public function run() { $explode = explode(" ", $this->message->content); unset($explode[0]); $query = urlencode(implode(" ", $explode)); $appID = urlencode($this->config->get("appID", "wolframalpha")); // WTB JSON endpoint... $data = json_decode(json_encode(new \SimpleXMLElement($this->curl->get("{$appID}&input={$query}"))), true); $result = $data["pod"][1]["subpod"]; if (!empty($result)) { $image = $result["img"]["@attributes"]["src"]; $text = $result["plaintext"]; if (strlen($image) > 0) { $this->message->reply("{$text}\r\n {$image}"); $wolfFileName = md5($query); file_put_contents(__DIR__ . "/../../../cache/image/{$wolfFileName}.gif", $image); $this->message->getChannelAttribute()->sendFile(__DIR__ . "/../../../cache/image/{$wolfFileName}.gif", "{$wolfFileName}.gif"); } else { $this->message->reply("Result: {$image}"); } } else { $this->message->reply("WolframAlpha did not have an answer to your query.."); } // Mark this as garbage $this->isGarbage(); }
/** * @return \PDO */ private function connect() { $dsn = "mysql:dbname={$this->config->get("dbName", "db")};host={$this->config->get("dbHost", "db")}"; try { $pdo = new \PDO($dsn, $this->config->get("dbUser", "db"), $this->config->get("dbPass", "db"), array(\PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => false, \PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => true, \PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, \PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY => true, \PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET time_zone = '+00:00',NAMES utf8;")); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->log->addCritical("Unable to connect to database: ", [$e->getMessage()]); die; } return $pdo; }
public function run() { $pornConfig = @$this->channelConfig->p**n; // This is one of those plugins that need to be allowed before it works if (isset($pornConfig->allowedChannels) && in_array($this->message->channel_id, $pornConfig->allowedChannels)) { $explode = explode(" ", $this->message->content); unset($explode[0]); $type = implode(" ", $explode); $categoryNames = array(); $url = ""; $categories = array("redheads" => array("", "", ""), "blondes" => "", "asians" => "", "gonewild" => "", "realgirls" => "", "palegirls" => "", "gif" => "", "lesbians" => "", "tattoos" => "", "mgw" => "", "amateur" => "", "college" => "", "bondage" => "", "milf" => "", "freckles" => "", "cosplay" => "", "t**s" => "", "ass" => "", "food" => "", "gifrecipes" => "", "bbw" => "", "dongs" => "", "innie" => ""); foreach ($categories as $catName => $catURL) { $categoryNames[] = ucfirst($catName); if (strtolower($type) == strtolower($catName)) { if (is_array($catURL)) { $url = $catURL[array_rand($catURL)]; } else { $url = $catURL; } } } if (!empty($url)) { // Select a random url $clientID = $this->config->get("clientID", "imgur"); $headers = array(); $headers[] = "Content-type: application/json"; $headers[] = "Authorization: Client-ID {$clientID}"; $data = $this->curl->get($url, $headers); if ($data) { $json = json_decode($data, true)["data"]; $img = $json[array_rand($json)]; $imageURL = $img["link"]; // gifv doesn't embed properly in discord, yet.. $msg = "**Title:** {$img["title"]} | **Section:** {$img["section"]} | **url:** {$imageURL}"; $this->message->reply($msg); } } else { $msg = "No endpoint selected. Currently available are: " . implode(", ", $categoryNames); $this->message->reply($msg); } } else { $this->message->reply("Sorry, this plugin is not allowed in this channel, speak to your admin to get it allowed (To enable, use {$this->channelConfig->prefix}config enablePorn)"); } // Mark this as garbage $this->isGarbage(); }
public function run() { $explode = explode(" ", $this->message->content); unset($explode[0]); $name = implode(" ", $explode); $name = stristr($name, "@") ? str_replace("<@", "", str_replace(">", "", $name)) : $name; if ($name) { $data = $this->db->queryRow("SELECT * FROM users WHERE (nickName = :name OR discordID = :name)", array(":name" => $name)); if ($data) { // Is the person admin? $isAdmin = "no"; foreach ($this->config->get("admins", "permissions") as $admins) { $isAdmin = $admins == $data["discordID"] ? "yes" : "no"; } $msg = "```ID: {$data["discordID"]}\nName: {$data["nickName"]}\nAdmin: {$isAdmin}\nLast Seen: {$data["lastSeen"]}\nLast Spoken: {$data["lastSpoke"]}\nLast Status: {$data["lastStatus"]}\nPlayed Last: {$data["game"]}```"; $this->message->reply($msg); } else { $this->message->reply("Error, no such user has been seen.."); } } // Mark this as garbage $this->isGarbage(); }
