Exemple #1
  * Outputs exception information
  * @return type
 public function output()
     if (!defined('AJAX_REQUEST') && Ajax::validateRequest($_REQUEST)) {
         // Return valid JS in ajax requests if the 'fail' status was thrown before ajax initialization
         header('Content-type: application/json');
         $message = json_encode(array('error' => $this->message));
         if (!empty($_REQUEST['callback'])) {
             $message = $_REQUEST['callback'] . "(" . $message . ");";
         echo $message;
     } elseif (defined('CONSOLE') || Debugger::isActive() || defined('DEVELOPMENT') && DEVELOPMENT) {
         echo $this->printDebug(defined('CONSOLE'));
     } else {
         $debug = "<!--\n" . $this->printDebug(true) . "\n-->";
         Development::showStub(array('[title]' => 'Service unavailable', '[banner]' => 'Service<br/> unavailable', '[message]' => 'Sorry, service is temporarily unavailable.'), $debug);
Exemple #2
 * Dispathes the execution control to correct controller
 * @return nothing
function fn_dispatch($controller = '', $mode = '', $action = '', $dispatch_extra = '', $area = AREA)
    Debugger::checkpoint('After init');
    $auth = $_SESSION['auth'];
    $controller = empty($controller) ? Registry::get('runtime.controller') : $controller;
    $mode = empty($mode) ? Registry::get('runtime.mode') : $mode;
    $action = empty($action) ? Registry::get('runtime.action') : $action;
    $dispatch_extra = empty($dispatch_extra) ? Registry::get('runtime.dispatch_extra') : $dispatch_extra;
    fn_set_hook('before_dispatch', $controller, $mode, $action, $dispatch_extra, $area);
    $view = Registry::get('view');
    $run_controllers = true;
    $external = false;
    // CSRF protection
    if (fn_is_csrf_protection_enabled($auth) && !fn_csrf_validate_request(array('server' => $_SERVER, 'request' => $_REQUEST, 'session' => $_SESSION, 'controller' => $controller, 'mode' => $mode, 'action' => $action, 'dispatch_extra' => $dispatch_extra, 'area' => $area, 'auth' => $auth))) {
        fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('text_csrf_attack'));
    // If $config['http_host'] was different from the domain name, there was redirection to $config['http_host'] value.
    if (strtolower(Registry::get('config.current_host')) != strtolower(REAL_HOST) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET' && !defined('CONSOLE')) {
        if (!empty($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'])) {
            $qstring = $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'];
        } else {
            if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
                $qstring = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
            } else {
                $qstring = Registry::get('config.current_url');
        $curent_path = Registry::get('config.current_path');
        if (!empty($curent_path) && strpos($qstring, $curent_path) === 0) {
            $qstring = substr_replace($qstring, '', 0, fn_strlen($curent_path));
        fn_redirect(Registry::get('config.current_location') . $qstring, false, true);
    $upload_max_filesize = Bootstrap::getIniParam('upload_max_filesize');
    $post_max_size = Bootstrap::getIniParam('post_max_size');
    if (!defined('AJAX_REQUEST') && isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']) && ($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > fn_return_bytes($upload_max_filesize) || $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > fn_return_bytes($post_max_size))) {
        $max_size = fn_return_bytes($upload_max_filesize) < fn_return_bytes($post_max_size) ? $upload_max_filesize : $post_max_size;
        fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __('text_forbidden_uploaded_file_size', array('[size]' => $max_size)));
    // If URL contains session ID, remove it
    if (!defined('AJAX_REQUEST') && !empty($_REQUEST[Session::getName()]) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') {
        fn_redirect(fn_query_remove(Registry::get('config.current_url'), Session::getName()));
    // If demo mode is enabled, check permissions FIX ME - why did we need one more user login check?
    if ($area == 'A') {
        if (Registry::get('config.demo_mode') == true) {
            $run_controllers = fn_check_permissions($controller, $mode, 'demo');
            if ($run_controllers == false) {
                fn_set_notification('W', __('demo_mode'), __('demo_mode_content_text'), 'K', 'demo_mode');
                if (defined('AJAX_REQUEST')) {
                $status = CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT;
                $_REQUEST['redirect_url'] = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : fn_url('');
        } else {
            $run_controllers = fn_check_permissions($controller, $mode, 'admin', '', $_REQUEST);
            if ($run_controllers == false) {
                if (defined('AJAX_REQUEST')) {
                    $_info = Debugger::isActive() || fn_is_development() ? ' ' . $controller . '.' . $mode : '';
                    fn_set_notification('W', __('warning'), __('access_denied') . $_info);
                $status = CONTROLLER_STATUS_DENIED;
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'POST' && !defined('AJAX_REQUEST')) {
        if ($area == 'A' && empty($_REQUEST['keep_location']) && !defined('CONSOLE')) {
            if (!defined('HTTPS') && Registry::get('settings.Security.secure_admin') == 'Y') {
                fn_redirect(Registry::get('config.https_location') . '/' . Registry::get('config.current_url'));
            } elseif (defined('HTTPS') && Registry::get('settings.Security.secure_admin') != 'Y') {
                fn_redirect(Registry::get('config.http_location') . '/' . Registry::get('config.current_url'));
        } elseif ($area == 'C') {
            $secure_controllers = fn_get_secure_controllers();
            // if we are not on https but controller is secure, redirect to https
            if (!defined('HTTPS') && (Registry::get('settings.Security.secure_storefront') == 'full' || isset($secure_controllers[$controller]) && $secure_controllers[$controller] == 'active')) {
                fn_redirect(Registry::get('config.https_location') . '/' . Registry::get('config.current_url'), false, true);
            // if we are on https and the controller is insecure, redirect to http
            if (defined('HTTPS') && Registry::get('settings.Security.secure_storefront') != 'full' && !isset($secure_controllers[$controller]) && Registry::get('settings.Security.keep_https') != 'Y') {
                fn_redirect(Registry::get('config.http_location') . '/' . Registry::get('config.current_url'), false, true);
    $controllers_cascade = array();
    $controllers_list = array('init');
    if ($run_controllers == true) {
        $controllers_list[] = $controller;
        $controllers_list = array_unique($controllers_list);
    foreach ($controllers_list as $ctrl) {
        $core_controllers = fn_init_core_controllers($ctrl);
        list($addon_controllers) = fn_init_addon_controllers($ctrl);
        if (empty($core_controllers) && empty($addon_controllers)) {
            //$controllers_cascade = array(); // FIXME: controllers_cascade contains INIT. We should not clear initiation code.
