public function getWhen($instance, $method) { $ref = new ReflectionClass($instance); $refMethod = $ref->getMethod($method); $comment = $refMethod->getDocComment(); $when = Utils::cut('@when=', "\n", $comment); return $when ?: '* * * * *'; }
public static function boot() { Cli::show("Start of execution", 'COMMENT'); View::cleanCache(); Database::cleanCache(); Utils::cleanCache(true); Cli::show("End of execution", 'COMMENT'); }
public function redirect($action, $controller = null, $args = []) { $controller = is_null($controller) ? $this->route['controller'] : $controller; $url = URLSITE . $controller . '/' . $action; foreach ($args as $k => $v) { $url .= "/{$k}/{$v}"; } Utils::go($url); }
public function newRow($data = array()) { $object = o(sha1(time() . $this->settings['entity'] . session_id() . Utils::token())); $object->thin_litedb = $this; $object->id = null; if (count($data) && Arrays::isAssoc($data)) { foreach ($this->settings['modelFields'] as $field => $infos) { $value = ake($field, $data) ? $data[$field] : null; $object->{$field} = $value; } } return $object; }
public function __construct($namespace, $ttl = 3600) { $ns = 'thin_' . $namespace; $c = cookies()->{$ns}; if (null === $c) { setcookie($ns, Utils::token(), strtotime('+1 year')); } else { setcookie($ns, $c, strtotime('+1 year')); } $key = cookies()->{$ns}; $this->__namespace = $namespace . '::' . $key; $this->__ttl = $ttl; $this->__db = redisDB::instance('core', 'session'); $this->clean(); $this->populate(); }
public function redirect($action = 'index', $args = [], $controller = null, $module = null) { if (is_null($controller) && is_null($module)) { $url = urlAction($action); } elseif (is_null($module) && !is_null($controller)) { $url = URLSITE . $controller . '/' . $action; } elseif (!is_null($module) && !is_null($controller)) { $url = URLSITE . $module . '/' . $controller . '/' . $action; } else { $url = URLSITE; } if (count($args)) { foreach ($args as $key => $value) { $url .= "/{$key}/{$value}"; } } Utils::go($url); }
public static function ssl() { Utils::go(repl('http:', 'https:', trim(URLSITE, '/')) . Request::uri()); }
public function offsetExists($key) { $method = lcfirst(Inflector::camelize('isset_' . $key . '_attribute')); $methods = get_class_methods($this); if (in_array($method, $methods)) { return $this->{$method}(); } $check = Utils::UUID(); return $check != isAke($this->_data, $key, $check); }
function typeSql($string) { $length = 'NA'; $type = (string) $string; if (strstr($string, '(')) { $length = (int) Utils::cut('(', ')', $string); list($type, $dummy) = explode('(', $string, 2); $type = (string) $type; } return array('fieldType' => $type, 'length' => $length); }
public function __construct() { $this->html = lib('tpl'); $this->csrfToken = sha1(Utils::UUID()); }
/** * @return string The release year of the movie or $sNotFound. */ public function getReleaseYear() { if (true === $this->isReady) { return (int) Utils::cut('(<a href="/year/', '/', $this->sSource); } return $this->sNotFound; }
public function has($key) { $dummy = Utils::token(); return $dummy != $this->get($key, $dummy); }
public function offsetExists($key) { $check = Utils::token(); return $check != isAke($this->_data, $key, $check); }
public function serializeClosure(callable $closure) { $ref = new \ReflectionFunction($closure); $file = $ref->getFileName(); $start = $ref->getStartLine(); $end = $ref->getEndline(); $content = file($file); $code = []; for ($i = $start - 1; $i < $end; $i++) { $code[] = trim($content[$i]); } $code = implode('', $code) . 'end'; $function = 'function (' . Utils::cut('function (', '});end', $code) . '}'; return $function; }