/** * */ public function run() { // Reap the threads! $this->websocket->loop->addPeriodicTimer(600, function () { $this->log->addInfo('Restarting the threading pool, to clear out old threads..'); // Shutdown the pool $this->pool->shutdown(); $this->timers->shutdown(); // Startup the pool again $this->pool = new \Pool(count($this->onMessage), \Worker::class); $this->timers = new \Pool(count($this->onTimer), \Worker::class); }); // Handle the onReady event, and setup some timers and so forth $this->websocket->on('ready', function (Discord $discord) { $this->log->addInfo('Websocket connected..'); // Update our presence status $game = new Game(array('name' => $this->globalConfig->get('presence', 'bot', "table flippin'"), 'url' => null, 'type' => null), true); $this->websocket->updatePresence($game, false); // Count the amount of people we are available to.. /** @var Guild $guild */ foreach ($this->discord->getClient()->getGuildsAttribute()->all() as $guild) { $this->extras['memberCount'] += $guild->member_count; $this->extras['guildCount']++; $this->extras['guild']['memberCount']["id{$guild->id}"] = $guild->member_count; $this->extras['onMessagePlugins'] = $this->onMessage; $this->extras['onVoicePlugins'] = $this->onVoice; } $this->log->addInfo("Member count, currently available to: {$this->extras['memberCount']} people"); // Setup the timers for the timer plugins foreach ($this->onTimer as $command => $data) { $this->websocket->loop->addPeriodicTimer($data['timer'], function () use($data, $discord) { try { $plugin = new $data['class']($discord, $this->log, $this->globalConfig, $this->db, $this->curl, $this->settings, $this->permissions, $this->container->get('serverConfig'), $this->users, $this->extras); $this->timers->submit($plugin); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->log->addError("Error running the periodic timer: {$e->getMessage()}"); } }); } // Issue periodically recounting and other things (Needed because of pthreads not putting the entire context into children - leading to some weirdness in some plugins) $this->websocket->loop->addPeriodicTimer(600, function () { $this->extras['memberCount'] = 0; $this->extras['guildCount'] = 0; /** @var Guild $guild */ foreach ($this->discord->getClient()->getGuildsAttribute()->all() as $guild) { $this->extras['memberCount'] += $guild->member_count; $this->extras['guildCount']++; $this->extras['guild']['memberCount']["id{$guild->id}"] = $guild->member_count; $this->extras['onMessagePlugins'] = $this->onMessage; $this->extras['onVoicePlugins'] = $this->onVoice; } // Output periodic information while doing the recounting stuff $this->log->addInfo('Currently running audio streams: ' . count($this->audioStreams)); $this->log->addInfo("Member recount, currently available to: {$this->extras['memberCount']} people"); }); // @todo run a timer to check if there are any active voice sessions - and if there are, if there are any people in those voice sessions // If not, stop the session and leave the channel (To save some bandwidth) }); $this->websocket->on('error', function ($error, $websocket) { $this->log->addError('An error occurred on the websocket', [$error->getMessage()]); die(1); }); $this->websocket->on('close', function ($opCode, $reason) { $this->log->addWarning('Websocket got closed', ['code' => $opCode, 'reason' => $reason]); die(1); }); $this->websocket->on('reconnecting', function () { $this->log->addInfo('Websocket is reconnecting..'); }); $this->websocket->on('reconnected', function () { $this->log->addInfo('Websocket was reconnected..'); }); // Handle incoming message logging $this->websocket->on(Event::MESSAGE_CREATE, function (Message $message, Discord $discord) { $this->log->addInfo("Message from {$message->author->username}", [$message->content]); // Don't update data for ourselves.. if ($message->author->id !