            $status = CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE;
            $run_controllers = false;
        if (count($core_controllers) + count($addon_controllers) > 1) {
            throw new DeveloperException('Duplicate controller ' . $controller . var_export(array_merge($core_controllers, $addon_controllers), true));
        $core_pre_controllers = fn_init_core_controllers($ctrl, GET_PRE_CONTROLLERS);
        $core_post_controllers = fn_init_core_controllers($ctrl, GET_POST_CONTROLLERS);
        list($addon_pre_controllers) = fn_init_addon_controllers($ctrl, GET_PRE_CONTROLLERS);
        list($addon_post_controllers, $addons) = fn_init_addon_controllers($ctrl, GET_POST_CONTROLLERS);
        // we put addon post-controller to the top of post-controller cascade if current addon serves this request
        if (count($addon_controllers)) {
            $addon_post_controllers = fn_reorder_post_controllers($addon_post_controllers, $addon_controllers[0]);
        $controllers_cascade = array_merge($controllers_cascade, $addon_pre_controllers, $core_pre_controllers, $core_controllers, $addon_controllers, $core_post_controllers, $addon_post_controllers);
        if (empty($controllers_cascade)) {
            throw new DeveloperException("No controllers for: {$ctrl}");
    if ($mode == 'add') {
        $tpl = 'update.tpl';
    } elseif (strpos($mode, 'add_') === 0) {
        $tpl = str_replace('add_', 'update_', $mode) . '.tpl';
    } else {
        $tpl = $mode . '.tpl';
    $view = Registry::get('view');
    if ($view->templateExists('views/' . $controller . '/' . $tpl)) {
        // try to find template in base views
        $view->assign('content_tpl', 'views/' . $controller . '/' . $tpl);
    } elseif (defined('LOADED_ADDON_PATH') && $view->templateExists('addons/' . LOADED_ADDON_PATH . '/views/' . $controller . '/' . $tpl)) {
        // try to find template in addon views
        $view->assign('content_tpl', 'addons/' . LOADED_ADDON_PATH . '/views/' . $controller . '/' . $tpl);
    } elseif (!empty($addons)) {
        // try to find template in addon views that extend base views
        foreach ($addons as $addon => $_v) {
            if ($view->templateExists('addons/' . $addon . '/views/' . $controller . '/' . $tpl)) {
                $view->assign('content_tpl', 'addons/' . $addon . '/views/' . $controller . '/' . $tpl);
     * Performs actions after template assignment and before controller run
     * @param string $controller          controller name
     * @param string $mode                controller mode name
     * @param string $area                current working area
     * @param array  $controllers_cascade list of controllers to run
    fn_set_hook('dispatch_assign_template', $controller, $mode, $area, $controllers_cascade);
    foreach ($controllers_cascade as $item) {
        $_res = fn_run_controller($item, $controller, $mode, $action, $dispatch_extra);
        // 0 - status, 1 - url
        $url = !empty($_res[1]) ? $_res[1] : '';
        $external = !empty($_res[2]) ? $_res[2] : false;
        $permanent = !empty($_res[3]) ? $_res[3] : false;
        // Status could be changed only if we allow to run controllers despite of init controller
        if ($run_controllers == true) {
            $status = !empty($_res[0]) ? $_res[0] : CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK;
        if ($status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK && !empty($url)) {
            $redirect_url = $url;
        } elseif ($status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT && !empty($url)) {
            $redirect_url = $url;
        } elseif ($status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_DENIED || $status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE) {
    // In console mode, just stop here
    if (defined('CONSOLE')) {
        $notifications = fn_get_notifications();
        $exit_code = 0;
        foreach ($notifications as $n) {
            fn_echo('[' . $n['title'] . '] ' . $n['message'] . "\n");
            if ($n['type'] == 'E') {
                $exit_code = 1;
    if (!empty($auth['this_login']) && Registry::ifGet($auth['this_login'], 'N') === 'Y') {
        fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), __(ACCOUNT_TYPE . LOGIN_STATUS_USER_DISABLED));
    // [Block manager]
    // block manager is disabled for vendors.
