private function testEnv(array $functions, $url, OutputInterface $output)
     $soapClient = new \SoapClient($url, array('cache_wsdl' => 0, 'trace' => 1, 'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1));
     foreach ($functions as $function => $parameters) {
         $output->writeln('Test de la fonction soap <comment>' . $function . '</comment>');
         $output->writeln('Parameters : ');
         if (!array_key_exists('methodCall', $this->config) || $this->config['methodCall'] == 'soapCall') {
             $result = $soapClient->__soapCall($function, $parameters);
         } else {
             $result = $soapClient->{$function}($parameters);
         $headers = $soapClient->__getLastResponseHeaders();
         if ($output->isDebug()) {
             $output->writeln('Entete de la reponse : ');
         if (false === ($site = $this->getSiteHeader($headers))) {
             throw new \Exception('Site Header introuvable dans la réponse.', 1);
         $output->writeln('Serveur ayant repondu : <info>' . $site . '</info>');
         $output->writeln('Reponse : ');
         if ($output->isDebug()) {
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $targetTheme = null;
     $targetThemeSlug = $input->getArgument('theme');
     if (static::CURRENT_THEME == $input->getArgument('theme')) {
         // no user chosen theme: load current
         /** @var \WP_Theme $targetTheme */
         $targetTheme = wp_get_theme();
         $targetThemeSlug = $targetTheme->get_stylesheet();
     if (!$targetTheme) {
         // load user chosen theme
         $targetTheme = wp_get_theme($targetThemeSlug);
     if (!$targetTheme->exists()) {
         throw new \DomainException('Theme ' . $targetThemeSlug . ' does not exist.');
     if ($output->isDebug()) {
         $output->writeln('Theme: ' . $targetTheme->get_stylesheet());
     $morphMethod = $this->getMorphMethod($input);
     // resolve readable name
     $name = $targetThemeSlug;
     if ($targetTheme->get('Name')) {
         $name = $targetTheme->get('Name');
     $this->verbose('Checking ' . $name);
     // resolve theme text domain
     $textDomain = $name;
     if ($targetTheme->get('TextDomain')) {
         $textDomain = $targetTheme->get('TextDomain');
     $this->verbose(' (TextDomain: ' . $textDomain . ')' . PHP_EOL);
     $langPath = WpTheme::resolveLanguagesPath($targetTheme);
     // fetch strings
     $extractor = new WordPressExtractor();
     $extractor::$extractComments = true;
     $extractor::$textDomain = $textDomain;
     $translatable = $extractor->fromDirectory($targetTheme->get_stylesheet_directory());
     // todo B fetch and merge translations from po file
     // skeleton created
     // file name is same as the slug which is a common way if you look at twenty* themes.
     $skeletonBasename = $targetThemeSlug . '.' . $input->getOption('format');
     if ('po' == $input->getOption('format')) {
         // po templates have the pot extension in the filename
         $skeletonBasename .= 't';
     // merge with existing template
     $skeletonPath = $langPath . '/' . $skeletonBasename;
     $extractMethod = 'from' . ucfirst($input->getOption('format')) . 'File';
     /** @var Translations $skeletonTranslation */
     $skeletonTranslation = call_user_func(['\\Gettext\\Translations', $extractMethod], [$skeletonPath]);
     $this->sanitizeTranslation($translatable, $textDomain, $targetTheme->get_stylesheet_directory());
     $skeletonTranslation->mergeWith($translatable, $translatable::MERGE_ADD | $translatable::MERGE_REFERENCES);
     $this->writeTranslation($input, $output, $skeletonPath, $skeletonTranslation);
     $this->updateTranslations($input, $output, $targetTheme, $skeletonTranslation, $textDomain);
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $serverSection = $input->getOption('server');
     $config = new \Zend_Config_Ini('config.ini', $serverSection);
     $server = $config->server;
     if (!isset($server->host)) {
         throw new \Exception("Invalid server settings for section '{$serverSection}': host is required");
     if (isset($server->user)) {
         $host = $server->user . '@' . $server->host;
     } else {
         $host = $server->host;
     if (isset($server->port)) {
         $host .= ' -p ' . $server->port;
     if (isset($server->dir)) {
         $cmd = "cd " . $server->dir . ';';
     $gitEnvVars = "GIT_AUTHOR_NAME=" . escapeshellarg(isset($_ENV['GIT_AUTHOR_NAME']) ? $_ENV['GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'] : trim(`git config`)) . " GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=" . escapeshellarg(isset($_ENV['GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL']) ? $_ENV['GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL'] : trim(`git config`)) . " GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=" . escapeshellarg(isset($_ENV['GIT_COMITTER_NAME']) ? $_ENV['GIT_COMITTER_NAME'] : trim(`git config`)) . " GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL=" . escapeshellarg(isset($_ENV['GIT_COMITTER_EMAIL']) ? $_ENV['GIT_COMITTER_EMAIL'] : trim(`git config`));