== $discord->getClient()->id) { $this->users->set($message->author->id, $message->author->username, 'online', null, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $message->content); } // @todo Create text logs }); // Handle plugin running $this->websocket->on(Event::MESSAGE_CREATE, function (Message $message, Discord $discord) { $guildID = $message->getChannelAttribute()->guild_id; // Get server config $config = $this->settings->get($guildID); // Is the person admin? $userDiscordID = $message->author->id; foreach ($this->globalConfig->get('admins', 'permissions') as $admins) { $message->isAdmin = $admins === $userDiscordID; } // Define the prefix if it isn't already set.. @($config->prefix = $config->prefix ?? $this->globalConfig->get('prefix', 'bot')); // Check if the user requested an onMessage plugin if (substr($message->content, 0, strlen($config->prefix)) === $config->prefix) { $content = explode(' ', $message->content); foreach ($this->onMessage as $command => $data) { $parts = []; foreach ($content as $index => $c) { foreach (explode("\n", $c) as $p) { $parts[] = $p; } } if ($parts[0] === $config->prefix . $command) { // If they are listed under the admins array in the bot config, they're the super admins if (in_array($message->author->id, $this->globalConfig->get('admins', 'permissions'))) { $userPerms = 3; } elseif (null !== $message->getChannelAttribute()->getGuildAttribute()->owner_id && $message->author->id === $message->getChannelAttribute()->getGuildAttribute()->owner_id) { $userPerms = 2; } else { $userPerms = 1; } if ($userPerms >= $data['permissions']) { try { $message->getChannelAttribute()->broadcastTyping(); if ($data['class'] === "\\Sovereign\\Plugins\\onMessage\\auth") { /** @var \Threaded $plugin */ $plugin = new $data['class']($message, $discord, $config, $this->log, $this->globalConfig, $this->db, $this->curl, $this->settings, $this->permissions, $this->container->get('serverConfig'), $this->users, $this->extras); $plugin->run(); } else { /** @var \Threaded $plugin */ $plugin = new $data['class']($message, $discord, $config, $this->log, $this->globalConfig, $this->db, $this->curl, $this->settings, $this->permissions, $this->container->get('serverConfig'), $this->users, $this->extras); $this->pool->submit($plugin); } $this->log->addInfo("{$message->author->username}#{$message->author->discriminator} ({$message->author}) ran command {$config->prefix}{$command}", $content); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->log->addError("Error running command {$config->prefix}{$command}. Command run by {$message->author->username} in {$message->getChannelAttribute()->name}. Error: {$e->getMessage()}"); $message->reply("**Error:** There was a problem running the command: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } } } } }); // Handle joining a voice channel, and playing.. stuff.... $this->websocket->on(Event::MESSAGE_CREATE, function (Message $message, Discord $discord) { // Get the guildID $guildID = $message->getChannelAttribute()->guild_id; // Get this guilds settings $config = $this->settings->get($guildID); // Get the prefix for this guild @($config->prefix = $config->prefix ?? $this->globalConfig->get('prefix', 'bot')); if (substr($message->content, 0, strlen($config->prefix)) === $config->prefix) { $content = explode(' ', $message->content); foreach ($this->onVoice as $command => $data) { $parts = []; foreach ($content as $index => $c) { foreach (explode("\n", $c) as $p) { $parts[] = $p; } } if ($parts[0] === $config->prefix . $command) { try { $voiceChannels = $message->getFullChannelAttribute()->getGuildAttribute()->channels->getAll('type', 'voice'); foreach ($voiceChannels as $channel) { if (!empty($channel->members[$message->author->id])) { $voice = new $data['class'](); $voice->run($message, $discord, $this->websocket, $this->log, $this->audioStreams, $channel, $this->curl); } } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->log->addError("Error running voice command {$config->prefix}{$command}. Command run by {$message->author->username} in {$message->getChannelAttribute()->name}. Error: {$e->getMessage()}"); $message->reply("**Error:** There was a problem running the command: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } } } }); // Handle if it's a message for the bot (CleverBot invocation) $this->websocket->on(Event::MESSAGE_CREATE, function (Message $message, Discord $discord) { // If we got highlighted we should probably answer back if (stristr($message->content, $discord->getClient()->id)) { try { $this->pool->submit(new cleverBotMessage($message, $discord, $this->log, $this->globalConfig, $this->db, $this->curl, $this->settings, $this->permissions, $this->container->get('serverConfig'), $this->users)); } catch (\Exception $e) { $message->reply("**Error:** There was an error with CleverBot: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } }); // Handle presence updates $this->websocket->on(Event::PRESENCE_UPDATE, function (PresenceUpdate $presenceUpdate) { if ($presenceUpdate->user->id && $presenceUpdate->user->username) { try { $this->log->addInfo("Updating presence info for {$presenceUpdate->user->username}"); $game = $presenceUpdate->getGameAttribute()->name ?? null; $this->users->set($presenceUpdate->user->id, $presenceUpdate->user->username, $presenceUpdate->status, $game, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), null, null); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->log->addError("Error: {$e->getMessage()}"); } } }); // Create a new cleverbot \nick\ for this new guild $this->websocket->on(Event::GUILD_CREATE, function (Guild $guild) { $cleverBotExists = $this->db->queryField("SELECT serverID FROM cleverbot WHERE serverID = :serverID", "serverID", array(":serverID" => $guild->id)); $guildExists = $this->db->queryField("SELECT guildID FROM guilds WHERE guildID = :serverID", "guildID", array(":serverID" => $guild->id)); // Only create a new server nick if the cleverbot instance doesn't exist.. (Hopefully is done deleting them at random) if (!isset($cleverBotExists)) { $this->log->addInfo("Setting up Cleverbot for {$guild->name}"); $serverID = $guild->id; $result = $this->curl->post('', ['user' => $this->globalConfig->get('user', 'cleverbot'), 'key' => $this->globalConfig->get('key', 'cleverbot')]); if ($result) { $result = @json_decode($result); $nick = $result->nick ?? false; if ($nick) { $this->db->execute('INSERT INTO cleverbot (serverID, nick) VALUES (:serverID, :nick) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE nick = :nick', [':serverID' => $serverID, ':nick' => $nick]); } } } if (!isset($guildExists)) { $this->db->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO guilds (guildID) VALUES (:guildID)", array(":guildID" => $guild->id)); // Send a hello message to the channel (Only if it's new!) //$message = "Hello, i was invited here by someone with admin permissions, i have quite a few features that you can discover by doing %help\n"; //$message .= "I am sorry if i am triggering other bots aswell, you can change my trigger with %config setTrigger newTrigger (Example: %config setTrigger *)\n"; //$message .= "If you for some reason don't want me here after all, just kick me ;)"; // Get the first channel in the list (usually the default channel) //$channel = $guild->channels->first(); //$channel->sendMessage($message); } }); // Run the websocket, and in turn, the bot! $this->websocket->run(); }
/** * */ public function run() { $guildID = $this->message->getFullChannelAttribute()->guild_id; $cleverBotNick = $this->db->queryField("SELECT nick FROM cleverbot WHERE serverID = :serverID", "nick", array(":serverID" => $guildID)); // Simply remove the <id> part of the string, since it seems to make the responses from Cleverbot be less idiotic and terrible.. $msg = str_replace("<@{$this->discord->getClient()->id}>", "", $this->message->content); $response = $this->curl->post("", array("user" => $this->config->get("user", "cleverbot"), "key" => $this->config->get("key", "cleverbot"), "nick" => $cleverBotNick, "text" => $msg)); if ($response) { $resp = @json_decode($response); $reply = isset($resp->response) ? $resp->response : false; if ($reply) { $this->message->getChannelAttribute()->broadcastTyping(); $this->message->reply($reply); } } }