/** * Send a JSON Body to a URL after looking up the key and secret */ public static function jsonSend($method, $postBody, $content_type, $service_url, &$debug_log = false) { $key_key = self::sessionGet('key_key'); $secret = self::sessionGet('secret'); $retval = LTI::sendJSONBody($method, $postBody, $content_type, $service_url, $key_key, $secret, $debug_log); return $retval; }
public function renderSingle() { global $CFG; $module = $this->module; echo '<div style="float:right; padding-left: 5px; vertical-align: text-top;"><ul class="pager">' . "\n"; $disabled = $this->position == 1 ? ' disabled' : ''; if ($this->position == 1) { echo '<li class="previous disabled"><a href="#" onclick="return false;">← Previous</a></li>' . "\n"; } else { $prev = 'index=' . ($this->position - 1); if (isset($this->lessons->modules[$this->position - 2]->anchor)) { $prev = 'anchor=' . $this->lessons->modules[$this->position - 2]->anchor; } echo '<li class="previous"><a href="lessons.php?' . $prev . '">← Previous</a></li>' . "\n"; } echo '<li><a href="lessons.php">All (' . $this->position . ' / ' . count($this->lessons->modules) . ')</a></li>'; if ($this->position >= count($this->lessons->modules)) { echo '<li class="next disabled"><a href="#" onclick="return false;">→ Next</a></li>' . "\n"; } else { $next = 'index=' . ($this->position + 1); if (isset($this->lessons->modules[$this->position]->anchor)) { $next = 'anchor=' . $this->lessons->modules[$this->position]->anchor; } echo '<li class="next"><a href="lessons.php?' . $next . '">→ Next</a></li>' . "\n"; } echo "</ul></div>\n"; echo '<h1>' . $module->title . "</h1>\n"; if (isset($module->videos)) { $videos = $module->videos; echo '<ul class="bxslider">' . "\n"; foreach ($videos as $video) { echo '<li><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/' . $video->youtube . '" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen ' . ' alt="' . htmlentities($video->title) . '"></iframe>' . "\n"; } echo "</ul>\n"; } if (isset($module->description)) { echo '<p>' . $module->description . "</p>\n"; } echo "<ul>\n"; if (isset($module->slides)) { echo '<li><a href="' . $module->slides . '" target="_blank">Slides</a></li>' . "\n"; } if (isset($module->chapters)) { echo '<li>Chapters: ' . $module->chapters . '</a></li>' . "\n"; } if (isset($module->assignment)) { echo '<li><a href="' . $module->assignment . '" target="_blank">Assignment Specification</a></li>' . "\n"; } if (isset($module->solution)) { echo '<li><a href="' . $module->solution . '" target="_blank">Assignment Solution</a></li>' . "\n"; } if (isset($module->references)) { if (count($module->references) > 0) { echo "<li>References:<ul>\n"; foreach ($module->references as $reference) { echo '<li><a href="' . $reference->href . '" target="_blank">' . $reference->title . "</a></li>\n"; } echo "</ul></li>\n"; } else { echo '<li>Reference: <a href="' . $module->references->href . '" target="_blank">' . $module->references->title . "</a></li>\n"; } } if (isset($module->lti) && isset($_SESSION['secret'])) { $ltis = $module->lti; if (count($ltis) > 1) { echo "<li>Tools:<ul> <!-- start of ltis -->\n"; } $count = 0; foreach ($ltis as $lti) { $key = isset($_SESSION['oauth_consumer_key']) ? $_SESSION['oauth_consumer_key'] : false; $secret = isset($_SESSION['secret']) ? $_SESSION['secret'] : false; if (isset($lti->resource_link_id)) { $resource_link_id = $lti->resource_link_id; } else { $resource_link_id = 'resource:'; if ($this->anchor != null) { $resource_link_id .= $this->anchor . ':'; } if ($this->position != null) { $resource_link_id .= $this->position . ':'; } if ($count > 0) { $resource_link_id .= '_' . $count; } $resource_link_id .