this->cObj->wrap($this->getTotalTopics(), $this->conf['importantInformation_wrap']), '###ANTWORTEN_TOTAL###' => $this->cObj->wrap($this->getTotalReplies(), $this->conf['importantInformation_wrap']), '###BEITRAEGE_SCHNITT###' => $this->cObj->wrap(round($this->getAveragePosts(), 2), $this->conf['importantInformation_wrap']), '###SITENAME###' => $this->cObj->wrap($this->conf['siteName'], $this->conf['importantInformation_wrap']));
     $statistics = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($this->pi_getLL('info.stats'), $llMarker);
     $marker = array('###LABEL_INFO###' => $this->pi_getLL('info.title'), '###LABEL_CURRENT_TOTAL###' => $currentTotal, '###LABEL_TODAY_TOTAL###' => $todayTotal, '###LABEL_CURRENTLYONLINE###' => $this->pi_getLL('info.currentlyOnline'), '###LABEL_TODAYONLINE###' => $this->pi_getLL('info.todayOnline'), '###LABEL_STATS###' => $statistics, '###BESUCHER_LISTE###' => $this->getUserList($onlineUsers, TRUE), '###BESUCHER_LISTE_HEUTE###' => !$small ? $this->getUserList($todayUsers, TRUE) : '', '###EXPAND###' => $this->getExpandCollapseLink(TRUE), '###COLLAPSE###' => $this->getExpandCollapseLink(FALSE));
     $template = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($template, $marker);
     return $content . $template;
  * Sends an email to a specific user.
  * @param  string $content The plugin content
  * @param  array  $conf    The plugin's configuration vars
  * @return string          The content
  * @deprecated Currently not used
 function send_mail($content, $conf)
     $benutzer = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['username'];
     $mailtimeout = 30;
     // Mail time Out
     if (!empty($benutzer)) {
         if ($this->piVars['send'] != 'ok') {
             $template = $this->cObj->fileResource($conf['template.']['send_email']);
             $template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, "###SENDMAIL###");
             $marker = array();
             // Generate authencification code and insert into database
             $mailcode = md5(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") . $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'] . $this->tools->generateRandomString(10));
             $insertArray = array('code' => $mailcode, 'tstamp' => $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'], 'crdate' => $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'], 'cruser_id' => $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['uid']);
             $this->databaseHandle->exec_INSERTquery('tx_mmforum_mailkey', $insertArray);
             $marker['###MAILCODE###'] = $mailcode;
             // Retrieve user name from database
             $res = $this->databaseHandle->exec_SELECTquery($this->getUserNameField(), 'fe_users', "uid = '" . intval($this->piVars['uid']) . "'");
             list($usermailname) = $this->databaseHandle->sql_fetch_row($res);
             $marker['###USERMAILNAME###'] = $usermailname;
         } else {
             // Check if user is authorized to send emails.
             $res = $this->databaseHandle->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tx_mmforum_mailkey', "code = '" . $this->piVars['authcode'] . "' AND cruser_id = '" . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['uid'] . "'");
             $mailok = $this->databaseHandle->sql_num_rows($res);
             if ($mailok) {
                 // Load template
                 $template = $this->cObj->fileResource($conf['template.']['send_email']);
                 $template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, "###MAILSTATUS###");
                 $marker = array();
                 // Get recipient user data
                 $res = $this->databaseHandle->exec_SELECTquery($this->getUserNameField() . ',email', 'fe_users', "uid = '" . intval($this->piVars['uid']) . "'");
                 list($usermailname, $to) = $this->databaseHandle->sql_fetch_row($res);
                 $header = "From: <" . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user[$this->getUserNameField()] . ">" . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['email'] . "\n";
                 $header .= "Reply-To:" . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['email'] . "\n";
                 $header .= "Content-type: text/plain;charset=" . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->renderCharset . "\n";
                 $mailtext = $this->piVars['text'];
                 $mailtext = nl2br($mailtext);
                 // Compose and send mail
                 mail($to, $this->piVars['subject'], $mailtext, $header);
                 // If "tome" is active, the sender gets a copy of the mail.