     $cmd .= $gitEnvVars . ' ';
     $cmd .= "exec bash";
     $cmd = "ssh -t {$host} " . escapeshellarg($cmd);
     if ($output->isDebug()) {
     $ret = null;
     passthru($cmd, $ret);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $manifest = Manifest::download($this->pharUpdateManifestUrl, $output->isDebug());
     $manager = new Manager($manifest, $this->getLocalFilesystem());
     !$this->logger ?: $manager->setLogger($this->logger);
     $currentVersion = $this->getApplication()->getVersion();
     $newVersion = null !== $input->getArgument('version') ? $input->getArgument('version') : null;
     $major = $input->getOption('major');
     // Lock to current major version?
     $pre = true;
     //Allow pre-releases?
     if (false === $manager->update($currentVersion, $major, $pre, $newVersion, $output->isDebug())) {
         return self::EXIT_ERROR;
     return self::EXIT_SUCCESS;
  * Runs an external process.
  * @param OutputInterface      $output    An OutputInterface instance
  * @param string|array|Process $cmd       An instance of Process or an array of arguments to escape and run or a command to run
  * @param string|null          $error     An error message that must be displayed if something went wrong
  * @param callable|null        $callback  A PHP callback to run whenever there is some
  *                                        output available on STDOUT or STDERR
  * @param int                  $verbosity The threshold for verbosity
  * @return Process The process that ran
 public function run(OutputInterface $output, $cmd, $error = null, $callback = null, $verbosity = OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE)
     $formatter = $this->getHelperSet()->get('debug_formatter');
     if (is_array($cmd)) {
         $process = ProcessBuilder::create($cmd)->getProcess();
     } elseif ($cmd instanceof Process) {
         $process = $cmd;
     } else {
         $process = new Process($cmd);
     if ($verbosity <= $output->getVerbosity()) {
         $output->write($formatter->start(spl_object_hash($process), $this->escapeString($process->getCommandLine())));
     if ($output->isDebug()) {
         $callback = $this->wrapCallback($output, $process, $callback);
     if ($verbosity <= $output->getVerbosity()) {
         $message = $process->isSuccessful() ? 'Command ran successfully' : sprintf('%s Command did not run successfully', $process->getExitCode());
         $output->write($formatter->stop(spl_object_hash($process), $message, $process->isSuccessful()));
     if (!$process->isSuccessful() && null !== $error) {
         $output->writeln(sprintf('<error>%s</error>', $this->escapeString($error)));
     return $process;
Exemple #6
  * Build Process instance for each testcase file
  * @param string $fileName
  * @param array $phpunitArgs
  * @return Process
 protected function buildProcess($fileName, array $phpunitArgs = [])
     $processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder();
     $dispatcher = $this->command->getDispatcher();
     $dispatcher->dispatch(CommandEvents::RUN_TESTS_PROCESS, $processEvent = new RunTestsProcessEvent($this->command, $this->input, $this->output, $processBuilder, $phpunitArgs));
     $process = $processBuilder->setEnv('BROWSER_NAME', $this->input->getArgument('browser'))->setEnv('ENV', strtolower($this->input->getArgument('environment')))->setEnv('SERVER_URL', $this->input->getOption('server-url'))->setEnv('PUBLISH_RESULTS', $this->input->getOption('publish-results') ? '1' : '0')->setEnv('FIXTURES_DIR', $this->input->getOption('fixtures-dir'))->setEnv('LOGS_DIR', $this->input->getOption('logs-dir'))->setEnv('DEBUG', $this->output->isDebug() ? '1' : '0')->setPrefix(STEWARD_BASE_DIR . '/vendor/bin/phpunit')->setArguments(array_merge($processEvent->getArgs(), [$fileName]))->setTimeout(3600)->getProcess();
     return $process;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function executeCommandByProject($projectName, ProjectConfiguration $projectConfig, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->getSshExec()->passthru(strtr('cd %project_dir% && /usr/local/bin/sami update sami_config.php' . ($output->isDebug() ? ' -v' : ''), ['%project_dir%' => $projectConfig->getRemoteWebappDir()]));
     $localBuildDir = sprintf('%s/build/apidoc', $projectConfig->getLocalWebappDir());
     $apiDocIndexFilepath = strtr('%build_dir%/index.html', ['%project_name%' => $projectConfig->getProjectName(), '%build_dir%' => $localBuildDir]);
     if (file_exists($apiDocIndexFilepath)) {
Exemple #8
  * Creates a debug message.