= md5($CFG->context_title); } $count++; $resource_link_title = isset($lti->title) ? $lti->title : $module->title; $parms = array('lti_message_type' => 'basic-lti-launch-request', 'resource_link_id' => $resource_link_id, 'resource_link_title' => $resource_link_title, 'tool_consumer_info_product_family_code' => 'tsugi', 'tool_consumer_info_version' => '1.1', 'context_id' => $_SESSION['context_key'], 'context_label' => $CFG->context_title, 'context_title' => $CFG->context_title, 'user_id' => $_SESSION['user_key'], 'lis_person_name_full' => $_SESSION['displayname'], 'lis_person_contact_email_primary' => $_SESSION['email'], 'roles' => 'Learner'); if (isset($_SESSION['avatar'])) { $parms['user_image'] = $_SESSION['avatar']; } if (isset($lti->custom)) { foreach ($lti->custom as $custom) { if (isset($custom->value)) { $parms['custom_' . $custom->key] = $custom->value; } if (isset($custom->json)) { $parms['custom_' . $custom->key] = json_encode($custom->json); } } } $return_url = $CFG->getCurrentUrl(); if ($this->anchor) { $return_url .= '?anchor=' . urlencode($this->anchor); } elseif ($this->position) { $return_url .= '?index=' . urlencode($this->position); } $parms['launch_presentation_return_url'] = $return_url; if (isset($_SESSION['tsugi_top_nav'])) { $parms['ext_tsugi_top_nav'] = $_SESSION['tsugi_top_nav']; } $form_id = "tsugi_form_id_" . bin2Hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(4)); $parms['ext_lti_form_id'] = $form_id; $endpoint = $lti->launch; $parms = LTI::signParameters($parms, $endpoint, "POST", $key, $secret, "Finish Launch", $CFG->product_instance_guid, $CFG->servicename); $content = LTI::postLaunchHTML($parms, $endpoint, false, '_pause'); $title = isset($lti->title) ? $lti->title : "Autograder"; echo '<li><a href="#" onclick="document.' . $form_id . '.submit();return false">' . htmlentities($title) . '</a></li>' . "\n"; echo "<!-- Start of content -->\n"; print $content; echo "<!-- End of content -->\n"; } if (count($ltis) > 1) { echo "</li></ul><!-- end of ltis -->\n"; } } if (!isset($module->discuss)) { $module->discuss = true; } if (!isset($module->anchor)) { $module->anchor = $this->position; } // For now do not add disqus to each page. if (false && isset($CFG->disqushost) && isset($_SESSION['id']) && $module->discuss) { ?> <hr/> <div id="disqus_thread" style="margin-top: 30px;"></div> <script> /** * RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT AND UNCOMMENT THE SECTION BELOW TO INSERT DYNAMIC VALUES FROM YOUR PLATFORM OR CMS. * LEARN WHY DEFINING THESE VARIABLES IS IMPORTANT: https://disqus.com/admin/universalcode/#configuration-variables */ var disqus_config = function () { this.page.url = '<?php echo $CFG->disqushost; ?> '; // Replace PAGE_URL with your page's canonical URL variable this.page.identifier = '<?php echo $module->anchor; ?> '; // Replace PAGE_IDENTIFIER with your page's unique identifier variable }; (function() { // DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE var d = document, s = d.createElement('script'); s.src = '//php-intro.disqus.com/embed.js'; s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date()); (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s); })(); </script> <noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="https://disqus.com/?ref_noscript">comments powered by Disqus.</a></noscript> <?php } }
