public function createJsonRequest($method, array $params = []) { $this->request = new Request(Arr::get($params, 'getParams', []), [], Arr::get($params, 'attributes', []), [], [], [], Arr::get($params, 'content') !== null ? json_encode($params['content']) : ''); $this->request->setMethod($method); $this->request->headers->set('CONTENT_TYPE', 'application/json'); return $this->request; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function checkClientCredentials($clientId, $clientSecret = null) { $select = new Select($this->config['client_table']); $select->where(array('client_id' => $clientId)); $result = $this->execute($select)->current(); return Arr::get($result, 'client_secret', null) === $clientSecret; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function register(Application $app) { $app['email.mapper'] = $app->share(function (Application $app) { return new EmailMapper($app['db'], new EmailEntity()); }); $app['email.service'] = $app->share(function (Application $app) { $service = new EmailService(); $service->setEmailMapper($app['email.mapper'])->setEmailConfig($app['config']->load('email'))->setResque($app['resque']); return $service; }); $app['email.sender'] = $app->share(function (Application $app) { $emailConfig = $app['config']->load('email'); if (!($apiKey = Arr::path($emailConfig, 'sender.mandrill.apiKey'))) { return; } $sender = new MandrillSender(new Mandrill($apiKey), $app['email.mapper']); $sender->setConfig($emailConfig); return $sender; }); $app['email.send'] = $app->share(function (Application $app) { $command = new SendEmailCommand('email:send'); $command->setEmailMapper($app['email.mapper']); if ($app['email.sender']) { $command->setEmailSender($app['email.sender']); } return $command; }); }
/** * Wrap the handle function and only allow a record through if it is not a * DummyException * * {@inheritDoc} */ public function handle(array $record) { $e = Arr::path($record, 'context.exception'); if ($e !== null and $e instanceof DummyException) { return false; } return $this->handler->handle($record); }
public function withUserFoundHavingPassword($password, $attributes = []) { $hashedPassword = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT); $attributes['enabled'] = Arr::get($attributes, 'enabled', '1'); $attributes['verified'] = Arr::get($attributes, 'verified', '1'); $attributes['password'] = $hashedPassword; $user = new UserEntity($attributes); $this->mockUserService->expects($this->any())->method('findByEmail')->will($this->returnValue($user)); }
public function setMockInputWithArguments(array $args = []) { $this->mocks['input'] = $this->getMockBuilder('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArrayInput')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock(); $this->mocks['input']->expects($this->any())->method('getArguments')->will($this->returnValue($args)); $getter = function ($field) use($args) { return Arr::get($args, $field); }; $this->mocks['input']->expects($this->any())->method('getArgument')->will($this->returnCallback($getter)); }
/** * Create an email entity from an array and populate with default data * * @param array $data Data to populate the email * @return Email */ public function createFromArray(array $data) { $headers = json_encode(Arr::path($this->emailConfig, 'defaults.headers', [])); $defaults = ['headers' => $headers, 'sender_email' => Arr::path($this->emailConfig, ''), 'sender_name' => Arr::path($this->emailConfig, '')]; $email = $this->emailMapper->getPrototype(); $email = $email->exchangeArray(array_merge($defaults, $data)); $email = $this->emailMapper->persist($email); return $email; }
/** * @param RollbarNotifier $rollbarNotifier RollbarNotifier object constructed with valid token * @param string $environment * @param boolean $bubble Whether the messages that are handled can bubble up the stack or not */ public function __construct($config, $environment, $bubble = true) { $token = Arr::get($config, 'post_server_item_access_token'); if (!$token) { throw new ConfigException('Rollbar is enabled but the post server item access token is not set.'); } $this->rollbarNotifier = new RollbarNotifier(['access_token' => $token, 'environment' => $environment, 'batched' => false, 'root' => Arr::get($config, 'root')]); $level = Arr::path($config, 'level') ?: Logger::ERROR; parent::__construct($level, $bubble); }