    if (!(fn_allowed_for('MULTIVENDOR') && Registry::get('runtime.company_id') || fn_allowed_for('ULTIMATE') && !Registry::get('runtime.company_id'))) {
        if (fn_check_permissions('block_manager', 'manage', 'admin')) {
            $dynamic_object = SchemesManager::getDynamicObject($_REQUEST['dispatch'], $area, $_REQUEST);
            if (!empty($dynamic_object)) {
                if ($area == 'A' && Registry::get('runtime.mode') != 'add' && !empty($_REQUEST[$dynamic_object['key']])) {
                    $object_id = $_REQUEST[$dynamic_object['key']];
                    $location = Location::instance()->get($dynamic_object['customer_dispatch'], $dynamic_object, CART_LANGUAGE);
                    if (!empty($location) && $location['is_default'] != 1) {
                        $params = array('dynamic_object' => array('object_type' => $dynamic_object['object_type'], 'object_id' => $object_id), $dynamic_object['key'] => $object_id, 'manage_url' => Registry::get('config.current_url'));
                        Registry::set('navigation.tabs.blocks', array('title' => __('layouts'), 'href' => 'block_manager.manage_in_tab?' . http_build_query($params), 'ajax' => true));
    // [/Block manager]
    // Redirect if controller returned successful/redirect status only
    if (in_array($status, array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT)) && !empty($_REQUEST['redirect_url']) && !$external) {
        $redirect_url = $_REQUEST['redirect_url'];
    // If controller returns "Redirect" status, check if redirect url exists
    if ($status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT && empty($redirect_url)) {
        $status = CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE;
    // In backend show "changes saved" notification
    if ($area == 'A' && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && in_array($status, array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT))) {
        if (strpos($mode, 'update') !== false && $mode != 'update_status' && $mode != 'update_mode' && !fn_notification_exists('extra', 'demo_mode') && !fn_notification_exists('type', 'E')) {
            fn_set_notification('N', __('notice'), __('text_changes_saved'), 'I', 'changes_saved');
    // Attach params and redirect if needed
    if (in_array($status, array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK, CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT)) && !empty($redirect_url)) {
        if (!isset($_REQUEST['return_to_list'])) {
            $params = array('page', 'selected_section', 'active_tab');
            $url_params = array();
            foreach ($params as $param) {
                if (!empty($_REQUEST[$param])) {
                    $url_params[$param] = $_REQUEST[$param];
            if (!empty($url_params)) {
                $redirect_url = fn_link_attach($redirect_url, http_build_query($url_params));
        if (!isset($external)) {
            $external = false;
        if (!isset($permanent)) {
            $permanent = false;
        fn_redirect($redirect_url, $external, $permanent);
    if (!$view->getTemplateVars('content_tpl') && $status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK) {
        // FIXME
        $status = CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE;
    if ($status != CONTROLLER_STATUS_OK) {
        if ($status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE) {
            if ($area == 'A' && empty($auth['user_id'])) {
                // If admin is not logged in redirect to login page from not found page
                fn_set_notification('W', __('page_not_found'), __('page_not_found_text'));
            header(' ', true, 404);
        $view->assign('exception_status', $status);
        if ($area == 'A') {
            $view->assign('content_tpl', 'exception.tpl');
            // for backend only
        if ($status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_DENIED) {
            $view->assign('page_title', __('access_denied'));
        } elseif ($status == CONTROLLER_STATUS_NO_PAGE) {
            $view->assign('page_title', __('page_not_found'));
    Debugger::checkpoint('Before TPL');
    // Pass current URL to ajax response only if we render whole page
    if (defined('AJAX_REQUEST') && Registry::get('runtime.root_template') == 'index.tpl') {
        Registry::get('ajax')->assign('current_url', fn_url(Registry::get('config.current_url'), $area, 'current'));
    Debugger::checkpoint('After TPL');
    if (defined('AJAX_REQUEST')) {
        // HHVM workaround. Destroy Ajax object manually if it has been created.
        $ajax = Registry::get('ajax');
        $ajax = null;
    // stop execution
Exemple #3
use Tygh\Registry;
// Register autoloader
$this_dir = dirname(__FILE__);
$classLoader = (require $this_dir . '/app/lib/vendor/autoload.php');
$classLoader->add('Tygh', $this_dir . '/app');
class_alias('\\Tygh\\Tygh', 'Tygh');
// Prepare environment and process request vars
list($_REQUEST, $_SERVER, $_GET, $_POST) = Bootstrap::initEnv($_GET, $_POST, $_SERVER, $this_dir);
// Get config data
$config = (require DIR_ROOT . '/config.php');
if (isset($_REQUEST['version'])) {
    die(PRODUCT_NAME . ' <b>' . PRODUCT_VERSION . ' ' . (PRODUCT_STATUS != '' ? ' (' . PRODUCT_STATUS . ')' : '') . (PRODUCT_BUILD != '' ? ' ' . PRODUCT_BUILD : '') . '</b>');
Debugger::init(false, $config);
// Start debugger log
Debugger::checkpoint('Before init');
// Callback: verifies if https works
if (isset($_REQUEST['check_https'])) {
    die(defined('HTTPS') ? 'OK' : '');
// Check if software is installed
if ($config['db_host'] == '%DB_HOST%') {
    die(PRODUCT_NAME . ' is <b>not installed</b>. Please click here to start the installation process: <a href="install/">[install]</a>');
// Load core functions