if (strlen($oauth_consumer_key) < 1 || strlen($oauth_consumer_secret) < 1) { echo sprintf($response, uniqid(), 'failure', "Missing key/secret B64={$b64dec} B64key={$oauth_consumer_key} secret={$oauth_consumer_secret}", $message_ref, $operation, ""); exit; } $header_key = LTI::getOAuthKeyFromHeaders(); if (strlen($header_key) < 1) { echo sprintf($response, uniqid(), 'failure', "Empty header key. Note that some proxy configurations do not pass the Authorization header.", $message_ref, $operation, ""); exit; } else { if ($header_key != $oauth_consumer_key) { echo sprintf($response, uniqid(), 'failure', "B64key={$oauth_consumer_key} HDR={$header_key}", $message_ref, $operation, ""); exit; } } try { $body = LTI::handleOAuthBodyPOST($oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_secret); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($body); $imsx_header = $xml->imsx_POXHeader->children(); $parms = $imsx_header->children(); $message_ref = (string) $parms->imsx_messageIdentifier; $imsx_body = $xml->imsx_POXBody->children(); $operation = $imsx_body->getName(); $parms = $imsx_body->children(); } catch (Exception $e) { global $LastOAuthBodyBaseString; global $LastOAuthBodyHashInfo; $retval = sprintf($response, uniqid(), 'failure', $e->getMessage() . " B64key={$oauth_consumer_key} HDRkey={$header_key} secret={$oauth_consumer_secret}", uniqid(), $operation, "") . "<!--\n" . "Base String:\n" . $LastOAuthBodyBaseString . "\n" . "Hash Info:\n" . $LastOAuthBodyHashInfo . "\n-->\n"; echo $retval; exit; } $sourcedid = (string) $parms->resultRecord->sourcedGUID->sourcedId;
/** * Send a grade and update our local copy * * Call the right LTI service to send a new grade up to the server. * update our local cached copy of the server_grade and the date * retrieved. This routine pulls the key and secret from the LTIX * session to avoid crossing cross tennant boundaries. * * @param $grade A new grade - floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0 * @param $row An optional array with the data that has the result_id, sourcedid, * and service (url) if this is not present, the data is pulled from the LTI * session for the current user/link combination. * @param $debug_log An (optional) array (by reference) that returns the * steps that were taken. * Each entry is an array with the [0] element a message and an optional [1] * element as some detail (i.e. like a POST body) * * @return mixed If this works it returns true. If not, you get * a string with an error. * */ public function gradeSend($grade, $row = false, &$debug_log = false) { global $CFG, $USER; global $LastPOXGradeResponse; $LastPOXGradeResponse = false; $PDOX = LTIX::getConnection(); // Secret and key from session to avoid crossing tenant boundaries $key_key = LTIX::sessionGet('key_key'); $secret = LTIX::sessionGet('secret'); if ($row !== false) { $result_url = isset($row['result_url']) ? $row['result_url'] : false; $sourcedid = isset($row['sourcedid']) ? $row['sourcedid'] : false; $service = isset($row['service']) ? $row['service'] : false; // Fall back to session if it is missing if ($service === false) { $service = LTIX::sessionGet('service'); } $result_id = isset($row['result_id']) ? $row['result_id'] : false; } else { $result_url = LTIX::sessionGet('result_url'); $sourcedid = LTIX::sessionGet('sourcedid'); $service = LTIX::sessionGet('service'); $result_id = LTIX::sessionGet('result_id'); } // Update result in the database and in the LTI session area and // our local copy $_SESSION['lti']['grade'] = $grade; $this->grade = $grade; // Update the local copy of the grade in the lti_result table if ($PDOX !== false && $result_id !== false) { $stmt = $PDOX->queryReturnError("UPDATE {$CFG->dbprefix}lti_result SET grade = :grade,\n updated_at = NOW() WHERE result_id = :RID", array(':grade' => $grade, ':RID' => $result_id)); if ($stmt->success) { $msg = "Grade updated result_id=" . $result_id . " grade={$grade}"; } else { $msg = "Grade NOT updated result_id=" . $result_id . " grade={$grade}"; } error_log($msg); if (is_array($debug_log)) { $debug_log[] = array($msg); } } if ($key_key == false || $secret === false || $sourcedid === false || $service === false || !isset($USER)) { error_log("Result::gradeSend stored data