Exemple #1
 public function selectSchedulerLastRun()
     // It is possible to have this call run before the game is setup, so we need to test to ensure the db is active
     if (\Tki\Db::isActive($this->pdo_db)) {
         // SQL call that selects the last run of the scheduler, and only one record
         $sql = "SELECT last_run FROM ::prefix::scheduler LIMIT 1";
         $stmt = $this->pdo_db->query($sql);
         // Query the pdo DB using this SQL call
         $row = $stmt->fetchObject();
         \Tki\Db::logDbErrors($this->pdo_db, $sql, __LINE__, __FILE__);
         // Log any errors, if there are any
         if (is_object($row)) {
             return (int) $row->last_run;
             // Return the int value of the last scheduler run
     return false;
     // If anything goes wrong, db not active, etc, return false
Exemple #2
 public static function load(\PDO $pdo_db, string $language = null, array $categories = null) : array
     // Check if all supplied args are valid, if not return an empty array.
     if ($pdo_db === null || $language === null || !is_array($categories)) {
         return self::$langvars;
     if (!Db::isActive($pdo_db)) {
         // Slurp in language variables from the ini file directly
         $ini_file = './languages/' . $language . '.ini';
         $ini_keys = parse_ini_file($ini_file, true);
         foreach ($ini_keys as $config_line) {
             foreach ($config_line as $config_key => $config_value) {
                 self::$langvars[$config_key] = $config_value;
         return (array) self::$langvars;
     } else {
         // Populate the $langvars array
         foreach ($categories as $category) {
             // Select from the database and return the value of the language variables requested, but do not use caching
             $query = "SELECT name, value FROM ::prefix::languages WHERE category = :category AND section = :language;";
             $result = $pdo_db->prepare($query);
             Db::logDbErrors($pdo_db, $query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
             // It is possible to use a single prepare, and multiple executes, but it makes the logic of this section much less clear.
             $result->bindParam(':category', $category, PDO::PARAM_STR);
             $result->bindParam(':language', $language, PDO::PARAM_STR);
             Db::logDbErrors($pdo_db, $query, __LINE__, __FILE__);
             $lang_entries = $result->fetchAll();
             foreach ($lang_entries as $row) {
                 self::$langvars[$row['name']] = $row['value'];
         return (array) self::$langvars;
Exemple #3
 public static function display(\PDO $pdo_db, string $lang, Reg $tkireg, Smarty $template)
     $request = Request::createFromGlobals();
     // Now set a container for the variables and langvars and send them off to the template system
     $variables = array();
     $langvars = array();
     $online = (int) 0;
     if (Db::isActive($pdo_db)) {
         $stamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time());
         // Now (as seen by PHP)
         $since_stamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - 5 * 60);
         // Five minutes ago
         $players_gateway = new Players\PlayersGateway($pdo_db);
         // Build a player gateway object to handle the SQL calls
         $online = $players_gateway->selectPlayersLoggedIn($since_stamp, $stamp);
         // Online is the (int) count of the numbers of players currently logged in via SQL select
     $elapsed = (int) 999;
     // Default value for elapsed, overridden with an actual value if its available
     if ($tkireg !== null) {
         if (property_exists($tkireg, 'tkitimer')) {
             $elapsed = $tkireg->tkitimer->elapsed();
     // Suppress the news ticker on the IBANK and index pages
     $news_ticker_active = !(preg_match("/index.php/i", $request->server->get('SCRIPT_NAME')) || preg_match("/ibank.php/i", $request->server->get('SCRIPT_NAME')) || preg_match("/new.php/i", $request->server->get('SCRIPT_NAME')));
     // Suppress the news ticker if the database is not active
     if (!Db::isActive($pdo_db)) {
         $news_ticker_active = false;
     // Update counter
     $scheduler_gateway = new Scheduler\SchedulerGateway($pdo_db);
     // Build a scheduler gateway object to handle the SQL calls
     $last_run = $scheduler_gateway->selectSchedulerLastRun();
     // Last run is the (int) count of the numbers of players currently logged in via SQL select or false if DB is not active
     if ($last_run !== false) {
         $seconds_left = $tkireg->sched_ticks * 60 - (time() - $last_run);
         $show_update_ticker = true;
     } else {
         $seconds_left = (int) 0;
         $show_update_ticker = false;
     // End update counter
     if ($tkireg->footer_show_debug === true) {
         $sf_logo_type = '14';
         $sf_logo_width = "150";
         $sf_logo_height = "40";
     } else {
         $sf_logo_type = '11';
         $sf_logo_width = "120";
         $sf_logo_height = "30";
     if ($news_ticker_active === true) {
         // Database driven language entries
         $langvars_temp = Translate::load($pdo_db, $lang, array('news', 'common', 'footer', 'global_includes', 'logout'));
         // Use array merge so that we do not clobber the langvars array, and only add to it the items needed for footer
         $langvars = array_merge($langvars, $langvars_temp);
         // Use array unique so that we don't end up with duplicate lang array entries
         // This is resulting in an array with blank values for specific keys, so array_unique isn't entirely what we want
         // $langvars = array_unique ($langvars);
         // SQL call that selects all of the news items between the start date beginning of day, and the end of day.
         $news_gateway = new News\NewsGateway($pdo_db);
         // Build a scheduler gateway object to handle the SQL calls
         $row = $news_gateway->selectNewsByDay(date('Y-m-d'));
         $news_ticker = array();
         if (count($row) == 0) {
             array_push($news_ticker, array('url' => null, 'text' => $langvars['l_news_none'], 'type' => null, 'delay' => 5));
         } else {
             foreach ($row as $item) {
                 array_push($news_ticker, array('url' => "news.php", 'text' => $item['headline'], 'type' => $item['news_type'], 'delay' => 5));
             array_push($news_ticker, array('url' => null, 'text' => "End of News", 'type' => null, 'delay' => 5));
         $news_ticker['container'] = "article";
         $template->addVariables("news", $news_ticker);
     } else {
         // Make the SF logo darker for all pages except login. No need to change the sizes as 12 is the same size as 11 and 15 is the same size as 14.
     $sf_logo_link = null;
     $mem_peak_usage = floor(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1024);
     $public_pages = array('ranking.php', 'new.php', 'faq.php', 'settings.php', 'news.php', 'index.php');
     $slash_position = mb_strrpos($request->server->get('SCRIPT_NAME'), '/') + 1;
     $current_page = mb_substr($request->server->get('SCRIPT_NAME'), $slash_position);
     if (in_array($current_page, $public_pages)) {
         // If it is a non-login required page, such as ranking, new, faq, settings, news, and index use the public SF logo, which increases project stats.
         $variables['suppress_logo'] = false;
     } else {
         // Else suppress the logo, so it is as fast as possible.
         $variables['suppress_logo'] = true;
     // Set array with all used variables in page
     $variables['update_ticker'] = array("display" => $show_update_ticker, "seconds_left" => $seconds_left, "sched_ticks" => $tkireg->sched_ticks);
     $variables['players_online'] = $online;
     $variables['sf_logo_type'] = $sf_logo_type;
     $variables['sf_logo_height'] = $sf_logo_height;
     $variables['sf_logo_width'] = $sf_logo_width;
     $variables['sf_logo_link'] = $sf_logo_link;
     $variables['elapsed'] = $elapsed;
     $variables['mem_peak_usage'] = $mem_peak_usage;
     $variables['footer_show_debug'] = $tkireg->footer_show_debug;
     $variables['cur_year'] = date('Y');
     $template->addVariables('langvars', $langvars);
     $template->addVariables('variables', $variables);