$fn_list = array('fn.database.php', 'fn.users.php', 'fn.catalog.php', 'fn.cms.php', 'fn.cart.php', 'fn.locations.php', 'fn.common.php', 'fn.fs.php', 'fn.images.php', 'fn.init.php', 'fn.control.php', 'fn.search.php', 'fn.promotions.php', 'fn.log.php', 'fn.companies.php', 'fn.addons.php');
$fn_list[] = 'fn.' . strtolower(PRODUCT_EDITION) . '.php';
foreach ($fn_list as $file) {
    require $config['dir']['functions'] . $file;
Registry::set('config', $config);
Exemple #4
  * Gets cached data
  * @param string $key         key name
  * @param string $cache_level indicates the cache dependencies on controller, language, user group, etc
  * @return mixed cached data if exist, NULL otherwise
 private static function _getCache($key, $cache_level = NULL)
     $time_start = microtime(true);
     $data = self::$_cache->get($key, $cache_level);
     Debugger::set_cache_query($key . '::' . $cache_level, microtime(true) - $time_start);
     return $data !== false && !empty($data[0]) ? $data[0] : NULL;
Exemple #5
  * Connects to the Redis server
  * @return boolean true on success, false - otherwise
 protected function connect()
     $this->r = new \Redis();
     Debugger::checkpoint('Session: before redis connect');
     if ($this->r->connect($this->config['redis_server']) == true) {
         $this->r->setOption(\Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, \Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP);
         Debugger::checkpoint('Session: after redis connect');
         return true;
     return false;
Exemple #6
  * Renders block content
  * @static
  * @param array $block Block data for rendering content
  * @param array $params Parameters of rendering:
  *                       * use_cache - Whether to use cache
  *                       * parse_js - Whether to move inline JS of the block to the bottom of the page
  * @return string HTML code of rendered block content
 public static function renderBlockContent($block, $params = array())
     $default_params = array('use_cache' => true, 'parse_js' => true);
     $params = array_merge($default_params, $params);
     // Do not render block if it disabled in the frontend
     if (isset($block['is_disabled']) && $block['is_disabled']) {
         return '';
     $smarty = \Tygh::$app['view'];
     $smarty_original_vars = $smarty->getTemplateVars();
     $display_this_block = true;
     // Assign block data from DB
     $smarty->assign('block', $block);
     $theme_path = self::getCustomerThemePath();
     $block_schema = SchemesManager::getBlockScheme($block['type'], array());
     $grid_id = empty($block['grid_id']) ? 0 : $block['grid_id'];
     $cache_key = "block_content_{$block['block_id']}_{$block['snapping_id']}_{$block['type']}_{$grid_id}";
     if (!empty($block['object_id']) && !empty($block['object_type'])) {
         $cache_key .= "_{$block['object_id']}_{$block['object_type']}";
     $cache_this_block = $params['use_cache'] && self::allowCache();
     if ($cache_this_block && isset($block['content']['items']['filling']) && isset($block_schema['content']['items']['fillings'][$block['content']['items']['filling']]['disable_cache'])) {
         $cache_this_block = !$block_schema['content']['items']['fillings'][$block['content']['items']['filling']]['disable_cache'];
      * Determines flags for Cache
      * @param array  $block              Block data
      * @param string $cache_key          Generated name of cache
      * @param array  $block_schema       Block schema
      * @param bool   $cache_this_block   Flag to register cache
      * @param bool   $display_this_block Flag to display block
     fn_set_hook('render_block_register_cache', $block, $cache_key, $block_schema, $cache_this_block, $display_this_block);
     if ($cache_this_block) {
         // We need an extra data to cache Inline JavaScript
         $smarty->assign('block_cache_name', $cache_key);
         // Check whether cache was registered successfully
         $cache_this_block = self::registerBlockCacheIfNeeded($cache_key, $block_schema, $block);
     } else {
     $smarty->assign('block_rendering', true);
     $smarty->assign('block_parse_js', $params['parse_js']);
     // We should load only when cache record exists
     $load_block_from_cache = $cache_this_block && Registry::isExist($cache_key);
     $block_content = '';
     // Block content is found at cache and should be loaded out of there
     if ($load_block_from_cache) {
         $cached_content = Registry::get($cache_key);
         $block_content = $cached_content['content'];
         if (!empty($cached_content['javascript'])) {
             $repeat = false;
             smarty_block_inline_script(array(), $cached_content['javascript'], $smarty, $repeat);
     } else {
         if ($block['type'] == Block::TYPE_MAIN) {
             $block_content = self::_renderMainContent();
         } else {
             $title = $block['name'];
             if (Registry::get('runtime.customization_mode.live_editor')) {
                 $le_block_types = fn_get_schema('customization', 'live_editor_block_types');
                 if (!empty($le_block_types[$block['type']]) && !empty($le_block_types[$block['type']]['name'])) {
                     $title = sprintf('<span data-ca-live-editor-obj="block:name:%s">%s</span>', $block['block_id'], $title);
             $smarty->assign('title', $title);
             if (!empty($block_schema['content'])) {
                 $all_values_are_empty = true;
                 foreach ($block_schema['content'] as $template_variable => $field) {
                      * Actions before render any variable of block content
                      * @param string $template_variable name of current block content variable
                      * @param array  $field             Scheme of this content variable from block scheme content section
                      * @param array  $block_schema      block scheme
