private function authJsonRequest()
     return (new JsonRequest(Textocat::resource('entity/')))->getParamAdd(['auth_token' => $this->apiKey]);

// Say you already installed `textocat-php-sdk' via `composer'
// then next line is sufficient to have all classes ready to be loaded.
require "./vendor/autoload.php";
use TextocatSDK\Http\Client as KittyClient;
use TextocatSDK\Textocat as Kitty;
// Shortest way possible:
$result = (new KittyClient('--API KEY--'))->batch(Kitty::Document('Председатель совета директоров ОАО «МДМ Банк» Олег Вьюгин — о том, чему
   приведет обмен санкциями между Россией и Западом в следующем году.
   Беседовала Светлана Сухова.'))->syncRetrieve();
// * Create client instance; it must know your `auth_token'
// * Instantiate a batch from client with single document (50 is max)
// * Launch blocking `retrieve' method to receive results
 public static function isOffline()
     return (new JsonRequest(Textocat::resource('status')))->send()['statusCode'] == self::CODE_OFFLINE;