/** * [fromSql description] * * @method fromSql * * @param [type] $sql [description] * * @return [type] [description] */ public static function fromSql($sql) { $select = Utils::cut('SELECT ', ' FROM', $sql); $from = Utils::cut(' FROM ', ' ', $sql); $wheres = ''; if (fnmatch('* WHERE *', $sql)) { $wheres = Arrays::last(explode(' WHERE ', $sql)); } $joins = []; if (fnmatch('* JOIN *', $sql)) { $segs = explode(' JOIN ', $sql); array_shift($segs); foreach ($segs as $seg) { $fk = Arrays::first(explode(' ', $seg)); if (!in_array($joins, $joins)) { $joins[] = $fk; } } } if (fnmatch('*.*', $from)) { list($db, $table) = explode('.', Inflector::lower($from), 2); } else { $db = SITE_NAME; $table = Inflector::lower($from); } $instance = self::instance($db, $table); if (!empty($select) && $select != '*') { $selects = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', Inflector::lower($select))); foreach ($selects as $field) { $instance->select($field); } } if (fnmatch('* ORDER BY *', $wheres)) { list($wheres, $orders) = explode(' ORDER BY ', $wheres, 2); } $whs = [$wheres]; $or = false; if (fnmatch('* && *', $wheres)) { $whs = explode(' && ', $wheres); } if (fnmatch('* || *', $wheres)) { $whs = explode(' || ', $wheres); $or = true; } foreach ($whs as $wh) { list($f, $o, $v) = explode(' ', $wh, 3); if ($v[0] == "'") { $v = substr($v, 1); } if ($v[strlen($v) - 1] == "'") { $v = substr($v, 0, -1); } if (is_numeric($v)) { if ($v == intval($v)) { $v = (int) $v; } } if (!$or) { $instance = $instance->where([$f, $o, $v]); } else { $instance = $instance->where([$f, $o, $v], 'OR'); } } if (isset($orders)) { if (fnmatch('*,*', $orders)) { $orders = explode(',', str_replace(', ', ',', $orders)); } else { $orders = [$orders]; } foreach ($orders as $order) { if (fnmatch('* *', $order)) { list($f, $d) = explode(' ', $order, 2); } else { $f = $order; $d = 'ASC'; } $instance = $instance->order($f, $d); } } return $instance; }
public function hasEvent($key) { $check = Utils::token(); return $check != isake($this->_events, $key, $check); }
public function __isset($key) { $check = Utils::token(); return $check != isake($this->_data, $key, $check); }
public function has($k) { $check = Utils::UUID(); return $check != isAke($this->data[$this->ns], $k, $check); }
public function __call($func, $argv) { $key = sha1('orm' . $this->_token); $orm = isAke($this->values, $key, false); $key = sha1('model' . $this->_token); $dbjson = isAke($this->values, $key, false); if (substr($func, 0, 4) == 'link' && false !== $orm) { $value = Arrays::first($argv); $uncamelizeMethod = Inflector::uncamelize(lcfirst(substr($func, 4))); $var = Inflector::lower($uncamelizeMethod); if (!empty($var)) { $var = setter($var . '_id'); $this->{$var}($value->id); return $this; } } elseif (substr($func, 0, 3) == 'get') { $uncamelizeMethod = Inflector::uncamelize(lcfirst(substr($func, 3))); $var = Inflector::lower($uncamelizeMethod); if (isset($this->{$var})) { if (isset($this->thin_type)) { $type = $this->thin_type; Data::getModel($type); $settings = Arrays::exists($type, Data::$_settings) ? Data::$_settings[$type] : []; if (Arrays::exists('relationships', $settings)) { if (Arrays::exists($var, $settings['relationships'])) { return Data::getById($var, $this->{$var}); } } } if (Arrays::is($this->{$var}) && count($argv) == 1) { $o = new self(); $getter = getter(Arrays::first($argv)); $o->populate($this->{$var}); return $o->{$getter}(); } if ($this->{$var} instanceof Closure) { if (is_callable($this->{$var}) && count($argv)) { return call_user_func_array($this->{$var}, $argv); } } return count($argv) && is_null($this->{$var}) ? Arrays::first($argv) : $this->{$var}; } else { if (isset($this->db_instance)) { return $this->db_instance->getValue($this, $var); } if (isset($this->thin_type)) { $type = $this->thin_type; Data::getModel($type); $settings = Arrays::exists($type, Data::$_settings) ? Data::$_settings[$type] : []; $relationships = Arrays::exists('relationships', $settings) ? $settings['relationships'] : []; if (Arrays::exists($var, $relationships) && 's' == $var[strlen($var) - 1]) { if (Arrays::exists($var, $relationships)) { $res = dm(substr($var, 0, -1))->where("{$type} = " . $this->id)->get(); $collection = []; if (count($res)) { foreach ($res as $obj) { array_push($collection, $obj); } } return $collection; } } elseif (Arrays::exists('defaultValues', $settings)) { if (Arrays::is($settings['defaultValues'])) { if (Arrays::exists($this->{$var}, $settings['defaultValues'])) { return $settings['defaultValues'][$this->{$var}]; } } } } if (count($argv) == 1) { return Arrays::first($argv); } return null; } } elseif (substr($func, 0, 3) == 'has') { $uncamelizeMethod = Inflector::uncamelize(lcfirst(substr($func, 3))); $var = Inflector::lower($uncamelizeMethod); if (isset($this->{$var})) { return !empty($this->{$var}); } elseif (isset($this->db_instance)) { return $this->db_instance->hasValue($this, $var); } } elseif (substr($func, 0, 3) == 'set') { $value = Arrays::first($argv); $uncamelizeMethod = Inflector::uncamelize(lcfirst(substr($func, 3))); $var = Inflector::lower($uncamelizeMethod); if (!empty($var)) { if (isset($this->thin_type)) { Data::getModel($this->thin_type); $fields = Arrays::exists($this->thin_type, Data::$_fields) ? Data::$_fields[$this->thin_type] : []; if (!Arrays::exists($var, $fields)) { throw new Exception($var . ' is not defined in the model => ' . $this->thin_type); } else { $settingsField = $fields[$var]; if (Arrays::exists('checkValue', $settingsField)) { $functionCheck = $settingsField['checkValue']; $value = $functionCheck($value); } if (is_object($value)) { if (isset($value->thin_type)) { if ($value->thin_type == $var) { $value = $value->id; } } } } } $this->{$var} = $value; if (!Arrays::in($var, $this->_fields)) { $this->_fields[] = $var; } if (isset($this->is_thin_object)) { $name = $this->is_thin_object; $objects = Utils::get('thinObjects'); $this->values = null; $objects[$name] = $this; Utils::set('thinObjects', $objects); } if (isset($this->is_app)) { if (true === $this->is_app) { Utils::set('ThinAppContainer', $this); } } } elseif (isset($this->db_instance)) { return $this->db_instance->setValue($this, $var, $value); } return $this; } elseif (substr($func, 0, 3) == 'add') { $uncamelizeMethod = Inflector::uncamelize(lcfirst(substr($func, 3))); $var = Inflector::lower($uncamelizeMethod) . 's'; $value = Arrays::first($argv); if (!isset($this->{$var})) { $this->{$var} = []; } if (!Arrays::is($this->{$var})) { $this->{$var} = []; } array_push($this->{$var}, $value); return $this; } elseif (substr($func, 0, 6) == 'remove') { $uncamelizeMethod = Inflector::uncamelize(lcfirst(substr($func, 6))); $var = Inflector::lower($uncamelizeMethod) . 's'; $value = Arrays::first($argv); if (isset($this->{$var})) { if (Arrays::is($this->{$var})) { if (count($this->{$var})) { $remove = false; foreach ($this->{$var} as $key => $tmpValue) { $comp = md5(serialize($value)) == md5(serialize($tmpValue)); if (true === $comp) { $remove = true; break; } } if (true === $remove) { unset($this->{$var}[$key]); } } } } return $this; } if (Arrays::in($func, $this->_fields)) { if ($this->{$func} instanceof Closure) { return call_user_func_array($this->{$func}, $argv); } } if (Arrays::exists($func, $this->_closures)) { if ($this->_closures[$func] instanceof Closure) { return call_user_func_array($this->_closures[$func], $argv); } } if (isset($this->_token)) { $id = sha1($func . $this->_token); if (Arrays::is($this->values)) { if (Arrays::exists($id, $this->values)) { return call_user_func_array($this->values[$id], $argv); } } } if (true === hasEvent($func)) { array_push($argv, $this); return fire($func, $argv); } if (!is_callable($func) || substr($func, 0, 6) !