                      * @param array  $block             Block data
                     fn_set_hook('render_block_content_pre', $template_variable, $field, $block_schema, $block);
                     $value = self::getValue($template_variable, $field, $block_schema, $block);
                     if ($all_values_are_empty && !empty($value)) {
                         $all_values_are_empty = false;
                     $smarty->assign($template_variable, $value);
                 // We shouldn't display block which content variables are all empty
                 $display_this_block = $display_this_block && !$all_values_are_empty;
             // Assign block data from scheme
             $smarty->assign('block_scheme', $block_schema);
             if ($display_this_block && file_exists($theme_path . $block['properties']['template'])) {
                 $block_content = $smarty->fetch($block['properties']['template']);
         if (!empty($block['wrapper']) && file_exists($theme_path . $block['wrapper']) && $display_this_block) {
             $smarty->assign('content', $block_content);
             if ($block['type'] == Block::TYPE_MAIN) {
                 $smarty->assign('title', !empty(\Smarty::$_smarty_vars['capture']['mainbox_title']) ? \Smarty::$_smarty_vars['capture']['mainbox_title'] : '', false);
             $block_content = $smarty->fetch($block['wrapper']);
         } else {
             $smarty->assign('content', $block_content);
             $block_content = $smarty->fetch('views/block_manager/render/block.tpl');
         fn_set_hook('render_block_content_after', $block_schema, $block, $block_content);
         // Save block contents to cache
         if ($cache_this_block && $display_this_block) {
             $cached_content = Registry::get($cache_key);
             $cached_content['content'] = $block_content;
             Registry::set($cache_key, $cached_content);
     $wrap_id = $smarty->getTemplateVars('block_wrap');
     // restore original vars
     \Smarty::$_smarty_vars['capture']['title'] = null;
     if ($display_this_block == true) {
         if (!empty($wrap_id)) {
             $block_content = '<div id="' . $wrap_id . '">' . $block_content . '<!--' . $wrap_id . '--></div>';
         return trim($block_content);
     } else {
         return '';
Exemple #7
        Registry::get('view')->assign('data', $data['logging']);
        Registry::get('view')->assign('debugger_hash', $_REQUEST['debugger_hash']);
} elseif ($mode == 'templates') {
    if (!empty($data['templates'])) {
        $data['templates']['tpls'] = Debugger::parseTplsList($data['templates']['tpls'], 0);
        Registry::get('view')->assign('data', $data['templates']);
        Registry::get('view')->assign('debugger_hash', $_REQUEST['debugger_hash']);
} elseif ($mode == 'blocks') {
    if (!empty($data['blocks'])) {
        $blocks_rendered = array_filter($data['blocks'], function ($block) {
            return !$block['render_performance']['found_at_cache'];
        $blocks_from_cache = array_filter($data['blocks'], function ($block) {
            return $block['render_performance']['found_at_cache'];
        Registry::get('view')->assign('blocks_rendered', $blocks_rendered);
        Registry::get('view')->assign('blocks_from_cache', $blocks_from_cache);
        Registry::get('view')->assign('debugger_hash', $_REQUEST['debugger_hash']);
} elseif ($mode == 'quit') {
    return array(CONTROLLER_STATUS_REDIRECT, fn_query_remove($_REQUEST['redirect_url'], Registry::get('config.debugger_token')));
Exemple #8
 * Merges css and less files
 * @param array $files Array with style files
 * @param string $styles Style code
 * @param string $prepend_prefix Prepend prefix
 * @param array $params additional params
function fn_merge_styles($files, $styles = '', $prepend_prefix = '', $params = array(), $area = AREA)
    $prefix = !empty($prepend_prefix) ? 'embedded' : 'standalone';
    $make_rtl = false;
    if (fn_is_rtl_language()) {
        $prefix .= '-rtl';
        $make_rtl = true;
    $output = '';
    $less_output = '';
    $less_reflection = array();
    $compiled_less = '';
    $compiled_css = '';
    $relative_path = fn_get_theme_path('[relative]/[theme]/css', $area);
    $hashes = array();
    $names = array_map(function ($v) {
        return !empty($v['relative']) ? $v['relative'] : false;
    }, $files);
    // Check file changes
    if (Development::isEnabled('compile_check') || Debugger::isActive()) {
        $dir_root = Registry::get('config.dir.root');
        foreach ($names as $index => $name) {
            if (file_exists($dir_root . '/' . $name)) {
                $hashes[] = $name . filemtime($dir_root . '/' . $name);
    $hashes[] = md5(implode('|', $names));
    $hashes[] = md5($styles);
    if ($area == 'C') {
        $hashes[] = Registry::get('runtime.layout.layout_id');
        $hashes[] = Registry::get('runtime.layout.style_id');
    $hash = md5(implode(',', $hashes) . PRODUCT_VERSION) . fn_get_storage_data('cache_id');
    $filename = $prefix . '.' . $hash . '.css';
    $theme_manifest = Themes::factory(fn_get_theme_path('[theme]', 'C'))->getManifest();
    if (!Storage::instance('assets')->isExist($relative_path . '/' . $filename)) {
        Debugger::checkpoint('Before styles compilation');
        foreach ($files as $src) {
            $m_prefix = '';
            $m_suffix = '';
            if (!empty($src['media'])) {
                $m_prefix = "\n@media " . $src['media'] . " {\n";
                $m_suffix = "\n}\n";
            if (strpos($src['file'], '.css') !== false) {
                $output .= "\n" . $m_prefix . fn_get_contents($src['file']) . $m_suffix;
            } elseif ($area != 'C' || empty($theme_manifest['converted_to_css'])) {
                $less_output_chunk = '';
                if (file_exists($src['file'])) {