locally"); return false; } // TODO: Fix this $comment = ""; if (strlen($result_url) > 0) { $status = LTI::sendJSONGrade($grade, $comment, $result_url, $key_key, $secret, $debug_log); } else { $status = LTI::sendPOXGrade($grade, $sourcedid, $service, $key_key, $secret, $debug_log); } if ($status === true) { $msg = 'Grade sent ' . $grade . ' to ' . $sourcedid . ' by ' . $USER->id; if (is_array($debug_log)) { $debug_log[] = array($msg); } error_log($msg); } else { $msg = 'Grade failure ' . $grade . ' to ' . $sourcedid . ' by ' . $USER->id; if (is_array($debug_log)) { $debug_log[] = array($msg); } error_log($msg); return $status; } return $status; }
// a race condition between competing INSERTs for the same key_id } else { $key_sha256 = lti_sha256($oauth_consumer_key); $retval = $PDOX->queryDie("INSERT INTO {$CFG->dbprefix}lti_key \n (key_sha256, key_key, user_id, secret, consumer_profile)\n VALUES\n (:SHA, :KEY, :UID, :SECRET, :PROFILE)\n ON DUPLICATE KEY\n UPDATE secret = :SECRET, consumer_profile = :PROFILE\n ", array(":SHA" => $key_sha256, ":KEY" => $oauth_consumer_key, ":UID" => $_SESSION['id'], ":SECRET" => $shared_secret, ":PROFILE" => $tc_profile_json)); if (!$retval->success) { log_return_die("Unable to INSERT Registration key {$oauth_consumer_key} " . $retval->errorImplode); } $return_url_lti_message = "LTI2 Key {$oauth_consumer_key} inserted"; } echo_log("{$return_url_lti_message} \n"); if ($last_http_response == 201 || $last_http_response == 200) { if (strpos($launch_presentation_return_url, '?') > 0) { $launch_presentation_return_url .= '&'; } else { $launch_presentation_return_url .= '?'; } $launch_presentation_return_url .= "status=success"; $launch_presentation_return_url .= "<i_message=" . urlencode($return_url_lti_message); $launch_presentation_return_url .= "&tool_proxy_guid=" . urlencode($tc_tool_proxy_guid); echo '<p><a href="' . $launch_presentation_return_url . '">Continue to launch_presentation_url</a></p>' . "\n"; exit; } echo "Registration failed, http code=" . $last_http_response . "\n"; // Check to see if they slid us the base string... if ($responseObject != null && isset($responseObject->base_string)) { $base_string = $responseObject->base_string; if (strlen($base_string) > 0 && strlen($LastOAuthBodyBaseString) > 0 && $base_string != $LastOAuthBodyBaseString) { $compare = LTI::compareBaseStrings($LastOAuthBodyBaseString, $base_string); $OUTPUT->togglePre("Compare Base Strings (ours first)", htmlent_utf8($compare)); } }
echo "<br/>\n"; } echo "</fieldset>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; echo "</form>\n"; $parms = $lmsdata; // Cleanup parms before we sign foreach ($parms as $k => $val) { if (strlen(trim($parms[$k])) < 1) { unset($parms[$k]); } } // Add oauth_callback to be compliant with the 1.0A spec $parms["oauth_callback"] = "about:blank"; if ($outcomes) { $parms["lis_outcome_service_url"] = $outcomes; } $parms['launch_presentation_css_url'] = $cssurl; if (isset($_POST['launch']) || isset($_POST['debug'])) { // Switch to direct launches instead of going through lti.php $endpoint = str_replace("lti.php", $_POST['custom_assn'], $endpoint); $parms = LTI::signParameters($parms, $endpoint, "POST", $key, $secret, "Finish Launch", $tool_consumer_instance_guid, $tool_consumer_instance_description); $content = LTI::postLaunchHTML($parms, $endpoint, isset($_POST['debug']), "width=\"100%\" height=\"900\" scrolling=\"auto\" frameborder=\"1\" transparency"); echo "<hr>\n"; print $content; } ?> </div> </div> <!-- /container --> <?php $OUTPUT->footer();