== 'array_' || substr($func, 0, 3) !== 'set' || substr($func, 0, 3) !== 'get' || substr($func, 0, 3) !== 'has' || substr($func, 0, 3) !== 'add' || substr($func, 0, 6) !== 'remove') { $callable = strrev(repl('_', '', $func)); if (!is_callable($callable)) { if (method_exists($this, $callable)) { return call_user_func_array(array($this, $callable), $argv); } } else { return call_user_func_array($callable, $argv); } if (isset($this->thin_litedb)) { $closure = isAke($this->thin_litedb->closures, $func); if (!empty($closure) && $closure instanceof Closure) { return $closure($this); } } if (isset($this->db_instance)) { return $this->db_instance->{$func}($this, $var, $value); call_user_func_array(array($this->db_instance, $func), array_merge(array($this), $argv)); } if (false !== $orm) { $db = call_user_func_array($orm, []); $fields = array_keys($db->map['fields']); if (Arrays::in($func, $fields)) { if (!count($argv)) { return $this->{$func}; } else { $setter = setter($func); $this->{$setter}(Arrays::first($argv)); return $this; } } $tab = str_split($func); $many = false; if (Arrays::last($tab) == 's') { array_pop($tab); $table = implode('', $tab); $many = true; } else { $table = $func; } $object = count($argv) == 1 ? Arrays::first($argv) : false; $model = model($table); return true === $many ? $model->where($db->table . '_id = ' . $this->id)->exec($object) : $model->where($db->table . '_id = ' . $this->id)->first($object); } if (false !== $dbjson) { $db = $this->model()->db(); $fields = $db->fields(); $modelMethods = get_class_methods('Dbjson\\Model'); if (Arrays::in($func, $fields)) { if (!count($argv)) { return $this->{$func}; } else { $setter = setter($func); $this->{$setter}(Arrays::first($argv)); return $this; } } if (Arrays::in($func, $modelMethods)) { return call_user_func_array([$this->model(), $func], $argv); } $tab = str_split($func); $many = false; if (Arrays::last($tab) == 's') { array_pop($tab); $table = implode('', $tab); $many = true; } else { $table = $func; } $object = count($argv) == 1 ? Arrays::first($argv) : true; $model = jdb($db->db, $table); return true === $many ? $model->where($db->table . '_id = ' . $this->id)->exec($object) : $model->where($db->table . '_id = ' . $this->id)->first($object); } return null; } return call_user_func_array($func, array_merge(array($this->getArrayCopy()), $argv)); }
private function nextId() { return sha1(Utils::UUID() . Utils::token() . time()); }
public static function has($key) { $dummy = Utils::token(); return $dummy != static::get($key, $dummy); }
public function uuid() { return Utils::UUID(); }
private function export($type, $rows) { $fieldInfos = isAke($this->config, 'fields'); $fields = $this->fields(); if ('excel' == $type) { $excel = '<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta name="ProgId" content="Excel.Sheet"> <meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Excel 11"> <style id="Classeur1_17373_Styles"> <!--table {mso-displayed-decimal-separator:"\\,"; mso-displayed-thousand-separator:" ";} .xl1517373 {padding-top:1px; padding-right:1px; padding-left:1px; mso-ignore:padding; color:windowtext; font-size:10.0pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; font-family:Arial; mso-generic-font-family:auto; mso-font-charset:0; mso-number-format:General; text-align:general; vertical-align:bottom; mso-background-source:auto; mso-pattern:auto; white-space:nowrap;} .xl2217373 {padding-top:1px; padding-right:1px; padding-left:1px; mso-ignore:padding; color:#FFFF99; font-size:10.0pt; font-weight:700; font-style:normal; text-decoration:none; font-family:Arial, sans-serif; mso-font-charset:0; mso-number-format:General; text-align:center; vertical-align:bottom; background:#003366; mso-pattern:auto none; white-space:nowrap;} --> </style> </head> <body> <!