/** * Return the whitelist trap address with the specified email injected as a suffix * * Example: * Email to transform : * Trap email : * Result : * * @param string $address Email address to transform * @return string Transformed address */ protected function injectIntoTrapAddress($address) { $trapAddress = Arr::path($this->config, 'whitelist.trap'); if (!$trapAddress) { throw new RuntimeException('Email address not whitelisted but no email trap exists'); } $address = str_ireplace('@', '+', $address); list($trapName, $trapDomain) = explode('@', $trapAddress); return sprintf('%s+%s@%s', $trapName, $address, $trapDomain); }
public function setUpMockUrlGenerator() { $captured = $this->captured; $this->mockUrlGenerator = $this->getMock('Symfony\\Component\\Routing\\Generator\\UrlGeneratorInterface'); $this->mockUrlGenerator->expects($this->any())->method('generate')->will($this->returnCallback(function ($name, $params, $refType) use($captured) { $generatedUrl = '/users/' . Arr::get($params, 'id'); $captured->generatedUrl = $generatedUrl; return $generatedUrl; })); $this->captured = $captured; }
public function register(Application $app) { $app['css-to-inline'] = $app->share(function ($app) { return new CssToInlineStyles(); }); $app['handlebars'] = $app->share(function ($app) { $emailConfig = $app['config']->load('template'); $templatePath = Arr::path($emailConfig, 'handlebars.path', APPDIR . '/templates'); return new Handlebars(['loader' => new FilesystemLoader($templatePath, ['extension' => '.hbs']), 'partials_loader' => new FilesystemLoader($templatePath, ['prefix' => '_'])]); }); $app['template.service'] = $app->share(function ($app) { return new TemplateService($app['handlebars'], $app['css-to-inline']); }); }
/** * Create an email entity from an array and populate with default data * * @param array $data Data to populate the email * @return Email */ public function createFromArray(array $data) { $headers = json_encode(Arr::path($this->emailConfig, 'defaults.headers', [])); if (isset($data['sender_localpart'])) { if (!Arr::path($this->emailConfig, 'defaults.sender.domain')) { throw new \Exception('defaults.sender.domain not set in email config'); } $data['sender_email'] = Arr::remove($data, 'sender_localpart') . '@' . Arr::path($this->emailConfig, 'defaults.sender.domain'); } $defaults = ['headers' => $headers, 'sender_email' => Arr::path($this->emailConfig, ''), 'sender_name' => Arr::path($this->emailConfig, '')]; $email = $this->emailMapper->getPrototype(); $email = $email->exchangeArray(array_merge($defaults, $data)); $email = $this->emailMapper->persist($email); return $email; }
/** * Verify user registration with token and user id * * @param Request $request * @return array */ public function post(Request $request) { $id = $request->attributes->get('id'); $token = Arr::get($this->getContentAsArray($request), 'token'); if (!$token) { return $this->createSimpleResponse(422, 'Token not specified.'); } $conditions = ['user_id' => $id, 'token' => $token, 'token_type_id' => TokenEntity::TYPE_VERIFY_REGISTRATION]; $token = $this->userService->findTokenBy($conditions); if (!$token) { return $this->createNotFoundResponse(); } try { $user = $this->userService->verifyRegistration($token); } catch (OutOfBoundsException $e) { $httpCodes = [UserService::INCORRECT_TOKEN_TYPE => 422, UserService::TOKEN_EXPIRED => 410, UserService::TOKEN_NOT_FOUND => 404]; return $this->createErrorResponse(['token' => ['INVALID']], $httpCodes[$e->getCode()]); } $user = $user->getArrayCopy(); unset($user['password']); return $user; }
/** * Reset password using token and new password * * @param Request $request * @return array */ public function put(Request $request) { $token = Arr::get($this->getContentAsArray($request), 'token'); // Ensure token is valid $token = $this->userService->findTokenBy(['token' => $token, 'token_type_id' => TokenEntity::TYPE_RESET_PASSWORD]); if (!$token) { return $this->createNotFoundResponse(); } if ($token->getExpires() < time()) { return $this->createNotFoundResponse(); } $user = $this->userService->findById($token->getUserId()); if (!$user) { return $this->createNotFoundResponse(); } $password = Arr::get($this->getContentAsArray($request), 'password'); // Ensure user input is valid if (!$password) { return $this->createErrorResponse(['password' => ['EMPTY']], 422); } $this->userService->resetPassword($user, $password); $this->userService->deleteToken($token); return $this->userArrayWithoutPassword($user); }