 public function debug($message, \PhpParser\Node $expr = null)
     if ($this->output->isDebug()) {
         $this->output->writeln('[DEBUG] ' . $message);
         if ($expr) {
             $this->output->write(':' . $expr->getLine());
 private function _systemCheckRet($cmd, InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $ret = null;
     if ($output->isDebug()) {
     passthru($cmd, $ret);
     if ($ret != 0) {
         throw new \Exception("command failed");
  * @{inheritdoc}
 protected function executeCommandByProject($projectName, ProjectConfiguration $projectConfig, OutputInterface $output)
     $remoteReportFilePath = strtr('%build_dir%/%project_name%.html', ['%project_name%' => $projectConfig->getProjectName(), '%build_dir%' => $this->remoteBuildDir]);
     // Analyse source project code
     $this->getSshExec()->passthru(strtr('mkdir -p %build_dir% && /usr/local/bin/phpmetrics --level=0 --report-html=%report_file% %project_dir%/src' . ($output->isDebug() ? ' --verbose' : ''), ['%report_file%' => $remoteReportFilePath, '%build_dir%' => $this->remoteBuildDir, '%project_dir%' => $projectConfig->getRemoteWebappDir()]));
     $localReportFilePath = str_replace($this->remoteBuildDir, $this->localBuildDir, $remoteReportFilePath);
     $this->getRemoteFilesystem()->copyRemoteFileToLocal($remoteReportFilePath, $localReportFilePath);
     if ($this->getLocalFilesystem()->exists($localReportFilePath)) {
     return $this->getSshExec()->getLastReturnStatus();
Exemple #11
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $host = $input->getOption('host');
     $username = $input->getOption('username');
     $password = $input->getOption('password');
     //Debug: print received options
     if ($output->isDebug()) {
         $output->writeln("host=" . $host);
         $output->writeln("username="******"password=" . $password);
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $output->writeln('Get weather info from yandex. CityId = ' . $this->_config['weather']['cityId']);
     $info = new \Petun\YaSpeech\Weather\Info($this->_config['weather']['cityId']);
     $composer = new \Petun\YaSpeech\Weather\Composer($info);
     if ($output->isDebug()) {
         $output->writeln('Generated text is ' . $composer->getComposition($this->_config['weather']['composition']));
     $output->writeln('Send text to yandex speech');
     $speech = new \Petun\YaSpeech\Speech\Processor($this->_config['speech']['apiKey'], $this->_config['speech']['speaker'], $this->_config['speech']['emotion']);
     $content = $speech->getMp3($composer->getComposition($this->_config['weather']['composition']));
     if ($content) {
         $fileToSave = $this->_config['cacheDir'] . '/today_weather.mp3';
         $output->writeln('Save to file - ' . $fileToSave);
         $bytes = file_put_contents($fileToSave, $content);
         if ($output->isDebug()) {
             $output->writeln('Write ' . $bytes . ' bytes');
     } else {
         $output->writeln('Error while download file');
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     /** @var ConsoleOutput $output */
     $container = $this->getContainer();
     $logger = $container->get('logger');
     /** @var LocaleRepository $localeRepository */
     $localeRepository = $container->get('doctrine')->getManager()->getRepository('OmCmsI18nBundle:Locale');
     $aliases = $localeRepository->getActiveAliases();
     if ($output->isDebug()) {
         $logger->debug('Find aliases', $aliases);
     $parameters = ['parameters' => ['om_cms_i18n.locale.aliases' => $aliases]];
     $filename = $container->getParameter('om_cms_i18n.locale.filename');
     $fs = new Filesystem();
     $dumper = new Dumper();
     $data = $dumper->dump($parameters);
     $fs->dumpFile($filename, $data);
     if ($output->isDebug()) {
         $logger->debug('Dump data', ['filename' => $filename, $data]);
     if ($input->getOption('cache-clear')) {
         $cmd = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.root_dir') . '/console ';
         $inputParameters = ['command' => 'cache:clear', '--env' => $container->getParameter('kernel.environment')];
         if ($output->getVerbosity() <= OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL) {
             $inputParameters['--no-debug'] = null;
         $cmd .= (new ArrayInput($inputParameters))->__toString();
         $process = new Process($cmd);
         $process->mustRun(function ($type, $buffer) use($output) {
             if (Process::ERR === $type) {
                 $output->write('<error>' . $buffer . '</error>');