--[if !excel]> <![endif]--> <div id="Classeur1_17373" align="center" x:publishsource="Excel"> <table x:str border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width=640 style="border-collapse: collapse; table-layout: fixed; width: 480pt"> <col width="80" span=8 style="width: 60pt"> <tr height="17" style="height:12.75pt"> ##headers## </tr> ##content## </table> </div> </body> </html>'; $tplHeader = '<td class="xl2217373">##value##</td>'; $tplData = '<td>##value##</td>'; $headers = []; foreach ($fields as $field) { $fieldSettings = isAke($fieldInfos, $field); $exportable = isAke($fieldSettings, 'is_exportable', true); $label = isAke($fieldSettings, 'label', ucfirst($field)); if (true === $exportable) { $headers[] = \Thin\Html\Helper::display($label); } } $xlsHeader = ''; foreach ($headers as $header) { $xlsHeader .= str_replace('##value##', $header, $tplHeader); } $excel = str_replace('##headers##', $xlsHeader, $excel); $xlsContent = ''; foreach ($rows as $item) { $xlsContent .= '<tr>'; foreach ($fields as $field) { $fieldSettings = isAke($fieldInfos, $field); $exportable = isAke($fieldSettings, 'is_exportable', true); if (true === $exportable) { $value = isAke($item, $field, ' '); if (Arrays::exists('content_list', $fieldSettings)) { $closure = $fieldSettings['content_list']; if (is_callable($closure)) { $value = call_user_func_array($closure, array($item)); } } if (empty($value)) { $value = ' '; } $xlsContent .= str_replace('##value##', \Thin\Html\Helper::display($value), $tplData); } } $xlsContent .= '</tr>'; } $excel = str_replace('##content##', $xlsContent, $excel); $name = 'extraction_' . $this->model->db . '_' . $this->model->table . '_' . date('d_m_Y_H_i_s') . '.xlsx'; $file = TMP_PUBLIC_PATH . DS . $name; File::delete($file); File::put($file, $excel); Utils::go(URLSITE . '/tmp/' . $name); } elseif ('pdf' == $type) { $pdf = '<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <title>Extraction ' . $this->model->db . ' - ' . $this->model->table . '</title> <style> * { font-family: Abel, ubuntu, verdana, tahoma, arial, sans serif; font-size: 11px; } h1 { text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 135%; } th { font-size: 120%; color: #fff; background-color: #394755; text-transform: uppercase; } td { border: solid 1px #394755; } a, a:visited, a:hover { color: #000; text-decoration: underline; } </style> </head> <body> <center><h1>Extraction « ' . $this->model->db . ' - ' . $this->model->table . ' »</h1></center> <p></p> <table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr> ##headers## </tr> ##content## </table> <p>© GP 1996 - ' . date('Y') . ' </p> </body> </html>'; $tplHeader = '<th>##value##</th>'; $tplData = '<td>##value##</td>'; $headers = []; foreach ($fields as $field) { $fieldSettings = isAke($fieldInfos, $field, []); $exportable = isAke($fieldSettings, 'is_exportable', true); if (true === $exportable) { $label = isAke($fieldSettings, 'label', ucfirst($field)); $headers[] = \Thin\Html\Helper::display($label); } } $pdfHeader = ''; foreach ($headers as $header) { $pdfHeader .= str_replace('##value##', $header, $tplHeader); } $pdf = str_replace('##headers##', $pdfHeader, $pdf); $pdfContent = ''; foreach ($rows as $item) { $pdfContent .