                 if ($this->piVars['uid']) {
                     mail($GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['email'], $this->piVars['subject'], $mailtext, $header);
                 // Remove authentification code from databse
                 $this->databaseHandle->exec_DELETEquery('tx_mmforum_mailkey', "cruser_id = '" . $GLOBALS['TSFE']->fe_user->user['uid'] . "'");
                 // Output information
                 $llMarker = array("###RECIPIENT###" => $usermailname);
                 $marker['###MAIL_MESSAGE###'] = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($this->pi_getLL('mail.success'), $llMarker);
             } else {
                 // Load template
                 $template = $this->cObj->fileResource($conf["templateFile"]);
                 $template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, "###LOGINERROR###");
                 $marker = array();
                 // Error message
                 $llMarker = array("###TIMEOUT###" => $mailtimeout);
                 $marker['###LOGINERROR_MESSAGE###'] = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($this->pi_getLL('mail.timeout'), $llMarker);
     } else {
         $template = $this->cObj->fileResource($conf['template.']['login_error']);
         $template = $this->cObj->getSubpart($template, "###LOGINERROR###");
         $marker = array();
         $marker['###LOGINERROR_MESSAGE###'] = $this->pi_getLL('mail.noLogin');
     $content .= $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArrayCached($template, $marker);
     return $content;
  * Main function, called from TypoScript
  * A content object that renders "tt_content" records. See the comment to this class for TypoScript example of how to trigger it.
  * This detects the CType of the current content element and renders it accordingly. Only wellknown types are rendered.
  * @param	string	$content Empty, ignore.
  * @param	array	$conf TypoScript properties for this content object/function call
  * @return	string
 public function main($content, array $conf)
     global $TYPO3_CONF_VARS;
     $lines = array();
     $cType = (string) $this->cObj->data['CType'];
     switch ($cType) {
         case 'header':
             $lines[] = $this->getHeader();
             if ($this->cObj->data['subheader']) {
                 $lines[] = $this->breakContent(strip_tags($this->cObj->data['subheader']));
         case 'text':
             // same as textpic
         // same as textpic
         case 'textpic':
             $lines[] = $this->getHeader();
             if ($cType == 'textpic' && !($this->cObj->data['imageorient'] & 24)) {
                 $lines[] = $this->getImages();
                 $lines[] = '';
             $lines[] = $this->breakContent(strip_tags($this->parseBody($this->cObj->data['bodytext'])));
             if ($cType == 'textpic' && $this->cObj->data['imageorient'] & 24) {
                 $lines[] = '';
                 $lines[] = $this->getImages();
         case 'image':
             $lines[] = $this->getHeader();
             $lines[] = $this->getImages();
         case 'uploads':
             $lines[] = $this->getHeader();
             $lines[] = $this->renderUploads($this->cObj->data['media']);
         case 'menu':
             $lines[] = $this->getHeader();
             $lines[] = $this->getMenuSitemap();
         case 'shortcut':
             $lines[] = $this->getShortcut();
         case 'bullets':
             $lines[] = $this->getHeader();
             $lines[] = $this->breakBulletlist(strip_tags($this->parseBody($this->cObj->data['bodytext'])));
         case 'table':
             $lines[] = $this->getHeader();
             $lines[] = $this->breakTable(strip_tags($this->parseBody($this->cObj->data['bodytext'])));
         case 'html':
             $lines[] = $this->getHtml();
             // Hook for processing other content types
             if (is_array($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['direct_mail']['renderCType'])) {
                 foreach ($TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['direct_mail']['renderCType'] as $classRef) {
                     $procObj =& GeneralUtility::getUserObj($classRef);
                     $lines = array_merge($lines, $procObj->renderPlainText($this, $content));
             if (empty($lines)) {
                 $defaultOutput = $this->getString($this->conf['defaultOutput']);
                 if ($defaultOutput) {
                     $lines[] = str_replace('###CType###', $cType, $defaultOutput);
     // First break.
     $lines[] = '';
     $content = implode(LF, $lines);
     // Substitute labels
     $markerArray = array();
     $markerArray = $this->addLabelsMarkers($markerArray);
     $content = $this->cObj->substituteMarkerArray($content, $markerArray);
     // User processing:
     $content = $this->userProcess('userProc', $content);
     return $content;