             } else {
                 if ($output->isDebug()) {
  * @{inheritdoc}
 protected function executeCommandByProject($projectName, ProjectConfiguration $projectConfig, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->getSshExec()->passthru(strtr('cd %project_dir% && phpspec run --format=%format% --stop-on-failure ' . ($output->isDebug() ? ' --verbose' : ''), ['%format%' => $this->format, '%project_dir%' => $projectConfig->getRemoteWebappDir()]));
     $buildDir = $this->remoteBuildDir . '/tests';
     $report = $this->getSshExec()->exec(strtr('cd %project_dir% && phpspec run --format=html --no-interaction > %build_dir%/unit.html', ['%project_dir%' => $projectConfig->getRemoteWebappDir(), '%build_dir%' => $buildDir]));
     $this->getRemoteFilesystem()->syncRemoteToLocal($this->remoteBuildDir, $this->localBuildDir, ['delete' => true]);
     $statusCode = $this->getSshExec()->getLastReturnStatus() == 0 && strpos($report, 'broken') === false ? 0 : 1;
     if ($this->displayStatusText) {
         $output->writeln(sprintf('<comment>Executes unit tests for project "<info>%s</info>"</comment>: %s', $projectName, $statusCode == 0 ? '<info>SUCCESS</info>' : '<error>ERROR</error>'));
     return $statusCode;
  * @param Process $process
  * @param OutputInterface $output
 private function runTests($process, $output)
     if ($output->isDebug()) {
         $process->run(function ($type, $buffer) use($output) {
             if (Process::ERR === $type) {
                 $output->write('<fg=yellow>' . $buffer . '</fg=yellow>');
             } else {
     } else {
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $host = $input->getOption('host');
     $username = $input->getOption('username');
     $password = $input->getOption('password');
     //Debug: print received options
     if ($output->isDebug()) {
         $output->writeln("host=" . $host);
         $output->writeln("username="******"password="******"TODO Format address-list");
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $host = $input->getOption('host');
     $username = $input->getOption('username');
     $password = $input->getOption('password');
     //Debug: print received options
     if ($output->isDebug()) {
         $output->writeln("host=" . $host);
         $output->writeln("username="******"password=" . $password);
     $data = $this->getResources($host, $username, $password);
     $this->outFormatter($input, $output, $data);
Exemple #18
 public function computeLogThreshold(OutputInterface $output)
     if ($output->isDebug()) {
         return Logger::DEBUG;
     if ($output->isVeryVerbose()) {
         return Logger::INFO;
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         return Logger::INFO;
     if ($output->isQuiet()) {
         return \PHP_INT_MAX;
     return Logger::WARNING;
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $host = $input->getOption('host');
     $username = $input->getOption('username');
     $password = $input->getOption('password');
     //Debug: print received options
     if ($output->isDebug()) {
         $output->writeln("host=" . $host);
         $output->writeln("username="******"password="******"Time missing: i.e. reboot in 10m");
             $output->writeln("TODO reboot in " . $input->getArgument('action')[1]);
         case 'cancel':
             //cancels scheduled reboot
         case 'now':
             //no prompt
             $output->writeln("TODO reboot now " . $host);
             $this->doReboot($host, $username, $password);
             //prompt confirm reboot
             $ans = $this->askConfirm($input, $output);
             if ($ans !== true) {
             $output->writeln("TODO reboot " . $host);
             $this->doReboot($host, $username, $password);
Exemple #20
  * {@inheritDoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $logger = new ConsoleLogger($output);
     $questionAsker = new QuestionAsker($this->getHelper('question'), $input, $output);
     try {
         $targetDir = call_user_func_array($this->dirValidatorFactory, [$questionAsker, $this->filesystem])->validateValue($input->getArgument('path'));
         $data = call_user_func_array($this->dataProviderFactory, [$questionAsker])->getData();
         $assets = call_user_func_array($this->assetCollectionFactory, [$this->filesystem, $data]);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if ($output->isDebug()) {
             throw $e;
         return Application::EXIT_CODE_MAPPING[get_class($e)] ?? Application::EXIT_CODE_UNKOWN_ERROR;
Exemple #21