                    if ($area == 'C' && (empty($theme_manifest['parent_theme']) || $theme_manifest['parent_theme'] == 'basic')) {
                        $less_output_chunk = "\n" . $m_prefix . fn_get_contents($src['file']) . $m_suffix;
                    } else {
                        $less_output_chunk = "\n" . $m_prefix . '@import "' . str_replace($relative_path . '/', '', $src['relative']) . '";' . $m_suffix;
                if (!empty($params['reflect_less'])) {
                    if (preg_match('{/addons/([^/]+)/}is', $src['relative'], $m)) {
                        $less_reflection['output']['addons'][$m[1]] .= $less_output_chunk;
                    } else {
                        $less_reflection['output']['main'] .= $less_output_chunk;
                $less_output .= $less_output_chunk;
        $header = str_replace('[files]', implode("\n", $names), Registry::get('config.js_css_cache_msg'));
        if (!empty($styles)) {
            $less_output .= $styles;
        // Prepend all styles with prefix
        if (!empty($prepend_prefix)) {
            $less_output = $output . "\n" . $less_output;
            $output = '';
        if (!empty($output)) {
            $compiled_css = Less::parseUrls($output, Storage::instance('assets')->getAbsolutePath($relative_path), fn_get_theme_path('[themes]/[theme]/media', $area));
        if (!empty($theme_manifest['converted_to_css']) && $area == 'C') {
            $theme_css_path = fn_get_theme_path('[themes]/[theme]', $area) . '/css';
            $pcl_filepath = $theme_css_path . '/' . Themes::$compiled_less_filename;
            if (file_exists($pcl_filepath)) {
                $compiled_css .= fn_get_contents($pcl_filepath);
            list($installed_addons) = fn_get_addons(array('type' => 'active'));
            foreach ($installed_addons as $addon) {
                $addon_pcl_filpath = $theme_css_path . "/addons/{$addon['addon']}/" . Themes::$compiled_less_filename;
                if (file_exists($pcl_filepath)) {
                    $compiled_css .= fn_get_contents($addon_pcl_filpath);
        if (!empty($less_output)) {
            $less = new Less();
            if (!empty($params['compressed'])) {
            try {
                $compiled_less = $less->customCompile($less_output, Storage::instance('assets')->getAbsolutePath($relative_path), array(), $prepend_prefix, $area);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $skip_save = true;
                $shift = 4;
                $message = '<div style="border: 2px solid red; padding: 5px;">LESS ' . $e->getMessage();
                if (preg_match("/line: (\\d+)/", $message, $m)) {
                    $lo = explode("\n", $less_output);
                    $message .= '<br /><br /><pre>' . implode("\n", array_splice($lo, intval($m[1]) - $shift, $shift * 2)) . '</pre>';
                $message .= '</div>';
                fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), $message);
        if (empty($skip_save)) {
            $compiled_content = $compiled_css . "\n" . $compiled_less;
            // Move all @import links to the Top of the file.
            if (preg_match_all('/@import url.*?;/', $compiled_content, $imports)) {
                $compiled_content = preg_replace('/@import url.*?;/', '', $compiled_content);
                foreach ($imports[0] as $import_link) {
                    $compiled_content = $import_link . "\n" . $compiled_content;
            if ($make_rtl) {
                $compiled_content = \CSSJanus::transform($compiled_content);
                $compiled_content = "body {\ndirection: rtl;\n}\n" . $compiled_content;
            Storage::instance('assets')->put($relative_path . '/' . $filename, array('contents' => $header . $compiled_content, 'compress' => false, 'caching' => true));
            if (!empty($params['use_scheme'])) {
                fn_put_contents(fn_get_cache_path(false) . 'theme_editor/' . $filename, $output . '#LESS#' . $less_output);
            if (!empty($params['reflect_less'])) {
                $less_reflection['import_dirs'] = array($relative_path);
                fn_put_contents(fn_get_cache_path(false) . 'less_reflection.json', json_encode($less_reflection));
        Debugger::checkpoint('After styles compilation');
    $url = Storage::instance('assets')->getUrl($relative_path . '/' . $filename);
    return $url;
Exemple #9
  * Generates error notification
  * @param  string $action Action thae was happen
  * @param  string $reason Reason, why the error notification must be showed
  * @param  string $table  Table name (optional)
  * @return bool   Always true
 private function _generateError($action, $reason, $table = '')
     $message = str_replace("[reason]", $reason, $action);
     if (!empty($table)) {
         $message = str_replace("[table]", $table, $message);
     fn_log_event('settings', 'error', $message);
     if (Debugger::isActive() || fn_is_development()) {
         fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), $message);
     return true;
  * Parse query and replace placeholders with data
  * @param  string $query unparsed query
  * @param  array  $data  data for placeholders
  * @return string parsed query
 public static function process($pattern, $data = array(), $replace = true)
     // Replace table prefixes
     if ($replace) {
         $pattern = str_replace('?:', self::$_table_prefix, $pattern);
     if (!empty($data) && preg_match_all("/\\?(i|s|l|d|a|n|u|e|m|p|w|f)+/", $pattern, $m)) {
         $offset = 0;
         foreach ($m[0] as $k => $ph) {
             if ($ph == '?u' || $ph == '?e') {
                 $table_pattern = '\\?\\:';
                 if ($replace) {
                     $table_pattern = self::$_table_prefix;
                 if (preg_match("/^(UPDATE|INSERT INTO|REPLACE INTO|DELETE FROM) " . $table_pattern . "(\\w+) /", $pattern, $m)) {