/** * Handle logout request * * @param Request $request * @return Response */ public function logout(Request $request) { $content = json_decode($request->getContent(), true); $securityToken = $this->security->getToken(); $user = $securityToken->getUser(); $accessToken = $securityToken->getOAuthToken(); $refreshToken = Arr::get($content, 'refresh_token'); $this->session->set('user', null); if (!$refreshToken) { return new Response('Refresh token not provided', 422); } try { $this->expireAccessToken($accessToken); $this->expireRefreshToken($refreshToken, $user); } catch (OutOfBoundsException $e) { return new Response($e->getMessage(), 422); } return new Response('', 200); }
/** * Get values which are saved to the database * * Useful if as_array is overridden to return values not * saved to the database. * * @return array */ public function getDbValues() { return Arr::extract($this->getArrayCopy(), $this->getColumns()); }
/** * Get the query parameters given for the SQL query provided * * @param integer $key Key of the SQL query run (0 = the first query run, 1 = the second, etc) * @return array|null List of parameters or null if none found */ protected function getQueryParams($key = 0) { return Arr::get($this->queryParameters, $key); }
/** * Export database data to dbData install file * * @param string $outputPath Path where file should be exported */ protected function dumpData($outputPath) { $tables = Arr::get($this->installConfig, 'dataTables', []); /** * Do not attempt to create an empty data install file if no tables are to be exported. * Otherwise all tables will be exported. */ if (!count($tables)) { return; } $command = sprintf('mysqldump %s %s -u %s -p%s --no-create-info > %s', escapeshellarg($this->dbConfig['database']), implode(' ', $tables), escapeshellarg($this->dbConfig['username']), escapeshellarg($this->dbConfig['password']), escapeshellarg($outputPath . '/' . self::DATA_FILE)); return shell_exec($command); }
/** * Initialize Resque * * @param array $config */ public function __construct($config = []) { ResqueLib::setBackend(Arr::get($config, 'host')); }
/** * Convert a multi-dimensional array into a single-dimensional array. * * $array = array('set' => array('one' => 'something'), 'two' => 'other'); * * // Flatten the array * $array = Arr::flatten($array); * * // The array will now be * array('one' => 'something', 'two' => 'other'); * * [!!] The keys of array values will be discarded. * * @param array $array array to flatten * @return array * @since 3.0.6 */ public static function flatten($array) { $is_assoc = Arr::isAssoc($array); $flat = []; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $flat = array_merge($flat, Arr::flatten($value)); } else { if ($is_assoc) { $flat[$key] = $value; } else { $flat[] = $value; } } } return $flat; }
/** * * @test * @dataProvider providerFlatten */ public function testFlatten($source, $expected) { $this->assertSame($expected, Arr::flatten($source)); }
/** * Get the count of results from a given query * * @param Select $query * @return int */ protected function getQueryResultCount(Select $query) { $queryString = $this->getSqlObject()->getSqlStringForSqlObject($query, $this->dbAdapter->getPlatform()); $format = 'Select count(*) as `count` from (%s) as `query_count`'; $countQueryString = sprintf($format, $queryString); $countQuery = $this->dbAdapter->query($countQueryString); $result = $countQuery->execute()->current(); return (int) Arr::get($result, 'count'); }
/** * Register log handler for Rollbar * * @return RollbarHandler */ protected function getRollbarHandler($environment) { $rollbarConfig = Arr::get($this->config, 'rollbar', []); return new RollbarHandler($rollbarConfig, $environment); }
/** * Find roles for a user by user ID * * @param string $userId * @return array Array of role names */ public function findRoleNamesByUserId($userId) { $query = $this->getSqlObject()->select()->join('user_roles', ' = pvt_roles_users.role_id', ['name'])->where(['user_id' => $userId]); $results = $this->execute($query)->toArray(); return Arr::pluck($results, 'name'); }
public function testPutReturns200AndUserEntityWithPasswordRemoved() { $this->withUserServiceFindTokenByReturningToken(); $this->withUserServiceFindByIdReturningUser(); $response = $this->performPutRequest(); $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode()); $responseBody = json_decode($response->getContent(), true); $this->assertEquals(null, Arr::get($responseBody, 'content')); }