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $runtimeTask = new RuntimeTask($this, $this->definedTask, $input, $output);
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln("<info>Starting </info>" . $this->definedTask->getName());
     $this->ancestry[] = $this->definedTask->getName();
     if ($output->isDebug()) {
         $output->writeln("<info>Current ancestry is </info>" . implode(" > ", $this->ancestry));
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln("<info>Running </info>" . $this->definedTask->getName());
     $retVal = $this->fire($runtimeTask);
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln("<info>Finished </info>" . $this->definedTask->getName());
     return $retVal;
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     if ($input->getOption('dry-run')) {
         $output->writeln('<info>This is a dry-run run, no pad will deleted.</info>');
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln(sprintf('<info>INFO:</info> Pads before %s will be deleted', $this->threshold->format($this->dateFormat)));
     $padIds = $this->getAllPads($input->getOption('apikey'), $input->getOption('host'));
     if ($padIds === false) {
         $output->writeln('<error>Could not receive all pads.</error>');
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln(sprintf('<info>INFO:</info> %s pad(s) stored', $this->countPads));
     foreach ($padIds as $padId) {
         $lastEdited = Pad::getLastEdited($padId, $input->getOption('apikey'), $input->getOption('host'));
         if ($lastEdited === false) {
         if ($lastEdited < $this->threshold->getTimestamp()) {
             if ($output->isDebug()) {
                 $output->writeln(sprintf('<info>DEBUG:</info> "%s" was last edited on %s and will purged', $padId, date($this->dateFormat, $lastEdited)));
             if (!$input->getOption('dry-run')) {
                 if (!Pad::deletePad($padId, $input->getOption('apikey'), $input->getOption('host'))) {
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln(sprintf('<info>INFO:</info> %s pad(s) deleted', $this->countPadsDeleted));
         $output->writeln(sprintf('<info>INFO:</info> %s pad(s) failed', $this->countPadsFailed));
Exemple #23
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $this->info('Start tail on ' . date('d.m.Y H:i'));
     $file = $this->config->receivers['log']['to'];
     $lastContent = false;
     if (file_exists($file)) {
         while ($content = file_get_contents($file)) {
             if ($output->isDebug()) {
                 $this->comment('Check log file for new content');
             if ($content !== $lastContent) {
                 $newContent = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($lastContent) . '/', '', $content);
                 // is not first while run
                 if ($lastContent != false) {
                 $lastContent = $content;
     } else {
         $this->error("Log file not exists.");
  * @param InputInterface $input
  * @param OutputInterface $output
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $verbosity = $output->getVerbosity();
     if ($verbosity > 0) {
         $verbosityMapping = [1 => Logger::WARNING, 2 => Logger::NOTICE, 3 => Logger::INFO, 4 => Logger::DEBUG];
         $handler = new StreamHandler('php://stdout', $verbosityMapping[$verbosity]);
         $handler->setFormatter(new ColoredLineFormatter());
     if ($output->isVerbose()) {
         $this->eventDispatcher->addListener(EventEnum::QUEUE_BINDED, function (AMQPQueueBindedEvent $event) use($output) {
             $output->writeln('topic binded: ' . $event->getBindingKey());
         $this->eventDispatcher->addListener(\Lexsign\StateMachine\Events\EventEnum::VALUE_UPDATED, function (ValueEvent $event) use($output) {
             $changeSet = $event->getChangeSet();
             if ($changeSet->hasChanged()) {
                 $output->writeln('<info>' . $changeSet->getTimestamp()->format(DateTime::ISO8601) . ' - ' . $changeSet->getKey() . ': ' . var_export($changeSet->getPreviousValue(), true) . ' -> ' . var_export($changeSet->getCurrentValue(), true) . '</info>');
     if ($output->isVeryVerbose()) {
         $this->eventDispatcher->addListener(\Lexsign\StateMachine\Events\EventEnum::VALUE_UPDATED, function (ValueEvent $event) use($output) {
             $changeSet = $event->getChangeSet();
             if (!$changeSet->hasChanged()) {
                 $output->writeln($changeSet->getTimestamp()->format(DateTime::ISO8601) . ' - ' . $changeSet->getKey() . ': not changed - ' . var_export($changeSet->getPreviousValue(), true));
     if ($output->isDebug()) {