                     $data[$k] = self::checkTableFields($data[$k], $m[2]);
                     if (empty($data[$k])) {
                         return false;
             if ($ph == '?i') {
                 // integer
                 $pattern = self::_strReplace($ph, self::_intVal($data[$k]), $pattern, $offset);
                 // Trick to convert int's and longint's
             } elseif ($ph == '?s') {
                 // string
                 $pattern = self::_strReplace($ph, "'" . self::$_db->escape($data[$k]) . "'", $pattern, $offset);
             } elseif ($ph == '?l') {
                 // string for LIKE operator
                 $pattern = self::_strReplace($ph, "'" . self::$_db->escape(str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $data[$k])) . "'", $pattern, $offset);
             } elseif ($ph == '?d') {
                 // float
                 $pattern = self::_strReplace($ph, sprintf('%01.2f', $data[$k]), $pattern, $offset);
             } elseif ($ph == '?a') {
                 // array FIXME: add trim
                 $data[$k] = !is_array($data[$k]) ? array($data[$k]) : $data[$k];
                 if (!empty($data[$k])) {
                     $pattern = self::_strReplace($ph, implode(', ', self::_filterData($data[$k], true)), $pattern, $offset);
                 } else {
                     if (Debugger::isActive() || defined('DEVELOPMENT')) {
                         trigger_error('Empty array was passed into SQL statement IN()', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
                     $pattern = self::_strReplace($ph, 'NULL', $pattern, $offset);
             } elseif ($ph == '?n') {
                 // array of integer FIXME: add trim
                 $data[$k] = !is_array($data[$k]) ? array($data[$k]) : $data[$k];
                 $pattern = self::_strReplace($ph, !empty($data[$k]) ? implode(', ', array_map(array('self', '_intVal'), $data[$k])) : "''", $pattern, $offset);
             } elseif ($ph == '?u' || $ph == '?w') {
                 // update/condition with and
                 $clue = $ph == '?u' ? ', ' : ' AND ';
                 $q = implode($clue, self::_filterData($data[$k], false));
                 $pattern = self::_strReplace($ph, $q, $pattern, $offset);
             } elseif ($ph == '?e') {
                 // insert
                 $filtered = self::_filterData($data[$k], true);
                 $pattern = self::_strReplace($ph, "(" . implode(', ', array_keys($filtered)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(', ', array_values($filtered)) . ")", $pattern, $offset);
             } elseif ($ph == '?m') {
                 // insert multi
                 $values = array();
                 foreach ($data[$k] as $value) {
                     $filtered = self::_filterData($value, true);
                     $values[] = "(" . implode(', ', array_values($filtered)) . ")";
                 $pattern = self::_strReplace($ph, "(" . implode(', ', array_keys($filtered)) . ") VALUES " . implode(', ', $values), $pattern, $offset);
             } elseif ($ph == '?f') {
                 // field/table/database name
                 $pattern = self::_strReplace($ph, self::_field($data[$k]), $pattern, $offset);
             } elseif ($ph == '?p') {
                 // prepared statement
                 $pattern = self::_strReplace($ph, self::_tablePrefixReplace('?:', self::$_table_prefix, $data[$k]), $pattern, $offset);
     return $pattern;
Exemple #11
 * Run init functions
 * @param array $request $_REQUEST global variable
 * @return bool always true
function fn_init(&$request)
    $stack = Registry::get('init_stack');
    // Cleanup stack
    Registry::set('init_stack', array());
    foreach ($stack as $function_data) {
        $function = array_shift($function_data);
        if (!is_callable($function)) {
        $result = call_user_func_array($function, $function_data);
        $status = !empty($result[0]) ? $result[0] : INIT_STATUS_OK;
        $url = !empty($result[1]) ? $result[1] : '';
        $message = !empty($result[2]) ? $result[2] : '';
        $permanent = !empty($result[3]) ? $result[3] : '';
        if ($status == INIT_STATUS_OK && !empty($url)) {
            $redirect_url = $url;
        } elseif ($status == INIT_STATUS_REDIRECT && !empty($url)) {
            $redirect_url = $url;
        } elseif ($status == INIT_STATUS_FAIL) {
            if (empty($message)) {
                $message = 'Initialization failed in <b>' . (is_array($function) ? implode('::', $function) : $function) . '</b> function';
            throw new InitException($message);
    if (!empty($redirect_url)) {
        if (!defined('CART_LANGUAGE')) {
            // we need CART_LANGUAGE in fn_url function that called in fn_redirect
        fn_redirect($redirect_url, true, !empty($permanent));
    $stack = Registry::get('init_stack');
    if (!empty($stack)) {
        // New init functions were added to stack. Execute them
    return true;
    $result = call_user_func_array($function, $function_data);
    $status = !empty($result[0]) ? $result[0] : INIT_STATUS_OK;
    $url = !empty($result[1]) ? $result[1] : '';
    $message = !empty($result[2]) ? $result[2] : '';
    if ($status == INIT_STATUS_OK && !empty($url)) {
        $redirect_url = $url;
    } elseif ($status == INIT_STATUS_REDIRECT && !empty($url)) {
        $redirect_url = $url;
    } elseif ($status == INIT_STATUS_FAIL) {
        if (empty($message)) {
            $message = 'Initiation failed in <b>' . (is_array($function) ? implode('::', $function) : $function) . '</b> function';
/* if (!empty($redirect_url)) {
       if (!defined('CART_LANGUAGE')) {
           fn_init_language($request); // we need CART_LANGUAGE in fn_url function that called in fn_redirect
   } */
$stack = Registry::get('init_stack');