= '<tr>'; foreach ($fields as $field) { $fieldSettings = isAke($fieldInfos, $field, []); $exportable = isAke($fieldSettings, 'is_exportable', true); if (true === $exportable) { $value = isAke($item, $field, ' '); if (Arrays::exists('content_list', $fieldSettings)) { $closure = $fieldSettings['content_list']; if (is_callable($closure)) { $value = call_user_func_array($closure, array($item)); } } if (empty($value)) { $value = ' '; } $pdfContent .= str_replace('##value##', \Thin\Html\Helper::display($value), $tplData); } } $pdfContent .= '</tr>'; } $pdf = str_replace('##content##', $pdfContent, $pdf); return \Thin\Pdf::make($pdf, "extraction_" . $this->model->db . "_" . $this->model->table . "_" . date('d_m_Y_H_i_s'), false); } }
public function __construct($app = 'core') { $this->__token = sha1($app . Utils::token()); }
public function row(array $data, $recursive = true, $extends = array()) { if (Arrays::isAssoc($data)) { $obj = o(sha1(serialize($data))); $obj->db_instance = $this; if (count($extends)) { foreach ($extends as $name => $instance) { $closure = function ($object) use($name, $instance) { $idx = $object->is_thin_object; $objects = Utils::get('thinObjects'); return $instance->{$name}($objects[$idx]); }; $obj->_closures[$name] = $closure; } } $fields = $this->fields(); foreach ($fields as $field) { $hasFk = $this->hasFk($field); if (false === $hasFk) { $obj->{$field} = $data[$field]; } else { extract($hasFk); $ar = ar($foreignEntity, $foreignTable); $one = contain('toone', Inflector::lower($type)); if ($one && $recursive) { $foreignObj = $ar->findBy($foreignKey, $data[$field], $one); $obj->{$relationKey} = $foreignObj; } } } $hasFk = ake('relationships', $this->_settings); if (true === $hasFk && $recursive) { $rs = $this->_settings['relationships']; if (count($rs)) { foreach ($rs as $field => $infos) { extract($infos); $ar = ar($foreignEntity, $foreignTable); if (!Arrays::in($field, $fields)) { $pk = $this->pk(); $obj->{$field} = $ar->findBy($foreignKey, $obj->{$pk}, false, false); } } } } return $obj; } return null; }
private function getPartials($code) { $tab = explode('@@partial', $code); array_shift($tab); $partials = array(); if (count($tab)) { foreach ($tab as $partial) { $partial = Utils::cut('(', ')', $partial); array_push($partials, $partial); } } return $partials; }
private function incQueries($start) { $numberOfQueries = container()->getNumberOfQueries(); $numberOfQueries = is_null($numberOfQueries) ? 0 : $numberOfQueries; $numberOfQueries++; $totalDuration = container()->getTotalDuration(); $totalDuration = is_null($totalDuration) ? 0 : $totalDuration; $totalDuration += $this->getTime() - $start; Utils::set('NbQueries', $numberOfQueries); Utils::set('SQLTotalDuration', $totalDuration); }
private function csv($data) { $csv = implode("\n", $data); $name = date('d_m_Y_H_i_s') . '_' . $this->table . '_export.csv'; $file = TMP_PUBLIC_PATH . DS . $name; File::delete($file); File::put($file, $csv); Utils::go(str_replace(['jma_dev.php', 'jma_prod.php'], '', URLSITE) . 'tmp/' . $name); }
private function csv($data) { $csv = implode("\n", $data); $name = date('d_m_Y_H_i_s') . '_' . $this->entity . '_export.csv'; $file = TMP_PUBLIC_PATH . DS . $name; File::delete($file); File::put($file, $csv); Utils::go(repl('nma.php', '', URLSITE) . 'tmp/' . $name); }
public function img($q) { $data = lib('geo')->dwnCache("" . urlencode($q)); $tab = explode('}, "orig": {"url": ', $data); array_shift($tab); $collection = []; foreach ($tab as $row) { $src = str_replace(["\\"], [""], Utils::cut('"', '"', $row)); $width = Utils::cut('"width": ', ',', $row); $height = Utils::cut('"height": ', '}', $row); $collection[] = ['src' => $src, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height]; } return $collection; }