         $this->eventDispatcher->addListener(EventEnum::INCOMING_MESSAGE, function (AMQPIncomingEvent $event) use($output) {
             $msg = $event->getMessage();
             $output->writeln('<comment>' . $msg->delivery_info['routing_key'] . ' - ' . $msg->body . '</comment>');
         }, 1000);
  * Returns whether verbosity is debug (-vvv).
  * @return bool
 public function isDebug()
     return $this->output->isDebug();
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $skipExtensions = $input->getOption('skip-extensions');
     $skipModules = $input->getOption('skip-modules');
     $skipHooks = $input->getOption('skip-hooks');
     $skipWidgets = $input->getOption('skip-widgets');
     $skipTasks = $input->getOption('skip-tasks');
     $skipPlugins = $input->getOption('skip-plugins');
     $skipSetup = $input->getOption('skip-setup');
     $save_path = $input->getOption('path');
     $save_basedir = join(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [getcwd(), $save_path]);
     // Check for any existing files
     if ($output->isVeryVerbose()) {
         $output->writeln('Checking for any existing proxy class files in ' . $save_basedir);
     if (is_dir($save_basedir)) {
         $glob_path = join(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [$save_basedir, '*']);
         $files = glob($glob_path);
         if ($output->isVerbose()) {
             $output->writeln(sprintf('Removing %d old proxy class files', count($files)));
         } else {
             $output->writeln('Removing old proxy class files');
         // Iterate over the files and delete them
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if (is_file($file)) {
                 if ($output->isDebug()) {
                     $output->writeln('Removing file: ' . $file);
     // Make sure our base directories exist
     if (!is_dir($save_basedir)) {
         if ($output->isVeryVerbose()) {
             $output->writeln('Creating proxy classes directory: ' . $save_basedir);
         mkdir($save_basedir, 0755);
     $excluded = [$save_path, 'datastore'];
     $filter = function ($file, $key, $iterator) use($excluded) {
         if ($iterator->hasChildren() && !in_array($file->getFilename(), $excluded)) {
             return true;
         return $file->isFile();
     $dirIterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(getcwd(), \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
     $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator($dirIterator, $filter), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
     // Get a list of files to iterate over
     $files_to_parse = [];
     $iterator = new \RegexIterator($iterator, '/^.+\\.php$/i', \RecursiveRegexIterator::GET_MATCH);
     foreach ($iterator as $file) {
         $files_to_parse[] = $file;
     $count = count($files_to_parse);
     if ($output->isDebug()) {
         $output->writeln(count($files_to_parse) . ' files matched');
     // Start our progress bar and disable the console cursor
     $output->write("[?25l", true);
     $progress = new ProgressBar($output, $count);
     $progress->setFormat(" %namespace%\n %current%/%max% [%bar%] %percent:3s%% %elapsed:6s%/%estimated:-6s%");
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($files_to_parse as $file) {
         $filePath = $file[0];
         $handle = @fopen($filePath, "r");
         if ($handle) {
             $namespace = '';
             while (!feof($handle)) {
                 $line = fgets($handle, 4096);
                 $matches = array();
                 // Get the namespace
                 preg_match('/^namespace(.+?)([^\\;]+)/', $line, $matched);
                 if (isset($matched[0])) {
                     $namespace = $matched[0];
                 // Filter results
                 # Extensions
                 if (mb_strpos($namespace, '\\extensions\\') and $skipExtensions) {
                     if ($output->isDebug()) {
                         $output->writeln('Skipping extension: ' + $filePath);
                 # Modules
                 if (mb_strpos($namespace, '\\modules\\front\\') or mb_strpos($namespace, '\\modules\\admin\\')) {
                     if ($skipModules) {
                         if ($output->isDebug()) {
                             $output->writeln('Skipping module: ' + $filePath);
                 # Hooks
                 if (mb_strpos($filePath, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'hooks' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) and $skipHooks) {
                     if ($output->isDebug()) {
