$role_user = \Sop\Session::getSiteData('role_user');
$user_id = \Sop\Session::getSiteData('user_id');
$pj_id = \Sop\Request::requiredValue('pj_id');
$sop_id = \Sop\Request::requiredValue('sop_id');
$tpl_id = \Sop\Request::requiredValue('tpl_id');
$new_aprv_flg = \Sop\Request::requiredValue('new_aprv_flg');
// --- 関連付く schema を全て取得
$sql = getSQLBaseForSchemaList();
$sql .= " AND `schema`.tpl_id = :tpl_id";
foreach (R::getAll($sql, array(':tpl_id' => $tpl_id)) as $schema) {
    // sopimageの場合、入力フォームが設定されていない場合は許可しない。
    if ($schema['schema_type'] == $SCHEMA_TYPE_SRC) {
        $sql = getSQLBaseForFormList();
        $sql .= " AND form.tpl_id = :tpl_id";
        if (count(R::getAll($sql, array(':tpl_id' => $tpl_id))) == 0) {
            \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'There is no associated form.');
            $msg001 = "";
            // 入力フォームを追加してから申請してください。
// ---------------------------
// 承認可能状態に変更
// ---------------------------
$date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
// --- TBL: tpl
$rslt = updTplTransitAprv($db, $tpl_id, $new_aprv_flg);
if (!$rslt) {
    \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to update tpl.');
Exemple #2
// ファイル情報取得
// ---------------------------
// --- tpl データ存在チェック
$sel_sql = getSQLBaseForTplList();
$sel_sql .= " AND tpl.tpl_id = :tpl_id";
$sql = "SELECT count(*) cnt FROM ({$sel_sql}) as tmp";
$params = array();
$params[':tpl_id'] = $tpl_id;
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
    $cnt = (int) $row['cnt'];
if ($cnt == 0) {
    \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'User tries to get non-existent sop.');
    $msg005 = "The object of data already has been deleted.";
    // 対象のデータは既に削除されています
// --- schema 取得
$sql = getSQLBaseForSchemaList();
$sql .= " AND schema.tpl_id = :tpl_id AND v_tpl.grp_id = :grp_id";
$params = array();
$params[':tpl_id'] = $tpl_id;
$params[':grp_id'] = $grp_id;
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$schema = null;
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
    $schema = $row;
Exemple #3

include_once __DIR__ . "/../../sop/src/config.php";
include_once __DIR__ . "/../../sop/src/db_common.php";
 * ログイン
$user = \Sop\Login::getUser();
// --- ロール判定(管理権限がないとエラー)
if (!$user['admin_flag']) {
    $msg001 = "You do not hava the permission.";
    // 権限がありません
    $message = array($msg001);
    \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'User (' . $user['user_id'] . ') does not have role.');
    \Sop\Login::exitWithLoginError($message, $message);
Exemple #4
// --- データ存在チェック
$sel_sql = getSQLBaseForPjList();
$sel_sql .= " AND pj.pj_id = :pj_id";
$sql = "SELECT count(*) cnt FROM ({$sel_sql}) as tmp";
$params = array();
$params[':pj_id'] = $pj_id;
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
    $cnt = (int) $row['cnt'];
if ($cnt == 0) {
    \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'User tries to delete non-existent project.');
    $msg002 = "The data already has been deleted.";
    // 対象のデータは既に削除されています
// --- 関連付く schema の file_path を全て取得
$sql = getSQLBaseForSchemaList();
$sql .= " AND `schema`.pj_id = :pj_id";
$params = array();
$params[':pj_id'] = $pj_id;
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$file_path_list = array();
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
    array_push($file_path_list, $row['file_path']);
    if ($row['schema_type'] == $SCHEMA_TYPE_SRC) {
Exemple #5
// --- データ存在チェック
$sel_sql = getSQLBaseForTplList();
$sel_sql .= " AND tpl.tpl_id = :tpl_id";
$sql = "SELECT count(*) cnt FROM ({$sel_sql}) as tmp";
$params = array();
$params[':tpl_id'] = $tpl_id;
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
