Exemple #1
  * This method will add the data pulled in by our join to an array representation of a model.
  * @param PropelSOAModel $model
  * @param array $data
 public function addJoinedDataToResultArray(PropelSOAModel $model, array &$data)
     $classInfo = Factory::createNewObject(SymfonyClassInfo::class);
     $peerClass = $classInfo->getClassPath('peer');
     $peer = Factory::createNewObject($peerClass);
     $getMethod = $peer->linkedData[$this->relation];
     $data[$this->relation] = $model->{$getMethod}();
  * This method will download one script file and save it to the proper destination.
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @param $controllerFilePath
  * @param $baseUrl
 protected function generateScript(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, $controllerFilePath, $baseUrl)
     $pieces = explode('/', $controllerFilePath);
     $srcIndex = array_search('src', $pieces);
     if ($srcIndex === false) {
         throw new Exception('Could not find the src directory');
     $params = [];
     $params['namespace'] = $pieces[$srcIndex + 1];
     $params['bundle'] = str_replace('Bundle', '', $pieces[$srcIndex + 2]);
     $lastIndex = count($pieces) - 1;
     $className = str_replace('.php', '', $pieces[$lastIndex]);
     $params['entity'] = str_replace('Controller', '', $className);
     // check to see if this controller is really a service resource
     $classInfo = $this->classInfo = Factory::createNewObject(SymfonyClassInfo::class);
     $classInfo->namespace = $params['namespace'];
     $classInfo->bundle = $params['bundle'];
     $classInfo->entity = $params['entity'];
     $routesToGenerate = [];
     $controllerClass = $classInfo->getClassPath('controller');
     $reflectionObject = Factory::createNewObject(ReflectionClass::class, [$controllerClass]);
     // if the controller is abstract, skip this entirely, don't implement any functionality for
     // the controller in JavaScript
     if ($reflectionObject->isAbstract()) {
     // based on reflection, we will determine which types of objects should get standard class
     // definitions in the javascript. note that objects that do not get standard definitions
     // can get custom object definitions where the developer can make the javascript do similar
     // tasks but in a non-standard way.
     if ($reflectionObject->isSubclassOf(ModelBasedServiceController::class)) {
         // model-based controllers get query and object definitions generated. this is because
         // we can predict the data they should contain by inspecting the model, and we know
         // generally how to query for this data in a standard way through Propel
         $routesToGenerate['query'] = 'propelsoa_generatequery_route';
         $routesToGenerate['object'] = 'propelsoa_generateobject_route';
     if ($reflectionObject->implementsInterface(Collectionable::class)) {
         // a controller signals that it wants us to build a standard collection object for it
         // by implementing the Collectionable interface
         $routesToGenerate['collection'] = 'propelsoa_generatecollection_route';
     // for a lot of objects, the basic generated object is not enough in javascript. we want our
     // javascript objects to be strong and contain all of their related logic and data. what
     // this means is that the generated object is a good starting point, but not the final
     // result. we can indicate with an interface that we want the generated object to not be
     // the final object loaded by getNewObject() in propelsoa.
     if ($reflectionObject->implementsInterface(ClientExtendable::class)) {
         $routesToGenerate['object'] = 'propelsoa_generatepartialobject_route';
     $router = $this->getContainer()->get('router');
     foreach ($routesToGenerate as $routeKey) {
         $url = $baseUrl . $router->generate($routeKey, $params);
         $this->code .= $this->commandUtility->fileGetContents($url);
  * This action will send an email to the correct Builder Professional team.
  * @param Request $request
 public function postAction(Request $request)
     $rawData = $request->getContent();
     $post = json_decode($rawData, true);
     $contactUsValidator = Factory::createNewObject(Validator::class);
     if (!$contactUsValidator->validateWithRulesKey($post, 'contactus')) {
         return $contactUsValidator->getHttpErrorResponse();
     $contactUsData = [$post['Name'], $post['Email'], $post['Phone'], $post['Time'], $post['Question']];
     $contactUsNotification = Factory::createNewObject(ContactUs::class, $contactUsData);
     return new PropelSOASuccessResponse(['sent' => true]);
  * This method will determine if the current client or user has access to view our materials.