$script = isset($REGISTER_LTI2['script']) ? $REGISTER_LTI2['script'] : "index.php"; $path = $CFG->wwwroot . '/' . str_replace("register.php", $script, $path); // Title is for the href and text is for display $json = LTI::getLtiLinkJSON($path, $title, $title, false, $fa_icon); $retval = json_encode($json); $parms = array(); $parms["lti_message_type"] = "ContentItemSelection"; $parms["lti_version"] = "LTI-1p0"; $parms["content_items"] = $retval; $data = LTIX::postGet('data'); if ($data) { $parms['data'] = $data; } $parms = LTIX::signParameters($parms, $result_url, "POST", "Install Tool"); $endform = '<a href="index.php" class="btn btn-warning">Back to Store</a>'; $content = LTI::postLaunchHTML($parms, $result_url, true, false, $endform); echo $content; } else { echo '<div style="border: 2px, solid, red;" class="card">'; if ($fa_icon) { echo '<a href="index.php?install=' . urlencode($tool) . '">'; echo '<i class="fa ' . $fa_icon . ' fa-2x" style="color: #1894C7; float:right; margin: 2px"></i>'; echo '</a>'; } echo '<p><strong>' . htmlent_utf8($title) . "</strong></p>"; echo '<p>' . htmlent_utf8($text) . "</p>\n"; echo '<center><a href="index.php?install=' . urlencode($tool) . '" class="btn btn-default" role="button">Details</a></center>'; echo "</div>\n"; } $toolcount++; }
/** * Send settings to the LMS using the simple JSON approach */ public static function settingsSend($settings, $settings_url, &$debug_log = false) { global $CFG, $PDOX, $LINK, $USER; global $LastPOXGradeResponse; $LastPOXGradeResponse = false; $key_key = self::sessionGet('key_key'); $secret = self::sessionGet('secret'); $retval = LTI::sendJSONSettings($settings, $settings_url, $key_key, $secret, $debug_log); return $retval; }
} else { if (function_exists('http_response_code')) { http_response_code(400); } error_log("Method not allowed in commit: {$method}"); die("Transaction not found"); } $row = $PDOX->rowDie("SELECT secret\n FROM {$CFG->dbprefix}lti_key\n WHERE ack = :ACK AND key_sha256 = :SHA LIMIT 1", array(":SHA" => $key_sha256, ":ACK" => $commit)); if ($row == false) { if (function_exists('http_response_code')) { http_response_code(404); } error_log("Transaction {$commit} not found {$oauth_consumer_key}"); die("Transaction not found"); } $retval = LTI::verifyKeyAndSecret($oauth_consumer_key, $row['secret']); if ($retval !== true) { if (function_exists('http_response_code')) { http_response_code(404); } error_log("LTI Failure:" . $retval[0] . "\n" . $retval[1]); die("LTI Failure:" . $retval[0] . "\n" . $retval[1]); } if ($method == "PUT") { $stmt = $PDOX->queryDie("UPDATE {$CFG->dbprefix}lti_key\n SET secret = new_secret,\n\t new_secret = NULL, ack = NULL\n WHERE new_secret IS NOT NULL AND \n ack = :ACK AND key_sha256 = :SHA", array(":SHA" => $key_sha256, ":ACK" => $commit)); $count = $stmt->rowCount(); error_log("Committed Key={$oauth_consumer_key} rows updated={$count}"); } else { $stmt = $PDOX->queryDie("UPDATE {$CFG->dbprefix}lti_key\n SET new_secret = NULL\n WHERE ack = :ACK AND key_sha256 = :SHA", array(":SHA" => $key_sha256, ":ACK" => $commit)); $count = $stmt->rowCount(); error_log("Roll-Back Key={$oauth_consumer_key} rows updated={$count}");
/** * getLaunchContent - Get the launch data for am LTI ContentItem launch */ public static function getLaunchContent($endpoint, $debug = false) { $info = LTIX::getKeySecretForLaunch($endpoint); if ($info === false) { return '<p style="color:red">Unable to load key/secret for ' . htmlentities($endpoint) . "</p>\n"; } $key = $info['key']; $secret = $info['secret']; $parms = LTIX::getLaunchData(); $parms = LTI::signParameters($parms, $endpoint, "POST", $key, $secret, "Button"); $content = LTI::postLaunchHTML($parms, $endpoint, false); return $content; }
/** * ltiLinkUrl - Returns true if we can return LTI Links for this launch * * @return string The content_item_return_url or false */ public static function ltiLinkUrl($postdata = false) { return LTI::ltiLinkUrl(self::postArray()); }