  * Whether the passed link is actual - is some descendant opened currently
  * @param string $path
  * @param boolean $strict
  * @return boolean
 public function isActive($path, $strict = false)
     // Check if path is relative
     $pathData = parse_url($path);
     if (!empty($pathData['scheme']) || !empty($pathData['host']) || !empty($pathData['port']) || !empty($pathData['user']) || !empty($pathData['pass'])) {
         return false;
     $path = $pathData['path'];
     $localization = $this->getPage();
     if (!$localization instanceof PageLocalization) {
         return false;
     // Remove locale prefix
     $path = preg_replace(sprintf('#^(/?)%s(/|$)#', preg_quote($localization->getLocaleId())), '$1', $path);
     $checkPath = new Path($path);
     $currentPath = $localization->getPath();
     if ($currentPath === null) {
         return false;
     return $strict ? $checkPath->equals($currentPath) : $currentPath->startsWith($checkPath);
  * Generates new full path and validates its uniqueness
  * @param PageLocalization $pageData
  * @return PageLocalization if changes were made
 protected function generatePath(PageLocalization $pageData, $force = false)
     $page = $pageData->getMaster();
     $oldPath = $pageData->getPath();
     $changes = false;
     $oldPathEntity = $pageData->getPathEntity();
     list($newPath, $active, $limited, $inSitemap) = $this->findPagePath($pageData);
     if (!$page->isRoot()) {
         if (!Path::compare($oldPath, $newPath) || $force) {
             $suffix = null;
             // Check duplicates only if path is not null
             if (!is_null($newPath)) {
                 // Additional check for path length
                 $pathString = $newPath->getPath();
                 if (mb_strlen($pathString) > 255) {
                     throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Overall path length shouldn\'t be more than 255 symbols');
                 $i = 2;
                 $e = null;
                 $pathPart = $pageData->getPathPart();
                 $pathValid = false;
                 do {
                     try {
                         $this->checkForDuplicates($pageData, $newPath);
                         $pathValid = true;
                     } catch (DuplicatePagePathException $e) {
                         if ($force) {
                             // loop stoper
                             if ($i > 101) {
                                 throw new Exception\RuntimeException("Couldn't find unique path for new page", null, $e);
                             // Will try adding unique suffix after 100 iterations
                             if ($i > 100) {
                                 $suffix = uniqid();
                             } else {
                                 $suffix = $i;
                             $pageData->setPathPart($pathPart . '-' . $suffix);
                             list($newPath, $active, $limited, $inSitemap) = $this->findPagePath($pageData);
                 } while ($force && !$pathValid);
                 if ($e instanceof DuplicatePagePathException && !$pathValid) {
                     throw $e;
             // Validation passed, set the new path
             $pageData->setPathData($newPath, $active, $limited, $inSitemap);
             if (!is_null($suffix)) {
                 $pageData->setTitle($pageData->getTitle() . " ({$suffix})");
             $changes = true;
     } elseif ($page->getLeftValue() == 1) {
         $newPath = new Path('');
         // Root page
         if (!$newPath->equals($oldPath)) {
             $changes = true;
             $pageData->setPathData($newPath, $active, $limited, $inSitemap);
         // Another root page...
     } else {
         $newPath = null;
         $active = false;
         $pageData->setPathData($newPath, $active, $limited, $inSitemap);
     if ($oldPathEntity->isActive() !== $active || $oldPathEntity->isVisibleInSitemap() != $inSitemap) {
         $pageData->setPathData($newPath, $active, $limited, $inSitemap);
         $changes = true;
     if ($changes) {
         $pathEntity = $pageData->getPathEntity();
         $pathMetaData = $this->em->getClassMetadata($pathEntity->CN());
         $localizationMetaData = $this->em->getClassMetadata($pageData->CN());
         if ($this->unitOfWork->getEntityState($pathEntity, UnitOfWork::STATE_NEW) === UnitOfWork::STATE_NEW) {
             //			} elseif ($this->unitOfWork->getEntityState($pathEntity) === UnitOfWork::STATE_DETACHED) {
             //				$pathEntity = $this->em->merge($pathEntity);
          * Add the path changes to the changeset, must call different 
          * methods depending on is the entity inside the unit of work
          * changeset
         if ($this->unitOfWork->getEntityChangeSet($pathEntity)) {
             $this->unitOfWork->recomputeSingleEntityChangeSet($pathMetaData, $pathEntity);
         } else {
             $this->unitOfWork->computeChangeSet($pathMetaData, $pathEntity);
         if ($this->unitOfWork->getEntityChangeSet($pageData)) {
             $this->unitOfWork->recomputeSingleEntityChangeSet($localizationMetaData, $pageData);
         } else {
             $this->unitOfWork->computeChangeSet($localizationMetaData, $pageData);
         return $pageData;