                         $output->writeln('Skipping hook: ' + $filePath);
                 # Widgets
                 if (mb_strpos($filePath, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'widgets' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) and $skipWidgets) {
                     if ($output->isDebug()) {
                         $output->writeln('Skipping widget: ' + $filePath);
                 # Tasks
                 if (mb_strpos($filePath, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tasks' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) and $skipTasks) {
                     if ($output->isDebug()) {
                         $output->writeln('Skipping task: ' + $filePath);
                 # Plugins
                 if (mb_strpos($filePath, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'plugins' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) and $skipPlugins) {
                     if ($output->isDebug()) {
                         $output->writeln('Skipping plugin: ' + $filePath);
                 # Setup
                 if (mb_strpos($filePath, \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'setup' . \DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) and $skipSetup) {
                     if ($output->isDebug()) {
                         $output->writeln('Skipping setup: ' + $filePath);
                 if (preg_match('#^(\\s*)((?:(?:abstract|final|static)\\s+)*)class\\s+([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(?:\\s+extends\\s+([-a-zA-Z0-9_]+))?(?:\\s+implements\\s+([-a-zA-Z0-9_,\\s]+))?#', $line, $matches)) {
                     if (substr($matches[3], 0, 1) === '_') {
                         $content = '';
                         $append = ltrim($matches[3], '\\');
                         $m = ltrim($matches[3], '\\');
                         $m = str_replace('_', '', $m);
                         $content = "<?php\n\n";
                         if ($namespace) {
                             $content .= $namespace . ";\n\n";
                         $content .= $matches[2] . 'class ' . $m . ' extends ' . $append . '{}' . "\n";
                         $progress->setMessage($namespace, 'namespace');
                         $filename = mb_strtolower($m) . '.php';
                         $filePath = join(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [getcwd(), $save_path, $filename]);
                         if (!is_file($filePath)) {
                             file_put_contents($filePath, $content);
                         } else {
                             $alt = str_replace(["\\", " ", ";"], "_", $namespace);
                             $filename = $alt . "_" . $filename;
                             $filePath = join(\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [getcwd(), $save_path, $filename]);
                             file_put_contents($filePath, $content);
         } else {
     // Finish and re-enable the cursor
     $output->write("[?25h", true);
  * Returns whether verbosity is debug (-vvv).
  * @return bool true if verbosity is set to VERBOSITY_DEBUG, false otherwise
 public function isDebug()
     return $this->decoratedOutput->isDebug();
 private function recursive_copy(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, ProgressBar $progress, $dirsourceparent, $dirsource = "", $newinstall = true, $make_links = false)
     global $amp_conf;
     $bmoinst = \FreePBX::create()->Installer;
     $moh_subdir = isset($amp_conf['MOHDIR']) ? trim(trim($amp_conf['MOHDIR']), '/') : 'moh';
     // total # files, # actually copied
     $num_files = $num_copied = 0;
     if ($dirsource && $dirsource[0] != "/") {
         $dirsource = "/" . $dirsource;
     if (is_dir($dirsourceparent . $dirsource)) {
         $dir_handle = opendir($dirsourceparent . $dirsource);
     while (isset($dir_handle) && ($file = readdir($dir_handle))) {
         if ($file == "." || $file == ".." || $file == "CVS" || $file == ".svn" || $file == ".git") {
         if ($dirsource == "" && $file == "moh" && !$newinstall) {
             // skip to the next dir
         $source = $dirsourceparent . $dirsource . "/" . $file;
         if (!is_dir($source)) {
             $destination = $bmoinst->getDestination('framework', str_replace($this->rootPath . "/", "", $source));
             // These are modified by, there may be others that fit in this category also. This keeps these from
             // being symlinked and then developers inadvertently checking in the changes when they should not have.