  * @return int
 public function isAuthorized()
     $clientPeer = Factory::createNewObject(ClientPeer::class);
     $clientId = $clientPeer->getWorkingClientId();
     if ($clientId === null) {
         return true;
     $client = Factory::createNewQueryObject(ClientQuery::class)->findOneByClientId($clientId);
     foreach ($client->getClientProducts() as $clientProduct) {
         if ($clientProduct->getProductId() == $this->getBillingProductId()) {
             // Our related product is in the list of products the client has access to, so they should be able to view this.
             return 1;
         if ($clientProduct->getProduct()->getCode() == 'NEVER_STOP_LEARNING') {
             // This client is on the all-access plan, and should always have access
             return 1;
     return 0;
  * This method will execute the main trunk of execution for this command including
  * finding model system files throughout the application.
  * @param InputInterface  $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->input = $input;
     $this->output = $output;
     $this->commandUtility = Factory::createNewObject(CommandUtility::class);
     // find all model directories in the project
     $directoryList = [];
     $listDirectoryCommand = 'find ./src -type d |grep -v "SOA/SOABundle" |grep "Model/om$"';
     $this->commandUtility->exec($listDirectoryCommand, $directoryList);
     $listPeerCommand = 'find %s -maxdepth 1 -type f |grep "Peer.php$"';
     $listQueryCommand = 'find %s -maxdepth 1 -type f |grep "Query.php$"';
     $listModelCommand = 'find %s -maxdepth 1 -type f |grep -v "Query.php$" |grep -v "Peer.php$"';
     // this is how many duplicated slashes it takes to get through all of the condensation, why can't
     // namespace paths be with pipes or something instead??
     $separator = '\\\\\\\\';
     foreach ($directoryList as $directory) {
         $this->replaceInFiles(sprintf($listPeerCommand, $directory), 'abstract class \\(.*\\)Peer', '& extends ' . $separator . implode($separator, $this->peerBaseParts));
         $this->replaceInFiles(sprintf($listQueryCommand, $directory), 'extends ModelCriteria', 'extends ' . $separator . implode($separator, $this->queryBaseParts));
         $this->replaceInFiles(sprintf($listModelCommand, $directory), 'extends BaseObject', 'extends ' . $separator . implode($separator, $this->modelBaseParts));
Exemple #6
 public function testCreateNewObjectProperlySuppliesConstructorParametersWhenNotMocked()
     $propertyValue = 'Hello World!';
     $helperObject = Factory::createNewObject(HelperObject::class, [$propertyValue]);
     $this->assertEquals($propertyValue, $helperObject->property);
  * This method will make sure the actual question text will get sent to Mongo for us to remember.
  * @param Request $request
  * @param Question $question
 protected function afterSave(Question $question)
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $post = json_decode($request->getContent());
     // Let the support team know that a customer has a question
     $newQuestionNotification = Factory::createNewObject(NewQuestion::class, [$question]);
     return $question;
  * This method will send the notification out to allow someone to convert from a signup to a
  * billing client for the training system.
  * @param Signup $signup
 protected function notify(Signup $signup)
     $signupNotification = Factory::createNewObject(SignupConfirmation::class, [$signup]);
  * This constructor will set up the answer as a document property to be stored in Mongo.
 public function __construct()
     $answerDocumentProperty = Factory::createNewObject(DocumentProperty::class, ['answer', 'getAnswer', 'setAnswer', $this]);
     $this->documentProperties = [$answerDocumentProperty];
  * This constructor will set us up to store our question text in MongoDB.
 public function __construct()
     $questionDocumentProperty = Factory::createNewObject(DocumentProperty::class, ['question', 'getQuestion', 'setQuestion', $this]);
     $this->documentProperties = [$questionDocumentProperty];
Exemple #11
  * This method will get our relation key pluralized.
  * @return string
 protected function getPluralRelationName()
     if (isset($this->pluralRelationName)) {
         return $this->pluralRelationName;
     $pluralizer = Factory::createNewObject(StandardEnglishPluralizer::class);
     $this->pluralRelationName = $pluralizer->getPluralForm($this->relation);
     return $this->pluralRelationName;