    $cnt = (int) $row['cnt'];
if ($cnt == 0) {
    \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'sop is already deleted.');
    $msg002 = "The data already has been deleted.";
    // 対象のデータは既に削除されています
// ---------------------------
// データ登録
// ---------------------------
// 既存のデータを削除する。
delForm($db, $tpl_id);
$div = 'upd';
foreach ($form_list as $form) {
    $form_id = array_key_exists('form_id', $form) ? $form['form_id'] : '';
    $div = trim($form_id) == '' ? 'add' : 'upd';
    $x = $form['x'];
Exemple #6
$tpl_name = array_key_exists('tpl_name', $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST['tpl_name'] : '';
$upld_cmnt = array_key_exists('upld_cmnt', $_REQUEST) ? $_REQUEST['upld_cmnt'] : '';
// --- データ存在チェック (親データ)
$sel_sql = getSQLBaseForTplList();
$sel_sql .= " AND tpl.tpl_id = :tpl_id";
$sql = "SELECT count(*) cnt FROM ({$sel_sql}) as tmp";
$params = array();
$params[':tpl_id'] = $tpl_id;
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
    $cnt = (int) $row['cnt'];
if ($cnt == 0) {
    \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Specified template does not exist.');
    $msg001 = "The template already has been deleted.";
    // テンプレートは既に削除されています
$params = array();
$params[':tpl_id'] = $tpl_id;
$stmt = $db->prepare($sel_sql);
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
    $schema_id = (int) $row['schema_id'];
// ---------------------------
// データ登録
// ---------------------------
Exemple #7
// --- Wordファイルダウンロード(Wordファイルダウンロード ボタン押下時)
if ($btn == 'src') {
    $sql = getSQLBaseForSchemaList();
    $sql .= " AND schema.tpl_id = :tpl_id AND schema.schema_type = :schema_type";
    $params = array();
    $params[':tpl_id'] = $tpl_id;
    $params[':schema_type'] = $SCHEMA_TYPE_SRC;
    $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
    $schema = null;
    foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
        $schema = $row;
    if ($schema == null) {
        \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Specified schema does not exist.');
        $msg004 = "The data already has been deleted.";
        // 対象のデータは既に削除されています
    $info = pathinfo($schema['file_path']);
    $extensionList = array('.doc', '.docx');
    foreach ($extensionList as $i) {
        $file_path = str_replace(".{$info['extension']}", $i, $row['file_path']);
        if (file_exists($file_path)) {
            $file_name = $schema['original_filename'] . $i;
// ---------------------------
Exemple #8
$params = array();
$params[':tpl_id'] = $tpl_id;
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$schema_list = array();
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
    $schema = $row;
    if ($schema['schema_type'] == $SCHEMA_TYPE_SRC) {
        $html = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t"), '', file_get_contents($schema['file_path']));
        $html = \Sop\Form::replaceFormInjectionTag($html, $tpl_id);
        $schema['config'] = $html;
    if ($schema['schema_type'] == $SCHEMA_TYPE_TBL) {
        $schema['config'] = getSchemaVcfgForExt($db, $schema['schema_id']);
    array_push($schema_list, $schema);
if (count($schema_list) == 0) {
    \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'There is not associated schema.');
    $msg002 = "There is not the schema information.";
    // スキーマ情報が存在しません
// ---------------------------
// 終了処理
// ---------------------------
$db = null;
$msg003 = "The system succeeded in an accession to the data.";
// データの取得に成功しました
echo json_encode(array('success' => true, 'msg' => \Sop\Api::htmlEncodeLines(array($msg003)), 'schema_list' => $schema_list));
Exemple #9
// --- データ存在チェック
$sel_sql = getSQLBaseForSopList();
