  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @param Isolator $isolator Custom PHP isolator instance.
 public function process($source, Isolator $isolator = null)
     $isolator = !empty($isolator) ? $isolator : new Isolator();
     //Real php source code isolation
     $source = $isolator->isolatePHP($source);
     //Restoring only evaluator blocks
     $phpBlocks = $evaluateBlocks = [];
     foreach ($isolator->getBlocks() as $id => $phpBlock) {
         foreach ($this->options['flags'] as $flag) {
             if (strpos($phpBlock, $flag) !== false) {
                 $evaluateBlocks[$id] = $phpBlock;
                 continue 2;
         $phpBlocks[$id] = $phpBlock;
     $source = $isolator->setBlocks($evaluateBlocks)->repairPHP($source);
     //Required to prevent collisions
     $filename = $this->views->config()['cache']['directory'] . "/{$this->uniqueID()}.php";
     try {
         $this->files->write($filename, $source, FilesInterface::RUNTIME, true);
         include_once $filename;
         $source = ob_get_clean();
     } catch (\ErrorException $exception) {
         throw $exception;
     return $isolator->repairPHP($source);
Exemple #2
  * Clone compiler with reconfigured namespace and view.
  * @param string $namespace
  * @param string $view
  * @return Compiler
 public function reconfigure($namespace, $view)
     $compiler = clone $this;
     $compiler->namespace = $namespace;
     $compiler->view = $view;
     //Must be the same engine
     $compiler->filename = $this->views->getFilename($namespace, $view);
     $compiler->compiledFilename = '';
     //Processors has to be regenerated to flush content
     $compiler->processors = [];
     return $compiler;
Exemple #3
  * @param ViewLocator       $locator
  * @param ViewManager       $manager
  * @param ConsoleDispatcher $dispatcher
 public function perform(ViewLocator $locator, ViewManager $manager, ConsoleDispatcher $dispatcher)
     //To clean up cache
     $dispatcher->command('views:reset', [], $this->output);
     if ($this->isVerbosity()) {
      * @var FormatterHelper $formatter
     $formatter = $this->getHelper('formatter');
     foreach ($locator->getNamespaces() as $namespace) {
         $this->isVerbosity() && $this->writeln("Compiling views in namespace '<comment>{$namespace}</comment>'.");
         foreach ($locator->namespaceViews($namespace) as $view => $engine) {
             if ($this->isVerbosity()) {
                 $this->write($formatter->formatSection("{$namespace}:{$engine}", $view . ", ", 'fg=cyan'));
             $benchmark = $this->benchmark('compile');
             try {
                 $manager->engine($engine)->compile("{$namespace}:{$view}", true);
                 $this->isVerbosity() && $this->write("<info>ok</info>");
             } catch (\Exception $exception) {
                 if ($this->isVerbosity()) {
                     $this->write("<fg=red>error: {$exception->getMessage()}</fg=red>");
             } finally {
                 $elapsed = number_format($this->benchmark($benchmark) * 1000);
                 if ($this->isVerbosity()) {
                     $this->writeln(" <comment>[{$elapsed} ms]</comment> ");
     $this->writeln("<info>View cache was successfully generated.</info>");
  * Mount profiler panel to response (if possible).
  * @param Request  $request Server request instance.
  * @param Response $response
  * @param float    $started Time when profiler was activated.
  * @param float    $elapsed Elapsed time.
  * @return Response
 protected function mountPanel(Request $request, Response $response, $started = 0.0, $elapsed = 0.0)
     if (!$response->getBody()->isWritable()) {
         //We can't write to the stream
         return $response;
     if (!empty($response->getHeaderLine('Content-Type'))) {
         if (strpos($response->getHeaderLine('Content-Type'), 'html') === false) {
             //We can only write to responses when content type does not specified or responses
             //with html related content type
             return $response;
     $response->getBody()->write($this->view->render('profiler:panel', ['profiler' => $this, 'container' => $this->container, 'request' => $request, 'response' => $response, 'started' => $started, 'elapsed' => $elapsed]));
     return $response;
Exemple #5
  * Generate view aliases based on provided view namespace and directory under such namespace.
  * @param ViewManager       $viewManager
  * @param TemplateProcessor $templater
  * @param array             $token
 protected function buildAliases(ViewManager $viewManager, TemplateProcessor $templater, array $token)
     if (isset(self::$cache[$this->importID()])) {
         //Already generated
         $this->aliases = self::$cache[$this->importID()];
     try {
         $views = $viewManager->getViews($this->namespace);
     } catch (ViewException $exception) {
         //Unable to generate import
         throw new TemplaterException($exception->getMessage(), $token, $exception->getCode(), $exception);
     foreach ($views as $view => $engine) {
         if (!empty($this->directory) && strpos($view, $this->directory) !== 0) {
             //Different directory
         //Remove directory from view name
         $alias = ltrim(substr($view, strlen($this->directory)), '/');
         //Replace path separator (must be normalized) with tag path separator (usually .)
         $alias = str_replace('/', $templater->getOptions()['separator'], $alias);
         //View alias = namespace:view.subView
         $alias = $this->outerNamespace . $templater->getOptions()['nsSeparator'] . $alias;
         $this->aliases[$alias] = $view;
     if (empty($this->aliases)) {
         throw new TemplaterException("No views were found under directory '{$this->directory}' in namespace '{$this->namespace}'.", $token);
     self::$cache[$this->importID()] = $this->aliases;
  * @param ViewManager $views
  * @return  \Twig_Environment
 public function twig(ViewManager $views)
     return $views->engine('twig')->twig();