  * Logic that will be executed when command is visited
  * @param AbstractCommand $command
  * @param int             $depth
  * @return mixed
 function process(AbstractCommand $command, $depth = 0)
     if (is_null($this->argumentsContainer->getArgumentAt($this->currentIndex + 2))) {
         echo $command->getArgument() . ' ';
     } elseif (StaticStringy::startsWith($command->getArgument(), $this->argumentsContainer->getArgumentAt($this->currentIndex + 2))) {
         echo $command->getArgument() . ' ';
  * Handle power up event
  * @param SimpleEvent $event
  * @throws \ThinFrame\Foundation\Exceptions\Exception
 public function onPowerUp(SimpleEvent $event)
     if ($this->argumentsContainer->getArgumentAt(0) == 'compgen') {
         $this->commander->iterate(new CompletionIterator($this->argumentsContainer));
     } else {
         $this->commander->iterate($executor = new ExecuteIterator($this->argumentsContainer));
         if (!$executor->isStopped()) {
             throw new Exception('Cannot find the command you requested');
  * Logic that will be executed when command is visited
  * @param AbstractCommand $command
  * @param int             $depth
  * @return mixed
 function process(AbstractCommand $command, $depth = 0)
     if ($command->getArgument() != $this->argumentsContainer->getArgumentAt($depth)) {
     if (count($command->getChildCommands()) == 0) {
     } elseif ($this->argumentsContainer->getArgumentsCount() - 1 == $depth) {