$sel_sql .= " AND sop.sop_id = :sop_id";
$sql = "SELECT count(*) cnt FROM ({$sel_sql}) as tmp";
$params = array();
$params[':sop_id'] = $sop_id;
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
    $cnt = (int) $row['cnt'];
if ($cnt == 0) {
    \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'User tried to delete non-existent sop.');
    $msg002 = "The data already has been deleted.";
    // 対象のデータは既に削除されています
// --- 関連付く schema の file_path を全て取得
$sql = getSQLBaseForSchemaList();
$sql .= " AND schema.sop_id = :sop_id";
$params = array();
$params[':sop_id'] = $sop_id;
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$file_path_list = array();
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
    array_push($file_path_list, $row['file_path']);
    if ($row['schema_type'] == $SCHEMA_TYPE_SRC) {
Exemple #10
// --- データ存在チェック
$sel_sql = getSQLBaseForTplList();
$sel_sql .= " AND tpl.tpl_id = :tpl_id";
$sql = "SELECT count(*) cnt FROM ({$sel_sql}) as tmp";
$params = array();
$params[':tpl_id'] = $tpl_id;
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
    $cnt = (int) $row['cnt'];
if ($cnt == 0) {
    \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'User tries to delete non-existent template.');
    $msg002 = "The data already has been deleted.";
// --- 関連付く schema の file_path を全て取得
$sql = getSQLBaseForSchemaList();
$sql .= " AND schema.tpl_id = :tpl_id";
$params = array();
$params[':tpl_id'] = $tpl_id;
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$file_path_list = array();
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
    array_push($file_path_list, $row['file_path']);
    if ($row['schema_type'] == $SCHEMA_TYPE_SRC) {
Exemple #11
$div = trim($grp_id) == '' ? 'add' : 'upd';
if ($div == 'upd') {
    // --- 存在チェック
    $sel_sql = getSQLBaseForGrp();
    $sel_sql .= " AND grp_id = :grp_id";
    $sql = "SELECT count(*) cnt FROM ({$sel_sql}) as tmp";
    $params = array();
    $params[':grp_id'] = $grp_id;
    $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
    $cnt = 0;
    foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
        $cnt = (int) $row['cnt'];
    if ($cnt == 0) {
        \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'User tried to update non-existent group.');
        $msg001 = "This group already has been deleted.";
        // このグループは既に削除されています
// ---------------------------
// データ登録
// ---------------------------
if ($div == 'add') {
    // --- TBL: grp
    $grp_id = -1;
    $rslt = addGrp($db, $grp_id, $grp_name);
    if (!$rslt) {
        \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to insert group.');
Exemple #12
                 // 展開先ディレクトリの作成に失敗しました。
         // 1.png が存在するかチェックする。
         if (!file_exists("{$extract_dir}/1.png")) {
             // ない場合は展開済みのファイルを削除。
             $pageList = glob("{$extract_dir}/*.png");
             foreach ($pageList as $imagefilepath) {
                 // error_log("unlink: " . $imagefilepath );
             \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Invalid sopimage is uploaded.');
             $msg009 = "This is not a suitable sopimage file.";
             // 対応してないsopimageファイルです。
         } else {
             $upload_dir = "{$DATA_DIR_PATH_FILE}/{$pj_id}_{$sop_id}_{$tpl_id}_{$schema_id}";
             rename($extract_dir, $upload_dir);
     $fd = NULL;
     $zip = NULL;
     // 後続処理で使うため、変数定義はする。
     $file_path = "{$DATA_DIR_PATH_FILE}/{$pj_id}_{$sop_id}_{$tpl_id}_{$schema_id}.{$ext}";
     // 移動先ファイルパス
 } else {
     $file_path = "{$DATA_DIR_PATH_FILE}/{$pj_id}_{$sop_id}_{$tpl_id}_{$schema_id}.{$ext}";
Exemple #13
$params[':user_id'] = $user_id;