             $never_symlink = array("cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf", "indications.conf", "manager.conf", "modules.conf");
             if ($make_links && !in_array(basename($source), $never_symlink)) {
                 // symlink, unlike copy, doesn't overwrite - have to delete first
                 // ^^ lies! :(
                 if (is_link($destination) || file_exists($destination)) {
                     if (!is_dir($destination)) {
                 if (file_exists($source)) {
                     if ($output->isDebug()) {
                         $output->writeln("Linking " . basename($source) . " to " . dirname($destination));
                     @symlink($source, $destination);
             } else {
                 $ow = false;
                 if (file_exists($destination) && !is_link($destination)) {
                     if ($input->isInteractive() && $this->check_diff($source, $destination) && !$make_links) {
                         $output->writeln($destination . " has been changed from the original version.");
                         $ow = $this->ask_overwrite($input, $output, $source, $destination);
                     } elseif (!$input->isInteractive() && $this->check_diff($source, $destination) && !$make_links) {
                         if (basename($source) == "manager.conf") {
                             $ow = false;
                         } else {
                             $output->writeln($destination . " has been changed from the original version.");
                             $ow = true;
                 } else {
                     $ow = true;
                 if ($ow) {
                     //Copy will not overwrite a symlink, phpnesssss
                     if (file_exists($destination) && is_link($destination)) {
                         if (!is_dir($destination)) {
                     if ($output->isDebug()) {
                         $output->writeln("Copying " . basename($source) . " to " . dirname($destination));
                     copy($source, $destination);
                 } else {
         } else {
             $destination = $bmoinst->getDestination('framework', str_replace($this->rootPath . "/", "", $source) . "/");
             // if this is a directory, ensure destination exists
             if (!file_exists($destination)) {
                 if ($destination != "") {
                     if ($output->isDebug()) {
                         $output->writeln("Creating " . $destination);
                     @mkdir($destination, "0750", true);
             list($tmp_num_files, $tmp_num_copied) = $this->recursive_copy($input, $output, $progress, $dirsourceparent, $dirsource . "/" . $file, $newinstall, $make_links);
             $num_files += $tmp_num_files;
             $num_copied += $tmp_num_copied;
         if ($progress->getStep() < $progress->getMaxSteps()) {
     if (isset($dir_handle)) {
     return array($num_files, $num_copied);
Exemple #29
  * @param string $command
  * @param OutputInterface $output
  * @param array $options Process options, includes:
  *  bool logfile
  *  bool stderr
  *  bool stdout
  *  int timeout
  *  string input
  *  array env
  *  string cwd
  * @return Process
 public static function process(OutputInterface $output, $command, array $options = [])
     $options = array_merge(['stderr' => true, 'stdout' => $output->isDebug(), 'timeout' => 60, 'input' => null, 'env' => null, 'cwd' => null, 'logfile' => null], $options);
     $output->writeDebug(str_repeat('-', 55));
     $output->writeDebug("Executing command: {$command}");
     $output->writeDebug(str_repeat('-', 55));
     $process = new Process($command, $options['cwd'], $options['env'], $options['input'], $options['timeout']);
     $process->run(function ($type, $buffer) use($output, $options) {
         if ($type === Process::ERR) {
             if ($options['stderr']) {
         if (!$options['stdout']) {
         $buffer = trim($buffer, "\n");
         if (empty($buffer)) {
     $output->writeDebug(str_repeat('-', 55));
     return $process;
Exemple #30
 private function createClient(OutputInterface $output)
     $debug = $output->isDebug() && $output instanceof ConsoleOutput ? $output->getErrorOutput()->getStream() : false;
     return new GuzzleClient(['cookies' => true, 'debug' => $debug]);