if (!empty($stack)) {
    // New init functions were added to stack. Execute them
  * Renders current location
  * @return string HTML code of rendered location
 public function render()
     if (!empty($this->_location)) {
         $this->_view->assign('containers', array('top_panel' => $this->_renderContainer($this->_containers['TOP_PANEL']), 'header' => $this->_renderContainer($this->_containers['HEADER']), 'content' => $this->_renderContainer($this->_containers['CONTENT']), 'footer' => $this->_renderContainer($this->_containers['FOOTER'])));
         Debugger::checkpoint('End render location');
         return $this->_view->fetch($this->_theme . 'location.tpl');
     } else {
         return '';
Exemple #14
  * Parse query and replace placeholders with data
  * @param  string $query unparsed query
  * @param  array  $data  data for placeholders
  * @return string parsed query
 public function process($pattern, $data = array(), $replace = true)
     // Replace table prefixes
     if ($replace) {
         $pattern = str_replace('?:', $this->table_prefix, $pattern);
     if (!empty($data) && preg_match_all("/\\?(i|s|l|d|a|n|u|e|m|p|w|f)+/", $pattern, $m)) {
         $offset = 0;
         foreach ($m[0] as $k => $ph) {
             if ($ph == '?u' || $ph == '?e') {
                 $table_pattern = '\\?\\:';
                 if ($replace) {
                     $table_pattern = $this->table_prefix;
                 if (preg_match("/^(UPDATE|INSERT INTO|REPLACE INTO|DELETE FROM) " . $table_pattern . "(\\w+) /", $pattern, $m)) {
                     $data[$k] = $this->checkTableFields($data[$k], $m[2]);
                     if (empty($data[$k])) {
                         return false;
             switch ($ph) {
                 // integer
                 case '?i':
                     $pattern = $this->strReplace($ph, $this->intVal($data[$k]), $pattern, $offset);
                     // Trick to convert int's and longint's
                     // string
                 // string
                 case '?s':
                     $pattern = $this->strReplace($ph, "'" . $this->db->escape($data[$k]) . "'", $pattern, $offset);
                     // string for LIKE operator
                 // string for LIKE operator
                 case '?l':
                     $pattern = $this->strReplace($ph, "'" . $this->db->escape(str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $data[$k])) . "'", $pattern, $offset);
                     // float
                 // float
                 case '?d':
                     if ($data[$k] == INF) {
                         $data[$k] = PHP_INT_MAX;
                     $pattern = $this->strReplace($ph, sprintf('%01.2f', $data[$k]), $pattern, $offset);
                     // array of string
                     // @FIXME: add trim
                 // array of string
                 // @FIXME: add trim
                 case '?a':
                     $data[$k] = is_array($data[$k]) ? $data[$k] : array($data[$k]);
                     if (!empty($data[$k])) {
                         $pattern = $this->strReplace($ph, implode(', ', $this->filterData($data[$k], true, true)), $pattern, $offset);
                     } else {
                         if (Debugger::isActive() || fn_is_development()) {
                             trigger_error('Empty array was passed into SQL statement IN()', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
                         $pattern = $this->strReplace($ph, 'NULL', $pattern, $offset);
                     // array of integer
                     // FIXME: add trim
                 // array of integer
                 // FIXME: add trim
                 case '?n':
                     $data[$k] = is_array($data[$k]) ? $data[$k] : array($data[$k]);
                     $pattern = $this->strReplace($ph, !empty($data[$k]) ? implode(', ', array_map(array('self', 'intVal'), $data[$k])) : "''", $pattern, $offset);
                     // update
                 // update
                 case '?u':
                     $clue = $ph == '?u' ? ', ' : ' AND ';
                     $q = implode($clue, $this->filterData($data[$k], false));
                     $pattern = $this->strReplace($ph, $q, $pattern, $offset);
                     //condition with and
                 //condition with and
                 case '?w':
                     $q = $this->buildConditions($data[$k]);
                     $pattern = $this->strReplace($ph, $q, $pattern, $offset);
                     // insert
                 // insert
                 case '?e':
                     $filtered = $this->filterData($data[$k], true);
                     $pattern = $this->strReplace($ph, "(" . implode(', ', array_keys($filtered)) . ") VALUES (" . implode(', ', array_values($filtered)) . ")", $pattern, $offset);
                     // insert multi
                 // insert multi
                 case '?m':
                     $values = array();
                     foreach ($data[$k] as $value) {
                         $filtered = $this->filterData($value, true);
                         $values[] = "(" . implode(', ', array_values($filtered)) . ")";
                     $pattern = $this->strReplace($ph, "(" . implode(', ', array_keys($filtered)) . ") VALUES " . implode(', ', $values), $pattern, $offset);
                     // field/table/database name
                 // field/table/database name
                 case '?f':
                     $pattern = $this->strReplace($ph, $this->field($data[$k]), $pattern, $offset);
                     // prepared statement
                 // prepared statement
                 case '?p':
                     $pattern = $this->strReplace($ph, $this->tablePrefixReplace('?:', $this->table_prefix, $data[$k]), $pattern, $offset);
     return $pattern;