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
    $cnt = (int) $row['cnt'];
if ($cnt == 0) {
    \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'User tried to delete non-existent user.');
    $msg001 = "This usr already has been delted.";
    // このユーザーは既に削除されています
// 自分自身は削除不可
if (\Sop\Session::getSiteData('user_id') == $user_id) {
    \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'User tried to delete oneself.');
    $msg002 = "You can not delete oneself.";
    // 自分自身は削除できません。
// ---------------------------
// データ削除
// ---------------------------
// --- TBL: user
$rslt = delUser($db, $user_id);
if (!$rslt) {
    \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to delete user.');
    $msg003 = "The delete failed.: user";
    // 削除に失敗しました: user
Exemple #14
// --- 重複行が存在する場合
$smpl_list = file($file_path, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
$smpl_list_unique = array_unique($smpl_list);
if (count($smpl_list) != count($smpl_list_unique)) {
    \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Duplicate lines in smpl file.');
    $msg008 = "There are redundant lines in the sample file.";
    // サンプルファイルに重複行が存在します
// --- 無効な文字が存在する場合
$smpl_file = file_get_contents($file_path);
if (strpos($smpl_file, "'") !== false || strpos($smpl_file, '"') !== false) {
    \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Invalid characters in smpl file.');
    $msg009 = "You do not use ['] and [\"].";
    // 「'」「\"」は使用できません"
// --- 文字コード変換
$file_src = mb_convert_encoding(file_get_contents($file_path), "UTF-8", "SJIS-win");
// 文字コード変換
file_put_contents($file_path, $file_src);
// 一旦ファイル内容保存
// ---------------------------
// データ登録
// ---------------------------
if ($div == 'add') {
    // --- TBL: pj
Exemple #15
// --- ユーザー 存在チェック
$sel_sql = getSQLBaseForUserGrp();
$sel_sql .= " WHERE grp_id = :grp_id";
$sql = "SELECT count(*) cnt FROM ({$sel_sql}) as tmp";
$params = array();
$params[':grp_id'] = $grp_id;
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) {
    $cnt = (int) $row['cnt'];
if ($cnt > 0) {
    \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'User tried to delete group that has users.');
    $msg002 = "Please delete an user that belong to this group.";
    // このグループに所属するユーザーを削除してください
// ---------------------------
// データ削除
// ---------------------------
// --- TBL: grp
$rslt = delGrp($db, $grp_id);
if (!$rslt) {
    \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to delete group.');
    $msg003 = "The delete failed.: grp";
    // 削除に失敗しました: grp
Exemple #16
    \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Invalid group is specified.');
    $msg004 = "This group already has been deleted.";
    // このグループは既に削除されています:
    \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array("{$msg004} {$grp_id}"));
// --- 権限
$role_aprv = $role_aprv == '' ? '0' : '1';
$role_upld = $role_upld == '' ? '0' : '1';
$role_user = $role_user == '' ? '0' : '1';
$role = "{$role_aprv}{$role_upld}{$role_user}";
// 承認、登録、一般 の順で連結 ※例)100:承認、001:一般、101:承認+一般
$admin_flag = $admin_flag != '' ? 1 : 0;
// 自分の管理権限は変更不可
if (\Sop\Session::getSiteData('user_id') == $user_id && $admin_flag == 0) {
    \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'User tried to delete own admin role.');
    $msg005 = "You can not undo the administrative permission by oneself.";
    // 自分自身の管理権限は外せません。
// ---------------------------
// データ登録
// ---------------------------
if ($div == 'add') {
    $sel_sql = getSQLDeletedBaseForOneUser();
    $sel_sql .= " AND user_id = :user_id";
    $sql = "SELECT count(*) deleted_cnt FROM ({$sel_sql}) as tmp";
    $params = array();
    $params[':user_id'] = $user_id;